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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

12 Monkeys - Episode 1.04 - Atari - Sneak Peek

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The Originals - Brotherhood of the Damned - Review

The Slap - First Look at the Event Series [VIDEO]

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The SpoilerTV Daily News Roundup - Various Shows - 31st January 2015

Helix - Scion - Review: "I Just Want to Save the Few Who are Left"

Vikings - Season 3 - 3 New Short Promos

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Grimm - Moving to 8/7c from March 20th

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POLL : Favorite Scene from Scandal - Run?

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Sleepy Hollow - Kali Yuga - Review: "Ichabod-iana Jones"

POLL : Favorite Scene from Grey's Anatomy - Where Do We Go From Here?

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Supernatural - Season 10 Episode 11 - The Gripe Review

Well, hello there Charlie! I have not been looking forward to your reappearance so I could rip you your episode to shreds.

Welcome everyone to episode 10x11's Gripe Review, or as I would have called it - had I been justifiably stoned and drunk - my analysis of Robbie Thompson's hour long self-stimulation through his pet character/author avatar, Charlie.

Let's get something out of the way so any Charlie fans who might be lingering around these dark and dingy areas of the Net turn tail. I hate Charlie. She is my least favorite character in the Supernatural universe by a long mile. If the showrunners made an offer to bring back a packaged deal of Amelia, Cole, Garth, Marie and Becky in exchange for Charlie meeting a horrible painful death I would sign it. That's how much I hate Charlie.

Why do I hate her so much? Simple, she is a Mary Sue.

Now before you tell me the accusation gets thrown around a lot and that Charlie is not a Mary Sue but a representation of a strong woman and the LGBT community(both of which I’m willing to take on and debunk in the comments) read this review. I will attempt to prove that Charlie is indeed a Mary Sue using only her appearance in this episode and this TV Tropes article as my reference:

Many viewers don't assign Charlie the label presumably because she doesn’t have one of the major traits of a Sue: she isn't the object of affection for any of the main characters. In fact most are quick to site her sexual orientation. What they overlook however is the fact that Charlie doesn't have to be the object of Sam or Dean's sexual interest in order to be the orbital center of their love. Making her far from a possible girlfriend is a sure way to make them shower her with as much focus and affection as possible without risking the wrath of a love-interest allergic fandom.

Another reason why Charlie is nobody’s girlfriend is her creator. Robbie Thompson is a straight guy. Charlie is his gender swapped self-insert. He doesn't dream of dating any of the protagonists like fanfiction writers do, rather he wants to be one of them, or all of them, and outshine them at everything. That's why his creation is a mix of all three protagonists. She has Dean's wit and badassery, Castiel's adorable dorkyness, and Sam's smarts and tendency to attract the dark and the supernatural. She does all of these better than either of them every time she's around, and they feel so impressed they turn into mouthpieces of her praise and validation.

Why did Thompson gender swap his stand-in? Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe he was masking who she really was. Maybe he was pressured by the show’s critics for lack of female characters. We must also not forget that, in her first appearance, Charlie actually did have a function on the show as opposed to being just the Poochy of the Supernatural universe. They needed a hacker and it was a time of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (hence the name of the episode.) She was not a bad addition either as many who now oppose her (including me) liked her and her perky attitude back then. It was only after they gave Thompson free rein to keep bringing her back that the milk went sour. First he made her a queen, literally. Granted it was for a silly role playing game but that didn’t stop everyone from worshiping her. Then she came back with heavy tragic-background baggage, just so she’d earn the tormented-hero badge that every author avatar and pet character carries. This is when things started to slide really sideways and Charlie began hitting her Poochy strides.

Now this episode.

“There’s No Place Like Home” or the "Charlie is a Sue" exhibition

1 - Charlie appears and Sam and Dean drop everything for her (including their long established personalities)

It’s an ordinary day in the bunker. Sam is talking to Cas on the phone, Dean is complaining about healthy food. They are researching the MoC. Then Sam stumbles on a video of Charlie beating up a guy. This is the point when the show goes from Supernatural 10x11 To The Charlie Bradbury Show 1x5.

The boys meet the victim, who is cagey about the incident. They find out he was involved in the accident that created Charlie’s sympathy vehicle all those years ago.[1] Upon hearing this Dean loses it and attacks the guy, a man who is wounded and can’t defend himself. This is the same Dean who remained calm and collected through most of his interrogation scene with Matatron last week. He held it together even when Metatron – the guy who had killed him and brought on most of his current grievances - taunted him relentlessly. Yet here he cracks within seconds. Why? Because Charlie is that important to him, and to Sam too since he just stands there looking confused instead of interfering to prevent the possibility of Dean’s Mark causing a tragedy.

In the car, on their way to the next target, Sam finds out Charlie’s real name is not Charlie but Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way, and that she’s after every person that somehow was involved in her tragic-past accident. Dean’s reaction to this information is, “Can you blame her?” Allow me to reiterate, Dean’s reaction to someone gone berserk, and on a spree torturing and killing people without a trial is “Can you blame her?”[2]

2 – Meet Anti-Charlie [3]

After the boys warn the next potential victim they stick around and discover Dark Charlie. This is when the writer’s self-indulgence peaks its high. Thompson wants Charlie to be a protagonist, yet at the same time he lusts after an edgy, bad girl attitude for her. So what does he do? Something even fanfiction writers don’t. He makes two copies of her, one good and one evil. That frees him to pander to both sides of his fantasy without risking his favorite's sympathy magnet.

The person who suffers most from this plot twist is Felicia Day. I don’t know much about her outside her role as Charlie but looking at her Wikipedia page, I found out she was more known as a Youtube personality and show host than an actress. It’s reflected in her work on the show because in Charlie, Felicia was pretty much playing herself, and that was probably the only thing that worked well for the character.

Here Thompson tasks her with playing dual roles and she falls short. Felicia is not Jensen, Jared or Misha. She doesn’t have their experience and caliber to perform as multiple personalities, so her Dark Charlie comes out very flat and unconvincing.

3 - But in their universe Dark Charlie is made of awesome

From Good Charlie we find out that Dark Charlie exists because Original Charlie agreed to split herself in two in order for ‘them’ to win the War of Emerald City against Who-Knows-What. Then the exposition takes a mind blowing "My Immortal" turn.

Apparently the reason Dark Charlie is doing bad things is because, like every other character in a self-insert fanfic, she’s obsessed with Good Charlie (the Sue.) But Dark Charlie herself is a Sue, so Good Charlie admires her. According to her, she’s a badass warrior who single handedly won the war in Oz. This could be they only time in TV's entire history in which a character on a show shills a version of herself.

Dean goes after Dark Charlie, who at this point is in full god-mode [4] and foils him at every turn with the assistance of the writer dumbing Dean down to the IQ level of a 5 year old. Dark Charlie gets to her target without Dean realizing she is going to kill him. The target, Mr. Douchey Richguy, also gets affected by Dark Charlie’s godly powers and apologizes to her profusely before she kills him.

Afterwards Dean and Dark Charlie have a drink, a scene purely there so Thompson could establish the next trope he has planned for his self-insert, i.e. drawing parallels between Dean and Charlie. [5] I’m not going to go into detail about their conversation other than to say the whole purpose for it is to anvil-slam us with the theory that Charlie’s dark and light sides are the same as Dean’s hunter and MoC sides.

4 - Good Charlie is also made of awesome

Turns out Good Charlie can god-mode too [4]. When she and Sam arrive at the doorstep of Clive Dillon's house, he’s been living there for years as Michael Carter, not giving a fig about his alter ego wreaking havoc in Oz. But as soon as Charlie makes eyes at him he folds and agrees to not only call out his other self, but sacrifice himself in order to stop him.

