Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon The Musketeers - Episode 2.06 - Through a Glass Darkly - Episode Info & Videos [UPDATED 27/2/15]

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The Musketeers - Episode 2.06 - Through a Glass Darkly - Episode Info & Videos [UPDATED 27/2/15]

Feb 20, 2015

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27th February - Secret of The Musketeers added

20th February - New Promotional Photos added

16th February - Sneak Peek added

15th February - BBC America Promo

13th February - Promo added

10th February - Additional Promotional Photos added

Promotional Photos added 6th February
Click the thumbnails to go to the Gallery were the HQ versions are

31st January - Title added

Press Release added 29th January
Cheers to Scoobie for the heads up
Ep 6/10
Friday 20 February

February 21th, 2015
BBC America

Renowned astronomer Marmion gathers the Royal household to his impressive observatory in a transformed old fort to watch a solar eclipse.

Rochefort along with The Musketeers escort them but could never have predicted the twist in fate that ensues and the impossible choices that must be made. Who is Marmion really and what is his game?

The Musketeers are forced into the fight of their lives with dramatic consequences. Will they accept Milady’s help despite their loathing and mistrust of her? It might be their only chance to save the King, Queen and themselves.

CAST: Luke Pasqualino is D’Artagnan, Tom Burke is Athos, Howard Charles is Porthos, Santiago Cabrera is Aramis, Hugo Speer is Captain Treville, Ryan Gage is King Louis, Alexandra Dowling is Queen Anne, Maimie McCoy is Milady, Tamla Kari is Constance and Marc Warren is Comte de Rochefort.

Guest starring Leo Gregory as Marmion.


About the Author - Sandi
Sandi is part of the Senior Staff at SpoilerTV having been a contributor from back in the Lost days of DarkUFO, and who now writes previews for Banshee, The Musketeers, Atlantis, and other BBC shows. She also enjoys watching and commenting on other shows such as Sons of Anarchy, Hannibal, Game of Thrones and Elementary.
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  1. Leo Gregory is fabulous in this, as are all the cast actually, there are some wonderful performances in it. I think this also has potential to become a bit of a fan favourite :)

  2. It's interesting we have what appears to be a finale-esque fight for survival at only episode 6.

  3. I've only just caught it this evening, and it was in fits and starts too rather in one go, but it seemed to run well. It's a different publicist this year, they all operate differently on how they give out episodes. Other shows, like Banshee which I cover on the site give out 5-6 at a time, others one a week, it just depends really.

    After ep 3 had aired, I had only seen the following one, Emilie. So I wasn't too far off from where the rest of you are really. I genuinely have been enjoying the series though, so I haven't had a great deal to complain about, lol.

  4. It does make you wonder where it will go for the actual finale doesn't it?

  5. No worries Sandi.:) I am just loving the sound of this episode. Its such an interesting premise to throw them all together in such an unusual way, ramp up the tension and the jeopardy and see what happens. I tend to really enjoy the episode that have a good mix of characters and this sounds like it will most likely have something for everyone to enjoy. Roll on 20th Feb!

  6. Were you this far ahead of us last series? LOL, lucky you! No wonder you are never complaining with the rest of us as you've seen so much growth already! =)

  7. This episode sounds fabulous - I wonder who Marmion really is? Very intriguing setting and plot. Sounds like the writers are on to a winner here!

  8. You've seen it?! You lucky thing. Although that does mean you'll have an extra long speculation drought this time. I must say, I'd settle for it though. So now you have had a peek, I have to ask my " Constagnan eggs in one basket" question again. Will all my eggs be shattered and will I be flinging the basket at the TV by the end of this, or might I just have an egg or two left intact, for a boiled egg and some Musketeers :)? Here's hoping you can hint me out of my misery....

  9. He's a serious hottie too so episode six should be even more supercharged with sexiness than usual....

  10. I know you can't say too much and I super appreciate what you can say. I am entirely satisfied by your response.:) :) No need to purchase any extra multi surface cleaner. Lol.

  11. You know that I can't say too much at this point, so please don't hate me for that, I can get into trouble if I say things I shouldn't. However, I don't think you will be throwing too many eggs at your TV during the episode :)

  12. Took the words out of my mouth (....10 minutes before I was even thinking them ;)). This really sounds great!

  13. At the very least, not without a parachute. :)

  14. And, as Sandi and I wondered earlier, if this is just episode 6, how on earth are they going to top it for the finale?! It's quite a synopsis here, and I can't even begin to imagine the hyperbole they'll try to cram into episode 10's to try to make it even bigger. Meteorites crashing into Paris? Musketeers saving the world? Rochefort has Kryptonite?? The mind boggles! ;)

  15. And like the Emilie episode, it will have all of our various pairings in the same place at the same time, in danger. Sounds like an explosive bit of plotting! And it will be fun to watch the boys having to decide whether they trust Milady or not. :)

  16. What a perfect question beautifully put. :) :) I'd say somewhere between, "This will take more than an Aspirin to sort and call the physician..."

  17. Without wanting to jinx things, it's looking more and more like cliff-jumping may finally be off the itinerary. :)

  18. I have been waiting patiently for this synopsis and I love the way this episode sounds! Can't wait to see how this one will play out!

  19. You're right - having everyone in the same place at the same time is going to be very interesting. I think this will definitely give Rochefort the opportunity to discover secrets about the various pairings too - all those looks and stares that would usually be done in secret will be hard to hide in such a confined space! Also, be fun to see Anne and Constance's reaction to having Milady on the trip with them - if she is included within the royal household, which I assume she will be. :)

  20. "Dire consequences"....what do you guys think we're talking about here? Like, on a scale from "trying to make the press release sound more exciting" to "death"?

  21. I do hope at some point Constance has the chance to give Milady a very public punch in the face. She does owe her, after all, and imagine Athos and D'Artagnan's reactions if they walked in on it. ;)

  22. Oh, now there's an image I didn't need right before bed! ;)

  23. That definitely would be worthwhile watching! ;)

  24. A totally unexpected synopsis and an interesting one.. :)

    Crossing fingers for Constagnan and a bit of good old fashioned hurt / comfort as a way of bringing two lovers together..

    I wasn't expecting the Musketeers to have to trust Milady this early on..

    Will Margerite be there?

