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SpoilerTV Team's 25 Best TV Moments of 2014

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Note: The moments between 25 and 11 had exactly the same number of votes and their order is random. Also true for moments between 10 and 2.

25. ARROW - Oliver tells Felicity he loves her
This scene was something the fans of the two were waiting for, for a long time. It may not be the show's most important moment yet but it was a lovely surprise for many, especially considering what happened next. Jamie: "This has to be my favorite scene of the year, the one that warmed every Olicity fan's heart."

24. HAWAII FIVE 0 - The show celebrates its 100th episode
Bradley: "Hawaii Five-0's 100th stepped completely away from its procedural nature and focused solely on the ongoing rivalry between McGarrett and Wo Fat. The episode was magnificent, with the dream-like events adding hugely to it. Wo Fat's demise was something that I was not expecting, though it was a superb move, while the ending montage was a fantastic way to round out the episode, reminding us of all the best 'Ohana' moments from the show." Ben: "This was a mighty fine hour of television, the acting, dialogue everything about it was superb. H50 really went out of the park on this one."

23. THE WALKING DEAD - Carol storms Terminus
Melissa McBride - that's it! Robert: "Her acting in season 5 of TWD and Season 4 has been phenomenal. She truly is an amazing actress."

22. SLEEPY HOLLOW - Henry is revealed to be Jeremy Crane AND the Horseman of War
This reveal is one of the most shocking twists I've seen on TV and has to be one of the best ones. John Noble completely stole the moment, leaving the fans anxiously waiting for season 2. Hard to imagine a better way to end the first season. Dahne: "Nothing was more shocking all year than Henry telling Ichabod and Katrina that he is their son. Then to top it off, he is working with their biggest nemesis. The whole reveal blew my mind and is one of the best twists in TV."

21. TRUE BLOOD - The show's (terrible) end
Diana: "True Blood's series finale was one of the worst. I've never liked Sookie and Bill, but I've always thought they'd have ended up together. Instead, she gave him the true death and she started a new life. Such a boring ending." The good part of this finale? Some of the fans liked Bill's final moment on the show. Gavin: "The whole Graveyard sequence with Sookie and Bill. I hate how the final season of the show went and I was disappointed with the finale, but there was no denying how beautiful the whole scene was. The imagery, scenery, everything set this amazing tone and it was very tragic how it all turned out with an underlining beauty to it all too. Fantastic atmosphere."

20. HANNIBAL - Season 3 Renewal
Robert: "Since the show isn't exactly a mega hit, I was worried we were not going to be seeing another season of the show, but I am glad NBC stuck with it. Hannibal is one of the best acted, and well written shows I have ever come across, the quality of each episode is unbelievable. It just needs time to grow a bigger audience. " DarkUFO: "In a time where shows are hardly given a chance to find an audience and shows being cancelled far too early, it was great to see NBC give a 3rd Season to the excellent Hannibal."

19. THE MENTALIST - Season 7 Renewal
One of the best surprises in this year's renewal/cancellation news! Some of the fans were already saying goodbye after seeing the show's ratings for season 6 and then this happened. Thank you CBS. Diana: "The Mentalist being renewed for a Season 7 when no one thought it was possible."

18. HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - Ted finally meets the Mother
There are many, many fans who are not happy about the series' conclusion. Still, this is the moment that's certainly worth remembering. Popcultureguy: "The first meeting between Ted Mosby and Tracy McConnell on a Farhampton train platform was worth the ten-year wait. Too bad the writers ruined everything with the epilogue." Jamie: "This scene was one of the few things that didn't piss me off about the finale. It truly was a great scene."

17. HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER - The final twist in mid-season finale
Robert: "It was absolutely jaw dropping when Wes returned back to the house where Sam’s dead body was only to find Professor Annalise Keating sitting at her desk watching on. It was one of these moments that leave me saying “What just happened” it was a complete shock. I did not see it coming." Gavin: "Again, a final scene of a mid-season finale makes the Top 10 for me. After Wes comes back to Annalise's house to get the murder weapon and he apologises to the dead Sam, and out of nowhere Annalise says "don't be" and it turns out she's there, so she knows what's happened and Sam is dead. Another jaw-dropper."

16. ARROW - Oliver's "death"
It was such a powerful moment, to see the show's main hero killed. No matter what happens next (and how he will return), it doesn't undermine the impact of this scene. The fight itself was both impressive and absolutely heartbreaking view. Gavin: "The final scene of the mid-season finale of Arrow when Ra's al Ghul is fighting with Oliver. Oliver doesn't do very well and it isn't long before Ra stabs Oliver with the sword and then kicks him over the cliff. Probably the most jaw-dropping moment I've seen in TV in a long time."

15. THE 100 - Finn's death
The long-lasting and painful consequences of this moment make it one of the most significant ones in the show's history. It's a real turning point in the story for many of its heroes and I don't expect some of them (like Clarke) to ever be the same. Ben: "A great moment produced by The 100, as much as I hated Finn dying, the moment when Clarke killed him was very intense and that's what makes The 100 what it is."

