A weekly feature in which we're trying to find the most compelling, best acted, written, directed and just generally great scenes that we've seen recently on TV.
BANSHEE, "The Fire Trials", January 9, 2015, Actors: Hoon Lee, Geno Segers and more, The Scenes: Job's New York mission & Chayton and his team take down the armored trucks
Sandi: As Sugar says, it does seem quiet when Job isn't in town. Chayton may be causing mayhem and Kai is wandering the streets a free man, but no-one quite does an entrance, or delivers a line, like Hoon Lee's Job! I'm kinda sorry in a some ways that Fat Au doesn't go to Banshee with him as the two of them have some great banter - I wouldn't complain if there was a mini-series based on their past exploits. Though it's painfully obvious during the phone call with Hood that that's where Job's true loyalties lie. Also picked by DarkUFO and Bradley Adams
Sharon Seymour: Chayton and his team take down the armored trucks. Banshee does such great action scenes and this was up there.
BROADCHURCH, "Episode 2.1", January 5, 2015, Actors: Matthew Gravelle, David Tennant, Olivia Colman and more, The Scene: Joe Miller pleads not guilty
Justyna Kubica: This was a brilliant season premiere - intense, captivating, powerful and spectacularly well acted. In fact, it was easily one of my favorite episodes of the week and one of the best of the series. Which obviously made it impossibly hard to pick just one scene worth mentioning in the article. In the end, I decided to go with the moment that had the strongest effect on both the story and its characters - Joe's "not guilty" plea. Everyone's reactions to the news, the complete shock and heartbreak was quite painfully hard to watch. And since both David Tennant and Olivia Colman stole the entire hour for me, they were also fantastic in this scene. Joe's decision not to quickly end the case and give others a chance to move on suddenly became a plot engaging enough to drive (along with Sandbrook mystery) the second season of the show. I absolutely can't wait to see what's coming next as there are so many interesting aspects of the story to explore now. Kudos to the cast and crew!
CHICAGO FIRE, "Let Him Die", January 6, 2015, Actors: Kara Killmer, Jesse Spencer and more, The Scenes: Brett writes in the blood to "let him die" & Casey and Dawson break up
Laura Markus: When Brett wrote in the blood to "let him die" (him being one of the two men that took them hostage). This was already an intense scene because Mills and Brett were away from home, but then throw in the fact that they were ordered to save the life of someone who wanted to end theirs! It was a great scene, and Brett's regrets for having written that message later on were also great to watch.
Ben Norton: This was yet another emotional scene (and heartbreaking) produced by Chicago Fire. Casey and Dawson have been through a lot, though I'm sure they will eventually find their way back to each other, I'm sure this is the right decision for now. Its best to let Dawson focus on her candidacy, and Casey be there for her as her Lieutenant, not her boyfriend.
CHICAGO PD, "Shouldn't Have Been Alone", January 7, 2015, Actors: Jason Beghe, Marina Squerciati, The Scene: Voight offers Burgess' a spot in Intelligence
Ben Norton: This was a great scene, and produced a great ending for the 2015 premiere, it had a lot of emotion and heart, all of which are built into the core DNA of the show. The fact that Voight was willing to overlook the fact that Ruzek and Burgess are dating, was big, and I'm excited to see how Burgess goes in Intelligence, and especially how Ruzek and Burgess' relationship holds up.
ELEMENTARY, "The Eternity Injection", January 8, 2015, Actors: Jonny Lee Miller, Lucy Liu, The Scene: Holmes talks with Watson about his sobriety
Jimmy Ryan: Elementary scored season high ratings and audience figures this week and the episode was highly deserving. Picking a favorite scene is tough, but in the end I'm going with the scene where Holmes discusses his downtrodden demeanor with Watson, explaining that maintaining his sobriety is becoming more and more mundane and difficult. Instead of blowing it off as attention-seeking, Watson immediately offered to help, and it was the first time this season that the pair have connected on that level - similar to how their relationship began and grew in the series' first season.
