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Galavant - Advanced Preview: "Hilarious and Harmonious"

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I had good luck today,
To come here and say,
I had the privilege of seeing Gaaaalavaaaaant.

It’s quite the unique show,
Takes themes you thought you’d know,
And turns them into laughs and merrrrimeeeent.

And I certainly am not going to do my entire review like that. Much like the show itself, let’s take a 180 degree turn with this review.

Galavant is a sly Disney movie for adults. And it is hilarious. It tells the tale of the titular hero, Galavant, who quests to save his lady love, Madalena. And that’s when things start to go wrong. Madalena prefers the company of her captor, King Richard, leaving Galavant out on a limb. And what is a hero without things to be heroic for? After Galavant’s fall from grace and bodily hygiene, he is approached by Princess Isabella with a new quest, one that would mutually benefit the pair of them. To say anymore on the plot would tremendously spoil, but I will say I was surprised at a few turn of events and am eager to continue watching.

And of course, Galavant is a musical. The songs in each episode don’t slow down the action and are in fact some of the funnier moments in the show. And they will get stuck in your head as the lyrics are a snappy and as clever as the dialogue, which excels as each character apparently has their PhD in sarcasm. But more so than that, each song is beautiful. The cast are a superb set of singers, making the handful of musical numbers in each episode a treat to hear. I deeply hope a soundtrack is available.

Galavant takes the idea of breaking out into song, as well as the heroics and daring-do of fairy tale heroes, and turns it on its head. The musical numbers lean on the fourth wall, letting the viewer in on the joke as mayhem ensues. None of the characters fit comfortably into the medieval mold you expect, which results in a highly entertaining watch. I have to say for me, King Richard played by Timothy Omundson is the show stealer. His performance of the tyrannical king is gut-bustingly funny and scenes containing Omundson are some of the best. I am definitely on Team King's Beard. The entire cast has great comedic timing as well. Galavant could potentially be saccharine or too eye-rollingly slapstick to enjoy, but it toes the line just right, giving the perfect balance of the silly and the sarcastic. This is very much an adult show.

Whatever you are expecting from Galavant and his gang, know that this show will twist and turn your expectations into a pretzel salted with gorgeous costumes, sets, performances, and songs.

Now tune in and see,
On your own TV,
The adventure known as Gaaaaalavaaaant.

Sunday on ABC,
At 7 CST,
Hope you tune in for Gaaaaalavaaant!

About the Author – Ashley B
Ashley is as serious as a sleeping curse when she says television is her life. Professional event planner, avid movie viewer, convention enthusiast, and resident sass master, Ashley writes reviews for ABC's Once Upon a Time, Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, and Galavant, as well as Showtime’s Penny Dreadful. She looks forward each week to the weird and wonderful world her favorite television programs provide.
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