A weekly feature in which we're trying to find the most compelling, best acted, written, directed and just generally great scenes that we've seen recently on TV.
ARROW, "The Climb", December 10, 2014, Actors: Stephen Amell and more, The Scenes: Oliver Queen's "death" & Oliver says his goodbye to Diggle, Roy and Felicity
Justyna Kubica: Oliver Queen is … dead? It wasn't a surprise, I'm sure many of fans guessed the twist weeks ago but still it was such a powerful scene, to watch the show's main hero killed. I'm saying "killed" but I don't doubt that it's not the end of Oliver's journey. The question remains: how is he going to come back from this? I heard Lazarus Pit is a very popular theory. Especially considering how badly injured Queen really is. In fact, if he wasn't the Arrow, he would certainly die after being stabbed and falling like that, not to mention the freezing cold. Knowing that the character is going to survive, no matter what, can often undermine the story and the impact of the moment but that's not the case here. From the beginning of the season our hero stuggled with the idea of being only the Arrow and losing his other self but in the end, his actions in the episode ended up being Oliver Queen's, the man protecting his family, friends, his city. The fight itself was both impressive and really sad. It didn't even take long, our hero never truly had a chance. His last memories, the flashback of his loved ones, as Ra's al Ghul kills him (yet still quietly pays him a sort of tribute), was such a heartbreaking view. Absolutely great performance by Stephen Amell! In the end, no matter how Oliver returns, I don't believe he's going to be the same person he was before, a part of him died there. For now, I'm waiting to see our hero's rising. By the way, the whole thing made me miss Batman so much. Kudos!
Daniel van der Veer: We all saw it coming and we all knew it was going to end with Oliver's supposed death. It's also very obvious that Oliver in fact survived the fight because Arrow is not going to kill of its lead character. Still, the fight between Ra's al Ghul and Oliver was pretty awesome. The fact that Ra's only used one hand highlights how good of a fighter he is. This was an epic battle for sure!
Bradley Adams: Oliver fights Ra's al Ghul, only to lose and be killed by him.
Diana Mack: Same. Also, before dying, Oliver sees flashbacks of the most important people in his life - his mother, Thea and Felicity. Also picked by Jamie Coudeville
Sylvie C: Oliver says his goodbye to Diggle, Roy and Felicity. What can I say I enjoyed those kind of emotional scenes and Stephen's acting really improved over the years. The goodbyes were simple, honest and still really emotional. Even if I loved the battle scene and was shocked by the ending, it's this one that made me cry.
CHICAGO PD, "Called in Dead", December 10, 2014, Actors: Jason Beghe and more
The Scene: The squad goes undercover as a crew and steals drugs from a club
Ben Norton: This was such a fun scene, I knew it was them towards the end, but it was a great scene and hope to see more of scenes like this in the future.
CRIMINAL MINDS, "Amelia Porter", December 10, 2014, Actor: Matthew Gray Gubler
The Scene: Reid pieces together the unsub's timeline
Laura Markus: This was yet another example of how to utilize Reid's skills appropriately. It made for a great scene and was honestly very interesting to see pan out on TV.
GRIMM, "Chupacabra", December 12, 2014, Actor: Bitsie Tulloch
The Scene: Juliette reveal at the end
Diana Mack: Juliette looks at herself in the mirror and finds out she's becoming a Hexenbeist! Great plot twist, I didn't see this coming, lol.
HOMELAND, "13 Hours in Islamabad", December 7, 2014, Actors: Rupert Friend, Mandy Patinkin, The Scene: Quinn aggressively 'interviews' Saul (picked by Bradley Adams)
MARVEL'S AGENTS OF SHIELD, "What They Become", December 9, 2014, Actors: Chloe Bennet, B.J. Britt, Ruth Negga, The Scene: Raina and Skye are transformed but Trip dies
Justyna Kubica: That was a spectacular fall finale! And the ending, the ending turned out to be a real game-changer. That's not something I say very often. Skye is Daisy Johnson! As in Quake, as in Avenger! I wasn't always a fan of her storyline but this one's a true winner. And as if that wasn't enough, there's also a whole new amazing world of Inhumans being introduced on the show. I don't actually know the story but I've heard great things and was already excited about the movie and now we get to see the introduction on one of my favorite shows, it sounds pretty perfect. The moment when Skye transforms was done beautifully, the entire shot makes her look quite heroic, the music, the slow motion, it all works wonderfully. But sadly that's not the only thing that happens in the scene. The entire team is desperately trying to stop the bombs and save the rest but only Trip manages to get to Skye on time. The heartbreaking part, however, is the fact that he doesn't get to have any superpowers. In a cruel twist, he ends up watching Skye's transformation (which he believes to be her death) and dies after being hit by the shard (from the Diviner he destroys), petrified and then shattered. I wasn't at all prepared for his departure and it was such a painful surprise. The scene ends with Skye emerging from her petrification and seeing Trip falling apart which causes her to cry and start an earthquake around her. Intense, emotional, tragic scene with great performances by the cast, especially Chloe Bennet and B.J. Britt. I still can't believe it all happened. And there's a part of me that's waiting for some magical twist that's going to bring Trip back, still trying to say goodbye to him. Kudos to the entire team behind the show, great work on the episode!
Klutzy girl: Skye transforms after going into the alien city. The whole sequence was amazing and I really can't wait for 2B. I really want to see how she learns to control her new power(s). Also picked by Jamie Coudeville
NASHVILLE, "First to Have a Second Chance", December 10, 2014, Actors: Hayden Panettiere, Jonathan Jackson, The Scene: Juliette and Avery get married
Klutzy girl: I knew it was coming but didn't know how and that was perfect for them. So excited to see what happens next.