GALAVANT, "Joust Friends", January 4, 2015, Actors: Joshua Sasse, Timothy Omundson and more, The Scenes: The Joust's final round & "Maybe you're not the worst thing ever" song
Justyna Kubica: It was such a brilliant week on TV that there are a dozen other scenes I could have mentioned here but in the end, I just couldn't not say anything about Galavant because the show might just be my favorite thing about this past seven days. It was the funniest and the most charming thing I've seen in a while. With such a brilliant cast (special shout-out to the amazing Timothy Omundson!) and great premise I'm not surprised by the positive reactions the series has received from the audience. As for the scene, I went with the one that made me, my sisters and a little brother laugh the most - the final round of the Joust. "First one to his feet is the winner?" Loved it! I will absolutely tune in to watch the rest of the episodes and in case you haven't given the show a chance yet, I highly recommend it!
Laura Markus: The song, but also any and all moments with King Richard. Timothy Omundson completely stole the show. Also picked by Tyler James
GOTHAM, "Rogues' Gallery", January 5, 2015, Actors: Donal Logue, Isiah Whitlock, Jr.
The Scene: Harvey comes to Arkham Asylum
Bradley Adams: Harvey comes to Arkham Asylum and takes Director Dr Lang to the precinct.
MARVEL'S AGENT CARTER, "Now is Not the End" & "Bridge and Tunnel", January 6, 2015, Actors: Hayley Atwell, James D'Arcy and more, The Scenes: Peggy beats up Mr. McPhee & Peggy and Jarvis escape the factory
Tonya Papanikolas: Peggy beats up Mr. McPhee while the Captain America radio program plays the sound effects of a fight. What a clever scene. I loved how it was written and filmed. It was entertaining to watch as the radio sound effects intermixed with the real fight. It was a fantastic combination of shots and a very creative fight scene! I loved it.
Tyler James: Peggy and Jarvis escape the factory after the orb exploded. Also picked by Sharon Seymour and Diana Mack
NCIS, "Check", January 6, 2015, Actors: Mark Harmon, Melinda McGraw, The Scene: Diane is killed
Daniel van der Veer: NCIS once again managed to come back with a very strong episode after the Holidays. A hillarious episode turns into a very serious one mid-way through the episode. And then there is a shocking moment that is on par with the ending of 'Shabbat Shalom': Diane, Gibbs' first ex-wife is shot through the head. This death was so similar to Kate's death and yet it had someting unique as Diane dies in Gibbs' arms. The most shocking moment of the season, and I will greatly miss Diane and her humor.
NCIS LOS ANGELES, "Spiral", January 5, 2015, Actors: Daniela Ruah, Eric Christian Olsen, Barrett Foa, Renée Felice Smith, The Scene: Group Zen at the end
Tonya Papanikolas: This scene was hilarious with all of its sexual innuendos. The dialogue was fantastic and each character's expressions were priceless. A very funny and well-written scene.
PERSON OF INTEREST, "If-Then-Else", January 6, 2015, Actors: Sarah Shahi, Amy Acker, Jim Caviezel and more, The Scenes: Shaw sacrifices herself to save Team Machine & The sped up simulation
Justyna Kubica: It was such a powerful way to start a New Year! Not only this week brought us one of the show's best episodes yet but it looks like we're going to have to say goodbye to one of its greatest characters - Shaw. And in the final minutes of the hour, the audience has a chance to go from feeling relieved (after the team's survival chance suddenly goes up when Sameen appears) to completely heartbroken (when Shaw closes the elevator's door). Very emotional, intense and shocking moment absolutely worthy of the Scene of The Week nod. If this truly is an ending for Shaw, it's the best one she could get in these circumstances. And the way the entire scene was shot and edited, with the perfect music in the background, is pretty breathtaking. Kudos! And thank you for your brilliant performance on the show, Sarah Shahi!