  25. All the characters together... i love this kind of episodes!
    Maybe this time Rochefort will start to suspect something happened between the Queen and Aramis. If things get seriously dangerous, he will try to protect her and certainly will notice if someone do the same. I wonder if the Dauphine and Marguerite are in the episode too.
    Milady's presence and her potential help is something i'm looking for, the situation seems to be intriguing-dangerous-awkwardly fun-adrenaline filled.
    Damn pauses.

  26. Very good one with all the characters !
    (didn't think they will do something where we could see them all together the good ones and the bad ones at the same time.)
    Hope they'll be no other pause till the end .
    After the break of episode 4. It seems a little long =(

  27. The header says info & videos, but I don't see any video. :( Would that be because I am not in the UK, or am I just confused?

  28. I'm very interested to see this episode, but the press release has me snickering!

    "Renowned astronomer Marmion gathers the Royal household to his
    impressive observatory in a transformed old fort to watch a solar
    eclipse. Rochefort along with The Musketeers escort them but could never have predicted the twist in fate that ensues and the impossible choices that must be made."

    So...perhaps it will be Richelieu in the Observatory with the Tardis?

  29. Or maybe Constagnan work together to help the others, either possibility could happen..

  30. Videos will be added as they get released; this one is still 3 episodes away - there won't be any video until probably about a week before the episode airs.

  31. Very true. So I guess we're probably tending more towards the "trying to make it sound more exciting" end of the

  32. I think you could see a little of both. I think Constance will show her fierce courage in a difficult situation, once again. I think there's no doubt she'll be by his side as they fight to stay alive. I have a feeling that this will be the moment Tamla talked about, where Constance realises that it's just stupid to deny the extent of her love for him and that whatever the risk and the public ensure, she must be with him.

  33. maybe queen will noticed something between Marguerite and Aramis. How she react.

  34. I too would like to know if Marguerite is present, and if so, is the Dauphin? That would create a lot more stress and tension especially for Aramis.

  35. I'd be surprised if they took a practically newborn baby to a solar eclipse. Also, to quote Star Trek (sorry!) you should never put all your senior officers in one shuttle craft! Taking the whole Royal Family away from the palace and its usual extensive security detail is a mult-assassination attempt just waiting to happen.

  36. Traditionally, even now, the reigning monarch and the heir don't travel together to ensure the succession in the event of disaster. They might include the baby though. I'm not sure what purpose Marguerite is actually serving at the moment. Her "romantic" relationship with Aramis is a bit of a non-event. She'll no doubt be more of a presence as the series progresses to the finale but I'm not sure we really needed her for the entire series. She could probably have accomplished what she needed to as a two or three episode guest star. Perales has been much more of a presence than her.

  37. I'd be surprised too. But I would wonder if Marguerite who keeps him is allowed to roam around at night with everyone! Especially considering she was arrested last episode for falling asleep! Maybe she doesn't come either.

  38. I'm kind of wondering about this sleepy thing. Maybe it's just me but she comes across as more than a bit lazy and generally disinterested in the baby. It makes me wonder if she perhaps finds herself forced to carry out this role, possibly against her will and maybe under threat from a certain blond haired villain...

  39. This is what I was thinking. Logically, it doesn't make any sense to have him there, but it certainly would create problems for several people and increase drama. it also didn't make sense for Constance to take the newborn out of the palace at night instead of talking to Anne, it wouldn't surprise me if the writers do something like that.

  40. Love the title. From the Bible, Corinthians Chapter 13:

    "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.

    Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

    Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail;whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.

    When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love".

    Tell me this won't be a great episode....

  41. Thanks Scoobie! This is going to be a fantastic episode! Thinking about it, at the moment, they have been looking 'through a glass, darkly', but with them now 'face to face', a lot of secrets are going to be uncovered and conflicts will be unavoidable. Throw in a lot of love and it will be fabulous watching - a perfect viewing forumla IMHO! :)

  42. I must be missing the title.. ?


  43. It's in the title of the post hun, Through a Glass Darkly

  44. But where does it say it's the title? Am ill this week, can't see the obvious if it bashes me over the head. :( All I can see in Scoobie's post is the Bible quote.

  45. Sorry to hear you're not well, hope you're feeling better soon Xx

  46. Thanks Sandi, I've had that awful month long cold/flu/cough thing that's going round and my brain's a little fried, but it's hopefully on the way out now.

    Odd about the title though. I just have Episode 2.06 at the top, nothing else. I'll do another big refresh and see if that sorts it! Probably just my stupid browser not updating. :)

  47. I've edited my post Knitty so you can see what I'm referring to.

  48. Luke said something interesting regarding D'Artagnan during the Apple Q&A the other week. They were asked what they'd like to happen to their characters in S2 - which is an odd question when they'd already filmed the whole series, hmmm - and whilst Santi and Maimie didn't really answer because they didn't want to hint at spoilers, Luke said that he'd like D'Artagnan to do "a 360 degree turn" when it comes to his personality and for the Q&A audience to "interpret that as you will" ... I wonder if Luke was hinting that d'Artagnan does indeed change in quite a drastic way in this series, perhaps truely moving from boy to man?

  49. That is an interesting response. I'm hoping it doesn't hint at him possibly becoming cold and detached, as a result of tragic events. Perhaps though what he's saying is that he goes through the full range of emotions during this series and as you say he begins to learn from his mistakes, born of youth and inexperience. Certainly, when he starts the series there's more than an element of the petulant kid about him. I think by the end of this series we will see the man emerging.

  50. I see the promotional images for episode five are up. I can't wait to see the images for this episode.

  51. I would have thought any coldness because of tragic events would be the jump-off point for series 3, but anyway that wouldn't be a 360, which means going in a full circle to where he began. That would suggest going BACKWARDS, which I'm sure can't be what Luke meant? D'Artagnan has to keep going forward and learning and maturing, not reverting to the impulsive 'fight first before thinking' kid again.

    He may also not have been hinting at anything that's coming up, just saying what he'd personally be interested in seeing from the character, even in one scene, whether it happens or not. Why he'd want that, though, goodness knows. An intriguing comment!

  52. I think it's most likely the suggestion that he goes through a lot emotionally and physically this time and by the end he's a much more mature young man.

