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The Big Bang Theory - The Septum Deviation - Review: "Couple's Therapy Needed"

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TBBT has finally bounced back from its sluggish Monday run. Ever since the show moved back to Thursdays it has been a great episode after another, including last night’s episode. The great thing about TBBT’s last couple of episodes is that it mostly remembered who these characters were and what has been going on on their lives for the past 8 years, whereas the Monday run was mostly cynical about the development of the show so far.

This episode is far less great than last week’s Prom episode, but it is still very funny and has a lot of heart at its core… and whatever it was that Howard and Bernadette tried to do.

So just like last week, we’ll shove off the bad things right away: I don’t understand what the writers are doing with Howard and Bernadatte this season. Last season they were the cutest and most charming couple on comedy as they showed their mutual affection, poked each other and ultimately showcase their love as a strong friendship acting as a solid fundation for their relationship. So why does it seem like now they are enemies?

Upon learning about Raj’s parents divorce Howard and Bernadatte discuss about how to avoid getting to the point where they would split up, and it starts very nicely with them saying what they love about each other; until then it was cute and kind of poignant, but suddenly it all crumbles when the thing starts turning into a passive aggressive list of each other’s flaws.

Honestly, it started becoming a little bit toxic, and it makes me nervous that the writers are so desperate to find something funny to do with the couple that rather than having them poke at each other they are turning them on each other. There’s a thin line that must not be crossed and the writers are having serious troubles with that. If this marriage is going to be successful it has to be played as it was last season, it can’t be something like this or the whole reason for having them together is innercia.

Now, I’m not saying that Howard and Bernadette are reaching a breaking point, but I’m worried about the direction the writers are taking; it’s not funny as they set it out to be and it’s ruining a relationship that was built over a really strong sense of friendship that developed over husband and wife, and I really don’t want to see them losing that, it would be devastating and TBBT is not about that.

Now, with all that said, why is this episode a B+ instead of a lower grade? Well, while Howard and Berndatte’s stuff keep the episode from achieving its greatness, Sheldon obsessing with Leonard’s surgery brings some really good stuff. It’s funny and it’s also pleasant because Sheldon’s obsession is focused on his fear of losing Leonard. As Amy says “it’s nice that you worry so much about him”.

Over the seasons it has become more and more evident how much Sheldon cares about Leonard, and how Leonard feels about Sheldon; he may be irritated by the things he constantly do, he can be very obnoxious, but there is a strong bond there nonetheless.

Seeing Sheldon so worried about Leonard is nice because it reaffirms that Sheldon has grown to the point where he is able to admit his feelings towards others, just like he did with Amy last week, and suddenly the world is not only about him. Don’t get me wrong, Sheldon is still pretty self centered, but he is becoming much more aware of his need for other people and that makes him way more likeable.

Sheldon’s obsessions and quirks work the best when they are centered on someone other than himself; whenever he tries to help and brings a lot of good intention the plot clicks the best, because he may fail to do so with his self centered approach to other’s people troubles, but you can see that there was goodwill there and a lot of heart.

Ultimately Sheldon is not a bad person, he simply has his narcissistic tendency of thinking about himself above everything else, but it is becoming more and more obvious that he does that because he knows deep down how much he needs everybody else and that allows him to feel more deeply, making him feel less shallow. So by showing how much he care for others Sheldon is actually coming to terms with the fact that he needs other people and that there is nothing wrong with that.

Sheldon will never admit it, but the terror of losing Leonard is because he knows he can’t live without him; the guy has been there for him despite all the trouble he causes and the train trip he had may have made it clear to him that he has to appreciate what he has with his friends, just as when Professor Proton died and Sheldon’s subconscious told him to appreciate them.

There’s lots of fun to be had seeing Sheldon worrying over nothing, Jim Parson as usual owns every scene and he gets to play wonderful bits of comedy with Mayim Bialik and Kaley Cuoco which never fail to deliver.

So just as the show makes me worry about the direction Howard and Bernadette’s relationship is taking, it also makes me more optimistic about how Sheldon’s character development is going; while keeping what makes him Sheldon instead of using his quirk to get his way, the show shifts the narrative by using this quirks as a way to tell us about Sheldon himself and that is the best use of them.

Whenever the show is honest with their characters is when it at its best, so just as the episode was about to reach its real heights, why was it necessary to bring down the goodwill built with Howard and Bernadette? That is what makes TBBT frustrating to watch at times, but it is also what makes you tune in every week: these are flawed people who are trying to build something, friendships, relationships, and you want to see them succeed, no matter what bumps there are on the road.

Grade: B+

Stray Observations:

-So this is my last week reviewing the show, at least for now. I’m always available to cover for Ben L. on his reviews of TBBT, so I may be writing another review down the road, but until then there’s nothing more to say than I had a good time and I hope you liked my TBBT reviews so far!

-Sheldon isn’t sure if Jay Z is a person or a typo. Gotta love how Penny is cracking before the opening sequence!

-Sheldon’s board of possible deaths for Leonard during surgery include driving to the hospital and an asteroid. Classic Cooper! And he thinks he could find a way to avoid death by an asteroid.

-Sheldon to Amy on the car: “You are acting odd. Why?”
Amy: “I’m odd all the time, everyone knows that. Just last night I tried to see how many fava beans I could fit in my mouth.”
Sheldon: “Tell me the truth.”
Amy: “28.”
Sheldon: “Come on.”
Amy: “56.”

-Amy goy Sheldon a get better balloon and a teady bear after his insane crusade to make it through a spinning door. A plant on the corridor made him think he was outside again.

-After the tremor there is a slight blackout and Sheldon panics.
Amy: “Sheldon, you can’t go in there!”
Sheldon: “Try to stop me!”
Clashes against the glass door.
Sheldon: “Why didn’t you stop me?!”

-Saving grace for Howard and Bernadette nasty storyline, Raj’s coasters and learning that he and Howard had couple’s therapy.

-So Howard’s mom voice actress died. I was really sad to find about that. How do you think the show will handle it? I really think we are going to see a funeral episode when the show comes back from hiatus.

About the Author - Pablo
I'm currently studying Psychology while also writing fantasy books (one already published in my home country, Chile, you can check it out on the facebook icon). I watch many different types of shows, including my favorites Revenge, Game of Thrones, Once Upon a Time and about 23 more. Currently writing reviews for Once Upon a Time, The 100, Community and Marry Me
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