Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon November 2014

SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

The Mentalist - Episode 7.02 - The Greybar Hotel - Promo

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Once Upon a Time - Smash The Mirror - Review: "What the show should be"

Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Episode 2.08 - USPIS - Review

Scene Of The Week - November 30, 2014 - POLL

POLL: Favorite Scene from Grimm - Highway of Tears

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Haven - Episode 5.13 - Chosen - Promo

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Vikings - Season 3 - New Promo

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The Librarians - New Promo - The Return of Magic

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Lost Girl - Season 5 - Promotional Posters *Updated*

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Galavant - New Promo - All About That Bass

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Grimm – Episode 4.06 – Highway of Tears – Review

The Walking Dead - Crossed - Review

Once Upon a Time - Episode 4.09 - Fall - Script Tease *Updated with 7th Tease*

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Arrow - Episode 3.08 - The Brave and the Bold - New Zealand Promo [LQ]

USD POLL : What would be your favourite cross-over between 2 current CW shows?

POLL : What are you watching Tonight? - 30th November 2014

The Flash - Episode 1.10 - Title Revealed

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Supernatural – Episode 10.07 – The Gripe Review

First allow me to apologize for not posting a review last week. I was out of town for work and didn’t  get to watch the episode until later in the weekend.

This week I had a different problem, anxiety over the subject matter of the new episode. The title and the promos made it sound like  another misogyny fare along the same lines of 9.08. Imagine my surprise when I finally sat down to watch and got a mythology episode instead.

This episode was leaps and bounds better than the last three. The writing was stronger (heads up Robert Berens) and it concluded two of the dangling storylines, thus moving the so far stagnant plot marginally forward. It also revealed the reason I so far have been underwhelmed with season 10, something I like to call "The Story of Others.” I'll get to it in Gripe #2.

Gripe #1 - The Title

As I said, the title of this episode threw me off and made me reluctant to watch it. Supernatural has had a long history of mishandling its female characters and since Carver has come along - with the  exception of Sheriff Jody Mills - the show has constantly marginalized them to either villains or sex objects. The success of Sheriff Mill's character should have been a clue to the writers that people like female characters who are treated like humans, not vehicles to remind us the boys still have libidos.

But back to the title, that's another plague that has struck our beloved show in recent years. When in the past the titles of episodes used to be adaptations of classic rock songs, or classic movies, recently they resemble punchlines to jokes. I fail to understand why this episode was called something that fits better as a neon sign above a strip joint. The "girls" part of the episode was mostly fluff, perhaps a ruse to draw more male viewers to a show that is inarguably devoid of women. To call it after that was either to throw us off - running the risk of also alienating us - or a tired attempt to remind us there are indeed females in the Supernatural universe (if for no other reason than sex) and that the boys' manly urges aren't on sabbatical.

Gripe #2 - Sam and Dean and the stories of others

Here is the big one, and where the season has failed me. While season 8 made me angry for misrepresenting Sam, and season 9 did the same with Dean, this season has just been…there. Even the mythology episodes produce no emotional response in me, except perhaps boredom. After this episode I at least know why.

The main characters for whom I watch the show are not players in their own stories, they play supporting roles in other people's stories.

Since the Demon Dean storyline was resolved Sam, Dean and Castiel have been chasing various plots. While those plots  keep them tied up, if one pays close attention they would realize that in none of them the stakes are actually stacked against them. Since the beginning of the season Castiel has been a support character in Hannah's story (a fact that became evident in this episode, then promptly changed thanks to all the TV gods,) while Sam and Dean have been touring random story land.

Even in season 1, a season mostly comprised of one-off stories, the central storyline of the show - the spine that the entire season was attached to - was a Winchester story. Their missing father had to be found and the Yellow Eyed Demon had to be stopped. This main plot underscored every fluff story they stuffed into that season.

What about this season? Let's look at what the boys have been doing since Dean was freed of his demon curse. They helped Kate with her sharp toothed sibling problem, watched a high school musical, went to a party of Bobby's relatives, grappled with a witch and had a throw down with Cole. The only storyline that remotely resembled mythology was the witch one, and based on what we saw in the last bit of this episode, that isn’t a Winchester story either, it’s Crowley’s.

Will the Winchesters get tangled with it in some way in the future? Considering Rowena got away I'd say it’s a possibility. But also considering how quick this season has been wrapping up its plots, and how unlikely it seems to make Rowena's story emotionally connected to the brothers, and more than a witch hunt, I don't see a Sam and Dean suffused future for this season any time soon.

Of course there is always the possibility to lightswitch things by dousing Sam with another bucket of Hellhound juice, or giving Dean another mark on top of the dormant one he already has, to create a newly minted Winchester mythology without much buildup. But would that really resonate with viewers as much as a season long storyline would? Or would it feel like the showrunners are continually pulling the emotional foothold out from under the viewers' feet and replacing it with another one, then demanding that we care?

Gripe #3 - Rowena's dialogue

Allow me to get my minor gripe with Rowena’s character out of the way before I get to the next major gripe of this season. When Rowena first appeared in this episode I instantly liked her. She gave off a Crowley-esque vibe which the accent accentuated. The actress had a certain pizzazz about her and she played the character with the right mix of quirkiness and evil.