  53. The opening line of the episide synopsis is making me giggle I must confess. Never trust a man who offers to show you his impressive observatory....😂😂

  54. Mind in the gutter again! I blame Aramis and Marguerite....:P

  55. Hehe! I'm going to have to drag myself out...This is turning into a Carry On film.:)

  56. I concur, that is a great image. Thank you Scoobie.

  57. I agree with you Trena. It is that youthfulness, that spirit and his willingness to love and indeed to believe in love, that makes him such a hugely appealing character. He believes that there is something better and finer to achieve and he despises injustice. I'd hate to see that replaced by cynicism and world-weariness. As hot-headed and petulant as he can be, he has so much heart that you can't help but care about the character and want him to succeed.

  58. OMG< laughing out loud literally at your comment "Will all my eggs be shattered and will I be flinging the basket at the TV by the end of this".

  59. Even from the first season to this one he has changed and matured however lets hope doesn't completely lose that young charming, daring attitude that makes him a favorite. :P

  60. D'artagnan's still at that stage where he wants to grab life by the horns - both as a Musketeer and as a lover - whereas the other three ( especially Athos ) have become a little more cynical about life in their maturity. In fact I believe Tom has said something very similar to that about Athos, including the fact that Milady has become his everything and that he's been a "reluctant hero" for most of his time as a Musketeer.

  61. Athos' story is such a sad one. We know that he wasn't the favourite son and you suspect that for much of youth, he settled for being second best. Milady was such an extraordinary, powerful love, that it showed him a whole new side to life. He made himself vulnerable to her and that's something he had probably never done before. He took a huge chance on this woman from nowhere, brought her into his family and into his heart and she destroyed both. She really took everything from him. That's something he'll never fully recover from.

  62. It's going to be very, very messy with them all in the same place. And I suspect Aramis will be more than happy to leave Marguerite behind, which could be amusing. ;) If it weren't being described as a desperate fight for life, I would imagine the panicked looks shooting around between the lovers, ex-lovers, the wish-we-weren't-lovers, the secret-keepers, the assassins and even, probably, the resident cat, this could be a seriously funny episode. Shakespearean farce, anyone?! :)

  63. I think you're right, there's going to be some serious tension in this episode. With all the anger, hatred, passion, jealousy, love and sheer lust flying about, never mind an eclipse, the walls are going to be rattling! :)

  64. That's why I worry about Constance being killed off. His not going down that dark path won't be helped if the love of his life is taken away, leaving space for anger, cynicism and that world-weariness to set in when he's still young. I think he needs Constance if he's going to retain that belief in love and happiness while facing all the other bad things he has to face and deal with as a Musketeer.

  65. Maybe Marmion will be taken out in time for the survivors to ooh and aah at the eclipse, while Constagan sneak off for a well-deserved bit of alone time in a cellar somewhere? We can hope! And what better time to make up than while everyone else is looking the other way!

  66. We waited until episode 7 for Constagnan to happen in S1, episode 6 would be nice in S2..

    I'm also intrigued about the other ways characters' stories might move forward in this episode, including Aramis/Anne, Athos/Milady ( Milady & everyone basically ) and whether Rochefort is now going to butt heads with the four Musketeers on a more personal basis. Does he suspect Aramis to be the father of the baby? Does he put Athos and Milady together? Does he put D'Artagnan and Constance together?

  67. Ah, Knitty I love the way you think! I have a feeling you may not be too far from the truth. I suspect by the end, Rochefort will be beginning to put the pieces of this elaborate puzzle together and Aramis will have a massive target on his head. Athos and Milady will be as torn as ever and Louis will be even more convinced that Milady is his guardian angel. Constance and D'Artagnan will be more in love than ever and I think we may get a declaration from Constance, possibly as the eclipse clears and light is restored, providing a perfect metaphor. If there's any justice, this will promptly be followed by a long overdue make up, make out.:)

  68. /possibly as the eclipse clears and light is restored, providing a perfect metaphor./

    Or the cheesiest cliche ever, but hell, we'll be so desperate for it by then (as will they *cough*) we'll take whatever crumbs the writers can spare. ;)

  69. True, very true. I love a bit of cheese...I wonder if the episode will be heavily focused on love and duty and ultimately where your loyalties lie. So will Milady be entirely motivated by her desire to preserve her new role in the King's life, or will at least part of her motivation be her lingering feelings for Athos? Can Aramis separate his duty to his Queen from his love for the woman? How far will Rochefort go in pursuit of his twisted version of love? and then there's Constance and D'Artagnan, whom I suspect will finally realise that there's nothing they wouldn't sacrifice for each other and for their love, whatever the cost.

  70. I'm hoping that Constagnan events in episide 6 lead into episode 7, including one of Jessica's teaser pics appearing to show Constance at the Garrison in her frilly blue dress and that pic of Constagnan at the tavern with D'Artagnan's bloody lip - unless that's a scene that was edited out of episode 4 but I doubt it..

  71. I agree Tigercheetah. I think episode six will be a set up for events in episode seven. Six will reignite the flame and seven will see them back together as a couple and hopefully sharing some moments of intimacy and genuine happiness with each other.

  72. Now that's just spooky. Marmion actor Leo Gregory is on Silent Witness, playing on Drama right now.

  73. Do you reckon that the photo of d'Artagnan (with the cut lip) besides Constance could be from this episode? I know we originally thought this was taken in a tavern but wondering whether it could be from this episode instead.

  74. His code of Honour and humor must being the new member of the team, he still needs that "twinkle" in his eye and to keep learning the lessons the other three have already experienced to make him/his character the best.

  75. He certainly won't recover from her murdering his brother....

  76. So... what's the "dramatic consequences"...? Anyone familiar going to pop his clogs? Treville? (please don't!) Milady? (nah, ill weeds grow apace) Annie? (nah... would be bad for Aramis) Constance? (NO, no, no, no -shakes head-) Rochefort? (mmm, comes from the same breed as Milady)... So - what's it gonna be? What's the DramaTic ConSeQuence?!

  77. Elszy, firstly I love that expression "ill weeds grow apace" and will shamelessly steal it.😄 Secondly, to answer your question, I have a feeling that the dramatic consequences may be the emergence of some of the secrets that are being held. I have a feeling that by the end of the episode Aramis will be firmly on Rochefort's radar. I also think we'll see Milady on the right side of the law for once, which will be dramatic in itself. Seeing her working with Athos for a mutual goal, may also see some of the old feelings re-emerging for both of them. Wouldn't it be interesting if she acted to save his life/protect him? I also think we may get a Constagnan declaration which will add to the drama.