ONCE UPON A TIME, "Shattered Sight", December 7, 2014, Actors: Elizabeth Mitchell and more, The Scene: Ingrid sacrifices herself
Klutzy girl: Ingrid sacrifices herself after hearing what her sister said. I wish she didn't have to die but I absolutely love what she told Anna, Elsa, and Emma.
REIGN, "Mercy", December 11, 2014, Actors: Adelaide Kane, Sean Teale and more, The Scene: Mary gets her revenge
Sandi: Adelaide Kane once again absolutely nailed the emotions of her character this week, she is doing an amazing job. The speech she gave her rapist telling him that history would forget him yet remember her forever was incredibly powerful. Sean Teale also played the shock at discovering what had happened to Mary well, without overtaking the scene. It was Mary's moment, and she wasn't going to be merciful in it at all. I am glad that the show is treating the subject matter with the respect that it deserves, and that this act didn't 'cure' her like the character thought it should have done. It will take some time for her to come to terms with what has happened, and the show is right to show that happening.
REVENGE, "Atonement", December 7, 2014, Actors: Josh Bowman, Emily VanCamp and more, The Scene: Daniel's death
Justyna Kubica: In a way, I always expected Daniel’s death to happen on the show. After all, the series started from that scene on the beach where everyone believed him to be dead. In the end it turned out to be Tyler but not long after that memorable episode I lost my sympathy for the character. Daniel taking his father’s side after learning the truth about David Clarke was just the beginning of the destruction of this once kind and likeable man. There were definitely a few little moments since then that made him seem more familiar and interesting but he never truly came back to being the guy I once rooted for. Especially after his most memorable act: shooting Emily and causing her infertility, only deepening her pain and hatred for his family. Which is probably why it feels very fitting to see him meeting his end doing quite the opposite of that crime- saving the life of his old love, after finally deciding to let go of Conrad’s destructive advices and choosing not to become like his father. I have to admit I was one of the people who really enjoyed his last scenes with Emily for these past few episodes. For the first time being completely honest with each other, the two made me remember why I became their fan back in season one. And though I don’t believe I would ever wish to see them back together (I can’t imagine building your life and family together with the person responsible for making you not being able to have kids), I was glad to see that Daniel got a chance to look for his redemption at the end. A second chance, even a late one, is always something worth fighting for, if you ask me. This way he gets to leave the show with the fans remembering his best self, making it a more peaceful closure than some of the people before him. Farewell Daniel. It was a great scene, with the beautiful performances by Emily VanCamp and Josh Bowman. I will certainly miss the dynamics between the two. Wish the actor all the best in his future projects.
SCORPION, "Revenge", December 8, 2014, Actors: Ari Stidham, Katharine McPhee and more
The Scene: The team gathers around Sylvester's hospital bed
A Dahne: The team gathers around Sylvester's hospital bed, reading comics while he sleeps. While the episode itself was kind of a mess, I love how this scene starts with Paige confirming that Sylvester is family and then walking in to see all the others there as well. It was made even better by the fact that they were passing the time reading Sylvester's beloved comics. This was a perfect team moment and showed how much they all care for each other.
SONS OF ANARCHY, "Papa's Goods", December 9, 2014, Actors: Charlie Hunnam and more
The Scene: The opening montage of Jax's last morning
Maximilian Conte: The opening montage of Jax's last morning set to Bruce Springsteen's 'Adam Raised a Cain'. We see him in bed with Wendy, kissing his sons, looking at old photos of himself and his parents, and then taking his father's manuscript and his own journals for his sons and burning them. He sets his final affairs in order, says goodbye to the old clubhouse, and rides his father's bike to visit Opie and Tara's graves.
STALKER, "Tell All", December 10, 2014, Actors: Erik Stocklin and more
The Scene: Perry gets arrested
Laura Markus: Honestly, this is self-explanatory. I'm sure Perry will find a way to escape, but for now, this was the sweet justice that fans needed. Beth can rest for a while knowing that this scumbag is behind bars, thanks to Janice.
SUPERNATURAL, "The Things We Left Behind", December 9, 2014, Actors: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, The Scene: The last scene
Sylvie C: Sam finding Dean with knife in hand covered in blood surrounded by dead bodies. Those guys are really nailing those highly emotional scenes between them and this one was no exception. And again I cried.
THE 100, "Long Into an Abyss", December 10, 2014, Actors: Paige Turco, Ricky Whittle and more, The Scenes: Jaha and Abby's power struggle & Abbie electrocutes Lincoln's heart
Daniel van der Veer: The 100 has come such a long way in just 20 (!) episodes and part of it is the great and fast-paced character development of the show. Wednesday's episode saw a power struggle I never thought I would see: one between Jaha and Abby. They have had their fair share of disagreements but they have never had a real power struggle like the one between Kane and Abby. It was a great scene and it was awesome to see Abby step up to Jaha. The acting by Isaiah Washington and Paige Turco was top notch as always.
A Dahne: In the midst of a tight grounder vs. Ark standoff, Abbie jolts Lincoln back to life and therefore establishes a shaky alliance. I loved the tension in this scene. Two rival camps were about to go to war when Abby saves the day. While she's no Anya, the new Grounder Queen is fascinating and I can't wait to see if they actually do go after the Mountain Men or if they end up in a war themselves.