Sadly it got spoiled when her dialogue sloped toward bad exposition. It started when she bemoaned the fact that others had ostracized her as punishment for turning toward dark arts (giving me Harry Potter visions.) This of course was information intended for us, the viewers, not those girls sitting across from her whom I can't find a reason for Rowena to care about.

The other time was when Rowena fled with the brunette to the back alley and, when confronted about leaving the other girl behind, admitted that she didn't give a fig about the blonde and had sacrificed her to get away. What smart villain would say that, except one who aimed to communicate to the viewers just how evil she was? Whenever a character says something that is meant for us instead of the character who's in the scene, we've entered bad exposition territory.

Gripe #4 -The Angel Mythology Snafu

This episode saw the end of Hannah's story, to which I said 'good riddance' because that's one less boot stomping the already ground to goop angel mythology. I don't even know what purpose her character served before this episode. Certainly, for me, her shenanigans to either get into Castiel's pants, or marry him and have his babies, or experience humanity through him, or just add more awkward, unneeded, sexual undertone to a concept that, for all intents and purposes, was completely allergic to it, were becoming irritating.

The show's utter failing of the angel mythology goes beyond Hannah. They addressed the vessel issue this episode and that reminded me how I had pushed it to the back of my mind closet in order to not get ruffled by the latest seasons. However, since this episode brought the subject up, I'm obligated to pull those issues out of the closet and place them on the counter for debate.

First, the mechanics of angel possession. In The Rapture we saw how Castiel had to search for a human vessel that was right for him and who had, due to his pre-emptive devotion to God, the appropriate workings to be coerced. Even then he had to court that vessel for what seemed like a long time in order to get his full consent. Consent has been a key element in angels possessing humans to appear on screen in their skin, an issue that has been largely ignored since Carver took over the show and upended Heaven.

Another issue is the excess of sexual intimation involving angels. When Castiel and his brethren first appeared on the show, they seemed mostly celibate, a trait that seems relevant because most of them looked very uncomfortable in their human suits. There were exceptions like Gabriel and Balthazar, but the fact that they went overboard in their exhibition of sexual prowess hinted it was more performance than anything truly carnal. Personally I prefer to think of angels as asexual because I have a problem with good creatures inhabiting bodies and using them to get jollies. I believe it's obvious why there is no consent in these cases. The initial agreement, as shown in The Rapture, was for the angel to employ the body toward furthering God's cause, not to tumble in hay with each other or another human.

Because of Carver's neglect of most of this I had hand-waved the idea of vessel taking and almost convinced myself that angels came part and parcel with their bodies, or perhaps the humans they possessed died on contact. By addressing it this episode those questions came to surface and now we have no choice but to wonder if all these angels who fell from Heaven deviated from God’s approved possession process and simply took the bodies of those humans by force. Worse, were they using them toward their own sexual pursuits and satisfaction without the human’s consent? If that's true, and if Jimmy Novak is somehow still alive, then Castiel’s misadventures with Meg, April and Hannah suddenly take on a newer, much uglier meaning.

Gripe #5 – “I’m past saving”

Dean says this while guest starring in Cole’s story. Sam hears it and confronts him about it later. I assume this was added so we get emotional and think this episode touched the boys' storyline in some way. There’s just one problem: Dean says this while guest starring in Cole’s story.

This loops back to gripe #2. It’s an emotional declaration from Dean, and even though it is accompanied by Jensen Ackle’s heartbreaking performance, it still lacks the proper effect, because it isn’t connected to or supported by any current storylines. Dean was saved in 10.03. His demon affliction was cured because of the love he shared with his brother and his best friend. Right now, his brother is all right and at his side, and he hasn’t asked about that best friend since. What reason does he have to think he is past saving other than the writers pulling old strings to feed us angst? Yet they seem to have  forgotten that to achieve that emotional punchline you first need to lay the ground work and give your characters something to angst about. You can’t both have your cake and eat it: Spend your time telling stories of secondary and minor characters, then use old dog tricks to make your audience swoon over the main cast.

Kudos: The story of two vessels

It may sound strange that the vessel storyline is both the subject of gripe #4 and that of the kudos. Why did I like it despite all the plot holes it reopened? Because it was a nice piece of continuity to end Hannah’s story and begin Castiel’s new quest. So, ignoring all the plot holes, I am glad the writers chose this path for the two of them, reaching back to old Supernatural mythology instead of pulling something new out of the hat that ran the risk of damaging canon.

Hannah put me through a roller coaster this episode. First I despised her because of the full frontal she subjected Castiel to, then I hated her for putting on a show in front of Caroline’s husband, using the poor woman’s body without her consent to emotionally scar her husband. Until then I’d only considered Hannah a comedic nuisance, but after that I was torn between wanting her to die a gruesome death, and fearing that death because it would most likely result in Castiel moping over her for the rest of the season.