Jimmy Ryan: Person of Interest welcomed the new year with an absolute blinder of an hour. The whole episode is worthy of Scene of the Week but as that isn't allowed, I'm going with the episode's final scene where we see, in slow motion, Shaw dash across the hallway and hit the elevator button only to be gunned down by Martine. As the elevator doors closed The Machine had Shaw at very small odds to survive, but there is still a glimmer of hope. Also picked by DarkUFO and Diana Mack
Ben Norton: This ending scene was an incredible ending, to what I would call the best episode the show has ever created. The fact that there is still a glimmer of hope left for Shaw creates an interesting dynamic for the show, none the less, it was a fantastic way to end an incredible episode.
Sharon Seymour: The sped up simulation scene where the machine removed the characters dialogue and inserted things like "insert witty retort". Extremely funny and well executed.
Bradley Adams: Can I pick the whole episode? No? OK. One of the things I love about Person of Interest is its ability to add humour even into the most serious of episodes. The Machine knows the characters so well it can accurately summarise dialogue, and did so in a hilarious way.
SCORPION, "Kill Screen", January 5, 2015, Actors: Elyes Gabel, Riley B. Smith, The Scene: Ralph guides Walter in the game
Daniel van der Veer: As team Scorpion finds the real culprit for the CIA safehouse leak, Walter realizes they need Raph to play the game again to catch the bad guy. It was fun to see Ralph guide Walter instead of the other way around. Seeing the young genius and the adult genius work together was great.
THE GOOD WIFE, "Hail Mary", January 4, 2015, Actors: Matt Czuchry, Julianna Margulies and more, The Scenes: Cary is freed and his case dismissed & Alicia celebrates the news about Cary
Tonya Papanikolas: Cary is freed and his case dismissed with false information. What a bittersweet, awful scene to take in - but very poignant. Cary is finally freed but in the process Kalinda is in hot water. And she can't do anything to stop it. She sees it all spiraling out of control around her as the "evidence" she was going to fake (until she found real evidence) is accidentally and unknowingly presented by Diane to the judge. Kalinda can't say a word because it's already out there. It was horrifying to watch. Archie Panjabi was fantastic. She looks helpless and terrified. Kalinda keeps looking at the officer whose name is being smeared by the false information. It was all horrible to see but very effective. This huge misunderstanding can't be undone. And it was worse to see how it contributed to freeing innocent Cary in the end. He is finally in the clear but she is definitely not. This might be her undoing and it was very sad.
Wilson Crawford: Alicia celebrates the news that Cary's prison sentence has been overturned. After Alicia's mock debate, she gets a call on the way to her car: The charges against Cary have been dropped! She gives out a celebratory "whoooh!" Johnny overhears and asks if Alicia is alright. With a brilliant smile, she walks over and kisses him right on the mouth. Then she continues walking away, leaving him dumbfounded in her wake.
THE MENTALIST, "Green Light", January 7, 2015, Actors: Simon Baker, Robin Tunney
The Scene: Jane gets surprised by Lisbon's birthday gift
Diana Mack: She managed to keep the pieces of his old tea cup from the CBI. What a sweet romantic scene!
THE MUSKETEERS, "An Ordinary Man", January 9, 2015, Actors: Ryan Gage, Luke Pasqualino, The Scene: Louis and d'Artagnan talk about their fathers
Sandi: Such a wonderful episode with many great scenes, but this is the one that stands out for me. When Louis talks about losing his father at such an early age you get an understanding of why he is so different to d'Artagnan, who had a close relationship with his father until he was killed. Since their father's murders they have had an entirely different support structure around them, which has also made a huge impact on their lives. One was spoilt rotten and got his own way, whilst the other has had to struggled to earn his keep yet had a strong sense of brotherhood around him - neither of them are an 'ordinary man' in any sense of the word! Ryan Gage and Luke Pasqualino played this quiet moment perfectly, with such sadness that you really felt their loss.