  78. re: weeds... LOL be my guest Scoobie. If the writers are ever short of ideas, they should coming sniffing the ideas over here. Whahahaha we'll set them straight if needs be! :-D

  79. I don't know about you but I have this sense that series two may end with the declaration of war with Spain. It would be a powerful ending in that we might see calm briefly restored following the Rochefort situation and for some of the Musketeers, I'm thinking if D'Art in particular, there might be the hope of the happiness he's dreamed of with the woman he loves, then suddenly the snow globe gets shaken up again and Constance is facing her worst nightmare, the Musketeers are facing an uncertain future, the King must step up if he can and Anne finds herself at war with the nation of her birth.

  80. Also, if calm is temporarily restored, how will things lie between the Musketeers and Louis? He's basically treated them like cr*p, and since he's not one to apologise, when he realises he's been a prize pillock and desperately needs them after all, what's he going to do? They're so loyal they'll be there for him no matter what, but he'll have a lot of work to do to make it up to them and deserve that loyalty. I really hope there will be a 'wake-up' moment with Louis when he sees himself for what an utter twonk he really is. It seemed like he may have some self-awareness when he was telling D'Artagnan about his fears when they were kidnapped, and telling him how he knows what the people think of him, but that quickly got subsumed again when he came back to Court. A massive wake-up call where he things 'oh, sh**, what have I done?' would be great to see.

  81. Knitty I was just thinking along the same lines and had literally just hit post when I saw your reply.

  82. I think the wait for season 3 to air won't feel half as long as the wait for the next flippin' episode of series 2. :(

  83. Maybe that all under one roof, all their secrets are revealed? Rochefort finding out about Anne/Aramis and the Dauphin, maybe the King or Anne finding the truth about Milady's past (and history with the Musketeers), and the Musketeers working out Rochefort's end game. By the end of the ep there could be an awful lot of targets on people's backs, setting up for escalation in the second half of the series.

  84. That sounds like a great episode scenario. I'm trying to almost WILL the days to go faster in order to see another episode. And then - one day it'll be over and we have to wait a terrible long time...

  85. That would be a great way to wrap up 2 and head for 3. Much better imo than the suggestion of the regiment being broken up and them going their separate ways. This way they momentum isn't interrupted.

  86. I think Louis is heading for a major wake up call. As unfulfilled and dysfunctional as the Royal marriage is, there is a genuine affection between Anne and Louis, born of their friendship since childhood. He certainly wouldn't want to see her physically harmed, whatever his drunken ramblings. If, as seems increasingly likely, this series will end with Rochefort attempting an horrific act on Anne and indeed on the King, Louis will be shaken to the core. If realises that Milady had any involvement with Rochefort, even if she eventually draws back from his mania, she'll potentially pay a terrible price.

  87. I'd not considered him doing something to Anne. I figured on an attack on Louis, but it would fit his psychopathic profile if he went after the Queen too, in a different way.

  88. I fear Anne may find herself potentially fending off a physical and sexual assault. I think once Rochefort realises, as I suspect he will, that Anne has given her favours to Aramis, his "love" will rapidly turn to hate. At that point, Anne is in very grave danger. You can almost hear, "If I can't have you, no one will."

  89. I really hope Treville doesn't die. I really adore him, although he's had shamefully little screentime, and I've just about forgiven him for beating Freddie to death. ;) Hopefully there's a place for him in S3.

  90. I think she also gives him that wonderful, fun, flirty, playful spark that we haven't seen in a while. We saw it to some extent with Lucie but there's just this terrific vibe between him and Constance that's truly special. You sense she's in every way his equal and they feed off each other brilliantly.

  91. I think it probably is from this episode Helen. Unlike other images Jessica posted of Constance from later in the series, in this image, she's wearing one of her court dresses, which she would be if travelling in her capacity as the Queen's confiidante. The backdrop could indeed be an old fort rather than the tavern we suspected it might be.

  92. D'artagnan's due to be a bit more central to an episode by episode 7 - he hasn't been so since episode 2 - and we know that episode 8 will be more Porthos led according to Howard, so I still think it could go either way. I would like Constagnan to have an episode together where Anne isn't around much, where it's mostly about our lovers. It's time for Bonacieux to put in another appearance too..

  93. We still have this pic to place. Is the dress the same as the one in the tavern pic?

  94. Agreed, I think it would be interesting to see how Louis would react if he found out that Rochefort has crazy designs of Anne. I am hoping that he does because I think he needs to, but I do wonder how the unstable Comte will react in that situation. Is Rochefort mental enough to attempt regicide, for example?

  95. I'm just hoping he confused 180 and 360 up there with that comment, it isn't an uncommon error after all, lol. It would be a bit odd for d'Artagnan to go backwards in character growth after all!

  96. That is an odd response, I wonder what happens in the finale that makes him want to reset his personality to how it was at the start of the season again. Or did he perhaps confused 180 and 360? Though the "interpret that as you will" doesn't sound like he has tbh. This has me concerned for Constance's fate again now, and I've only just stopped worrying about Milady, lol. I don't wanna lose any of the girls for S3!!

  97. It's true that the reigning monarch and her heirs don't travel together, but they do gather together at events fairly often. They all attend regular church services together, and stay together on holidays and special occasions many times throughout the year. They're security detail is generally more extensive than it seems to be in the 17th century, but even now people have managed to get past them and gain access they shouldn't in the last decade or two, lol

  98. Yeah, he could have meant 180 degrees. :)

    The fact that he added "interpret that as you will" does imply that he's referring to d'Artagnan's growth in S2 without giving spoilers away. As Scobbie says, it could be a reference to d'Artagnan losing that 'boy Musketeer' feel and finally becoming a man.

  99. There may be one for Red Nose Day/Comic Relief on 13th March, or they may move it to BBC Two, there's been no word on that yet.

  100. Haha, now that would be a twist and a half!

  101. No!!!! not again ... hope they will put it in BBC two (let's hope)

  102. Yes, that's what I thought! Rather Luke was temporarily numerically challenged than truly want his character to regress. :)

  103. I don't think it is. The colour and the shoulders are wrong. Although the light is very different, I think this is the same outfit that she's wearing on horseback with D'Artagnan. I have a feeling that this is from episode seven. If I remember the timing of it's release, it's from block four of filming, which was episodes seven and eight.