Ben Norton: This was a very intense scene, The 100 have produced a lot of these scenes in the past, but it was great to see that Lincoln was no longer a reaper.
THE FALL, "The Fall", December 7, 2014, Actors: Valene Kane, Gillian Anderson, The Scene: Rose's video
Sandi: We've not seen her since Paul stole her aware from her house in the middle of the night right in front of her family, and it's been a mystery up until now as to what he's done with her. This simple, yet morbidly captivating, monologue from Rose was gut wrenching to watch. Much more chilling than any of the murders the show has ever portrayed, this has made the Belfast Strangler a completely different kind of monster. Valene Kane performance in those couple of minutes are the highlight of the series so far, I haven't had any show move me in such a way for a long time. Gillian Anderson's reaction as the usually steadfast and in control Stella breaking down as she watched the video was also heartbreaking to witness.
THE FLASH, "The Man in the Yellow Suit", December 9, 2014, Actors: Tom Cavanagh, Grant Gustin and more, The Scenes: Harrison Wells reveals his Reverse Flash costume & Barry and his father talk & Barry admits his love for Iris
Daniel van der Veer: Harrison Wells reveals his Reverse Flash costume. Wells has been keeping secrets for the entire season so I thought he had something to do with the Reverse Flash. Still, it was a pretty big reveal to see that he had the costume. I am not even sure how it is possible and if Wells really is the Reverse Flash, but I am looking forward to see how everything turns out.
Sylvie C: Barry and his father. When Barry told his dad it was his fault he was still in prison, I cried. It was so well acted on both part. Just the look on his father face made me cry.
Bradley Adams: Barry tells his dad that he thinks it's his fault that his dad is still in prison.
Ben Norton: Barry admits his love for Iris. This was such a great scene for me, they both have great chemistry and it will be interesting to see where the writers take this.
THE GOLDBERGS, "The Most Handsome Boy on the Planet", December 10, 2014, Actors: Jeff Garlin, Sean Giambron, The Scene: Murray tells Adam that they will never be estranged
A Dahne: Murray tells Adam that they will never be estranged like he is with his own dad. I love how he uses ET as a way to connect with Adam and reassure him. Murray is a great character and getting to know his back story with his father was a great insight into why he acts like he does, but with one difference. Murray really loves his children and it shows best here.
THE MENTALIST, "The Greybar Hotel", December 7, 2014, Actors: Robin Tunney and more
The Scene: Lisbon talks with Marie about Jane
Diana Mack: In prison, Lisbon talks with Marie about her feelings for Jane and how he confessed his love for her on the plane. Such a sweet scene!
THE ORIGINALS, "The Map of Moments", December 8, 2014, Actors: Joseph Morgan, Phoebe Tonkin and more, The Scene: Klaus and Hayley's reunion with Hope
Jamie Coudeville: This scene was so adorable. I've been waiting for their reunion since the finale last season. I hope they don't have to be seperated again.
ARROW, "The Climb", December 10, 2014, Actors: Stephen Amell and more, The Scenes: Oliver Queen's "death" & Oliver says his goodbye to Diggle, Roy and Felicity
Justyna Kubica: Oliver Queen is … dead? It wasn't a surprise, I'm sure many of fans guessed the twist weeks ago but still it was such a powerful scene, to watch the show's main hero killed. I'm saying "killed" but I don't doubt that it's not the end of Oliver's journey. The question remains: how is he going to come back from this? I heard Lazarus Pit is a very popular theory. Especially considering how badly injured Queen really is. In fact, if he wasn't the Arrow, he would certainly die after being stabbed and falling like that, not to mention the freezing cold. Knowing that the character is going to survive, no matter what, can often undermine the story and the impact of the moment but that's not the case here. From the beginning of the season our hero stuggled with the idea of being only the Arrow and losing his other self but in the end, his actions in the episode ended up being Oliver Queen's, the man protecting his family, friends, his city. The fight itself was both impressive and really sad. It didn't even take long, our hero never truly had a chance. His last memories, the flashback of his loved ones, as Ra's al Ghul kills him (yet still quietly pays him a sort of tribute), was such a heartbreaking view. Absolutely great performance by Stephen Amell! In the end, no matter how Oliver returns, I don't believe he's going to be the same person he was before, a part of him died there. For now, I'm waiting to see our hero's rising. By the way, the whole thing made me miss Batman so much. Kudos!
Daniel van der Veer: We all saw it coming and we all knew it was going to end with Oliver's supposed death. It's also very obvious that Oliver in fact survived the fight because Arrow is not going to kill of its lead character. Still, the fight between Ra's al Ghul and Oliver was pretty awesome. The fact that Ra's only used one hand highlights how good of a fighter he is. This was an epic battle for sure!
Bradley Adams: Oliver fights Ra's al Ghul, only to lose and be killed by him.
Diana Mack: Same. Also, before dying, Oliver sees flashbacks of the most important people in his life - his mother, Thea and Felicity. Also picked by Jamie Coudeville
Sylvie C: Oliver says his goodbye to Diggle, Roy and Felicity. What can I say I enjoyed those kind of emotional scenes and Stephen's acting really improved over the years. The goodbyes were simple, honest and still really emotional. Even if I loved the battle scene and was shocked by the ending, it's this one that made me cry.
CHICAGO PD, "Called in Dead", December 10, 2014, Actors: Jason Beghe and more
The Scene: The squad goes undercover as a crew and steals drugs from a club
Ben Norton: This was such a fun scene, I knew it was them towards the end, but it was a great scene and hope to see more of scenes like this in the future.