Thankfully none happened. For once the writers chose the actions-have-consequences route. Hannah, as it appeared, did have a shred of humanity in her and felt bad about what she had done. This was good storytelling because it involved an internal struggle and meaningful character growth. It was much better than her primary story of falling in love/lust with Castiel for no discernible reason. At least here we could connect her actions to something tangible that had happened: She went against her righteous core and it tormented her so much she decided to make it right at the cost of losing her physical body. Moreover she triggered an internal conflict in Castiel that propelled him toward a quest of his own, causing more continuity to roll out.

I’m excited to find out what happened to Jimmy’s family. It, along with the mystery of his disappearance, is something the show has brushed under the carpet for five seasons. It is time they dug it up and I sincerely hope they don’t ruin it by making short work of it like everything else this season. It will be a good story for Castiel now he's seemingly stuck in his own story lane till the end of the series, or end of Carver’s reign, whichever comes first.

Now if Sam and Dean could also get their own story before the end of the series.

Don’t forget to comment. Thank you as always for reading my review and sharing your thoughts and ideas with me.


7 Word Review - 16 Nov to 29 Nov - Review your shows in 7 words or less

Z Nation - Murphy's Law - Review: "It's The Apocalypse"

Girl Meets World - Episode 1.16 - Girl Meets Home For The Holidays - Promos

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The Mentalist - Season 7 - Dylan Baker and Christine Adams to Guest

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Elementary Episode 3.05 Rip Off - Review

The SpoilerTV Daily News Roundup - Various Shows - 20th November 2014

The Comeback - Valerie is Taken Seriously - Preview

Lisa Kudrow in  this season of The Comeback has been hysterical.  She portrays an actress that was an A - lister back in the 90s and now can barely get recognized. When HBO decided to create a show with her old character Valerie, she took advantage of that and hired a camera crew to follow her around.

In tonight's episode,
-Valerie's show gets some budget cuts and the producer will have to cut some of Valerie's scenes.
-Valerie thinks "well that's not going to happen", so she moved production to her house.
-The production causes tension between Valerie and her husband.
-So they decide to move to one of their rental properties.
-Valerie attends an improv acting class, which was very funny, I'm sure you all could imagine!!

This episode is very funny, there is a big shocking ending, to say the least. So you can't turn off the last few minutes. This has been a great show, I'm glad it's back and I'm glad to see Lisa Kudrow back on TV.

About the Author - Shirleena Cunningham
TV Review for SpoilerTV. Has been with SpoilerTV for a year. Law and Order Special Victims Unit, The Comeback, Odd Couple, GIRLS. I'm also a big animal rights activists. I'm a Photographer, Writer, Graphic Designer and Illustrator.
Recent Reviews (All Reviews)

Girl Meets World - Episode 1.15 - Review: "The Nanniversary"

The Originals - The Brothers That Care Forgot - Review

POLL : What did you think of Atlantis - Telemon?

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Reign - Episode 2.09 - Acts of War - Sneak Peek

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Madam Secretary - Game On (Fall Finale) - Advance Preview and Teasers

Helix - Season 2 - New Promo

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Ratings News - 29th November 2014

Lost Girl - Episode 5.02 - 5.03 - Synopsis

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The Flash - Power Outage - Review

USD POLL : Which of these characters do you love to hate?

Hawaii Five-0 - Episode 5.15 - AJ Buckley to Guest Star

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Raina Reveals: Exclusive Spoilers and Teasers - 12 Monkeys, Ascension, Banshee, Scorpion, The Librarians & The Mentalist

Constantine - Episode 1.07 - Blessed Are the Damned - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of Constantine - Rage of Caliban?

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The Flash - Episode 1.08 - Flash vs. Arrow - Comic Preview

Grimm - Episode 4.07 - The Grimm Who Stole Christmas - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of Grimm - Highway of Tears?

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Marry Me - Thank Me & Bruges Me - Double Review: "One step forward, two steps backwards"

POLL : What did you think of Haven - Chemistry?

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Castle - Episode 7.09 - Last Action Hero - Sneak Peek

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Matador - Cancelled by El Rey Network

Lost Girl - Episode 5.01 - Like Hell Part 1 - Press Release + Season Guest Stars

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Forever - Episode 1.10 - The Man in the Killer Suit - Sneak Peek

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Jem and the Holograms - Receiving a totally outrageous reboot in comic form

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Helix - Season 2 - 2 New Featurettes [VIDEO]

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Hart of Dixie - Season 4 - New Promo

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Ratings News - 28th November 2014

MOVIES: Star Wars - Episode VII - The Force Awakens - First Full Trailer + Screencaps

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Atlantis - Telemon - Advance Preview + Dialogue Teasers

Agents of SHIELD - Episode 2.09 - ...Ye Who Enter Here - Sneak Peek

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USD POLL : Which of these Supernatural characters do you wish hadn't been killed and could reappear again?

POLL : What are you watching Tonight? - 28th November 2014

Chicago Fire - Arrest In Transit - Review

Throwback Thursday - Buffy - Becoming Part II and Supernatural - WIaWSNB - Reviews

Once Upon a Time - Episode 4.09 - Fall - Sneak Peek 2

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POLL : Favorite Scene from The Flash - Power Outage?

NCIS - Grounded - Review: "Snow angels"

Elementary - Episode 3.06 - Terra Pericolosa - Promo

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Pretty Little Liars - Shay, Ashley, Troian, Lucy and Tyler on the Christmas Special [VIDEO]

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POLL : What did you think of Elementary - Rip Off?