  104. It does feel like all we've done with series two is wait....and wait...and wait....

  105. Yes, I was wondering about that possibility. It doesn't really make sense to be honest. I don't really know why he'd want his character to return to being exactly as he was at the start of the series. Maybe if he does a 180, he'll lose the petulance and the hot-headedness and become more mature. That would be a good thing. Like you Sandi, I am more than slightly nervous though that any substantial alteration in D'Art's personality may be born of tragedy. I'm really not sure how interested I would be in a Musketeers without Constance. I think she brings a lot to the table in terms of D'Artagnan's character development and adding a more gentle, playful, fun side to his nature. She's also a character that I'd like to see develop more in her own right, rather than simply be subsumed by misery and consumed by death. Given the right material, we know that Tamla can be a joy in this role. She hasn't had much to work with so far this year, which is a shame. I for one, would sorely miss the dynamic she brings and really wouldn't eagerly anticipate a series of grief stricken D'Artagnan, mindlessly slaughtering Spaniards and becoming an Athos clone.

  106. While I do think it could be an interesting thing to explore in his character, it's not something I really want to see happen as I would prefer to see Constance grow too. As you say she hasn't had a huge chance to shine yet this year, but I do think that they have used the first few episodes to set up some of the newbies and the season arcs before moving onto the rest of the cast. Ep 5 being away from court certainly helps concentrate it more on the lads for example, though there are other elements involved too of course.

    A bit off topic, but can I ask a favour of you, and any other regulars that see this comment please? I'm going to be away tomorrow, so if the episode details come in for ep 7 and you haven't seen me back yet, could you submit the link using the Submit Scoop button at the top of the page, under 'Start' please? That way the site owner, Andy, can get them posted in a draft I'll mock up tonight for it, and there won't be any delay. I may be back, but I just don't know what time they'll go up, or when I'll be back :)

  107. I think Constance has defiantely had more relevant screen-time this year than at the same time last year - so has Anne - so I don't think there's a problem there. Yeah, the baby storyline could have been written better than it was and she needs to have more screen-time with d'Artagnan - which hopefully is coming soon - but overall, she's no longer getting just 2 minutes screen-time per episode and she's developing as a character in her own right - a real improvement.
    I would carry on watching the show if Constance wasn't around - the four boys ( especially d'Artagnan ) are my biggest reasons for watching, King Louis as well - but you're right that Constance being killed off might have a negative effect on D'artagnan's personality.
    It is interesting though that Athos seems to be the most popular Musketeer overall, even though he's also the most moody. I sometimes wonder if d'Artagnan is a little too young and bouncy for many viewers and whether some people would prefer him to be a darker character.

  108. No worries Sandi. If one of us spots it, we'll make sure it goes up.

  109. I agree that she's been a little inconsistent this year and I do think the baby plot had an unrealistic feel to it - she came across as being quite innocent of the enormity of what she was doing, despite hiding the baby under her cloak - but overall, critics seem to be enjoying both her and Anne's increased involvement in S2, so to causal viewers at least, things are going in the right direction. Her lack of interaction with d'Artagnan is still a bit frustrating and hopefully episode 6 is going to address that, bringing back a happier Constance who can be funny and feisty as well as spend time at court.

  110. As luck would have it, I was just drafting it and it went up, typical huh! Cheers though hun, it's great to know what a team everyone is here on the site :) Xx

  111. I've really struggled with Constance so far this year, largely because I've found what we have seen of her to date, to be deeply inconsistent and unsatisfying. The set up at the Palace is great and I was a big supporter of the idea of putting her with Anne. The execution has left a lot to be desired for me to be honest. Personally, I find that while the boys are great getting their swash and buckle on, that alone doesn't hold me. The female characters, the boy's fraternal bond and the emotional push and pull, are key components in what makes them rounded and engaging. Without that, I'd find it the equivalent of watching a Playstation game.

  112. After which Aramis says: "and since we're on the subject, you know I've been sh*gging YOUR wife?" hahaha priceless scene. We should put this in as a blooper reel!

  113. Or he starts singing, "The kiiidd is not your son" :)

  114. I think that a lot of people (I know I am) are drawn to the more complex characters not that I do not love all four of the boys but I can totally see what draws a lot of viewers to Athos

  115. If I remember correctly, Adrian (...I think it was Adrian) already confirmed that season 3 was gonna be about the war with Spain, so that's definitely where this is headed.

  116. Totally agree with you, I think this is definitely where this ep is headed. I mean, we all know what happens when you put people in a locked room and turn up the heat...

  117. I'm confused. I am unable to see any promo images..can you point me in the direction>?

  118. If you go to the episode five page you'll see the thumbnail promotional images for that episode. Click on them to see them the high quality version of the images.

  119. ty. See them but all are of Athos but none of them are of d'arts cut lip that is talked about next by Helen.

  120. Well, if they actually keep to the actual historical timeline for once, Louis XIV won't be born for another 7 years or so, so I don't think that would be a problem as it's something that wouldn't actually have to happen during the course of the show (and frankly, I'm still convinced the fact that they still call the poor baby nothing but "dauphin" instead of finally giving him a name means that he won't survive the season, so you might not be too far off with your theory...)

  121. I've just had a thought. Could he even harm the Dauphin? If he finds out about Aramis and the Queen, logic will take him to the issue of the baby's paternity, and he'll work it out very quickly. If in his twisted mind he's going to rule with Anne, he'll want a b*stard son of a Musketeer on the throne even less than he'll want Louis's. Killing Louis and the Dauphin clears the way for him and Anne (again, in his delusion) to rule together with their own son as heir.

    Might tie in with Jess's 'sad scene' hint? An unfortunate accident or sickness could be revealed later as murder, with Rochefort the prime suspect.....

    Of course if this baby dies - and bear in mind we don't even know what his name is, which would be a clue - then we'd be left with the problem of how is Louis XIV conceived? Anne and Louis probably won't be sleeping together for a while, after all the drama at the palace - Milady and the King, Rochefort's deception, etc - and their conception problems aren't likely to have changed.