CRIMINAL MINDS, "Amelia Porter", December 10, 2014, Actor: Matthew Gray Gubler
The Scene: Reid pieces together the unsub's timeline
Laura Markus: This was yet another example of how to utilize Reid's skills appropriately. It made for a great scene and was honestly very interesting to see pan out on TV.
GRIMM, "Chupacabra", December 12, 2014, Actor: Bitsie Tulloch
The Scene: Juliette reveal at the end
Diana Mack: Juliette looks at herself in the mirror and finds out she's becoming a Hexenbeist! Great plot twist, I didn't see this coming, lol.
HOMELAND, "13 Hours in Islamabad", December 7, 2014, Actors: Rupert Friend, Mandy Patinkin, The Scene: Quinn aggressively 'interviews' Saul (picked by Bradley Adams)
MARVEL'S AGENTS OF SHIELD, "What They Become", December 9, 2014, Actors: Chloe Bennet, B.J. Britt, Ruth Negga, The Scene: Raina and Skye are transformed but Trip dies
Justyna Kubica: That was a spectacular fall finale! And the ending, the ending turned out to be a real game-changer. That's not something I say very often. Skye is Daisy Johnson! As in Quake, as in Avenger! I wasn't always a fan of her storyline but this one's a true winner. And as if that wasn't enough, there's also a whole new amazing world of Inhumans being introduced on the show. I don't actually know the story but I've heard great things and was already excited about the movie and now we get to see the introduction on one of my favorite shows, it sounds pretty perfect. The moment when Skye transforms was done beautifully, the entire shot makes her look quite heroic, the music, the slow motion, it all works wonderfully. But sadly that's not the only thing that happens in the scene. The entire team is desperately trying to stop the bombs and save the rest but only Trip manages to get to Skye on time. The heartbreaking part, however, is the fact that he doesn't get to have any superpowers. In a cruel twist, he ends up watching Skye's transformation (which he believes to be her death) and dies after being hit by the shard (from the Diviner he destroys), petrified and then shattered. I wasn't at all prepared for his departure and it was such a painful surprise. The scene ends with Skye emerging from her petrification and seeing Trip falling apart which causes her to cry and start an earthquake around her. Intense, emotional, tragic scene with great performances by the cast, especially Chloe Bennet and B.J. Britt. I still can't believe it all happened. And there's a part of me that's waiting for some magical twist that's going to bring Trip back, still trying to say goodbye to him. Kudos to the entire team behind the show, great work on the episode!
Klutzy girl: Skye transforms after going into the alien city. The whole sequence was amazing and I really can't wait for 2B. I really want to see how she learns to control her new power(s). Also picked by Jamie Coudeville
NASHVILLE, "First to Have a Second Chance", December 10, 2014, Actors: Hayden Panettiere, Jonathan Jackson, The Scene: Juliette and Avery get married
Klutzy girl: I knew it was coming but didn't know how and that was perfect for them. So excited to see what happens next.
ONCE UPON A TIME, "Shattered Sight", December 7, 2014, Actors: Elizabeth Mitchell and more, The Scene: Ingrid sacrifices herself
Klutzy girl: Ingrid sacrifices herself after hearing what her sister said. I wish she didn't have to die but I absolutely love what she told Anna, Elsa, and Emma.
REIGN, "Mercy", December 11, 2014, Actors: Adelaide Kane, Sean Teale and more, The Scene: Mary gets her revenge
Sandi: Adelaide Kane once again absolutely nailed the emotions of her character this week, she is doing an amazing job. The speech she gave her rapist telling him that history would forget him yet remember her forever was incredibly powerful. Sean Teale also played the shock at discovering what had happened to Mary well, without overtaking the scene. It was Mary's moment, and she wasn't going to be merciful in it at all. I am glad that the show is treating the subject matter with the respect that it deserves, and that this act didn't 'cure' her like the character thought it should have done. It will take some time for her to come to terms with what has happened, and the show is right to show that happening.
REVENGE, "Atonement", December 7, 2014, Actors: Josh Bowman, Emily VanCamp and more, The Scene: Daniel's death
Justyna Kubica: In a way, I always expected Daniel’s death to happen on the show. After all, the series started from that scene on the beach where everyone believed him to be dead. In the end it turned out to be Tyler but not long after that memorable episode I lost my sympathy for the character. Daniel taking his father’s side after learning the truth about David Clarke was just the beginning of the destruction of this once kind and likeable man. There were definitely a few little moments since then that made him seem more familiar and interesting but he never truly came back to being the guy I once rooted for. Especially after his most memorable act: shooting Emily and causing her infertility, only deepening her pain and hatred for his family. Which is probably why it feels very fitting to see him meeting his end doing quite the opposite of that crime- saving the life of his old love, after finally deciding to let go of Conrad’s destructive advices and choosing not to become like his father. I have to admit I was one of the people who really enjoyed his last scenes with Emily for these past few episodes. For the first time being completely honest with each other, the two made me remember why I became their fan back in season one. And though I don’t believe I would ever wish to see them back together (I can’t imagine building your life and family together with the person responsible for making you not being able to have kids), I was glad to see that Daniel got a chance to look for his redemption at the end. A second chance, even a late one, is always something worth fighting for, if you ask me. This way he gets to leave the show with the fans remembering his best self, making it a more peaceful closure than some of the people before him. Farewell Daniel. It was a great scene, with the beautiful performances by Emily VanCamp and Josh Bowman. I will certainly miss the dynamics between the two. Wish the actor all the best in his future projects.
