Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Grimm - Episode 4.03 - Last Fight - Advance Preview (Teasers)

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Grimm - Episode 4.03 - Last Fight - Advance Preview (Teasers)

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Hi Grimm fans and welcome back to another preview! In this episode "Last Fight", Nick and Hank work on a case involving the boxing world, while Monroe and Rosalee are still searching a way to give Nick his powers back.

Here are some teasers from the episode:
- Someone needs a better doctor.
- Rats... again! Ew.
- Someone revisites Shakespeare: to be a Grimm or not to be a Grimm.
- Oh, Rosalee, you're sweet and we love you, but it's not like all the Wesens are bad people!
- Someone really needs to talk with Nick... guess who!
- Monroe's reaction to Sean Renard's mother  is hilarious.
- At some point, Trubel may surprise you.
- A nursey rhyme can help you to get out of trouble.
- I hate when parents are too protective with their child.

Some funny quotes:
"So basically I'm a freak?"
"I can't protect her anymore." "She's a Grimm." "And I'm not."
"What's your name?" "Trubel." "I didn't ask what you are."

Not so much to tell about the episode without spoiling... Enjoy this one, because it's a good one and I hope to read your comments about that.
Remember to watch a new Grimm this Friday on NBC.

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