BANSHEE, "The Fire Trials", January 9, 2015, Actors: Hoon Lee, Geno Segers and more, The Scenes: Job's New York mission & Chayton and his team take down the armored trucks
Sandi: As Sugar says, it does seem quiet when Job isn't in town. Chayton may be causing mayhem and Kai is wandering the streets a free man, but no-one quite does an entrance, or delivers a line, like Hoon Lee's Job! I'm kinda sorry in a some ways that Fat Au doesn't go to Banshee with him as the two of them have some great banter - I wouldn't complain if there was a mini-series based on their past exploits. Though it's painfully obvious during the phone call with Hood that that's where Job's true loyalties lie. Also picked by DarkUFO and Bradley Adams
Sharon Seymour: Chayton and his team take down the armored trucks. Banshee does such great action scenes and this was up there.
BROADCHURCH, "Episode 2.1", January 5, 2015, Actors: Matthew Gravelle, David Tennant, Olivia Colman and more, The Scene: Joe Miller pleads not guilty
Justyna Kubica: This was a brilliant season premiere - intense, captivating, powerful and spectacularly well acted. In fact, it was easily one of my favorite episodes of the week and one of the best of the series. Which obviously made it impossibly hard to pick just one scene worth mentioning in the article. In the end, I decided to go with the moment that had the strongest effect on both the story and its characters - Joe's "not guilty" plea. Everyone's reactions to the news, the complete shock and heartbreak was quite painfully hard to watch. And since both David Tennant and Olivia Colman stole the entire hour for me, they were also fantastic in this scene. Joe's decision not to quickly end the case and give others a chance to move on suddenly became a plot engaging enough to drive (along with Sandbrook mystery) the second season of the show. I absolutely can't wait to see what's coming next as there are so many interesting aspects of the story to explore now. Kudos to the cast and crew!
CHICAGO FIRE, "Let Him Die", January 6, 2015, Actors: Kara Killmer, Jesse Spencer and more, The Scenes: Brett writes in the blood to "let him die" & Casey and Dawson break up
Laura Markus: When Brett wrote in the blood to "let him die" (him being one of the two men that took them hostage). This was already an intense scene because Mills and Brett were away from home, but then throw in the fact that they were ordered to save the life of someone who wanted to end theirs! It was a great scene, and Brett's regrets for having written that message later on were also great to watch.
Ben Norton: This was yet another emotional scene (and heartbreaking) produced by Chicago Fire. Casey and Dawson have been through a lot, though I'm sure they will eventually find their way back to each other, I'm sure this is the right decision for now. Its best to let Dawson focus on her candidacy, and Casey be there for her as her Lieutenant, not her boyfriend.
CHICAGO PD, "Shouldn't Have Been Alone", January 7, 2015, Actors: Jason Beghe, Marina Squerciati, The Scene: Voight offers Burgess' a spot in Intelligence
Ben Norton: This was a great scene, and produced a great ending for the 2015 premiere, it had a lot of emotion and heart, all of which are built into the core DNA of the show. The fact that Voight was willing to overlook the fact that Ruzek and Burgess are dating, was big, and I'm excited to see how Burgess goes in Intelligence, and especially how Ruzek and Burgess' relationship holds up.
ELEMENTARY, "The Eternity Injection", January 8, 2015, Actors: Jonny Lee Miller, Lucy Liu, The Scene: Holmes talks with Watson about his sobriety
Jimmy Ryan: Elementary scored season high ratings and audience figures this week and the episode was highly deserving. Picking a favorite scene is tough, but in the end I'm going with the scene where Holmes discusses his downtrodden demeanor with Watson, explaining that maintaining his sobriety is becoming more and more mundane and difficult. Instead of blowing it off as attention-seeking, Watson immediately offered to help, and it was the first time this season that the pair have connected on that level - similar to how their relationship began and grew in the series' first season.