  122. I've been intrigued by this picture since Jessica posted it some months ago. It looks to me as though the boys are forming some kind of guard and behind D'Artagnan you can see what looks like the white, royal standard. D'Artagnan seems as though he's looking with affection and some warmth at someone or something. My guess is, it could be Constance. I'm wondering if this might be from episode six. Initially, I think he'll be thrilled that his duty will also afford him the chance to spend some time with her, although obviously events will overtake them.

  123. Let's hope it's a "Total Eclipse of the Heart" for D'Art :).....see what I did there....Lol.

  124. Yes, he's wearing his blue official cloak, so this could potentially at the beginning of the ep when they're on the way to Marmion's murder mystery weekend.

  125. Very clever. ;) Let's hope it's NOT a "Total Eclipse of the Heart", though. Last thing our romantic D'Art needs is his or her heart being eclipsed...! #bitesnails

  126. There's also the possibility a lot more was filmed that didn't make it into the final ep. If she's not seen the end result, she could be thinking there's more for us to see than there actually is...

  127. I know what you mean.😄 Very true. I'm so excited about the potential of this episode. With everyone in the mix and such an un-unusual set up, it could be huge fun. I also think they've really got to reinject some passion into Constagnan at this point. Any later in the day and I think it'll be a write off for this series. Frankly, at that point, I've no idea how Tamla could be right in her assertion that we won't be disappointed. Given the need to address several key storylines including the Porthos/father story and the Aramis/Anne/Dauphin saga, not to mention the elaborate Rochefort plot, there simply won't be time to do it justice.

  128. Based on the series so far, Porthos might not completely dominate episode 8, though he'll certainly have the biggest chunk of it. I think Constagnan, Aramis /Anne and Rochefort could easily get 15 minutes worth of goings-on during the episode too.

    I do wonder if episode 7 will be a little more d'Artagnan based, not only is he due to be more central since episode 2 but Adrian did say that he'll "progress" as a Musketeer during this series and an episode involving protecting the Royals would be the perfect opportunity - putting aside the snake who's at court.

  129. She talked about her being at court, resulting in them spending more time together and the relationship growing again. Other than a blink and you've missed it moment down the pub, we haven't really seen that. I'm not sure that Constance features in episode five. Certainly if she does, it won't be extensively. Both six and seven sound like episodes where D'Artagnan would have a legitimate reason to either be at court, or with Constance. So as I say, we've got to see some movement at this point otherwise we'll have to hope that the DVD contains missing scenes!😉

  130. I think episode eight will definitely be Porthos' showcase episode and it will most likely also be Treville heavy. As you say, that doesn't mean other characters won't feature but they'll be severely limited. I suppose it is worth noting that there was very little Constagnan interaction in A Rebellious Woman and look how that ended!😄 I still think however that was one of the problems with series one, in that aspects of the story felt rushed and therefore lost some of their meaning and intensity. I'm just hoping against hope that we're not heading for the same scenario this time.

  131. "Or did he perhaps confused 180 and 360?"
    I think his italian background showed up. We usually say 360 not 180, referring to a big change.

  132. Not sure where to post this, but isn't it creepy?
    It seems that dark days are coming for the Queen.

  133. D'Artagnan in ropes AGAIN? Something tells me the writers rather like to see Mr Pasqualino tied up. Can't think why...:P

  134. Very intriguing photographs - this episode is going to be fantastic. Those masks are rather creepy! It looks like Marguerite is going to witness for her self the love that Aramis has for both the Queen and the dauphin. That is going to be quite interesting! So, looking forward to movement with Constagnan on this episode too - this is going to be such a good episode! :)

  135. Wow! Just when I thought I couldn't look forward to this episode any more than I am already. It's like some bizarre Eyes Wide Shut hybrid. What is with those plague masks? Yikes. Milady proving that she has an outfit for EVERY occasion. It looks like she must have murdered Kate Bush and Robin Hood to pull off her style this time. Roughed up Aramis deciding to abandon subtlety in the face of his distressed Queenie. Marguerite looking understandably haunted. D'Artagnan all manly and tied up......sorry I drifted a happy place....Constance tethered too. Could it be to D'Art and not in a good way. Is that Treville's hat beside her on the bench she's seated on? At least we now know that they did indeed travel with the Dauphin, who must now be thinking that this whole being born thing is a bit crap. I have a feeling that this Marmion dude, the rather dishy Leo Gregory, has set up his own astrological equivalent of the Big Brother house. Who lives and who dies? You decide. He seems to be involving the King in a coin toss at one point. This might explain the notion of impossible choices. Who would you sacrifice your life for? Your wife/husband? Your child? The man you love? The woman you love? Your friends? Your country? Your King? There's no way that true feelings won't be painfully revealed here. I think Sandi's right, this will become a firm fan favourite.

  136. Didn't knew it was a still of this particular episode... now i want it NOW.
    So much happening and Rochefort seems to be an ally this time, but who knows for sure... and Marguerite, this time, can't fool herself. I mean, now she has to understand. And we will see if she will a good spy for Rochefort... she will be hurt, but -for now- i can't see her go bad... maybe she will try to keep things away from Rochefort and he will find out. And when Rochefort feel betrayed we know what is going to happen...

  137. You can probably see why the promo intrigued me so much now, lol. Without knowing what the episode was about and just seeing the bad guys and the fort it is set in made it seem a little dreamlike - well, more nightmarish/surreal than daydream like really.

  138. Being set in one place does kind of force it to be character driven in many ways, which is the sort of episode I do love :)

  139. Love your post Scoobie - some very good speculation there! Like the thought of it being an equivalent of the Big Brother house - lol! Think you should be writing the BBC's press release after this post, as you would certainly drum up interest! I'm really looking forward to this episode - couldn't they show two episodes next week! :)

  140. I can definitely understand why you said it looked 'enchanting' - must have looked really bizarre. Hope the tests went ok Sandi. x

  141. I think that was really good thinking on the writer's behalf - a lot of secrets are going to be revealed in this sort of scenario. Totally the type of episode I enjoy too! :)

  142. As Helen say, I can't even imagine how odd the teaser must have seemed for this episode, without a synopsis to give it some context. Even with the synopsis, it's a great way.