So far the idea was to find half of a broken key to get Dark and Light Charlie back to Oz where they could be fused together. Yet, since up to this point, Charlie hasn't done anything heroic and/or self-sacrificial in the episode, Thompson decides to retcon his own script. In an act similar to what happens at the end of the Divergent series, everything realigns itself toward the singular goal of Charlie having her big moment. The deal changes from returning to Oz to killing the Wizard. Sam and Dean both become stunned imbeciles, one lying on the floor staring at the enemy helpless while the other beats on Dark Charlie when he could just hold her wrists and minimize the damage to Good Charlie. Amid all this insanity Charlie shoots the Wizard’s counterpart and saves the day. Naturally her heroics leave her badly injured, paving the way for Sam and Dean to coddle her to the max and fuss over her like a wounded kitten [1]. We’re treated to 3 full minutes of extreme Charlie angst in which Dark Charlie throws one last praise at her alter ego (“The magic was in you all the time,”) before a laughably bad CGI puts Good and Bad Charlie back together.

5 – She forgives Dean

Back at the MoL cave Sam vents to Cas about the crap he just went through talks to Cas about the MoC when Charlie shows up. Sam inquires about her health, tells her about the MoC (as if she's totally in on it,) and asks her about Dark Charlie. Charlie gets into this spectacular zone where she simultaneously highlights her whumped state, reminds us of her parallels with Dean, and talks like she is the voice of reason, compassion, knowledge and wisdom all at once. She tells Dean, “We are going to fix this,”[6] and “I’m not letting what happened to me happen to you.”[5] and “I forgive you.”[7] After she receives her return ticket from Sam – a quest that guarantees we won't see the last of her – she departs with an Italian variant of her trade-mark, misogynist catch phrase, and the "bitches" stand staring longingly after her.

6 – What’s left...

I want to point out that nothing that happened in this episode really mattered. The only thing that was saved was Charlie's identity and possibly Oz (if there ever was a danger to Oz and she wasn’t just trolling the Winchesters.) The real world – or the show’s universe – was in no danger except for the mayhem Dark Charlie visited upon it, which would have easily been resolved had Sam and Dean handed both Dark and Light versions of her to the cops.

Kudos – The ratings

Since I started watching the show I've been an advocate for the show’s ratings. I remember Saturday mornings, when I had long, heated conversations with non-fans on the TVbythenumbers’ article comment sections, arguing why the show deserved a better time slot and why its ratings were by no means a reflection of its quality but rather a direct result of CW’s mistreatment of it. I always cheered when the show got good ratings and chewed on my nails when it didn’t.

This week’s episode earned a 0.7 in the 18-49 demo and 2.06M in viewer numbers, a clear nosedive from previous week’s 0.9 and 2.42M. And this time, I cheered for the bad ratings.

My hope is that the rating decline works as a wakeup call for the show’s bosses and shows them that there’s a problem that needs to be fixed. Letting writers run amok in their scripts, turning the show into a showcase of their own favorite characters, or worse, their self-inserts, should have its consequences. Consequences that hit the network's bank accounts are the only ones that are important to TPTB, not fan outrage or reviews like this.

Speaking of writers running amok, next week is Adam Glass’s turn to take the show for a spin. I remember the last time he was in charge of writing teenage Dean he bragged on his twitter how he modeled Dean's story after his own teen years, i.e. another self-insert.[8] I’m sure we’re all going to have a jolly good time watching that fanfiction.

Don’t forget to leave your thoughts in the comment section. Below is the list of tropes I used throughout this article. Have fun reading these too.




Ratings News - 31st January 2015

Arrow - Episode 3.12 - Uprising - Sneak Peek

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Blue Bloods - Episode 5.14 - 5.15 - Promotional Photos

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Black Sails - X - Advance Preview

The Vampire Diaries - Prayer for the Dying - Review

The Whispers - Episode 1.01 - Pilot - Sneak Peek 3 and 4

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Person of Interest - Character Relationship Chart Update

USD POLL : Person of Interest - Is Samaritan the show's endgame?

Chicago Fire - Episode 3.13 - Three Bells - 3 Sneak Peeks *Region Free*

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Chicago PD - Episode 2.13 - A Little Devil Complex - Sneak Peeks 2 and 3

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Helix - Episode 2.05 - Oubliette - Promotional Photos + Synopsis

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Chasing Life - Episode 1.14 - Cancer Friends With Benefits - Sneak Peeks

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Constantine - Episode 1.13 - Waiting for the Man (Season Finale) - Promotional Photos

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Pretty Little Liars - Episode 5.18 - Oh, What Hard Luck Stories They All Hand Me - Sneak Peeks *Updated with 2nd*

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NBC PRIMETIME SCHEDULE - Sunday February 15, 2015 - Saturday February 21, 2015

MOVIES: X-Men: Apocalypse - Rose Byrne Returning as Moira MacTaggert

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Forever - Hitler on the Half Shell - Advance Preview

Elementary - The One That Got Away - Review

The Walking Dead - Episode 5.10 - Episode 5.12 - Titles Revealed + Synopsis

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Gotham - Episode 1.14 - The Fearsome Dr. Crane - 4 Sneak Peeks

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12 Monkeys - Episode 1.04 - Atari - Promo

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CBS Orders 3 Pilots - Bryan Cranston's 'Sneaky Pete', For Justice & Medical Drama 'LFE'

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Banshee - Episode 3.05 - Tribal - Promo

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Blue Bloods - Episode 5.14 - The Poor Door - Promo

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ABC Orders 7 Comedy Pilots - Delores & Jermaine, Untitled NBA Project, The 46 Percenters,The King 7B, The Brainy Bunch & More

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Last Nights TV - Open Discussion Thread - 30th January 2015

POLL : What did you think of Banshee - Real Life Is the Nightmare?

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POLL : What did you think of Helix - Scion?

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New Girl - Episode 4.14 - Swuit - Promo

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ABC Orders 4 Drama Pilots - The Advocate, Boom, The Adversaries & Kingmakers

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The Mindy Project - Episode 3.14 - No More Mr Noishe Guy - 4 Sneak Peeks

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Grimm - Episode 4.12 - Maréchaussée - Promo

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Hawaii Five-0 - Episode 5.14 - Powehiwehi - Promo

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Glee - Episode 6.06 - What the World Needs Now - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of 12 Monkeys - Cassandra Complex?

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POLL : What did you think of Grimm - Death Do Us?

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POLL : What did you think of Glee - The Hurt Locker, Part Two?

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POLL : What did you think of Hawaii Five-0 - La Po'ino?

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Sleepy Hollow - Episode 2.15 - Spellcaster - 4 Sneak Peeks

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Constantine - Episode 1.12 - Angels and Ministers of Grace - Promo

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Hart of Dixie - Episode 4.05 - Bar-Be-Q Burritos - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of Hart of Dixie - Red Dye No. 40?

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POLL : What did you think of Constantine - A Whole World Out There?

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The Vampire Diaries - Episode 6.15 - Let Her Go - Press Release

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The Originals - Episode 2.12 - Sanctuary - Producers' Preview

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Pretty Little Liars - The Bin of Sin - Review: "Let's Split Up in This Abandoned Building And Look For Clues"

Chicago Fire - Episode 3.14 - Call It Paradise - Promotional Photos

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Elementary - Episode 3.14 - The Female of the Species - Promotional Photos

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The Flash - Episode 1.12 - Crazy For You - Sneak Peek

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NCIS: Los Angeles - Episode 6.15 - Forest for the Trees - Promotional Photos

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Red Band Society - Episode 1.11 - The Guilted Age - Sneak Peeks

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Game of Thrones - Season 5 - First Look Promotional Photos

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Game of Thrones - Season 5 - Full 2 Minute Trailer *Updated HQ*

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Scandal - Episode 4.11 - Where's the Black Lady? - Sneak Peek

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The Mentalist - Favorite Storylines Featurette [VIDEO]

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POLL : What did you think of The Musketeers - Emilie?