GALAVANT, "Joust Friends", January 4, 2015, Actors: Joshua Sasse, Timothy Omundson and more, The Scenes: The Joust's final round & "Maybe you're not the worst thing ever" song
Justyna Kubica: It was such a brilliant week on TV that there are a dozen other scenes I could have mentioned here but in the end, I just couldn't not say anything about Galavant because the show might just be my favorite thing about this past seven days. It was the funniest and the most charming thing I've seen in a while. With such a brilliant cast (special shout-out to the amazing Timothy Omundson!) and great premise I'm not surprised by the positive reactions the series has received from the audience. As for the scene, I went with the one that made me, my sisters and a little brother laugh the most - the final round of the Joust. "First one to his feet is the winner?" Loved it! I will absolutely tune in to watch the rest of the episodes and in case you haven't given the show a chance yet, I highly recommend it!
Laura Markus: The song, but also any and all moments with King Richard. Timothy Omundson completely stole the show. Also picked by Tyler James
GOTHAM, "Rogues' Gallery", January 5, 2015, Actors: Donal Logue, Isiah Whitlock, Jr.
The Scene: Harvey comes to Arkham Asylum
Bradley Adams: Harvey comes to Arkham Asylum and takes Director Dr Lang to the precinct.
MARVEL'S AGENT CARTER, "Now is Not the End" & "Bridge and Tunnel", January 6, 2015, Actors: Hayley Atwell, James D'Arcy and more, The Scenes: Peggy beats up Mr. McPhee & Peggy and Jarvis escape the factory
Tonya Papanikolas: Peggy beats up Mr. McPhee while the Captain America radio program plays the sound effects of a fight. What a clever scene. I loved how it was written and filmed. It was entertaining to watch as the radio sound effects intermixed with the real fight. It was a fantastic combination of shots and a very creative fight scene! I loved it.
Tyler James: Peggy and Jarvis escape the factory after the orb exploded. Also picked by Sharon Seymour and Diana Mack
NCIS, "Check", January 6, 2015, Actors: Mark Harmon, Melinda McGraw, The Scene: Diane is killed
Daniel van der Veer: NCIS once again managed to come back with a very strong episode after the Holidays. A hillarious episode turns into a very serious one mid-way through the episode. And then there is a shocking moment that is on par with the ending of 'Shabbat Shalom': Diane, Gibbs' first ex-wife is shot through the head. This death was so similar to Kate's death and yet it had someting unique as Diane dies in Gibbs' arms. The most shocking moment of the season, and I will greatly miss Diane and her humor.
NCIS LOS ANGELES, "Spiral", January 5, 2015, Actors: Daniela Ruah, Eric Christian Olsen, Barrett Foa, Renée Felice Smith, The Scene: Group Zen at the end
Tonya Papanikolas: This scene was hilarious with all of its sexual innuendos. The dialogue was fantastic and each character's expressions were priceless. A very funny and well-written scene.
PERSON OF INTEREST, "If-Then-Else", January 6, 2015, Actors: Sarah Shahi, Amy Acker, Jim Caviezel and more, The Scenes: Shaw sacrifices herself to save Team Machine & The sped up simulation
Justyna Kubica: It was such a powerful way to start a New Year! Not only this week brought us one of the show's best episodes yet but it looks like we're going to have to say goodbye to one of its greatest characters - Shaw. And in the final minutes of the hour, the audience has a chance to go from feeling relieved (after the team's survival chance suddenly goes up when Sameen appears) to completely heartbroken (when Shaw closes the elevator's door). Very emotional, intense and shocking moment absolutely worthy of the Scene of The Week nod. If this truly is an ending for Shaw, it's the best one she could get in these circumstances. And the way the entire scene was shot and edited, with the perfect music in the background, is pretty breathtaking. Kudos! And thank you for your brilliant performance on the show, Sarah Shahi!