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Resurrection - Episode 2.08 - Forsaken - Sneak Peek

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NCIS: New Orleans - Chasing Ghosts - Review: "The Killer is Always Close To Home"

The Fall - Episode 2.04 - Sneak Peek

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Galavant - 2 New Promos

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POLL : What did you think of The Fall - It's Always Darkest ?

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Criminal Minds - Fate - Review: "Rossi Has A Family!"

POLL : Favorite Scene from Chicago Fire - Arrest in Transit?

Once Upon a Time - Episode 4.09 - Fall - Canadian Promo

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The Flash - Episode 1.08 - Flash vs. Arrow - Canadian Promo

Lost Girl - Episode 5.01 - Like Hell Part 1 - Promotional Photos

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The SpoilerTV Daily News Roundup - Various Shows - 27th November 2014

Red Band Society - Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car - Review

Madam Secretary - Collateral Damage - Review: "The truth is out there"

The Fall - It's Always Darkest - Advance Preview + Dialogue Teasers

Stalker - Episode 1.10 - A Cry for Help - Promo

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Ratings News - 27th November 2014

The Flash - Episode 1.08 - Flash vs. Arrow - New Zealand Promo [LQ]

The Mentalist - Episode 7.01 - Nothing But Blue Skies - Cast Interviews EPK [VIDEO]

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USD POLL : What is your favorite comedy?

POLL : What are you watching Tonight? - 27th November 2014

POLL : What did you think of Stalker - Crazy for You?

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Red Band Society - Season 1 - 13 Episodes Only

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NCIS: Los Angeles - Traitor - Review: "A Mole in our Midst"

Once Upon A Time - Episode 4.09 - Fall - Sneak Peek

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Person of Interest – The Devil You Know – Review: “Loyalty is the most important thing”

Once Upon a Time - Episode 4.13 - Title Revealed

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The Originals - Episode 2.09 - The Map of Moments (Mid-Season Finale) - Promotional Photos *Updated More*

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Arrow - Episode 3.12 - Uprising - Bex Taylor-Klaus to Return

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The 100 - Episode 2.08 - Spacewalker - Press Release

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Supernatural - Girls, Girls, Girls - Review

POLL: Favorite Scene from Sleepy Hollow - Magnus Opus

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POLL : What did you think of Criminal Minds - Fate?

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Supergirl - Part of Arrow/Flash Universe?

Arrow - Season 3 - Marc Guggenheim talks Black Canary, The Atom and Ra's al Ghul [VIDEO]

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The Flash / Arrow - Character Interviews / Featurettes

Final Adjusted TV Ratings for Tuesday 25th November 2014

The 100 - Episode 2.06 - Fog of War - Sneak Peek

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Jane the Virgin Fall Finale and Hart of Dixie - Episode 4.01 - Press Release

Helix - Season 2 - New Virus Featurette + Short Clips [VIDEO]

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Sleepy Hollow - Episode 2.11 - The Akeda (Mid-Season Finale) - Movie Trailer

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Revenge - Episode 4.09 - Intel - Sneak Peek 2

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Latest from TVLine - Various Shows - 26th November

Ratings News - 26th November 2014

Elementary - Episode 3.05 - Rip Off - Sneak Peek

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USD POLL : Who should portray Freya Mikaelson on "The Originals"?

POLL : What are you watching Tonight? - 26th November 2014

The Mentalist - Interview with Bruno Heller, Simon Baker & Robin Tunney on Season 7

The Fall - Episode 2.06 - Promotional Photos

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Game of Thrones - Season 5 - First Teaser - The Sight

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POLL: Favorite Scene In Person of Interest - The Devil You Know

POLL: Favorite Scene In Supernatural - Girls, Girls, Girls

POLL : What did you think of Person of Interest - The Devil You Know?

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Supernatural - Episode 10.08 - Hibbing 911 - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of Supernatural - Girls, Girls, Girls?

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Castle - Kill Switch - Review: "Anybody hungry?"

New Girl - Episode 4.09 - Review: "Thanksgiving IV"

New Girl - Episode 4.09 - Review: "Thanksgiving IV"

All in all, a good holiday-themed episode of New Girl. Nothing as ground breaking for the show like "Background Check", but it's been on a consistently good run for the past few episodes. In my opinion, the show works best when the roommates and Jess work together and try to help each other in their journey to figure out their lives. Obviously, the situation with Ryan was going to be the crux of the episode. Without Jess freaking out in each episode, it wouldn't be New Girl. I get that she is supposed to be lost in her life when it comes to finding someone to love, but it's a little much to see her constantly questioning herself. She could be a strong female character if she just stepped up and acted on her feelings. By the end of the episode she did take Nick's advice, but it seems like it's just the right thing to do at the moment. Things with Ryan won't last because eventually Jess will fear for losing her job or Ryan losing his job.

I thought it was fun to see Nick and Schmidt duel over Cece and Lucy. Schmidt's feelings for Cece are definitely going to be addressed, either during the mid-season finale or at the start of next year's run of episodes. I also feel like Nick may eventually fall for Jess again, or vice-versa. With two former lovers living in such close proximity, it's only a matter of time for it to happen again and I'm sure everyone will take a collective sigh. We hate to see it happen, but we know it's got to happen eventually.