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The Americans - Episode 3.02 - Baggage - Promotional Photos

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Final Adjusted TV Ratings for Thursday 29th January 2015

MOVIES: Star Wars Spinoff - Rumor - Tatiana Maslany Lands Lead Role

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Bitten - Season 2 - Space Promo

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Pretty Little Liars - Episode 5.18 - Oh, What Hard Luck Stories They All Hand Me - Canadian Promo

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Agent Carter - Episode 1.05 - The Iron Ceiling - Sneak Peek

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How to Get Away with Murder - Episode 1.11 - Best Christmas Ever - Canadian Promo + Sneak Peek

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Latest from TVLine - Various Shows - 30th January 2015

Jane the Virgin - Episode 1.12 - Chapter Twelve - Inside the Episode [VIDEO]

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The SpoilerTV Daily News Roundup - Various Shows - 30th January 2014

Jane the Virgin - Episode 1.14 - Chapter Fourteen - Promotional Photos

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Banshee - Episode 3.04 - Real Life Is The Nightmare - 4 Sneak Peeks + Promotional Photos

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NCIS: Los Angeles - Episode 6.14 - Black Wind - Extended Promo + Sneak Peeks

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The Big Bang Theory - Episode 8.14 - The Troll Manifestation - Promotional Photos

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NCIS - Episode 12.14 - Cadence - Promotional Photos

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The Blacklist - Super Bowl Teaser Promo

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The Flash - Episode 1.12 - Crazy For You - Comic Preview

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The Musketeers - Emilie - Advance Preview + Dialogue Teasers

Banshee - Real Life Is the Nightmare - Advance Preview + Dialogue Teasers

Ratings News - 30th January 2015

Parenthood – May God Bless And Keep You Always – Review: Perfect Swan Song

The CW Primetime Listings for the Week of February 16

USD POLL : Favourite Season Premiere of Stargate SG-1 and/or Stargate Atlantis?

Person of Interest - Episode 4.13 - M.I.A. - New Promo

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Extant - Season 2 - Jeffrey Dean Morgan Joins Cast

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POLL : What are you watching Tonight? - 30th January 2015

Scandal - Run - Review: "The Kick In The Guts Scandal Needs"

How To Get Away With Murder - Hello, Raskolniko - Review: "The Story Begins"

Glee - Episode 6.05 - The Hurt Locker, Part Two - Sneak Peek

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Constantine - Episode 1.11 - A Whole World Out There - 4 Sneak Peeks

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Hawaii Five-0 - Episode 5.13 - La Po'ino - Sneak Peek

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Chicago PD - Episode 2.13 - A Little Devil Complex - Sneak Peek

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Game of Thrones - Season 5 - New Viral Teaser + Dragon Eggs - Promo

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Grey's Anatomy - Episode 11.10 - The Bed's Too Big Without You - Canadian Promo + Sneak Peek

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The Originals - Episode 2.12 - Sanctuary - Sneak Peek 2

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Reign - Episode 2.13 - Sins of the Past - Extended Promo

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The Vampire Diaries - Episode 6.13 - The Day I Tried to Live - Extended Promo

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POLL: Favorite Scene In Reign - Banished

Galavant – My Cousin Izzy + It’s All in the Executions – Review

MOVIES: Project Almanac – A weak time travel mess for millennials – Review

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Criminal Minds Spinoff - Anna Gunn to Co-Star

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Elementary - Episode 3.13 - Hemlock - Promo

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How to Get Away with Murder - Episode 1.11 - Best Christmas Ever - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of How To Get Away With Murder - Hello, Raskolnikov?

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POLL : What did you think of Parenthood - Series Finale?

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POLL : What did you think of Elementary - The One That Got Away?

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Scandal - Episode 4.11 - Where's the Black Lady? - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of Scandal - Run?

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Grey's Anatomy - Episode 11.10 - The Bed's Too Big Without You - Promo

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The Vampire Diaries - Episode 6.13 - The Day I Tried to Live - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of The Vampire Diaries - Prayer for the Dying?

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POLL : What did you think of Grey's Anatomy - Where Do We Go From Here?

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The Big Bang Theory - Episode 8.14 - The Troll Manifestation - Promo

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Gotham - Episode 1.14 - The Fearsome Dr. Crane - Promo 2

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POLL : What did you think of The Big Bang Theory - The Anxiety Optimization?

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Sleepy Hollow - Episode 2.15 - Spellcaster - Promo 2

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Supernatural - Episode 10.12 - About a Boy - Sneak Peek

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The Flash - New Promo - Too Much Running

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POLL: Favorite Scene from The 100 - Survival of the Fittest

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Supernatural - Episode 10.12 - About a Boy - Promotional Photos

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Backstrom - Episode 1.03 - Takes One to Know One - Promo

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Red Band Society - Episode 1.11 - The Guilted Age - Promo

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Last Nights TV - Open Discussion Thread - 29th January 2015

POLL : What did you think of Reign - Banished?

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FOX - February 2015 Sweeps Press Release - Various Shows

Arrow - Episode 3.12 - Uprising - Promotional Photos

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CBS Upcoming Episode Press Releases - Various Shows - 29th January 2015

Revenge - Kindred - Review: "Is there something left?"

AKA Jessica Jones - Rachel Taylor Joins Cast

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Fortitude - Episode 1.02 - Extended Synopsis

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POLL : What did you think of Fortitude - Series Premiere?

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The Musketeers - The Good Traitor - Review: "It's a Sad, Sad Story"

The Flash - Episode 1.12 - Crazy For You - Promotional Photos

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NCIS - Season 12 - Spoilers for Upcoming Episodes

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Person of Interest - Episode 4.15 - Q & A - Press Release

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The Mentalist - Copper Bullet - Review

Team united in The Mentalist Copper Bullet. When Abbott’s old boss, Agent Peterson, threatens Abbott’s career –and possibly his freedom – Jane devises a risky plan to protect his friend’s future.

I like that Jane involves everyone in the team into his plan, despite the fact that Vega was at first left behind. Jane and Abbott are now more emphatic than before, and they share this dark past that changed their lives and make the women they love - Lena for Dennis, Angela and then Teresa for Patrick - in serious danger.
They started as enemies and became buddies. Abbott understood Jane's intentions in killing Red John, that's why he first confessed about Agent Petersen and how he felt back in the past. Like Jane, Abbott chose life and the woman he loves and made the big step to move to Washington with her when his duties in Austin will be done. Giving to Kimball Cho his blessing as next chief of the FBI was the top. Cho deserves this, there's no other reasons to explain why. He's the man of honor.

Abbott saved Jane in "My Blue Heaven" by giving him a second chance, now it's time for Jane to return the favor. We all know Agent Petersen is a dirty cop. To make sure his plan works, Jane calls his old friends from the circus, Pete and Samantha, who agreed to frame Petersen and save Abbott's career. Those two have been the family Patrick Jane never had. Also, how much they were happy when they tell him about Lisbon? Does Pete may be right by saying it's time for Patrick to take off his ring?

Let's talk about Michelle Vega and her character development. She joined the FBI because she's ambitious and she wanted to learn how to fight in the field. What she didn't consider was Patrick Jane. He's opened her into a new kind of world, where having a gun doesn't always make you the smartest guy. But patience, fun and friends can make your work a little bit easier.
I felt sorry when she was left alone and in the dark about Jane's plan. She wanted to be part of the FBI's family and I liked the fact that Cho agreed to let her in. He trusts her and she did a great job when she stops Petersen by hitting his car. Also, finally some sparks with Jason Wylie are concreate: they share a dance at the end of the episode.

And the, there are Jane and Lisbon. They've never finished their conversation started in the previous episode. Being a cop it's part of her; she likes what she does, because it's what makes her who she is. Jane is worried, maybe a little jeaolus of her dedication to it. Does he want her on his own? He's being protective and "I don't want to lose you" speaks for itself. How many times we said Jane lost his wife and his daughter, and now that he found love again, he's afraid to lose it. Again. Lisbon shows her true love for him twice: with "I love you" and invite him to dance in front of everyone. Yeah, right. Old Teresa Lisbon wouldn't never danced with Patrick Jane. But lovely Teresa Lisbon keeps showing how much she's in love with this man. Can they work out their relationship? At some point, I think Lisbon's going to make a choice: Jane or her job.