14. GAME OF THRONES - Tyrion's speech
This is the moment I knew it was the show's best season yet and it's probably the most powerful and award worthy performance of the year. Thank you, Peter Dinklage! Robert: "Tyrion’s speech at his trial – It was one of the greatest speeches I have heard, it was powerful, yet emotional, he meant every word. That speech was Emmy worthy."

13. TEEN WOLF - Allison's death
It was the end of the powerful, heroic, beautiful and genuinely good warrior, Allison Argent. And I truly didn't see it coming. The words from her last episode: "I love you. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of us." stayed with me since. The show is not quite the same without Allison and that makes me miss her even more. Jamie: "I'm still not over it. She was my favorite and I loved her so much with Scott. Her death turned me into a sobbing mess. The scene itself was beautifully filmed though."

12. TRUE DETECTIVE - Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson's excellent show
DarkUFO: "McConaughey and Harrelson in True Detective gave two of the best performances in years." Diana: "True Detective as best show of 2014. Intense, creepy, dark. Hands up to McConaughey and Harrelson."

11. ARROW - Arrow vs. Deathstroke
Bradley: "The fight between these two in the season two finale was glorious. The choreographing was excellent. The way it was performed was excellent. The soundtrack was excellent. But most of all, the fact that the fight in the present day and the one in the flashbacks took place at the exact same time due to the brilliant transitions put this fight on my list. Arrow's stunts are the highlight of the show, and the crew seriously outdid themselves with this one." Daniel: "Arrow fights Slade in the past and present. In the Arrow season 2 finale, Oliver finally has to fight Slade when he is cured of the Mirakuru. Not only does he fight Slade in the present, but also in the flashbacks from five years ago. This makes for a beautifully directed scene, flashing between past and present to deliver one of the series' best fights to date."

10. BANSHEE - Season 2 finale
Bradley: "I have only recently joined the Banshee bandwagon (and by recently, I mean in the last week), but woah, that finale was good. The flashbacks to Hood and Ana's time working under Rabbit was illuminating, while their last-ditch effort to kill Rabbit in the present day was incredibly tense. The gunfight at the church was highly impressive (also, Hood thinking he could attack a bunch of heavily armed men with a knife was hilarious) and I was glad that Rabbit's story ended. Also, Rebecca going very dark by killing Longshadow was a hugely shocking moment, and a turning point for her character." Sandi: "The finale was cleverly written to show the past and present mirroring each other, luckily the present had Job rescuing Hood and Carrie at the last minute with some cocky one liners and huge guns! I was sad to see Ben Cross leave the show, but on the other hand it was time to say goodbye to Rabbit, and it was handled very well." DarkUFO: "It's the best show you're not watching."

9. HOW TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER - Keating removes her wig and makeup and confronts her husband
Bradley: "The end montage of Viola Davis removing all of her make-up, leading to her asking her husband "Why is your penis on a dead girl's phone?" burnt into my memory." Daniel: "Viola Davis is an outstanding actress that really makes HTGAWM a delight to watch. The quality of her acting is shown at the end of the series' fourth episode, when Annalise removes her wig and makeup. In doing so, Davis shows the vulnerable woman behind the mask, right before confronting her cheating husband and asking: “Why is your penis on a dead girl’s phone?”" Dahne: "This one makes the list on sheer acting talent alone. First it is rather shocking to see someone become so real on screen both physically and emotionally. Keating let herself be completely raw and vulnerable and we saw this strong woman break with every step of her nightly routine. Then the sheer anguish and rage that poured from her made this the most powerful performance of the year."

8. FARGO - The series' unforgettable run
Robert: "An absolute “Must see". The first season was magnificently written and superbly paced; it is unforgettable television. It’s gripping and mysterious with engaging characters. The acting is also phenomenal." DarkUFO: "My Number One Best Moment was that of Fargo. I was very dubious about the show when it was first announced as I was a huge fan of the movie, but the TV show blew me away and in Lorne Malvo we have one of the best villians ever to grace our screens." Diana: "Fargo was the revelation of 2014. Martin Freeman did such a good job playing Lester, a lame character very different from Sherlock's Watson. That's much to say."

7. HANNIBAL - Season 2 finale
Robert: "When Hannibal killed off the entire cast (so we think). It was a complete shocker. I expected someone to get hurt in the finale, but for all 4 characters (Abigail included) to get taken down by Hannibal was truly shocking. I don’t think I will ever forget that scene, it was mind blowing. When I was watching the scene it was as if I was getting punched repeatedly in the stomach watching my favourite characters get stabbed, sliced open, pushed out the window. Truly shocking stuff." Diana: "He stabbed Will and Jack, and Alana flew off the window. If he keeps on killing everyone, Hannibal will be the last character of his own show."

6. GREY'S ANATOMY - Cristina's goodbye
Robert: "She was one of the best characters in television history, so it was really sad when she left. The show definitely isn't the same without her." Popcultureguy: "Cristina and Meredith say goodbye on “Grey’s Anatomy.” The friendship between the “twisted sisters” was always the medical drama’s heart and soul. So while it was sad to see them part, their final scene together – dancing it out one last time to a classic choice from the show’s soundtrack – was a joy to watch." Jamie: "Meredith and Cristina's final dance - Grey's Anatomy: These two were what this show was about for me. I think I may even have cried during their goodbye. I miss Cristina like crazy, the show is just not the same without her."