Nick meeting Tran's granddaughter, Coach arm-wrestling, and the ridiculous timing of Jeff arriving culminated in a sweet ending for the loft. The music close-out may be a little cliched, but I think the episode warranted it with everyone having a fun end to the night. I do believe next week is the mid-season finale titled "LAXmas" where the gang plans trips to go home for the holidays, but ends up stranded at the airport. Tune in next week at 9PM to see if any of the relationship issues are brought up on an all-new New Girl.

Memorable Quotes:

"Plus he's British, so you know the sex will be weirdly polite." - Coach
"Why didn't you tell me you were setting me up with one of the guardians of the galaxy!" - Coach
About the Author - Edward Slothus
Edward Slothus is a young professional working in the Washington, D.C. Metro Area. An avid pop-culture, film, and television fan, his favorite shows include LOST, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, New Girl, Outlander, and (for inexplicable reasons that go against all sanity) The Leftovers.

POLL : What did you think of The Flash - Power Outage?

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POLL : What did you think of NCIS - Grounded?

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Eye Candy - New Teaser Promo - Follow

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The Mentalist - Episode 7.01 - Nothing But Blue Skies - Sneak Peek 3

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Eye Candy - Cast Promotional Photos

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The Flash - Episode 1.08 - Flash vs. Arrow - Promo

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Sleepy Hollow - Episode 2.11 - The Akeda (Mid-Season Finale) - Sneak Peek

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White Collar - Episode 6.05 - Whack-a-Mole - Promotional Photos

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Episode 2.09 - The Road Trip - 5 Sneak Peeks

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The SpoilerTV Daily News Roundup - Various Shows - 26th November 2014

CSI: Las Vegas - Episode 15.08 - Rubbery Homicide - Promo *Updated better quality* + Sneak Peeks

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Scorpion - Episode 1.11 - Revenge - Promotional Photos

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Chicago Fire - Episode 3.10 - Santa Bites (Fall Finale) - Promo

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NCIS: New Orleans - Love Hurts - Review: "High Octane Action"

Red Band Society - Episode 1.09 - How Did We Get Here - 5 Sneak Peeks

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Stalker - Episode 1.09 - Crazy for You - Sneak Peek

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POLL : What did you think of Chicago Fire - Arrest in Transit?

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POLL : What did you think of Faking It - Busted (Finale)?

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POLL : What did you think of Awkward. - Sprang Break, Part 2?

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Criminal Minds - Episode 10.09 - Fate - Sneak Peek 2

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Final Adjusted TV Ratings for Monday 24th November 2014

The SpoilerTV Daily News Roundup - Various Shows - 25th November 2014

Person of Interest - Episode 4.09 - The Devil You Know - Sneak Peek 4

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Agents of SHIELD - Episode 2.11 - Kathryn Leigh Scott to guest star

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American Horror Story - Episode 4.12 - Title Revealed

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CBS Upcoming Episode Press Releases - Various Shows - 25th November 2014

CSI: Las Vegas - Episode 15.08 - Rubbery Homicide - Promotional Photos

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Stalker - Episode 1.09 - Crazy for You - Sneak Peeks 2 and 3

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Person of Interest - Episode 4.09 - The Devil You Know - Sneak Peek 2 & 3

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The Mentalist - Episode 7.04 - A Hint of Yellow - Press Release

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Castle & Forever - New Promo - Don't Miss the Men at 10

Person of Interest - Episode 4.10 - The Cold War - Press Release

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Hart of Dixie - Season 4 - Premiere to Air Early

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Once Upon a Time - Episode 4.09 - Fall - Press Release

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Agent Carter - New Promo - It Ain’t Life and Death *Updated HQ Version*

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The Mentalist - Episode 7.01 - Nothing But Blue Skies - Promo

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About a Boy - Episode 2.05 - About an Angry Ex - Review

Nashville - Episode 3.09 - Two Sides to Every Story - Promotional Photos

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Pretty Little Liars - Episode 5.13 - How the 'A' Stole Christmas - Sneak Peek 3

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Girls - Season 4 - Official Poster

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Sleepy Hollow - Magnum Opus - Review

A.D. - First Look Promo

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Criminal Minds - Episode 10.09 - Fate - Promotional Photos

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Hart of Dixie - Episode 4.01 - Kablang - Promotional Photos

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Supernatural - Episode 10.07 - Girls, Girls, Girls - Sneak Peek 2

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Person of Interest - Episode 4.09 - The Devil You Know - Sneak Peek

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Zoo - Nora Arnezeder and Nonso Anozie join as Series Regulars

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2 Broke Girls - And the Brand Job - Review : "I Poop at McDonald's 'Cause I'm a Lady!"