With The Mentalist coming close to an end, what are your expectations for the finale? No spoilers, please. Share your comments below.

About the Author - diana mack

Diana (diana mack) is a tv shows addicted. She's from Italy, she dreams to be a real journalist someday - meanwhile she speaks english even in her dreams. But tv series are not the only passions she has: she's a football supporter, cinema lover and a traveller. She studied languages (english, french, spanish, arabic and a bit of portuguese) and journalism in Rome.

The Blacklist - Episode 2.09 - Luther Braxton - Sneak Peek

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The Good Wife - Season 6 - Oliver Pratt to Recur

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Final Adjusted TV Ratings for Wednesday 29th January 2015

Reign - Episode 1.12 - Banished - Sneak Peek

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The SpoilerTV Daily News Roundup - Various Shows - 29th January 2014

Blue Bloods - Episode 5.13 - Love Stories - Sneak Peeks + Promotional Photos

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Bitten - Episode 2.01 - Bad Blood - Promotional Photos

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The Walking Dead - Episode 5.09 - What Happened and What's Going On - New Zealand Promo

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Law and Order SVU - Episode 16.13 - Decaying Morality - Sneak Peeks

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Jane the Virgin - Episode 1.12 - Chapter Twelve - Sneak Peek

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NCIS - Episode 12.13 - We Build, We Fight - Sneak Peeks

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Suits - Episode 4.13 - Fork in the Road - Promotional Photos + Synopsis

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Poll: Favorite Scene From Arrow - Midnight City

The Blacklist - Episode 2.10 - Luther Braxton: Conclusion - Promotional Photos

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Arrow - Season 3 - New Promo - Dangerous

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iZombie - New Promo

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Throwback Thursday - House, M.D. - One Day, One Room

Once Upon a Time - Season 4B - New Promotional Poster

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Castle - Episode 7.13 - I, Witness - Sneak Peek

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Once Upon a Time - Episode 4.12 - Darkness On The Edge Of Town - Script Tease

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MOVIES: Ted 2 - First Look Trailer

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Suits - Episode 4.12 - Respect - Promotional Photos

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MOVIES: Insurgent - Super Bowl Pregame Trailer

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MOVIES: Terminator Genisys - New Trailer

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Upcoming Episode Titles - Various Shows - 29th January 2015

Raina Reveals: Exclusive Spoilers and Teasers - 12 Monkeys, Elementary, iZombie, Jane the Virgin, Red Band Society & Shameless

Ratings News - 29th January 2015

Elementary - The One that Got Away - Advance Preview

MOVIES: Unexpected - Review - Sundance 2015

POLL: What was the best scene in The Mentalist - Copper Bullet?

About the Author - diana mack

Diana (diana mack) is a tv shows addicted. She's from Italy, she dreams to be a real journalist someday - meanwhile she speaks english even in her dreams. But tv series are not the only passions she has: she's a football supporter, cinema lover and a traveller. She studied languages (english, french, spanish, arabic and a bit of portuguese) and journalism in Rome.

NBC Upcoming Synopsis - Various Shows - 29th January 2015

American Crime - 2 New Promos

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NCIS New Orleans - Episode 1.13 - The Walking Dead - Promo

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Glee - Episode 6.08 - A Wedding - Extended Synopsis

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The Following - Season 3 - New Promo *Updated HQ*

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Grey's Anatomy - Risk - Review: Let's catch up shall we.

USD POLL : Who do you think should be next to leave The Vampire Diaries?

POLL : What are you watching Tonight? - 29th January 2015

Arrow - Episode 3.12 - Uprising - Canadian Promo [LQ]

Streaming Options

Reign - Getaway - Review

The 100 - Survival of the Fittest - Review: "Tough Choices"

The 100 - Episode 2.11 - Coup de Grâce - Extended Promo

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Arrow - Episode 3.12 - Uprising - Extended Promo

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ABC Gives Pilot Order to Flesh & Blood; A Mystery Drama from a Scandal & Grey's Anatomy Alum

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The Americans - Episode 3.02 - Baggage - Promo

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MOVIES: The D Train - Review - Sundance 2015

CBS Orders 3 Pilots - Limitless, Untitled Dan O’Shannon Project & Angel from Hell

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Suits - Episode 4.12 - Respect - Promo

Streaming Options

Stalker - Episode 1.15 - Lost and Found - Promo

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Suits - Enough Is Enough?

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of The Americans - EST Men?

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Stalker - My Hero?

Streaming Options

Arrow - Season 3 - BTS Wedding Photos

Streaming Options

Criminal Minds - Episode 10.14 - Hero Worship - Promo

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of The 100 - Survival of the Fittest?

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Criminal Minds - Nelson's Sparrow?

Streaming Options

The Mentalist - Episode 7.10 - Nothing Gold Can Stay - Promo

Streaming Options

Arrow - Episode 3.12 - Uprising - Promo

Streaming Options

Supergirl - Mehcad Brooks to Co-Star

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Arrow - Midnight City?

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of The Mentalist - Copper Bullet?

Streaming Options

The Vampire Diaries - Episode 6.12 - Prayer For the Dying - Producer's Preview

Streaming Options

Jane the Virgin - Episode 1.13 - Chapter Thirteen - Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

Last Nights TV - Open Discussion Thread - 28th January 2015

Empire - Episode 1.05 - Dangerous Bonds - Promo

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Empire - False Imposition?

Streaming Options

Supernatural - There's No Place Like Home - Review

POLL: Favorite Scene from Sleepy Hollow - Kali Yuga

Streaming Options

Arrow - Episode 3.11 - Midnight City - Sneak Peek 2

Streaming Options

Hart of Dixie - Episode 4.04 - Red Dye #40 - Producer's Preview

Streaming Options

Arrow - Episode 3.11 - Midnight City - Inside with Colton Haynes [VIDEO]

Streaming Options

Suits - Episode 4.11 - Enough Is Enough - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

The SpoilerTV Daily News Roundup - Various Shows - 28th January 2014

Final Adjusted TV Ratings for Tuesday 27th January 2015

Parks and Recreation - William Henry Harrison & Leslie and Ron - Review

Syfy 2015 - Sizzle Reel Promo - 12 Monkeys, The Expanse, Childhoods End and Helix

Hannibal - Season 3 - Glenn Fleshler cast as Cordell

Streaming Options

Stalker - Episode 1.15 - 1.16 - Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

MOVIES: Minions - Super Bowl Teaser Promo

Streaming Options

Salem - Season 2 - Premiere Date Announced

Streaming Options

The Mentalist - Episode 7.09 - Copper Bullet - Sneak Peek 2

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The Originals - Episode 2.12 - Sanctuary - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Banshee - Episode 3.05 - 3.08 - Episode Press Releases

Streaming Options

Chicago PD - Episode 2.14 - Erin's Mom - Promotional Photos

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Arrow - Episode 3.17 - Title Revealed

Streaming Options

The Walking Dead - Season 5B - New Cast Promotional Photos

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The Vampire Diaries - Episode 6.12 - Prayer For the Dying - Sneak Peek 2

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Pretty Little Liars - Episode 5.20 - Pretty Isn’t The Point - Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

The 100 - Episode 2.10 - Survival of the Fittest - Sneak Peek 4

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Young and Hungry - Season 2 - To Premiere March 25th

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The Vampire Diaries - Episode 6.12 - Prayer For the Dying - Sneak Peek

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Arrow - Episode 3.17 - Suicide Squad to Return *Updated*

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The Mentalist - Episode 7.09 - Copper Bullet - Promotional Photos

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American Crime - New Promo - Next Big Drama

Streaming Options

How To Get Away With Murder - Did Viola Davis just announce a Season 2 Renewal?

