Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Person of Interest - Episode 4.13 - M.I.A. - Sneak Peek

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Person of Interest - Episode 4.13 - M.I.A. - Sneak Peek

Feb 2, 2015

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  1. seems like John's shoulder is a little more seriously wounded. I wonder though what can be in the bag. Or - considering its obvious weight - who? A few pistols and SMG-s don't this heavy.

  2. EmbraceYourInnerFreakFebruary 2, 2015 at 9:30 AM

    What the hell is in that bag?

  3. Oh, this'll be so good. So who is in the bag? :P
    (Oh, I just noticed, shouldn't the headline say 4.13?)

  4. Oh would you look at that. Root acting all nice and smiley when she secretly wants to murder John for being injured and making her drag that heavy bag up the stairs. Poor guy will get an earful when he gets to the room.

  5. yeah it's definitely a WHO not a WHAT LOL

  6. Nope. Not watching. But my excitement levels have now started to rise, what with the first of the 2 or 3 sneak peeks being released.

  7. I knew there was a person in that bag.

  8. how can it no be? LOL that completely looks like a head, ha

  9. Is Root actually dragging a body up the stairs? It looks too heavy to be just guns.


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