Criminal Minds - Episode 10.09 - Fate - Sneak Peek

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Supernatural - Episode 10.08 - Hibbing 911 - Promotional Photos

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The Flash - Episode 1.07 - Power Outage - Sneak Peek 2

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Person of Interest - Episode 4.14 - Blair Brown to Guest

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Haven - Episode 5.12 - Chemistry - Sneak Peek

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Salem - Season 2 - Teaser Promo

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Final Adjusted TV Ratings for Sunday 23rd November 2014

Galavant - 2 New Promos

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The Flash - Episode 1.07 - Power Outage - Sneak Peek

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Sherlock - First Promotional Photo from Special Episode

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Revenge - Episode 4.09 - Intel - Sneak Peek

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Doctor Who - 2014 Christmas Special - "Last Christmas" - Promotional Photos + Synopsis Updated

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The Mentalist - Episode 7.01 - Nothing But Blue Skies - Sneak Peek 2

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Orphan Black - Season 3 - Ksenia Solo, James Frain, Kyra Harper, & Earl Pastko Join Cast

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MOVIES: Pan - Trailer feat Hugh Jackman + Posters

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Ratings News - 25th November 2014


USD POLL : Which of these dysfunctional couples should never be together again?

POLL : What are you watching Tonight? - 25th November 2014

POLL: What was the best scene in Castle - Kill Switch?

About the Author - diana mack
Diana (diana mack) is a tv shows addicted. She's from Italy, she dreams to be a real journalist someday - meanwhile she speaks english even in her dreams. But tv series are not the only passions she has: she's a football supporter, cinema lover and a traveller. She studied languages (english, french, spanish, arabic and a bit of portuguese) and journalism in Rome.

Latest from E!Online - Various Shows - 25th November 2014

Agent Carter - New Promo

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The Librarians - Syfy Trailer + 2 New Promos

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The Missing - Episode 1.06 - Concrete - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of The Missing - Molly ?

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Jane The Virgin - Episode 1.08 - Chapter Eight - Extended Promo

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Chicago Fire - Episode 3.09 - Arrest in Transit - Sneak Peek [US Only]

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Z Nation - Episode 1.12 - Murphy's Law - Sneak Peek

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Grimm - Episode 4.06 - Highway of Tears - Sneak Peek 3 *Updated Region-Free*

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The Missing - Episode 1.05 - 1.06 - Promotional Photos

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State of Affairs - Secrets & Lies - Review: "He Died A Spy"

Major Crimes - Down The Drain - Review - "All Mothers Make Mistakes"

POLL : Favorite scene from NCIS: Los Angeles - Traitor

Streaming Options

Scorpion - Talismans - Review

The Originals - Episode 2.09 - The Map of Moments (Mid-Season Finale) - Extended Promo

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The Mindy Project - Episode 3.09 - How to Lose a Mom in Ten Days - 4 Sneak Peeks

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New Girl - Episode 4.09 - Thanksgiving IV - 3 Sneak Peeks

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State of Affairs - Episode 1.03 - Half the Sky - Promo

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Castle - Episode 7.09 - Last Action Hero - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of State of Affairs - Secrets & Lies?

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POLL : What did you think of Castle - Kill Switch?

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POLL : What did you think of NCIS: Los Angeles - Traitor?

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Jane The Virgin - Episode 1.08 - Chapter Eight - Promo

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Sleepy Hollow - Episode 2.11 - The Akeda (Mid-Season Finale) - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of Major Crimes - Down the Drain?

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POLL : What did you think of Jane the Virgin - Chapter Seven?

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POLL : What did you think of Sleepy Hollow - Magnus Opus?

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POLL : What did you think of Scorpion - Talismans?

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Cristella - Receives Full Season Pickup from ABC

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The Originals - Episode 2.09 - The Map of Moments (Mid-Season Finale) - Promo

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Gotham - Episode 1.11 - Promo

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of The Originals - The Brothers That Care Forgot?

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POLL : What did you think of Gotham - LoveCraft?

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Last Week in TV - Nov. 16-22 - Reviews and Episode Awards

The Originals: The Awakening - Part 3 [VIDEO]

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CSI: Las Vegas - Season 15 - George Eads to Exit

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Forever - Episode 1.10 - The Man In The Killer Suit - Promotional Photos

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Selfie - Remaining Episodes Will Be On Hulu Starting Tomorrow

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Jane The Virgin - Episode 1.07 - Chapter Seven - Sneak Peek 3

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Scorpion - Episode 1.12 - Dominoes - Press Release

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Cougar Town - Episodes 6.01 to 6.03 - Synopses + Promotional Photos

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The Big Bang Theory - Episode 8.11 - The Clean Room Infiltration - Press Release

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NCIS - Episode 12.09 - Grounded - 2 Sneak Peeks

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Supernatural - Episode 10.07 - Girls, Girls, Girls - Sneak Peek

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The 100 - Episode 2.06 - Fog of War - Promotional Photos *Updated More*

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Stalker - Skin - Review: "Mistakes from the past"

Fresh Off The Boat - New Promo

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Final Adjusted TV Ratings for Friday 21st November 2014

The Walking Dead - Episode 5.08 - Coda - New Zealand Promo

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Hawaii Five-0 - Episode 5.09 - Ke Koho Mamao Aku - Promotional Photos

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Revenge - Episode 4.10 - Atonement - Promotional Photos

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MOVIES: Star Wars - Episode VII - The Force Awakens - Trailer Debut *Updated*