SCORPION, "Revenge", December 8, 2014, Actors: Ari Stidham, Katharine McPhee and more
The Scene: The team gathers around Sylvester's hospital bed
A Dahne: The team gathers around Sylvester's hospital bed, reading comics while he sleeps. While the episode itself was kind of a mess, I love how this scene starts with Paige confirming that Sylvester is family and then walking in to see all the others there as well. It was made even better by the fact that they were passing the time reading Sylvester's beloved comics. This was a perfect team moment and showed how much they all care for each other.
SONS OF ANARCHY, "Papa's Goods", December 9, 2014, Actors: Charlie Hunnam and more
The Scene: The opening montage of Jax's last morning
Maximilian Conte: The opening montage of Jax's last morning set to Bruce Springsteen's 'Adam Raised a Cain'. We see him in bed with Wendy, kissing his sons, looking at old photos of himself and his parents, and then taking his father's manuscript and his own journals for his sons and burning them. He sets his final affairs in order, says goodbye to the old clubhouse, and rides his father's bike to visit Opie and Tara's graves.
STALKER, "Tell All", December 10, 2014, Actors: Erik Stocklin and more
The Scene: Perry gets arrested
Laura Markus: Honestly, this is self-explanatory. I'm sure Perry will find a way to escape, but for now, this was the sweet justice that fans needed. Beth can rest for a while knowing that this scumbag is behind bars, thanks to Janice.
SUPERNATURAL, "The Things We Left Behind", December 9, 2014, Actors: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, The Scene: The last scene
Sylvie C: Sam finding Dean with knife in hand covered in blood surrounded by dead bodies. Those guys are really nailing those highly emotional scenes between them and this one was no exception. And again I cried.
THE 100, "Long Into an Abyss", December 10, 2014, Actors: Paige Turco, Ricky Whittle and more, The Scenes: Jaha and Abby's power struggle & Abbie electrocutes Lincoln's heart
Daniel van der Veer: The 100 has come such a long way in just 20 (!) episodes and part of it is the great and fast-paced character development of the show. Wednesday's episode saw a power struggle I never thought I would see: one between Jaha and Abby. They have had their fair share of disagreements but they have never had a real power struggle like the one between Kane and Abby. It was a great scene and it was awesome to see Abby step up to Jaha. The acting by Isaiah Washington and Paige Turco was top notch as always.
A Dahne: In the midst of a tight grounder vs. Ark standoff, Abbie jolts Lincoln back to life and therefore establishes a shaky alliance. I loved the tension in this scene. Two rival camps were about to go to war when Abby saves the day. While she's no Anya, the new Grounder Queen is fascinating and I can't wait to see if they actually do go after the Mountain Men or if they end up in a war themselves.
Ben Norton: This was a very intense scene, The 100 have produced a lot of these scenes in the past, but it was great to see that Lincoln was no longer a reaper.
THE FALL, "The Fall", December 7, 2014, Actors: Valene Kane, Gillian Anderson, The Scene: Rose's video
Sandi: We've not seen her since Paul stole her aware from her house in the middle of the night right in front of her family, and it's been a mystery up until now as to what he's done with her. This simple, yet morbidly captivating, monologue from Rose was gut wrenching to watch. Much more chilling than any of the murders the show has ever portrayed, this has made the Belfast Strangler a completely different kind of monster. Valene Kane performance in those couple of minutes are the highlight of the series so far, I haven't had any show move me in such a way for a long time. Gillian Anderson's reaction as the usually steadfast and in control Stella breaking down as she watched the video was also heartbreaking to witness.
THE FLASH, "The Man in the Yellow Suit", December 9, 2014, Actors: Tom Cavanagh, Grant Gustin and more, The Scenes: Harrison Wells reveals his Reverse Flash costume & Barry and his father talk & Barry admits his love for Iris
Daniel van der Veer: Harrison Wells reveals his Reverse Flash costume. Wells has been keeping secrets for the entire season so I thought he had something to do with the Reverse Flash. Still, it was a pretty big reveal to see that he had the costume. I am not even sure how it is possible and if Wells really is the Reverse Flash, but I am looking forward to see how everything turns out.
Sylvie C: Barry and his father. When Barry told his dad it was his fault he was still in prison, I cried. It was so well acted on both part. Just the look on his father face made me cry.
Bradley Adams: Barry tells his dad that he thinks it's his fault that his dad is still in prison.
Ben Norton: Barry admits his love for Iris. This was such a great scene for me, they both have great chemistry and it will be interesting to see where the writers take this.
THE GOLDBERGS, "The Most Handsome Boy on the Planet", December 10, 2014, Actors: Jeff Garlin, Sean Giambron, The Scene: Murray tells Adam that they will never be estranged
A Dahne: Murray tells Adam that they will never be estranged like he is with his own dad. I love how he uses ET as a way to connect with Adam and reassure him. Murray is a great character and getting to know his back story with his father was a great insight into why he acts like he does, but with one difference. Murray really loves his children and it shows best here.
THE MENTALIST, "The Greybar Hotel", December 7, 2014, Actors: Robin Tunney and more
The Scene: Lisbon talks with Marie about Jane
Diana Mack: In prison, Lisbon talks with Marie about her feelings for Jane and how he confessed his love for her on the plane. Such a sweet scene!
THE ORIGINALS, "The Map of Moments", December 8, 2014, Actors: Joseph Morgan, Phoebe Tonkin and more, The Scene: Klaus and Hayley's reunion with Hope
Jamie Coudeville: This scene was so adorable. I've been waiting for their reunion since the finale last season. I hope they don't have to be seperated again.