Ratings News - 28th January 2015

Stalker - Episode 1.14 - My Hero - Sneak Peeks feat. @1PhoebeJTonkin

Streaming Options

Justified - Cash Game - Recap and Review

Justified - Cash Game - Postmortem with Graham Yost and Interview with Joelle Carter

USD POLL : Who is the most badass woman in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

The Flash - The Sound And The Fury - Review

Better Call Saul - Episode 1.01 - 1.05 - Titles and Synopsis

Streaming Options

Allegiance - Episode 1.01 - Pilot - 5 Sneak Peeks + First Look Featurette

Streaming Options

POLL : What are you watching Tonight? - 28th January 2015

The Blacklist - Episode 2.09 - Luther Braxton - 2 Minute Promo

Streaming Options

The Big Bang Theory - Episode 8.13 - The Anxiety Optimization - Promo + Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Elementary - Episode 3.12 - The One That Got Away - Sneak Peeks

Streaming Options

Resurrection - Love In Return - Season Finale Review: "End Of Times"

FOX Upcoming Episode Press Releases - Various Shows - 28th January 2015

The Blacklist - Episode 2.11 - Ruslan Denisov - Press Release

Streaming Options

The Mentalist - Episode 7.09 - Copper Bullet - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

The Flash - Episode 1.12 - Crazy For You - Extended Promo

Streaming Options

The 100 - Episode 2.13 - Title Revealed

Streaming Options

POLL: Favorite Scene From Supernatural - There's No Place Like Home

POLL : What did you think of Justified - Cash Game?

Streaming Options

Marvel's Agents of SHIELD - Episode 2.11 - Aftershocks - Promo

Streaming Options

Agent Carter - Episode 1.05 - The Iron Ceiling - Promo

Streaming Options

Supernatural - Episode 10.12 - About a Boy - Promo

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Supernatural - There's No Place Like Home?

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Marvel's Agent Carter - The Blitzkrieg Button?

Streaming Options

The Flash - Episode 1.12 - Crazy For You - Promo

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of The Flash - The Sound and the Fury?

Streaming Options

CBS Orders 2 Pilots - Code Black from Intelligence Creator & Half Of It

Streaming Options

Shameless - Episode 2 & Episode 3 - Double Review: "Weight of Leaving"

Sleepy Hollow - Episode 2.17 - Awakening - Extended Synopsis

Streaming Options

Nashville - Episode 3.12 - I’ve Got A Reason To Hate You - Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

Criminal Minds Spinoff - Tyler James Williams Joins Cast

Streaming Options

Criminal Minds - Episode 10.13 - Nelson's Sparrow - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Pretty Little Liars - Episode 5.18 - Oh, What Hard Luck Stories They All Hand Me - Promo

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Pretty Little Liars - The Bin of Sin?

Streaming Options

NCIS - Episode 12.13 - We Build, We Fight - Promo

Streaming Options

Switched at Birth - Episode 4.05 - At The First Clear Word - Promo

Streaming Options

Rizzoli and Isles - Season 5 - New Promo - Besties

Streaming Options

Justified - Episode 6.03 - Noblesse Oblige - Promo

Streaming Options

Last Nights TV - Open Discussion Thread - 28th January 2015

Empire - Episode 1.04 - False Imposition - 3 Sneak Peeks

Streaming Options

Justified - Cash Game - Live Tweet COMPLETED

Constantine - Episode 1.12 - Angels and Ministers of Grace - Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

Togetherness - Renewed for a 2nd Season

Arrow - Left Behind - Review

Grimm - Episode 4.11 - Death Do Us Part - Sneak Peeks 2 and 3

Streaming Options

The 100 - Episode 2.10 - Survival of the Fittest - Sneak Peek 3

Streaming Options

Latest from TV Line - Various Show - 27th January 2015

Once Upon a Time - Episode 4.17 - Title Revealed

Streaming Options

The Vampire Diaries - Episode 6.12 - Prayer For the Dying - Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

The Following - Season 3 - Key Art Banner 2

Streaming Options

CBS Upcoming Episode Press Releases - Various Shows - 27th January 2015

MOVIES: Indiana Jones - Disney Eyeing Chris Pratt for Revival

Streaming Options

Supernatural - Episode 10.11 - There's No Place Like Home - Sneak Peek 2

Streaming Options

MOVIES: New All-Female 'Ghostbusters' Cast Chosen

Streaming Options

Final Adjusted TV Ratings for Monday 26th January 2015

POLL : Favorite Scene from Revenge - Kindred?

Streaming Options

ABC Family Upcoming Episode Press Releases - Various Shows - 27th January 2015

Vikings - Season 3 - New Promo

Streaming Options

ABC Thursdays - 2 New Promos

The SpoilerTV Daily News Roundup - Various Shows - 27th January 2014

iZombie - New Promo - Liv to Tell

Streaming Options

Arrow - Episode 3.11 - Midnight City - Comic Preview

Streaming Options

The 100 - Episode 2.10 - Survival of the Fittest - Sneak Peek 2

Streaming Options

Ray Donovan - Season 3 - Katie Holmes joins cast

Streaming Options

Latest from E!Online - Various Shows - 27th January 2015

Pretty Little Liars - Episode 5.17 - The Bin of Sin - Canadian Promo

Streaming Options

Virtuoso - HBO Orders Elton John and Alan Ball Musical Drama to Pilot

Streaming Options

Grimm - Season 4 - Nico Evers-Swindell Cast

Streaming Options

The Flash - Episode 1.11 - The Sound and the Fury - Sneak Peek 3

Streaming Options

The Fosters - Stay - Review: "True Friendship"

The Fosters - Episode 2.14 - Mother Nature - Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

Penny Dreadful - Season 2 - BTS Video

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Fresh Off The Boat - New Promo - Standout

Streaming Options

Hart of Dixie - The Very Good Bagel - Review

Final Adjusted TV Ratings for Sunday 25th January 2015

Ratings News - 27th January 2015

Forever - Episode 1.15 - The King of Columbus Circle - Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

The Flash - Episode 1.11 - The Sound and the Fury - Sneak Peek 2

Streaming Options

Glee - The Hurt Locker, Part 2 - Advance Preview

USD POLL : Which female villain on Arrow was or is your favorite?

The Blacklist - Episode 2.09 - Luther Braxton - Cast Interviews [VIDEO]

Streaming Options

POLL : What are you watching Tonight? - 27th January 2015

Arrow - Novel + Companion Book + Dossier Announced

Streaming Options

Last Week in TV - Week of Jan. 18 - Reviews and Episode Awards

ABC Orders 4 Pilots - Shondaland's The Catch, Broad Squad, Chev & Bev & Untitled Savage Comedy

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Arrow - Episode 3.11 - Midnight City - Sneak Peek

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MOVIES: Captain America: Civil War - Rumor - Daniel Brühl's Role Leaked?

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Jane the Virgin - Episode 1.12 - Chapter Twelve - Promo

Streaming Options

State of Affairs - The War at Home - Review: "It Started With Promise"

The Originals - Episode 2.12 - Sanctuary - Promo

Streaming Options

12 Monkeys - Cassandra Complex - Advance Preview

CBS Orders 3 Pilots - Rush Hour, Super Clyde and Joe Time

Streaming Options

New Girl - Episode 4.15 - The Crawl - Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

MOVIES: Me and Earl and the Dying Girl - Review - Sundance 2015

The Mindy Project - Episode 3.15 - Dinner At The Castellanos - Promotional Photos

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Sleepy Hollow - Episode 2.15 - Spellcaster - Promo

Streaming Options

Chasing Life - Episode 1.14 - Cancer Friends With Benefits - Promo

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Chasing Life - Guess Who's Coming to Donate?

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Jane the Virgin - Chapter Eleven?

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Sleepy Hollow - Kali Yuga?