  143. Paul Englishby's music only makes it seem even more bizarre too! lol

    Meh, not so great really. Still a bit shaky and am staying home as I was so bad yesterday that I didn't get up until late evening, and then went back to bed a couple of hours later. Feeling better today, but just taking it slowly. Cheers for asking xx :)

  144. That's the kind of thing I'd be going for. Plug the passion and the jeopardy. Get people genuinely excited.

  145. Hmm, not so much secrets, but loyalties and bravery in the face of danger are key to the story I'd say.

  146. This sounds perfect. If it's a case of a coin toss on the Queen's life or the Dauphin's, or Louis or the Dauphin's, we'll see Aramis step up to protect his son, as a father would and be torn if it places Anne in peril. He'll want to protect them both. He'll also have his loyalty to the King as a Musketeer. D'Artagnan may be faced with a choice of his life or Constance? This could be very interesting as D'Artagnan wouldn't even need the coin toss, he'd give up his life for her without hesitation. What may shock him, is that she'll feel exactly the same about him. Certainly by the end of this episode I suspect Constagnan will be in no doubt about each other's feelings and D'Art will certainly realise that Constance is no coward.

  147. Love the Queen's dress. It kind of matches the 2 masked & hooded figures beside her. Both have that creepy bird-like quality. I cannot wait for this episode.

  148. I'm going to say Wow too. So many things to love about the new promo pics. Athos and Milady working together is going to be fantastic. A battered and romantic it. I was kind of hoping Marguerite and the baby wouldn't be in this episode. Is that bad? Also, hoping to see Constance and D'Artagnan in the same scenes or even in the same room. Treville is there....very happy.

  149. As long as d'Art being tied up has the right effect on Constance this time, I'm happy.. :)
    I'm especially curious about what Roachfort gets up to in this episode, does he connect the dots between Aramis/Anne, Athos/Milady and d'Artagnan/Constance?

  150. We know Constagnan share scenes in this episode because of one of Jessica's teaser pics earlier last year - they're standing together.
    There's going to be A LOT of disappointment if Constance doesn't finally realise her feelings in this episode.

  151. Ah, that doesn't sound good for you, definitely take it easy - hope you're feeling better soon! xx

    Look forward to hearing the Englishby score for this episode - it's been amazing so far! :)

  152. Loyalty and bravery are two of my favourite things ;)

  153. Same here, this atmosphere is so intriguing!

  154. It looks like d'Artagnan, Constance and Louis are in the centre of the room once things get rough and the others are either locked in other rooms or manage to escape before the other three do.

  155. A coin toss on people's lives would be an interesting scenario. Certainly, a way to reveal Constance's true feelings for d'Artagnan, as well as where other people's true loyalty lies. You could bet d'Artagnan would choose to save Constance over Louis - that would put him firmly in the bad books of the King when they're finally rescued and back at Court! With their lives in such danger, this is exactly what is needed for Constance to realise it would be pointless not to give in to her true feelings.

    Athos, Rochefort, Treville and Milady seem to have somewhat separate from the others - avoiding being captured and tied up.

  156. I don't think D'Artagnan see Constance as a coward... he was frustrated
    and hurt at the time, and he acted like a scorned child. "Coward"...
    Constance showed the contrary many, many times.
    But when you quarrel
    with someone you always think that you will have time to make peace
    again (especially now that she's in the palace), but this time they may realize it's not always like that. After
    all, they live in a very dangerous environment and are always involved
    in dangerous schemes. See each other in danger, face to face, will move both of them. (Even because we are in the second half of the season, there's no
    time anymore.)

    While i think that Aramis' decision is pretty clear... as a Musketeer he have to protect the King, but as a father he already made his choice in the tenth episode of the first season. His vow is everything.

  157. OMG, wow. Dark and creepy!, kinda want to skip the two episode we have scheduled to get to this one. D'Artagnan in trouble, Constance tied up. Everyone in danger. Rochefort the only one with a gun??? is he with the bad guys or the good guys?

  158. Marguerite definitely looks anguished and tormented over seeing Aramis and Anne. It will be interesting whether she tells Rochefort straightaway of what she's discovered or if he she tries to keep it a secret from him but then he somehow makes her reveal it to him.

  159. I would imagine it'll be Athos/Milady, since he's apparently running around the fort while D'Artagnan is tied up (happy sigh) somewhere else lLso Rochefort has so far shown no interest in Constance other than slapping her out of his way, but is very interested in Milady and her motives. If he hasn't already worked out she's Athos's wife, which he may not have done if the Cardinal's notes didn't mention it, he'll surely see something between them here.

  160. Hmmm, I'm not sure d'Artagnan choosing Constance over Louis would be a good thing in terms of him being a Musketeer. Remember, he's going to become 'the greatest of us all" as Athos put it and that doesn't include putting personal feelings above your duty.
    Personally, I hope d'Artagnan won't be put in that position but we need to remember that d'Artagnna's destiny is about him being a great Musketeer, not a lover. This is why it's important that the writers are developing his character in many ways, not just as the man who loves Constance.

  161. I know he doesn't believe she is a coward and that he spoke in anger and frustration but this will certainly illustrate what a petulant brat he was being at the time.

  162. Making him choose between Constance and Louis would be a seriously tricky job for the writers, given the love story people are investing so much in, AND his known destiny with the Musketeers. I don't know if there's any way they could write it without damaging one important relationship or the other, so I'd hope they'll avoid the issue completely and go another way. He's already in the King's bad books, despite having done nothing wrong, so choosing his lover over his King would make that future Captain's badge a far distance dream.

  163. It could be that it's the King who is being forced to make these decisions not necessarily the individuals themselves. In that kind of situation though I think D'Artagnan would offer up his own life and I suspect Constance might do the same.

  164. It looked to me like he's working with the Musketeers & Milady, an interesting grouping for sure! we could have two groups here, the 'good' guys, which ironically includes Milady and Rochefort with the Muskies and the Royals, and Marmite and his gang, whoever they are. Talk about tangled!

  165. Yes, as predicted the numpties at the palace decided to take a baby to an eclipse. #sigh Parenting 101, folks, if you're going out for the night stargazing, leave the kid with the babysitter!

  166. "Petulant brat" are the keywords. This time there's no time for that.
    Love how the situation is critical for many relationships.

  167. You know what I find really weird? Last year I was reading a Musketeers DVD review on Amazon and the writer was talking about what was included in each ep, kidnapping, swordfights, piracy, a secret king (Henry) etc, AND A MASKED BALL! I wondered when the series ended what on earth that was about, as it clearly didn't happen in series 1. This must the episode/story they were talking about, surely, so as it wasn't even filmed then, and they didn't appear to be someone connected to the show, how on earth...?! Baffled here!