Jimmy Ryan: Person of Interest welcomed the new year with an absolute blinder of an hour. The whole episode is worthy of Scene of the Week but as that isn't allowed, I'm going with the episode's final scene where we see, in slow motion, Shaw dash across the hallway and hit the elevator button only to be gunned down by Martine. As the elevator doors closed The Machine had Shaw at very small odds to survive, but there is still a glimmer of hope. Also picked by DarkUFO and Diana Mack
Ben Norton: This ending scene was an incredible ending, to what I would call the best episode the show has ever created. The fact that there is still a glimmer of hope left for Shaw creates an interesting dynamic for the show, none the less, it was a fantastic way to end an incredible episode.
Sharon Seymour: The sped up simulation scene where the machine removed the characters dialogue and inserted things like "insert witty retort". Extremely funny and well executed.
Bradley Adams: Can I pick the whole episode? No? OK. One of the things I love about Person of Interest is its ability to add humour even into the most serious of episodes. The Machine knows the characters so well it can accurately summarise dialogue, and did so in a hilarious way.
SCORPION, "Kill Screen", January 5, 2015, Actors: Elyes Gabel, Riley B. Smith, The Scene: Ralph guides Walter in the game
Daniel van der Veer: As team Scorpion finds the real culprit for the CIA safehouse leak, Walter realizes they need Raph to play the game again to catch the bad guy. It was fun to see Ralph guide Walter instead of the other way around. Seeing the young genius and the adult genius work together was great.
THE GOOD WIFE, "Hail Mary", January 4, 2015, Actors: Matt Czuchry, Julianna Margulies and more, The Scenes: Cary is freed and his case dismissed & Alicia celebrates the news about Cary
Tonya Papanikolas: Cary is freed and his case dismissed with false information. What a bittersweet, awful scene to take in - but very poignant. Cary is finally freed but in the process Kalinda is in hot water. And she can't do anything to stop it. She sees it all spiraling out of control around her as the "evidence" she was going to fake (until she found real evidence) is accidentally and unknowingly presented by Diane to the judge. Kalinda can't say a word because it's already out there. It was horrifying to watch. Archie Panjabi was fantastic. She looks helpless and terrified. Kalinda keeps looking at the officer whose name is being smeared by the false information. It was all horrible to see but very effective. This huge misunderstanding can't be undone. And it was worse to see how it contributed to freeing innocent Cary in the end. He is finally in the clear but she is definitely not. This might be her undoing and it was very sad.
Wilson Crawford: Alicia celebrates the news that Cary's prison sentence has been overturned. After Alicia's mock debate, she gets a call on the way to her car: The charges against Cary have been dropped! She gives out a celebratory "whoooh!" Johnny overhears and asks if Alicia is alright. With a brilliant smile, she walks over and kisses him right on the mouth. Then she continues walking away, leaving him dumbfounded in her wake.
THE MENTALIST, "Green Light", January 7, 2015, Actors: Simon Baker, Robin Tunney
The Scene: Jane gets surprised by Lisbon's birthday gift
Diana Mack: She managed to keep the pieces of his old tea cup from the CBI. What a sweet romantic scene!
THE MUSKETEERS, "An Ordinary Man", January 9, 2015, Actors: Ryan Gage, Luke Pasqualino, The Scene: Louis and d'Artagnan talk about their fathers
Sandi: Such a wonderful episode with many great scenes, but this is the one that stands out for me. When Louis talks about losing his father at such an early age you get an understanding of why he is so different to d'Artagnan, who had a close relationship with his father until he was killed. Since their father's murders they have had an entirely different support structure around them, which has also made a huge impact on their lives. One was spoilt rotten and got his own way, whilst the other has had to struggled to earn his keep yet had a strong sense of brotherhood around him - neither of them are an 'ordinary man' in any sense of the word! Ryan Gage and Luke Pasqualino played this quiet moment perfectly, with such sadness that you really felt their loss.
Person of Interest, hands down. I'm still not over that last scene.
ReplyDeleteRevenge= Malcolm Black (Tommy Flanagan) kills chief Alverez
So much great TV this week but POI just delivered one of the best hour of television ever.