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Castle - Episode 7.10 - Bad Santa - Promotional Photos

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Castle - Episode 7.10 - Bad Santa - Press Release

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True Detective - Season 2 - Rachel McAdams, Taylor Kitsch & Kelly Reilly join cast

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The Walking Dead - Crossed - Review and Discussion

#Winning - NBC Developing Comedy

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Badlands - Emily Beecham, Sarah Bolger and Oliver Stark cast as Regulars, David Dobkin joins as Director and EP

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ABC Upcoming Episode Press Releases - Various Shows - 24th November 2014

The SpoilerTV Daily News Roundup - Various Shows - 24th November 2014

Jane the Virgin - New November Sweeps Posters

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Pretty Little Liars - Season 5 - Keegan Allen Conference Call Transcript

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Elementary - Episode 3.07 - The Adventure of the Nutmeg Concoction - Promotional Photos

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State of Affairs - Episode 1.03 - Half the Sky - Promotional Photos

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Live+7 DVR Ratings - Week 7 (3rd Nov - 9th Nov 2014)

Grimm - Episode 4.06 - Highway of Tears - Sneak Peek 2 [US Only]

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Doctor Who - Season 9 - Catherine Tregenna to write an episode

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Grimm – Episode 4.05 – Cry Luison – Review

Who could have ever imagined that the most awkward way to get his Grimm powers back would have been to turn Juliette into Adalind and sleep with Nick like the Hexenbeist did? I guess the very first minutes of this fifth episode of Grimm were a little funny to me. Mostly because Trubel’s face when she’s listening to Elizabeth’s plan. While Rosalee and Monroe try to make Nick and Juliette comfortable about this, Trubel only points out her sarcastic comment - by speaking the truth: the spell needs to be done.

Meanwhile, poor Trubel girl. She must be stressed about being the only Grimm in town, and it must be hard for her to handle all the supernatural crimes in Portland. When Bud introduces himself to Trubel, he tells her Nick is in trouble because a guy named Shaw, who has had some past issues with Nick, wants payback, now that he knows he’s not a Grimm anymore.

Also, poor Wu. When Nick and Hank are being called on the crime scene, he talks about a ‘wolf’ who scared a woman, Ava. At this point he says he’s ready to believe to everything. What his friends don't know, Wu is closer to know the truth, and I'd say finally.

Nick and Hank investigate on Ava Diaz, a rich heir woman being driven to madness by her Luison, a kind of Sud-American Wesen. Everybody says she’s mental instable, but Nick, Hank and Renard think it’s her husband, Gabriel, to be the real Luison. Renard wants Theresa on the case too, but Nick declines since he doesn’t want her to her more involved.

But our former Grimm has some other troubles to handle: Josh calls him telling some guys are looking for him; he wants to get rid of the rest of his Grimm’s father, then he mentions a key. It turns out, the Luison case is more stranger than it seems, when Gabriel and his twin brothers are involved. Three identical twins! In the end, Ava finds out her husband did all this for the money. Her sentences about "monsters" matches with Nick's reply "Some hide very well."

Meanwhile, Adalind is still trying to find her daughter, stuck in Viktor’s castle. It’s just me or Adalind’s journey there reminds me of Alice in Wonderland? And the strange guy who’s helping her may be compared to the Cheshire Cat? I really hope the writers won’t keep this too long till the winter finale, because it’s getting bored. Adalind is a great character and I’m still hoping they would give her more space. Also, just give her Diana! At the very end, I was surprised when Adalind finds herself in her cell again, and then Viktor shows up claiming he wants the same thing: get Diana back.

"I like being a Grimm." Well, finally Nick admitted it. Otherwise, let’s say, the show won’t be called Grimm. I think at some point, Nick misses his life fighting supernatural crime. Also, having another Grimm in town is better than let Trubel handle all those stuff. Juliette gets the confirmation when a Wolfsangel appears outside Burkhart's house.
"I'm ready."
"For what?"
"You need to be a Grimm again."
Beyond helping Nick to get his powers back, I wonder what's the purpose of having Juliette in the show? I keep asking season 4 started. Also, I really want Adalind to be the old strong Hexenbeist we saw in the first seasons. Give her more space, playing badass scene, I miss this. What do you think?

What do you miss most in Grimm? What do you think about Juliette's decision to hel Nick? Share your comments below.
About the Author - diana mack
Diana (diana mack) is a tv shows addicted. She's from Italy, she dreams to be a real journalist someday - meanwhile she speaks english even in her dreams. But tv series are not the only passions she has: she's a football supporter, cinema lover and a traveller. She studied languages (english, french, spanish, arabic and a bit of portuguese) and journalism in Rome.

