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POLL : What did you think of Galavant - Pilot / Joust Friends?

5 Jan 2015

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  1. Galavant was amazing, funny and catchy. Thankfully theres two episodes, one isn't enough. The song lyrics & composition are in themselves one of the best things about the show.

    I loved the production value, it was rich and lavish. The costumes were really authentic and the musical aspect was incredibly catchy and funny, "I want to stab him with the crossbow, I want to stab him in the eye, I want to hurl him out a window and shove explosions were the sun. dont. shine", King Richard is awesome!

    Wasn't expecting the twist at the end of the first episode. P.S. Everything on ABC got Galavanted, Resurrection to The Bachelor! Those ads were so funny.

    The second episode was also even more lavish. The Jousting area was so nice, you can tell there was a lot of effort put into this show. I feel like Princess Isabelle and Galavant may grow to like each other on this journey, maybe.

    I really hope this show does really well and gets a Second Season becuase there isn't anything like it on TV, at least that I have seen. I cannot wait for the next "Gaaaalllaaavvvannnt!"

  2. I can't describe how much I loved it.

  3. Pee your pants, milk squirting out of your nose funny. "Maybe You're Not The Worst Thing Ever" is my all time favorite new song--I want to sing it to so many peeps.

  4. I loved it, it was do funny and the music was great. I'm going to have to go back and listen to tje songs again because there's a lot there that I fear I missed first time round.

    As crazy as it sounds Kong Richard/Gareth and the cook (missed his name) are my favorite...I even felt bad for Richard at the end of Joust Friends.

    John Stamos was great, loved the yo mamma jokes too funny

  5. OK I love it was hilarious and catchy Timothy Omudson stole the show love how they used the the theme song for certain shows I say this is the best replacement show for OUAT when it's on hiatus hope it did well in ratings

  6. The pilot was amazing, the second episode was good, but not as strong as the pilot so I voted "great".

    I got to watch 6 episodes of Galavant already and I must say that this series has a lot of promise; got off to a great start and held on well, but I think it can improve even further on following seasons, so here's hoping the show will be a hit!

  7. How did you get to see 6 episodes?

  8. The SpoilerTV crew got screeners for reviewing

  9. That's awsome. How many songs would you say are there per episode? About the same as these first 2 episodes?

  10. Hate you.... j/k

  11. 2 or 3, I think there is one episode where there were 4 songs! And they are all pretty catchy and awesome.
    One of my favorites is played by Weird Al Yancovish "Cuz we're the monks!" which plays on episode 5.

  12. Revenge and OUAT5 January 2015 at 02:34

    Did revenge get an add?

  13. Revenge and OUAT5 January 2015 at 02:35

    Damn i cannot watch it until tomorrow. Did they promote other shows?

  14. Well, I have to wait like 3 weeks now to see the following episode and it's the season finale, so that's a downside to that... not gonna lie though, it was pretty awesome to have such an extended look!

  15. They had a 15 second Revenge promo with Galavant singing on it. So that counts

  16. Revenge and OUAT5 January 2015 at 02:36

    Oh cool!!

  17. Revenge and OUAT5 January 2015 at 02:37

    It is weird knowing the shows I watch are airing right now because for me it is Almost 4 in the morning. Now i will Check out galavant tomorrow. Hope some People watch revenge as well!!!!

  18. The lyrics were like this:
    "Tonight for Emily
    Revenge is suddenly
    A hurled game since dad's not dead!
    A father-daugther team!
    Is what they now will be!
    To punish those who are reaaally bad!
    Revenge! Tonight at 10 ON A-B-C!"

  19. Revenge and OUAT5 January 2015 at 02:38

    That is great. I wish i could see the American commercials

  20. You can watch it region free on the Revenge facebook page

  21. Revenge and OUAT5 January 2015 at 02:40

    Oh thx for the Information :) I hope abc has a good night

  22. You're welcome! And let's hope both shows do well :)

  23. Revenge and OUAT5 January 2015 at 02:41

    Yes! :) and i am off to sleep :D have fun watching revenge still!

  24. How do they hire? When I send you to the island where Lost characters live, it creates vacancy so they MUST hire sb. Right?

  25. This was cute and hilarious and I love the show already. LOL at John Stamos and the your mama jokes.

    Already shipping Galavant and Isabelle. Oops.