5. PERSON OF INTEREST - Samaritan goes online
Ben: "Season 3 Ending - This was a pure game changer for the show, at this point we had no idea of the fate of any of our favorite characters. That's what I love about Person of Interest, there's just so many unknowns." Bradley: "At its worst, Person of Interest is still better than most shows on television. At its best, this genius show is undoubtedly the best on television. 2014 has seen the show truly move away from its once procedural element into a highly serialised, intelligent, slick masterpiece. The Samaritan storyline provides a harrowing insight into what the potentially near-future of technology could hold for the world, and does so in a highly enthralling way. Amy Acker has been incredible as Root this year, while the ever-reliable Michael Emerson has been given lots of great material and has delivered it magnificently. Additionally, the action sequences are first-rate (why wouldn't you love seeing Jim Caviezel shooting people in the knee, or Acker shooting at people with two guns through a hotel floor?) and Kevin Chapman adds a superb comedic layer. When all of these elements are working in tandem, Person of Interest is unstoppable."

4. THE FLASH - The series' big success
Bradley: "There is not a single moment from this show I can single out as being better than another. The Flash's first nine episodes have put Arrow's mostly weak season 3A to shame. When Grant Gustin came onto Arrow as Barry Allen in December 2013, I was sceptical. He delivered then, and he is delivering now. Watching him portray Barry on a weekly basis is a joy. Additionally, for someone who hadn't had an acting job (according to IMDb) prior to his appearance in Arrow last season, Carlos Valdes's Cisco is fantastic. He makes The Flash so much lighter than Arrow is, and it is all the better for it." Daniel: "The Flash deserves its high ratings on the CW. It's a very fun and fast-paaced show and is one of the best new series of the TV season. It's currently more enjoyable than Arrow and that also shows in the ratings. If only The 100 had the same ratings as The Flash, I would be over the moon."

3. THE 100 - 320 people choose to die to save their loved ones
I remember watching this episode and expecting a lot of things to happen, but not to see over 300 people sacrificing their lives to give others a chance. The music in the background, the simultaneous attempt of the 100 on Earth to send the Ark a sign, Jaha's speech and finally everyone fading away and the barrette falling on the ground - every little detail of this scene made such a powerful effect and is the reason why it's one of the most memorable moments of the year. Daniel: "In only its fifth episode of the series, The 100 shows how dark it can get by killing off 320 people on the Ark. The 100 on the ground were doing the best they could to convince the Ark they were still alive, but they were too late. This is just an example of the shocking twists that the show is now known for." Dahne: "The 100 has had many fantastic moments but this one sticks out to me because of the complete selflessness of these 320 people. It proved the best in human nature and had me tearing up. When that dad says goodbye to his daughter but can't tell her that he is about to die, it broke my heart."

To be honest, for me, the scene itself wasn't probably the best part of the amazing episode but nothing was ever the same after this reveal. Hard to imagine a more defining moment for the series. A true game-changer and a turning point in the story. Popcultureguy: "Ward is Hydra on “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” The episode dealing with the fallout form “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” gave the whole show a creative jolt. But it was the reveal that bland leading man Ward was actually working with Hydra that felt particularly Whedon-esque." Gavin: "The revelation that Ward's allegiance was with Hydra was a very shocking twist. The moment he killed Hand stuck with me for ages. It sealed his fate too for the rest of the show so far - the other characters despise him and there appears to be no redemption for him. It was a defining moment in the show."

1. GAME OF THRONES - The Purple Wedding
Sandi: "This wedding has it all - Oberyn's taunting of Cersei, the sick entertainment retelling the Battle of the Five Kings, Tyrion's quick wit angering his nephew and, of course, Joffrey's well deserved agonising and painful death." Jamie: "Joffrey's death - Game of Thrones: Not only was it such a game changer for the season, I'm pretty sure we all cheered when he died." Diana: "The moment when Joffrey died in Game of Thrones and all the fans stayed shocked but happy at the same time. No other words needed." Gavin: "Finally. The moment I'd been waiting three years for happened. Joffrey the little sh*t was killed off. Sure, I wanted a more brutal, painful, lasting death for him but beggars can't be choosers. I don't think I've ever been so happy for a fictional character to die. After Game of Thrones basically slaughtered me with the Red Wedding, it was time they made up for it."

These are our picks. Come back tomorrow to read SpoilerTV Readers' choices for Best TV Moments of 2014! And share your thoughts in the comments below.

Justyna JJ Kubica
22. Student. SpoilerTV Writer. Loves Movies, TV Shows (Agents Of SHIELD, The 100, Doctor Who, Teen Wolf, Sherlock, Person Of Interest, Arrow, The Flash, Supernatural (especially 1-5), The Musketeers, Fringe, Psych, etc.) and Books (Harry Potter!). Fantasy & SciFi geek! Scene Of The Week articles author. Writes reviews for Doctor Who, Sherlock & The Musketeers. Member of SpoilerTV team since 27th November 2011.
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