Honorable mention:
ReplyDeleteSPN - Cas and Sam walk in after Dean kills those guys. Face holding!
SHIELD - Skye's biological father calling her Daisy; Skye slipping and accidentally referring to Coulson as "Dad"
OUAT : the fb Emma/Ingrid in her ice cream shop and Emma being prickly in the EQ's vault (Swaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan)
ReplyDeleteThe Mentalist :)
ReplyDeleteThis was one of the best tv weeks I remember lately. Arrow, The Flash, Revenge, The 100, Shield, The Originals, OUAT, Reign had some of its best episodes. It truly was remarkable. I would give big highlights to:
ReplyDelete- Oliver "dies" (Arrow)
- Barry tells Iris the truth (The Flash)
- Daniel dies on Emily's arms (Revenge)
- Clarke is caught on her bluff but Abby manages to resuscitate Lincoln just in time (The 100)
- Skye is transformed and Tripp dies (Shield)
- Klaus and Hayley reunite with Hope (The Originals)
ONCE UPON A TIME, "Shattered Sight", December 7, 2014, Actors: Elizabeth Mitchell and more, The Scene: Ingrid sacrifices herself
ReplyDeleteFirst main villain (with "arc"; not Regina or Rumple/Gold) become a hero. She achieved a "happily ever after" ending. I was so furious when they killed another villain, but now I understood.
Thank you all for the comments and good wishes last week!
ReplyDeleteThere are four shows that won this week for me: Agents of SHIELD, Arrow, The Flash & The 100. I could pick so many other scenes that it was almost impossible. Here are my honorable mentions:
Agents of SHIELD - Skye meets her father & Skye stops Cal and Coulson's fight and talks to Coulson
Arrow - Oliver says goodbye to everyone
The Flash - Barry talks to his father & the 2 scenes I really wish were in the article as well: Firestorm shows up to help the Flash & Barry and Joe talk ("I need my Barry Allen")
The 100 - Abby brings back Lincoln & Abby vs Jaha
Grimm - Juliette at the end - woah!
And the shout-out to the Librarians which has such a great start!
Choosing Sons of Anarchy, Homeland and The Fall :)
ReplyDeleteHuge week of television: so hard to pick up something.
Honorable Mention:
- The Affair (Episode 8): the dialogue between Jimmy McNulty and Brawls... ahem, sorry! The conversation between Noah and Bruce. Unexpected and weird :)
OUAT: Regina and Snow's fight
ReplyDeleteCheers for posting Justyna!
ReplyDeleteHonourable mentions:
The Fall
Colin Morgan's Tom interviewing Spector in such a way that he can't mirror him. While Stella plays her own mind games by sending in a young handsome junior detective to face him instead of herself, and then uses McNally in the same way once the next piece of evidence is confirmed. Burns' interview with Jensen was also seriously f'd up!
The Flash
I'm loving the relationship between Joe and Barry, it's what Wells is faking with his prodigy, but is the genuine article between the other two. The Reverse Flash clues were also tantalising, there's still a lot more to be seen before we have all the whole picture here I feel.
Narcisse's fall was inevitable, he and Francis had some lovely scenes this week, it will be interesting to see where the two of them stand now the tables have turned. Plus, Henry's back, which makes this fan girl very happy!
you really put it well. Arrow was not a huge surprise twist but they still managed to shock me and has been one of the biggest emotional events for me.
ReplyDeleteJust 3? Great week, I can't!
ReplyDeleteI give it to
ReplyDeleteSuperNatural-Last scene
Reign-Mary gets her revenge
The 100-Octavia and Lincoln last scene
OUAT-Ingrid sacrfices herself
Arrow-Oliver's final moments, thinking about his loved ones
The Agents of Shield (No! Trip! :( ),
ReplyDeleteArrow (both scenes were great/goodbye was sad),
Nashville, Once Upon A Time, Supernatural, The Flash, and The Originals scenes mentioned.
Others Not Mentioned:
Chasing Life: April with her family at the end of the episode, and Leo admits to fearing death and hugs April/they have fun in the kids room at the hospital
Constantine: The ending scenes
Forever: Henry's stalker reveals his face
Grimm: Wu snaps, the ending scenes
OUAT: The arguments at the police station
The Flash: Caitlyn talks to Cisco about Ronnie, Barry visits his father (there was a lot of great scenes in this episode)
The Originals: Ester is now a vampire - sweet revenge
All the shows I watched this week with Christmas involved in them had quite depressing episodes. Way to put gloom on the holidays - especially Arrow and The Flash. Jeez.
The bond between Oliver, Diggle, Felicity and now Roy is the heart of Arrow for me. So Oliver's goodbye to all of them and the fact that he told Felicity that he loves her really worked because you knew that he wasn't going to defeat Ra's Al Ghul and it made the last 10 minutes of the show even better!!
ReplyDeleteThere were so many but my top 3 were:
ReplyDeleteThe Flash: the episode ends with Wells in his secret room looking all suspicious and then next thing you know..... He's looking at the reverse flash costume in his secret closet. I thought it was him since the first episode until the mid-season finale and in that episode when I saw the reverse flash beat him up I thought maybe I was wrong. Can't wait to see how this explain all of this when the show comes back in January.
Once upon a time: this was one of my all time favorite episodes of Once. It wasn't as action packed as some of its other episodes but I thought that the snow queens story ended on a good note being that she was redeemed for her evil ways and reunited with her sisters. Tonight we are saying goodbye to all the frozen characters and althought I'm going to miss them I'm exciting about the queens of darkness storyline.