  26. Loved it! Timothy Omundson is killing it! :D

  27. Agreed with everything!

  28. If I remember correctly, once a year when there is a vacancy for reviewing new shows or existing shows that have not been reviewed an application thread is posted on the site and you can apply for it. At least that's how I did back on August 2013 when I got picked up to do OUAT and The 100 reviews (best day ever!) :)

  29. I loved it and its only on for four weeks if you don't like it who cares give us fans a break

  30. what was the twist again, Isabella or was it something else?

  31. yeah me too what Madalena said was very, very, mean but at least she not all mean with her story about Jenny

  32. wow not even Galavant being stuck on the horse didn't have you laughing until you cried LOL?

  33. hey it was bound to happen LOL, same here

  34. AMAZING SHOW!!! LOVE IT COMPLETELY, when Galavant was stuck on the horse i could not stop laughing My God i can't believe how hard i laughed i haven't laughed like that in a very long time, ABC has to renew this show right now!!!, actually felt bad for King Richard at the end and it's ood to know that Madalena still has some in her after her story about her pet Jenny, the song are freaking awesome, and loved Galavant promoting other shows in song too that was hilarious and loved that we got two episodes instead of one this show's too awesome for just one episode a week

  35. funniest show ever :-) I loved Mr. Omundson in Psych so much, but what he plays here as King Richard, can't describe how much I love him more. And I can see how much fun have the actors to be in this show. If I would climb on my horse like Galavant, my horse would roll out loud on the floor laughing, think will try it today once LOL

  36. Which shows did ABC do promos with singing in them in the style of Galavant? I remember seeing the Revenge and the Wed night comedies one. Anything else?

  37. From what I remember they also did Last Man Standing & Cristella, The Bachelor, Resurrection and Fresh of the Boat :) Hope that helps.

  38. Resurrection did a 10 second one and I think Grey's Anatomy as well

  39. It was fun and it did make me shuckle, but sadly I watched it on a promo before, so it was less effective

  40. Revenge also has one, it's on their Facebook page.

  41. Oh my God yes that song with the singing monks is awesome! Hilarious scene, especially since they took a vow of singing.

  42. gey's didn't have one

  43. but we didn't know why they bot fell though

  44. Maybe not the worth thing ever.

  45. I wasn't sure how this show was going to be, but was hopeful and am happy to report that it more than lived up to expectations! Very funny writing in the dialogue and especially the very well executed musical numbers... very nice production quality and you truly felt like this was worthy of being a "Disney-esque" vehicle. Very enjoyable cast and clever writing with the twists and I really enjoyed both episodes and am looking forward to the next ep. I hope that the show gets a quick renewal. The slow motion joust had me rolling...

  46. I loved the modern references!

  47. are you like in eastern europe/africa?

  48. lol kinda funny! i hope it does good.

  49. Hilarious and fun, if you not take things to serious.

  50. Considering I love musicals, I was anxiously awaiting the premiere of Galavant! I'm so happy that it did not disappoint in the slightest!

    There was definitely some chemistry going on between Galavant and Isabella. Especially the scene where she's training him for the jousting deal with Sir Jean Hamm! It was all cute. And that jousting battle was downright priceless. Galavant being sore from training and Jean Hamm puking so much from the absinthe had me in tears from laughing so much. HA! Slowest....battle....ever.

    All of the musical numbers were catchy as hell but that theme song is definitely going to be stuck in my head for a few days and have me humming it XD "Attend the tale of Gaaaalaaaavaaant"

    Timothy Omundson as King Richard was absolutely stellar. He had some amazing one liners and definitely made me feel for him at the end.

    Looking forward to getting more backstory on Sid next week! He seems really interesting so far.

    Overall, it was by far the best comedy pilot this season. Crossing my fingers that the ratings are good and the show gets at least a 2.0! I really want this show to get a lot of seasons. It's so unique.

  51. I liked it, it was cute. It was a little weird and I hated all the singing but it was pretty good. It felt like a medieval Glee made into a comedy. I love Isabella Maria Lucia Isalabetta or whatever her name is. My favorite scene was when he kept on trying to say her name right.

  52. That's probably not meant to be shared with everyone. Plus it comes off a bit like fauning it over other people.

  53. Best to leave spoilers to the previewer.

  54. Maybe it will be fun for those that like musicals and farce, but I'm not one of their number.
    i stopped it and deleted it before the first episode ended.