ReplyDeletePerson of Interest. As others said, I wish we could pick the whole episode.
ReplyDeleteTV is officially back this week and there are so many great scenes I could have picked for the article! Here's some of my honorable mentions:
ReplyDeleteAgent Carter - The introduction & Peggy and Jarvis talk after Colleen's death & Peggy and Howard meet & Peggy and Jarvis talk about Steve
Elementary - Holmes talks with Watson about his sobriety - Great performance by Jonny Lee Miller
Broadchurch - The final scene
B99 - The final game with Holt
Galavant - All the songs, especially: "Stand up" (training!) & "I want to shoot him with a crossbow" & "Maybe you're not the worst thing ever"
Person of Interest - All the simulations!
Scorpion - Ralph guides Walter in the game
The Good Wife - Cary's case is dismissed
The Mentalist - Jane gets surprised by Lisbon's birthday gift
And I still haven't seen a few of my shows (like The Musketeers and Gotham)! Great week!
NCIS and Scorpion for me this week!
ReplyDeleteAgent Carter: Lots to choose from but I would pick Jarvis patches Peggy's leg and they have a heartfelt chat.
ReplyDeleteB99: The end scene, Holt looked so happy
Galavant: Maybe Your Not The Worst Thing ever, so funny
The Good Wife: Alicia at the end in the carpark
So much intense TV to start the year (thank God for it).
ReplyDeleteI'm choosing The Good Wife and Broadchurch.
Cheers for posting! I've not caught much TV this week, been back to my usually running about and not had much time unfortunately.
ReplyDeleteCracking start to Banshee this week though, the Chayton heist was my second choice, followed by Hood showing Deva how to properly rob a store - it runs in the blood! lol
Too many choose from Musketeers, I think the opening teasers was the best the show has had yet, very funny! The last scene was a heart breaker too.
i voted for Mentalist and Elementary
ReplyDeleteI loved how Walter placed his trust in Ralph to guide him through the warehouse by playing the video game. The faith Walter places in his Scorpion family is one of the reasons I love his character so much.
ReplyDeleteI so can't wait for the next episode of Scorpion! :)
Galavant gets my Best Of award for this week's TV as well. I'm with Justyna in highly recommending it. I laughed so hard and the song lyrics were awesomely snarky.
ReplyDeleteThe Mentalist
ReplyDeleteThe Mentalist
ReplyDeleteThe Person of Interest, Elementary, and The Mentalist scenes.
ReplyDeleteIt seems like Person of Interest created a lot of feelings this week. Two of the of the top 3 spots are POI related.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised that Empire isn't included in one of the choices. Not only did it premiere to really high numbers, but to critical acclaim as well. I would have liked to have been able to choose from one of the great moments in its pilot episode. What's going on SpoilerTV?
ReplyDeleteI voted for the mentalist too. What a great scene...a perfect way to end the show, they are just too cute together this year.
ReplyDeleteThat's what the 'other' option in the poll is for, so you can tell us about the scenes that you liked :)
ReplyDelete#Saving Hope - Alex telling Dana about her pregnancy, Alex telling Charlie, Shahir being "steamin'" on grade your MD, Dawn slapping another doctor during surgery, end scene: Dawn crying
ReplyDeleteJust two truly amazing episodes!!!
OMG the whole episode of Person of Interest!! It was absolutely mind blowing stuff..the nearest I've come to such an experience was the Castle Season 4 finale and watching Interstellar & Inception in the cinema for the first time.
ReplyDelete- Kudos to the end scene of The Mentalist too..that blue cup brought back the feels!
It was tough to decide between the different Galavant and Good Wife scenes, as well as the scenes with the Musketeers and the Jane and Lisbon scene in the end. All were great, although the Jane/Lisbon and God Wife Scenes (both of them) are probably the ones I remember the most.
ReplyDeleteNCIS, Galavant, Agent Carter. Haven't watched POI yet. Can't until ep 3 has aired.