  168. Care to explain how Constance being physically tethered to D'Artganan can ever be 'not in a good way?' Yes, we're going to die horribly, but at least when they throw us over the battlements we'll be tied to the same rope! So romantic. ;)

  169. Glad you're back with us, Sandi! x

  170. But he's so pretty when he's petulant....

  171. I took her look to be more 'woman scorned',. Methinks Aramis and Co should beware.

  172. "Marguerite definitely looks anguished and tormented over seeing Aramis and Anne."
    Mwahhahaha. Ah. Mwah.
    No, seriously... she's not a bad women but a scorned one for sure, it's possible that in the future she will feel guilty over her spying (even if she has no fault because when you are threatened by Rochefort... you are threatened by Rochefort. Nothing to add here) and make something for redeem herself.

  173. You're right, it wouldn't be a good idea for that to happen with him ultimately becoming the greatest Musketeer. As Scoobie says, it is possibly Louis who is forced to make these decisions. I'm looking forward to this episode to see how all of the characters react and the choices that are made.

  174. True Handsome=always. I also loved how he instantly regretted saying it to her. Silly boy

  175. However if they plan on ending it after S3 then they better choose LOVE over his "destiny" as shown in the book. I so want a happy ending for them.

  176. oh please. he's looking at all of us sighing over him. :D lol

  177. I wondered in that long moment after he said it whether she was considering slapping him. He certainly deserved it.

  178. Also the location seems to play well off the costumes. Being a fort it's quite stark, with bare pale walls, which must make the episode feel a bit cold compared to all the glitter and glamour at the palace.

  179. I can't seem them not ending with his 'book' destiny. Whatever happens to Constance, it's quite clear that the intention is for D'Artagnan to become the legendary Musketeer he was written to be, so while they may depart from the text in many places on the show, on this I don't think they will. It's a show about Musketeers, after all, with romance in the mix but not the number one priority. I would hope he could have both his destiny AND Constance, but I'm not getting my hopes up too much at this point.

  180. I would have loved that adlib moment, like when she slapped

  181. If Constance had slapped d'Artagnan, I don't think she would have been behaving any better than d'Artaghan had a moment earlier - both would have been reacting out of emotion instead of using their brains.

  182. It would also have lessened how obvious his immaturity was in that moment. Constance was being the rational adult, looking at the situation with more than just her heart however much she might have wanted to just throw everything way and be with him. She's a married woman, has been for quite a long time, and, as with the other boys, is more aware of how life isn't as straightforward as she'd wish. D'Artagnan is still idealistic and learning that very lesson, and i think that moment dealt him a very harsh one he'll learn from. My thinking is the next time they are able to talk about their relationship, there'll be more understanding and sympathy from him for her situation.

  183. LOL Marguerite does NOT look happy. Haha. These pics are so intriguing, and it looks to be a pretty fun episode. thank you. LOL

  184. There's a part of me that wonders whether Milady will be gone by the end of this series, so that the producers can spend more of S3 concerntrating on the Muskereers as Musketeers - as soldiers - rather than spending a large portion of the series having to write for the various ships, like this year? I do think either Athos / Milady or Aramis / Anne ( as a ship ) will be over by the end of this series, regardless of what happens with the baby.

  185. Oh you old romantic you!

  186. It looks that Marguerite could find out the truth about the Queen and Aramis and I think she will be confused and thinking about to tell Rochefort or not.
    I am looking forward to this episode so much, it looks interesting!

  187. I think whatever "choices" are presented to the characters by Marmion, they will be of the judgement of Solomon type. There will be no good option. I also think he's likely to deliberately force the characters to make decisions that will rip them apart. For D'Artagnan to sacrifice his life for the King wouldn't be a dilemma for a King's Musketeer. To choose between the man he's sworn his duty to protect and the woman he loves, would be truly horrendous.

  188. I've just realised we might be getting some Athos & Rochefort stuff here, as a continuation of their handshake in episode 1..

    I'm almost convinced that if Rochefort dies in this series, it will be Athos or d'Artagnan doing the honours.

  189. Anne and Aramis can't go on past this series, I don't think. There will be some sort of resolution before S3, I reckon. Their story can't go anywhere but to ruin and danger which is likely to be addressed this year anyway.

  190. It depends what Rochefort does between now and the finale, who he upsets/hurts and who has the most justifiable reason to kill him. Could we add Aramis to the mix? He'd certainly have reason to end him if he goes after the Queen, and if he causes trouble regarding the Dauphin.

  191. I think of Athos because of the very real possibility of Milady coming to some harm at the hands of Rochefort - Anne will definately live to see in the next series - and d'Artagnan because traditionally, he's the one who kills Rochefort, both in the book and many of the films.

    I'm not convinced the baby will die, either it WILL turn out to be the next King of France or just as likely, it will be sent away like Henry was in The Exiles, perhaps with the King being fooled into thinking that the baby has died.

  192. There's no question the Queen won't live, but with suggestions knocking around that Rochefort will commit (or try to commit) some sort of physical assault on her, I could see Aramis challenging him alone for that. Although, I get the sense that both Athos or D'Artagnan are better focussed in highly-emotional fights - especially with a sword - and in a battle to the death with Rochefort his protective instincts for Anne and the Dauphin may hinder him. We've seen he missed the shot in the market when he heard the baby crying, for example, and he's off his game this year. With Rochefort he can't afford to slip.

    I agree Athos might take out Rochefort out of Milady comes to harm, and definitely D'Artagnan would take skewer him if Constance was killed, but of the two I'm thinking more D'Artagnan than Athos purely because of the the 'destiny' storyline, and the fact that his killing Rochefort, presumably after the King learns of Rochefort's treachery, might get him back on the right track with Louis. The King's 'I'm so disappointed' schtick with the Musketeers can't go on indefinitely, and it's already getting tired, frankly. At some point he has to wake up and see the Musketeers are the only ones he can trust, and it would build on his future relationship with D'Artagnan if it were him that saved the King's life and killed Rochefort.

  193. 200 comments and we haven't seen episode five yet.
    Just great. Lol

  194. Oooooh, bit of Aramis whump... he looks so good... bloodied and all. Gawd y'all must think I'm a complete nutcase!


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