  55. John Stamos puking inside his armor=WIN!

  56. So am I. Before I see this show, I think I can handle the singing in this show since I used to see the musical show of my country once and I'm enjoy but I'm wrong. This show has more singing than that show and I cannot stand to see the singing scenes of this show.

  57. Same with me.
    I thought since I like a number of the actors and with such a short season I could handle the musical elements, but... no.

    I love "medieval" or similar genre shows, but not combined with musical numbers, over-the-top farce and modern elements like in this show. Guess I'm not a fan of either musicals or farce honestly. I can enjoy both on rare occasion if I'm in the right mood, but both at once overpowered me I think.

    O well. I don't need to like every series on TV....

  58. Revenge and OUAT5 January 2015 at 09:35

    Is it a bad sign that not many people have answered the poll " what did you think of Revenge Epitaph? " usually over 200 take part and now it is only 50. I will watch the episode today

  59. Activity on SpoilerTV is usually a bit lower in January as people still enjoy their Christmas and New Year breaks and not a lot of TV shows have returned yet, so the Revenge voters might be elsewhere. Galavant has had a lot of votes mainly because it's new and it's hyped a little so try not to think of it like that.

  60. Revenge and OUAT5 January 2015 at 10:54

    Hmmm okay was it the same last year?

  61. That. Was. Awesome! I didn't even know what this show was about, but after I heard so many good things, I decided to give it a chance. And I'm glad I did! It was absolutely hilarious and just amazing. I love this kind of weird humour.

    The actors and characters were great, especially Timothy Omundson (who most of us know as Lassie from Psych) as King Richard. He had some great lines and I loved his singing. And there definitely was some chemistry between Galavant and Isabella. I like them already.

    I'm not usually a huge fan of musicals, but in this show the musical numbers were fantastic. They were so funny and well done.

    I can't believe we only get 8 episodes of this greatness!

  62. The screener version of the second episode featured a parody rendition of "Eye of the Tiger". I really wish they would have kept it, it was the funniest aspect about the training montage.

  63. LOVED IT and I am not usually a musical fan, the songs were clever and so funny. When he went to jump on the horse and missed I laughed so hard.

  64. If it came out like that I'm really sorry :/
    I didn't think there'd be a problem since we already do previews, so it's pretty much known we get the screeners, but if it's not meant to be shared with everyone I'll keep it quiet from here onwards. And once again, sorry if it came out wrong

  65. I remember reading someone's comment about a Grey's singing promo, so that's why I thought there was one, but it seems I was wrong

  66. I totatly enjoyed it, with many lol moments, and the music so catchy, with a lovable cast, that make you care about them, and Vinnie Jones always the ultimate bad guy, was really charming, I can get used to him being silly, a good limited series, now I'm already wishing for more, silly at its best, just what I needed!!!!

  67. Great recap, I'm digging this show as well, I'm with you I want another season already, four weeks e need more, it's so fun!!!

  68. I wanted this to be really good. The promos made it seem really fun and ever since Psych started, I have adored Tim Omundson. I'm so glad I wasn't forced to be proved wrong. It was entertaining, hilarious, and had me totally captivated for the whole hour. I wish it was longer than 4 weeks and hopefully they'll do another season. I also enjoyed John Stamos playing Jean Hamm (hehehe)

  69. every ABC show returning this week got a Galavant promo. The damn melody was stuck in my head all night but it was awesome

  70. I know! He was beyond amazing

  71. This is going to be a show you even love or hate, its either your thing or not, noticed that with the critics previews as well. Thankfully for me I love it, the songs are ridiculously catchy and Omundson is so great in it.

  72. Hilarious. I absolutely loved it. The lyrics of the songs elevate the show. Catchy, witty, naughty and full of whimsy. I was waiting eagerly for this show ever since the trailer aired in July and I am happy not to be disappointed.

  73. I was amazing there are simply no words to describe it what did you guys think???

  74. The self-awareness was very effective given the overwhelming campiness. I have to take back my first impressions from the promos though, I was wrong. It was really quite enjoyable and funny and clever in parts.

  75. So much fun! I love the Galavant theme and RIchard! Not so hot on the princess though

  76. Loved this show! A much needed refreshing change from the usual. Here's hoping it catches on!!!


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