The 100: by far my favorite series currently airing. This show has blown me away ever since episode 4. What's more suprising is that this show being so brutal is on the Cw. I thought that when Clarke was talking to lexa about their truce begining when fin is dead was the best scene in the episode with the ones talked about being close seconds. I am very excited for the mid-season finale this wensday.
Revenge - Daniel's death - for a show that isn't in the action genre, Revenge sure delivers when it comes to high-octane fight scenes (although it does bother me that Emily had to stupidly get herself alone in her house with a known villain to make it happen). As for the actual death: personally, I've long wanted Daniel dead, and the fact that so many Demily shippers resurfaced this season reinforces the disturbing notion that if a male character is good-looking, no amount of wrongdoing will damage his heartthrob status. People continuing to ship the main character with the person who tried to kill her and made her unable to bear children is downright sad. But all of that being said, I guess that if Daniel couldn't go out by Emily gloriously taking him down, a redemptive death is a good way to go as well. All in all, a well-done scene to close the first half of the season.
ReplyDeleteThe Flash - Barry goes to see his dad in prison - these scenes between Barry and his dad are some of the best of the series so far, in my opinion. The chemistry between Gustin and Shipp is outstanding and when Barry started crying because he felt that his father's continued incarceration was his fault, it was heartbreaking.
Agents of SHIELD - the end scene - beautifully done in all respects: the effects, the music, the acting (Skye's face when she saw Trip disintegrate into dust - sniff), the overall atmosphere. Way to send us into the long hiatus with a dramatic, powerful, and heart-wrenching game-changer. I will definitely miss Trip and the levity, humor and high spirits he brought to the show. That being said, I can't wait to see how Skye and Raina's transformations and the intro of Inhumans affects the show - and the overall MCU. Honorable mention goes to Skye meeting her father for the first time, because Kyle McLachlan nearly made tear up with his beautiful performance. I genuinely believe that "Cal" isn't a bad person, but someone who is mentally unstable following the horrors of his past. I know he's a villain in the comics, but I kind of want him to get help, get better and have a relationship with his daughter. He's suffered enough. (Not holding my breath though, since it seems that Coulson is his new target after his life-long goal of killing Whitehall was snatched from him.)
Why is everyone that they expected Oliver to loose to Ra's? I thought it was unexpected I mean Oliver is always expected to win. I knew he wasn't going to kill Ra's per say because Ra's is the seasons main villain but I sure as heck didn't think Oliver was going to get "injured" because the show revolves around him. Please share your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteI guess because Ra's has so many more experience than Oliver plus it would very unrealistic if Oliver had won.......it won't make logical sense but perhaps the second time they fight Oliver would stand to even the score
ReplyDeleteSo many great scenes! I adore ms week, the best week after Finals week(s).
ReplyDeleteMy personal heartbreak Steroline. Him explaining her mother is dying, she try to denied it but he was her rock. Lovley execution.
But probably the winner of the week Barry and his dad, just perfect.
Come on guys let be a bit supercicial Haylijah sex.
Ra's is the ultimate. He is master at so many forms of combat. In the comics, he is almost immortal. He has been a killing machine since he was 11 years old. If Arrow goes the route that he may very well be centuries years old, then no one stands a chance. There is a reason Malcolm is afraid of him. Ra's is just what his name implies. Demon.
ReplyDeleteAOS: Skye and Raina transforming in the temple, beautiful scene and a huge change to the MCU
ReplyDeleteSelfie - Eliza singing karaoke (and later Henry doing it), both heartbreaking scenes. Such a shame the show has been cancelled when it is getting so good.
That would make sense but weren't you at least alittle suprised I mean the show does revolve around him.
ReplyDeleteNo one believes or even thought that Oliver would die. If they did, they shouldn't have. Of course he's not "dead" but the ways to bring him back will be fun to imagine.Will Ra's or someone close to him use the Lazarus Pit from the comics? I hope so.
ReplyDeleteFirst if you cheked by STV and read a couple of articles you would know that Oliver wouldn't win this. But that is our issue cause we love the spoilers.
ReplyDeleteSecond it was obvious from the moment the battle started that Oliver entered the battle to emotional and it wasn't a way to defeat the mighty Ra.
I have to admit I was very torn about it. I knew he couldn't defeat the highly experienced fighter Ra's is, but on the other hand I really wanted him to win. So, no, not unexpected, but nonetheless a powerful and heart-wrenching scene.
ReplyDeletehe could probably have won or at least be even the score if he was not emotional distracted......he was not feeling clearly that for sure
ReplyDeleteWe've really enjoyed this week. It was an emotional rollercoaster that I'm still trying to recover from. It has been such a pleasure to be a tv fan this year in general. So, now, when I saw everything, I'm gonna go submit my picks for the best tv moments of 2014. ^^
ReplyDeleteHonestly, Ra's is like the ultimate villain and the master at many, many, many forms of combat. Malcolm is afraid of him. Anyone who knows him is afraid of him. He's in charge of the League of Assassins, who are all experts at killing people. Not to mention the comics aspect of things, which is the fact that Batman's the only one who had a chance against him and won. Also, all the spoilers on the site, the titles of the episodes, etc. It all had me convinced that no matter how much I'd love to see Oliver win, sadly, he didn't stand a chance at this point.