Streaming Options

Reign - Episode 2.14 - The End of Mourning - Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

Gotham - Episode 1.14 - The Fearsome Dr. Crane - Promo

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of The Originals - Brotherhood of the Damned?

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POLL : What did you think of Gotham - Welcome Back, Jim Gordon?

Streaming Options

Gotham - Episode 1.15 - The Scarecrow - Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

Scream Queens - Nick Jonas gets Recurring Role

Streaming Options

Hart of Dixie - Episode 4.06 - Alabama Boys - Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

The Fosters - Over Under - Review: "So. Much. Drama"

Reign - Episode 2.13 - Sins of the Past - Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

The 100 - Episode 2.10 - Survival of the Fittest - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

NCIS: Los Angeles - Episode 6.14 - Black Wind - Promo

Streaming Options

Empire - Episode 1.06 - Out, Damned Spot - Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Eye Candy - HBTU?

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The Fosters - Episode 2.14 - Mother Nature - Promo

Streaming Options

Comedy Produced by Ellen DeGeneres Starring Monica Potter & Workplace Comedy from Jimmy Fallon get NBC Pilot Orders

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POLL : What did you think of The Fosters - Stay?

Streaming Options

State of Affairs - Episode 1.11 - The Faithful - Promo

Streaming Options

Last Nights TV - Open Discussion Thread - 26th January 2015

The Vampire Diaries - Season 6B - New Promo - Vamp

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Hart of Dixie - Episode 4.05 - Bar-Be-Q Burritos - Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

The SpoilerTV Daily News Roundup - Various Shows - 26th January 2014

Chicago PD - Season 2 - Nick Gehlfus to Recur as Jay Halstead’s Brother

Looking - Looking Top to Bottom - Review: "The Inner Boyfriend"

Jane the Virgin - Episode 1.11 - Chapter Eleven - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

The Vampire Diaries - Episode 6.13 - The Day I Tried To Live - Promotional Photos

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Scandal - Season 4 - New Poster

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CSI: Las Vegas - Season 15 - To Have Double Episode Season Finale

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Final Adjusted TV Ratings for Friday 23rd January 2015

Supernatural - Episode 10.12 - About a Boy - Madeleine Arthur to Guest

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MOVIES: Beauty and the Beast - Emma Watson cast as Belle in Disney's Live-Action Film

Streaming Options

The Flash - Episode 1.11 - The Sound and the Fury - Sneak Peek 2

Streaming Options

The 100 - Episode 2.10 - Survival of the Fittest - Producer's Preview

Streaming Options

ABC Upcoming Episodes Press Releases - Various Shows - 26th January 2015

Castle - Episode 7.14 - Resurrection - Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

The Mentalist - Episode 7.11 - Byzantium - Press Release

Streaming Options

FOX Confirms an X-Men TV Series is in the Works

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Grey's Anatomy - Episode 11.11 - All I Could Do Was Cry - Press Release

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Castle - Episode 7.14 - Resurrection - Press Release

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The 100 - Remember Me - Review: "Death by a thousand cuts"

AKA Jessica Jones - David Tennant Cast

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ABC Family Upcoming Episode Press Releases - Various Shows - 26th January 2015

Greys Anatomy - Episode 11.09 - Where Do We Go From Here - Sneak Peek 2

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The Flash - Episode 1.11 - The Sound and the Fury - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Empire - 1.03 - The Devil Quotes Scripture - Live+3 Ratings Largest of any new show this season

Glee - Episode 6.07 - Transitioning - Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

FX Upcoming Episode Press Releases - Various Shows - 26th January 2015

Sleepy Hollow - Episode 2.16 - What Lies Beneath - Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

Parenthood - Episode 6.13 (Series Finale) - May God Bless And Keep You Always - Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

Saving Hope - Episode 3.15 - Remains of the Day - Promo + Press Release + Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

Switched at Birth - Episode 4.04 - We Were So Close That Nothing Used to Stand Between Us - Promotional Photos

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Agent Carter - Episode 1.04 - The Blitzkrieg Button - Sneak Peek 2

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From Dusk Till Dawn - Episode 2.01 - Title revealed

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Ratings News - 26th January 2015

How To Get Away With Murder - Episode 1.10 - Hello, Raskolnikov - Sneak Peek 2

Streaming Options

The Walking Dead - Episode 5.09 - Title Revealed + Synopsis *Confirmed*

Streaming Options

MOVIES: Mississippi Grind - Review - Sundance 2015

12 Monkeys - Mentally Divergent - Review

The Musketeers - Episode 2.04 - Emilie - Episode Info & Videos [UPDATED 26/1/15]

Gotham - What The Little Bird Told Him - Review

Fortitude - Episode 1.01 - Extended Synopsis + Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

USD POLL : Favorite Season of Once Upon A Time?

POLL : What are you watching Tonight? - 26th January 2015

About a Boy - About a Manniversary & About a Boy Becoming a Man - Review

Arrow - Episode 3.11 - Midnight City - Warner TV Asia Promo

Streaming Options

SAG Awards 2015 - Winners List

Quote of the Week - Week of Jan. 18

Revenge - Episode 4.15 - Bait - Promo

Streaming Options

Last Nights TV - Open Discussion Thread - 26th January 2015

POLL : What did you think of Lost Girl - End of Faes?

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Revenge - Kindred?

Streaming Options

Fox Orders Family Comedy Pilot From 'Friends With Better' Lives Duo

Streaming Options

Heroes Reborn - Zachary Quinto Not Returning

Streaming Options

Shameless - Episode 5.04 - A Night to Remem- Wait, What? - Promo + 2 Sneak Peeks

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Shameless - The Two Lisas?

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Galavant - Season Finale?

Streaming Options

The Americans - Season 3 Premiere - Advance Preview

CSI - Episode 15.16 - The Last Ride - Promo

Streaming Options

The Librarians - And the City of Light / And the Loom of Fate - Roundtable Review

Better Call Saul - Preview Featurette

Streaming Options

Scene Of The Week - January 25, 2015 - POLL

12 Monkeys - Episode 1.03 - Cassandra Complex - Available Online Now [US Only]

Streaming Options

Elementary - The Illustrious Client - Review

Gotham - Colm Feore Cast as The Dollmaker

Streaming Options

Eye Candy - Episode 1.03 - HBTU - Sneak Peek 2

Streaming Options

POLL: Favorite Scene from Grimm - Tribunal

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Live+7 DVR Ratings - Week 16 (5th Jan - 11th Jan 2014)

The Returned - Cast Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

Jane the Virgin - Episode 1.11 - Chapter Eleven - Inside the Episode [VIDEO]

Streaming Options

MOVIES: I Am Michael - Review - Sundance 2015

The Musketeers - Season 1 - Poll Results

Jane the Virgin - Chapter Ten - Review

Grimm - Tribunal - Review

The hunt to save Monroe begins in Grimm Tribunal. While Nick, Hank and Renard try to track down their friend, Monroe stands at the Tribunal, where a special court accuses him to have been married with a woman outside his bloodline and because he's friend of a Grimm.

Hank prepares Wu on what he's going to happen next, after he's discovered the Grimm's world and the Wesens - he has to be ready and believe that those creatures are real, in a way that his anomaly become his normal. Nick and Hank bring Bud and let him go Woge in front of Wu - the sergent doesn't run, on the contrary, he's kinda excited. I guess he can handle pretty well the truth.
Wu interrogates Agent Acker, who was supposed to protect Monroe and Rosalie, and turns out he's with Wesenrein and knew Shaw, so he's involved with Monroe's kidnapping. Nick's temper gets hot when Agent Acker doesn't answer his questions.