ReplyDeleteGreat! Can't wait to read them. And definitely agree with you about this year. It's been a wonderful one! :)
ReplyDeleteSo was I but it was unexpected for me because the show is about him obviously he's not dead but I thought he would get away or stop the fight. I knew Ra's wouldn't loose because he is the main villain this season.
ReplyDeleteI knew he was emotional but I didn't think that would get in his way it usually doesn't.
ReplyDeleteArrow shares many of the villains in batman and because of this you never know what's going to happen. The good guy always wins which is why Oliver losing was a shock even though I knew Ra's is staying the whole season.
ReplyDeleteRevenge- Daniels death ;( it was heartbreaking but also:
ReplyDeleteRevenge: emily vs kate fight it was freaking awesome
OUAT: regina vs Mary
I also liked scene when Oliver saw his loved ones before he fell off the cliff.
ReplyDeleteRevenge, Scorpion and The Newsroom for Charlie's death.
ReplyDeleteWow, I cannot believe Supernatural's not at the top. It was heart wrenching
ReplyDeleteHe has Nyssa and Talia. In the comics, Bruce Wayne was in love with Talia and she is the mother of Damien Wayne, his son. So I don't know that Talia is coming to Arrow but I wouldn't be surprised. He also has a son, Dusan, who was the White Ghost before Ra's. I'd love to see them bring Talia or the White Ghost.
ReplyDeleteVoted for CM (duh), Stalker, and Chicago P.D.
ReplyDeleteI picked:
ReplyDeleteRevenge: Daniel's death
Arrow: Oliver's "death"
Grimm: The ending twist with Juliette
However, my absolute favorite scene of the week was Charlie's death in The Newsroom. So unexpected and sad. Tonight's the series finale, my heart is breaking!!
I really thought Juliette's symptoms were related to pregnancy, but becoming a Hexenbiest, even better!
ReplyDeleteThe three CW shows were huge standouts this week (The 100, The Flash and Arrow), but Chicago P.D. also went out with a bang on it's mid-season finale.
ReplyDeleteThanks for telling me I didn't know of these characters until which is exciting. Maybe Talia is the one to save Oliver.
ReplyDeleteI just watched the Chicago PD finale and I loved the above nominated scene. I love this group of guys working together. Sooner or later though, these thugs need to realize you don't mess with Alvin and Voight. Then the ending? Come on. While her pansy partner was arguing with his ex like a kindergartner on the playground? Can't wait for Jan 7th.
ReplyDeleteFinally Sons of Anarchy is a nominee! Although that's not the scene I'd choose.
ReplyDeleteFor me because I am a huge fan of this couple on the Original and that was when Elijah and Haley cam together. And I enjoyed the reunion of the family. But for me is when my OTP gave into their families and the pain in Elijah face when Haley was telling him this and she acted so nervous about telling him. I think back to season 1 all the times Elijah saved her and the nearby kisses and hugs and glances and when she thought he lost her and then season 2 there was so much distance between them and now this Jackson it just seems its situation after situation. I do believe they will be end game. And I am looking forward to what will happen but I have a feeling that Elijah will keep his distance from hurting her.
ReplyDeleteThe 100: Abby electrocutes Lincoln's heart;
ReplyDeleteOther: last scene of Constantine - Anne-Marie shooting John and leaving him for death in the sewer
I had to pick other because there were so many great scenes for me this week. A couple of my favs were just to the side of the way they're listed above.
ReplyDeleteArrow: the fight..I knew Oliver was going to lose the moment he started fighting. "The Arrow" wasn't in that fight...a very scared Oliver was there. It was obvious to me that Oliver had taken Malcom's words about him losing because he didn't know what he was fighting for to the other extreme. Oliver was so freaked out about what was at stake that he was completely unable to get his head in the game. For me it was a fabulous touch to pull Oliver's emotion state into the choreography for that fight. Beautifully done.
Revenge: Daniel's death
Scorpion: The gang gathers around Sylvestor's bed. What a beautiful scene...and the perfect thing to do for him.
Flash: Barry admitting his love for Iris. a sweet scene and Iris' reaction knocked it out of the park.
apparently it isn't only YOU that thinks that, i saw other people thinking that, it IS a debatable subject and i'm glad, i guess i'm just pessimistic that i don't think they gave us that but i really really hope someone asks the creators if it WAS to Coulson or Cal
ReplyDeleteit wasn't really a bluff though
ReplyDeletemaybe Wells is trying to find a way to stop Zoom by taking his suit (in case you couldn't tell that was me being in denial LOL) and he's still Barry from the future
ReplyDeletewhich regina LOL?
ReplyDeleteMary getting revenge in Reign, highly emotional and you could see the moment she realised that killing her rapist did nothing to ease her agony. I like Conde's reaction too, he was shocked and devestated for her but the writers had him there as a supporting presence and kept the focus on Mary. Very well written and acted.
ReplyDeleteSPN-I thought they should have just had Cas walk in alone and find Dean and left Sam out in the car, after all Cas is going to be the one to save Dean and it was Cas who Dean asked to take him out if he went dark. I thought it would have made more sense to take Sam out of the scene and just have Cas conflicted over if he should take Dean out now or try to save him. Sam coming in didnt make any sense and ruined the set up for the second hlaf of the season.
Supernatural and Arrow!!! :O
ReplyDeleteHmm, my theory is that Wells is just after time travel abilities for his own means. I don't think he's either Flash or RF myself. But who knows, they are keeping a lot of cards close to their chest still aren't they, lol.
ReplyDeleteSVU: Olivia's speech about the backlog of untested rape kits.