Juliette helps Rosalee to figure it out if there's someone at her wedding who didn't want she and Monroe to get married. While Rosalee struggles to remember, Juliette keeps thinking about Adalind and her Hexenbeist's powers. Since even her mother was a Hexenbeist, Adalind was destinated to be one. Juliette is a human being, but Rosalee explains that when someone who doesn't have the Wesen blood, turns into a Hexenbeist, he\she can be even more dangerous.
After giving Rosalee some precious informations, Bud gets kidnapped and take to the Tribunal where he's forced to testify as a witness. Too bad Bud's attempts to waste time are useless.
"Nothing in life is pure." Monroe's speech before his final sentence was touching. Grimm can be a fictional show, but at least speaks the truth against discrimination and racism.

Meanwhile, Juliette, Rosalee and Nick find the connection to frame Agent Acker, so there's no time to waste to go and save Monroe. Acker won't talk to anyone unless his sister who plays a leverage in order to make him confess. The team, included Wu, can go and rescue Monroe and Bud for good. The Wesenrein's tribunal is closed to everyone. The fight against our heroes and the bad guys is a special one to Juliette who can use her Hexenbeist powers for the first time.

As Monroe and Rosalee get ready to their honeymoon - finally! - Wu is left at Nick's trailer to study a little bit about Wesens. Then, the final surprise: Juliette knocks at Renard's house and shows him she's an Hexenbeist now. Did she show up to him because he knows how to handle a Hexenbeist?

Troubles coming for Nick and Juliette?
Share your comments below.

About the Author - diana mack

Diana (diana mack) is a tv shows addicted. She's from Italy, she dreams to be a real journalist someday - meanwhile she speaks english even in her dreams. But tv series are not the only passions she has: she's a football supporter, cinema lover and a traveller. She studied languages (english, french, spanish, arabic and a bit of portuguese) and journalism in Rome.

Resurrection - Steal Away - Review: "Angels or Demons"

Beauty And The Beast - Season 3 - Will End With Some Closure and a Cliffhanger

Streaming Options

The Musketeers - Emilie - Teaser Hangman 2

USD POLL : Your simulation on Shaw's whereabouts on Person of Interest. She is...

POLL : What are you watching Tonight? - 25th January 2015

Various ABC Shows - Upcoming Episode Synopses - 25th January 2015

2015 PGA Awards - Winners List

Last Nights TV - Open Discussion Thread - 24th January 2015

Streaming Options

The 100 - Season 2 - New Location Featured in Season Finale

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POLL : What did you think of Black Sails - Episode 2.01?

Streaming Options

Outlander - Episode 1.09 - The Reckoning - Sneak Peek [HD]

Streaming Options

Gotham - Welcome Back, Jim Gordon - Advance Preview

Helix - Episode 2.03 - Scion - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Galavant - Season Finale - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Family Guy - Episode 13.10 - This Little Piggy - Sneak Peek

Streaming Options

Criminal Minds - Anonymous - Review: "Organ Donors, Beware"

The SpoilerTV Daily News Roundup - Various Shows - 24th January 2014

Sherlock - Tim McInnerny to appear in Special Episode

Streaming Options

Upcoming Episode Titles - Various Shows - 24th January 2015

Glee - The Hurt Locker, Part One - Review - "Review and Fav Song Poll"

Looking - Looking Top to Bottom - Advance Preview

Supernatural - Season 10B - New Promo - I'm Back

Streaming Options

The Americans - Season 3 - Matthew Rhys Interview - Questions Needed

7 Word Review - 18 Jan to 24 Jan - Review your shows in 7 words or less

Supernatural – Season 10 Episode 10– The Gripe Review

Hi all, it’s good to be back. Hope you missed the show, and the reviews.

Back in season 9 when I first started writing The Gripe review I compared myself to Simon Cowell, the extremely critical judge of classic American Idol  and X-Factor.

One thing that stood out to me about Simon was that he never held back, never forfeited truth and honestly to protect a contestant’s feeling. He called it as he saw it. I’d like to think I did the same with these reviews.

But there was another side to Simon, the side that recognized and acknowledged greatness when he saw it. Precisely why I liked him as a judge. He was so harsh with what he deemed as bad that when he applauded something as good you sat up and paid attention, because you knew his praise wouldn't come for any other reason than greatness.

This week I’m going to do that too, because this week’s episode just might have been the best episode of the season.

In the past I’ve been accused of nitpicking the show, and told that the Gripe Review is about me seeking flaws in the episodes so I could focus on them. Nothing is farther from the truth and hope this review helps to show that. Like Simon, I don’t like it when a writer wastes my time by delivering a subpar episode. Yet also like him, I’m not beyond giving a standing ovation when one does a good job. With a cast of actors this great, it isn’t hard to achieve a grade A episode once the writing is good, which is what happened this week. So this is my standing ovation to Eugenie Ross-Leming and Brad Buckner, the very people I criticized many times in these reviews, because they deserve it for a job well done regardless of what they’ve delivered in the past.

Of course it’s not a Gripe Review without pointing out the stumbles too, but I'll leave those for last and start on a high note.

The Winners


On a forum this week someone aptly summarized my feelings about Dean in the Hunter Games. They said he showed guts (well they used the word for spherical, rolling objects but let’s go with guts,) not because he was badass, or fierce, or merciless, but because he was honest.

(You will hear me talk about honesty a lot in this review.)

Dean’s strongest moment was when he came to Sam and Cas admitting that what he did was a massacre. He said there was a time he was a hunter, not a stone cold killer. What stands out about this is that he doesn’t sound defeated, or self-deprecating. He sounds truthful if also distraught. Yet he knows he has come to the right people, the only people in the world who care about him. Accepting a setback but not letting it railroad you, along with opening up to loved ones about how you feel, is a sign of strength. It shows Dean’s finally getting the character growth he so deserved and was overdue.

Another example was his interrogation scene with Metatron, which took me back to a similar scene in On the Head of a Pin. What was great about this scene was how organic it felt. Naturally Metatron tried to guilt trip him about the things he’d done in the past, but Dean didn’t lose it right away. He stayed focused until the very end when Metatron took it so far even the viewers felt like punching him. So when Dean punched him I could understand and feel a bit of satisfaction instead of seeing it solely as the effect of the mark. I was with him in his sentiments and reactions, not judging him for them.

Then there’s his last scene with Sam at the table which is made even more effective by Jensen and Jared’s marvelous acting. We could see he was upset, but unlike the autopilot scripts we had had so far – in which he either shut his brother out and told him he was fine, or broke down completely – he was once again open and honest. He told him he didn't blame him and Cas for storming the room (a complete departure from the end of last season.) He acknowledged that he was in trouble without going overboard about it, which then allows the two of them to talk it over like professionals.

I could go on but I’ll stop. There wasn’t one thing about Dean I didn’t like in this episode. Nothing about him seemed forced or plot driven, and everything he did made sense in the context of the person he is now and the situation he is trapped in. It was very refreshing.


Speaking of spherical rolling objects Castiel grew a pair too. One of my major problems with Castiel’s writing since season 6 was that he never seemed to stand his ground whenever he was in dispute with the Winchesters. It only took an biting remark from Sam or a scolding look from Dean for him to back down. It happened when he was wrong but had an defensible reason for his actions yet became tongue tied talking about it. It even happened on the rare occasions he was right. It made me think the writers were trying to portray him as spineless or too obsessed with the Winchesters.

That wasn’t the case in this episode. When he heard about the brothers turning to Crowley he became the alarmist he said he didn't want to be. Dean’s reaction was original too. No longer telling his friend off, he actually admitted it was a terrible plan but the only one they had, manning up to his mistake instead of taking it out on the critic. This kind of dialogue elevates both characters because it’s the type of dialogue two supernatural war veterans - as opposed to emotionally hyper preteens – would have.

The other instance of good writing for Castiel was when he and Sam were trying to break down the interrogation room door to get to Dean. At first I was annoyed by Castiel just standing there and letting Sam beat on the door. Then I remembered the issue with his fading grace. It was an excellent choice to make him remind us through his action – or inaction – of this continuity. Had he just blasted the door instead of hesitating it would have been a legitimate gripe to ask why he didn’t worry about the cost.

The only thing still bothering me about Castiel is his new found paternal attachment to Claire and his validation of all the stupid tantrums she has. He should be wise enough to know it is moronic for her to care about a man who sold her to a pervert, yet he is quick to make an excuse for her that puts the blame on him. I also could have done without his silly cellphone/emoticon moment but it seems to be a mandate to have at least one awkward silly Castiel moment every episode.


What is there to say about Sam that I haven’t said before? How he’s gone from the character I had the most problems with in the previous seasons to the best character of season 10. If there is one credit I would give this season it is the wonderful transformation of Sam Winchester.

Sam’s problem in earlier seasons was that he was always knee deep in trouble, so much so he had no chance to show us the human side of him. We also didn’t get to see things from his perspective, or see him as a reliable person in the Winchesters’ perpetual war against evil.

That is no longer the case  because Sam – as far as I’m concerned – is the emotional and logical rock of Team Free Will this season. He’s the one holding the fort, talking sense when the other two lose the thread of reason and reaction. He’s everywhere and like a titan, holds the walls that threaten to collapse on him and his extended family. And he does it casually yet with an almost heartbreaking sense of responsibility, care and intellect.

Consider the scene where Castiel is dragging Metatron to his car and Metatron is ranting and berating him, trying to get under his skin. Castiel says, “This isn’t about me,” and Metatron asks, “So what is it then?” Right at that moment we see Sam step out of the car like a protective big brother and give him the don’t-F-with-me-or-my-friend look that makes Metatron literally take a step back. It’s a very effective scene, asserting the idea that of the three heroes on the show, Sam is the least likely to fall for the bad guy’s BS and therefore the most reliable and formidable one.

The Losers

Crowley and Rowena

Sadly, in an episode where the A plot soared, the B plot fell flat on its face. I’m still struggling to understand where the Rowena/Crowley saga is supposed to go. It’s moving at a snail's pace and repeating the same sequences: Rowena tries to do mischief; Crowley or one of his goons catches her in the deed; she talks herself out of it; goes back to doing mischief.

All I got this episode was the writers trying to hammer the fact that Rowena was a bad mother and Crowley hasn’t forgiven her for it. We knew that already from the first half of the season so the only thing we’re left with is her mischief, and since those didn’t go anywhere the whole plot revolving around Rowena and Crowley seemed like a giant waste of time.

There was a moment when I thought we were making progress and the A and B plots were converging. It was when Rowena found out about and stole the First Blade. I thought about the possibilities that could come out of this plot twist. Rowena being in the possession of the blade and hiding it from Crowley would have been an interesting development that could pull her story out of its stagnant state and make her important to the Winchesters. Unfortunately the writers took that advantage away from her which put us exactly back where we started, with Crowley in charge and Rowena trying to get in his favour. The only plot development they had this episode was Rowena finding out about the blade. I could hope they make use of that eventually but with the helter-skelter way this season has been going I won’t be surprised if they soon forgot about it.


Through my last review people pretty much know I don’t like Claire. However in this episode even she was better as a character. She wasn’t a more likable or positive character, but she was better in terms of her involvement in the story.

Claire’s idiotic love for her street dad makes her seem like a character with little intellect or attention span, but we could write that off as her being too young and inexperienced. Her problem however is that the writers do the same thing Castiel does with her: coming up with excuses for her reckless behavior and trying to get sympathy from the audience. If they let her be who she really is, a pain in the butt teen that needs a wake up call and a thorough lecture, her character would be much better.

In this episode they came close to that, almost if not quite. I got intrigued by the role she might be playing in the overall story by becoming the thread that could unravel the boys’ hard-woven, fragile tapestry that kept Dean’s hands blood free. Had the writers not flipped her at the end, had she gone along with her friends’ suicidal plan to ‘teach Dean a lesson,’ Dean’s story would have been a lot more complicated. If Dean had killed Claire’s associates the urgency of the situation would have ramped up substantially and Claire’s presence in the story would have found meaning.

Claire chickening out in the last second for no reason, (though I suspect Dean’s good looks might have something to do with it,) made her story pointless. I understand that they wanted to remove her from the show and couldn’t have her mess with the plot too much, but then why add her to the story in the first place, and why create a plothole by having her suddenly lightswitch into caring for Dean and Castiel when ten minutes ago she was willing to rip both of them apart?

Even though I had these issues with Crowley and Claire’s story I don’t blame them on the writers of the episode. It’s likely that the showrunners didn’t want to take the season-long mytharc to certain places that would prevent them from going back to a semi-procedural format. Rowena and Claire becoming too involved with the main plot would make the show more serialized and mythology reliant and that, as I argued in my mid-season finale review, doesn’t seem to be the plan for the show.

Let me know what you think in the comment section. It’s good to start the year with a positive review about a good episode. I would have said I hope the trend continues but next week is the return of Queen Charlie Sue so I'm not holding my breath.

Note: Due to changes in my work schedule I might have to move the reviews to Sundays, to give myself a little time on the weekends to work on them. So if you don't see a Gripe Review next Saturday don’t gripe, it’ll be posted on the next day.


Ratings News - 24th January 2015

Black Sails - IX - Advance Preview

The Simpsons - Episode 26.12 - The Musk Who Fell To Earth - Sneak Peeks

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Helix - Reunion - Review: "The Return of Alan Farragut"

USD POLL : Who were the best new supporting and guest TV characters introduced in 2014?

POLL : The Musketeers - Season 1: What is Your Favourite Episode?

Grimm - Episode 4.11 - Death Do Us Part - Sneak Peek

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Atlantis - Cancelled after 2 Seasons

Helix - Episode 2.03 - Scion - Sneak Peek

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The Blacklist - Episode 2.09 - Luther Braxton - BTS Featurette

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ABC Orders 5 Drama Pilots

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Once Upon A Time - Graphic Novel Details Revealed

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Castle - Episodes 7.14 & 7.15 (Two-Parter) - Titles Revealed

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Pretty Little Liars - Episode 5.17 - The Bin of Sin - Sneak Peeks 2,3 and 4

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12 Monkeys - Episode 1.03 - Cassandra Complex - Sneak Peek

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12 Monkeys - Episode 1.03 - Cassandra Complex - Promo

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Banshee - Episode 3.04 - Real Life Is the Nightmare - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of Banshee - A Fixer of Sorts?

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The Fosters - Episode 2.13 - Stay - Sneak Peeks *Updated with 2 More*

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American Crime - New 1 Minute Trailer

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Revenge - Episode 4.14 - Kindred - Sneak Peek

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Endgame - NBC gives Thriller from John Rogers Pilot Order

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Grimm - Episode 4.11 - Death Do Us Part - Promo

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Empire - Episode 1.04 / Episode 1.05 - Extended Synopsis

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Hawaii Five-0 - Episode 5.13 - La Po'ino - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of 12 Monkeys - Mentally Divergent?

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POLL : What did you think of Glee - The Hurt Locker, Part One?

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POLL : What did you think of Grimm - Tribunal?

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Grey's Anatomy - Episode 11.09 - Where Do We Go From Here - Canadian Promo + Sneak Peek *Updated with HD Longer Promo*

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Agent Carter - Episode 1.04 - The Blitzkrieg Button - Sneak Peek

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Once Upon a Time - Season 4B - Get to Know the Queens of Darkness

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Blindspot - NBC Gives Conspiracy Drama From Greg Berlanti Pilot Order

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Constantine - Episode 1.11 - A Whole World Out There - Promo

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Hart of Dixie - Episode 4.04 - Red Dye #40 - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of Hart of Dixie - The Very Good Bagel?

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POLL : What did you think of Constantine - Quid Pro Quo?

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Reign - Episode 2.14 - The End of Mourning - Press Release

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NBC PRIMETIME SCHEDULE - Sunday February 8, 2015 - Saturday February 14, 2015

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