Ratings News - 24th November 2014

The Walking Dead - Episode 5.08 - Coda (Mid-Season Finale) - Promotional Photos

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Scorpion - Talismans - Advance Preview

Gotham - LoveCraft - Advance Preview

New Girl - Episode 4.09 - Preview: "Thanksgiving IV"

New Girl - Episode 4.09 - Preview: "Thanksgiving IV"

Hi everyone, and if you're in America, have a Happy Thanksgiving this Thursday! In the traditional spirit of New Girl episodes focusing on holidays, this week's episode is titled "Thanksgiving IV." Last year, the gang decided to go camping for Thanksgiving with some unwanted experiences in tow. This year, the gang tries a different approach. Schmidt decides it will be a sex-filled Thanksgiving with everyone being required to bring an attractive partner for someone else in the loft. The synopsis calls it a "Bangs-giving!" Jess wants to invite Ryan to spend more time with him and see if there are true feelings on her side, but is set on following the school rules of not fraternizing with a coworker. Coach puts it ever so eloquently with how he feels with being set up with someone from the police academy. "You should have warned me you were setting me up with one of the guardians of the galaxy!"

Nick ends up picking his own name out of the "Sex-giving" hat and decides to bring Tran to the party. He also becomes jealous when Schmidt is set-up with a girl from his gym, Lucy, that he had previously slept with months earlier. The quick flashback of him in said gym is hilarious. Coach ends up bringing Ryan for Jess because he is tired of her playing it straight and not being reckless from time to time. Let's just say that awkward hilarity ensues as the night progresses with each couple trying to handle their partners' idiosyncrasies. Tune in tomorrow night at 9PM to see how the Thanksgiving-themed episode plays out and check back here for my review within a day or two.

About the Author - Edward Slothus
Edward Slothus is a young professional working in the Washington, D.C. Metro Area. An avid pop-culture, film, and television fan, his favorite shows include LOST, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, New Girl, Outlander, and (for inexplicable reasons that go against all sanity) The Leftovers.

POLL : Favorite Scene from Scandal - Where The Sun Don't Shine?

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MOVIES: Fifty Shades of Grey - Valentines Day - TV Spot

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USD POLL : Is Toy Story 4 a good idea?

POLL : What are you watching Tonight? - 24th November 2014

The Good Wife - The Trial - Review - "One Nightmare After Another"

Constantine - Season 1 - 13 Episodes Only, Season 2 Still in Contention at NBC

Streaming Options

Jane The Virgin - Chapter Seven - Advance Preview - "Date Night"

The Affair - Episode 8 - Promo + 2 Sneak Peeks

Streaming Options

POLL: Favorite Scene From The Walking Dead - Crossed

Homeland - There's Something Else Going On - Review: "Too late?"

POLL : What did you think of The Good Wife - The Trial?

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The Walking Dead - Episode 5.08 - Coda (Mid-Season Finale) - Sneak Peek

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Homeland - Episode 4.10 - 13 Hours in Islamabad - Sneak Peek

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The Newsroom - Episode 3.04 - Contempt - Promo

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The Walking Dead - Episode 5.08 - Coda (Mid-Season Finale) - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of The Walking Dead - Crossed?

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POLL : What did you think of Homeland - There's Something Else Going On?

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Madam Secretary - Episode 1.11 - Game On - Promo

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Law and Order Special Victims Unit - Review - Chicago CrossOver " Write Your Success in a Stone and Your Failures in the Sand"

"Write Your Success in a Stone and Your Failures in the Sand" It's true, even in life, you can't think about your failures or what you don't have, you have to think about what you do have, and what you've accomplished.

The case starts out in Chicago when a firefighter rescued a man from a burning building. The man dropped a suitcase full of childpornagraphy, the Chicago P.D was called who tracked down one of the victims to New York. When Detective Rollins took the call, she came to realized that one of the victims was Detective Lindsay's half brother Teddy from Chicago. Which made the case personal for Lindsay, Teddy was the main focus of the case. Teddy's family thought he ran away or went to go live with his dad, but somehow he ended up in New York. When the detectives managed to find Teddy, he was working the piers as a male prostitute. He was really damaged, you could tell that he was working the streets for a while. In the past we've learned there's always something more underneath the anger.

Later Benson explained to him that the same people who took him, took another  boy Henry, and they're doing the same things to Henry that they did to him. Benson also mentioned that they've talked to his friend Jocelyn from the center, and that she's in school and doing really well. But the second she mention Jocelyn, Teddy clamed up and dismissed Benson.

When Amaro and Rollins went back and talk to Jocelyn, they told her that they found Teddy, she freaked out and ran off. So the detectives went back over to the FBI where they found out that Jocelyn was another victim of the same people who took Teddy and Henry. They also found out that Teddy raped Jocelyn.

"No, it was my idea, because I knew who they'd send in if it wasn't me. SOMEONE OLDER, SOMEONE ROUGHER. SHE WASN'T READY FOR THAT JOCELYN WAS MY FRIEND! And you're right they were done with me I-I could do what I-I-I want. So I went out on my own.

Jocelyn to Teddy-

"I thought you were my friend, why would you do that to me? 

With the help of Jocelyn and Teddy both SVU and the Chicago P.D was able to bring down one of the largest child pornography ring that spanned across the country. They both started out as victims and ended up as the heroes. Saving three children, one in New York and two in Chicago that were products of this horrible ring of operation. The case ends with Teddy flying to Chicago and naming the ring leader who was the head of the Department of Family Services. He would place foster children with foster parents, who then would sell them to childpornographers.

This crossover event was great. The writers did a great job working together, I only wish to have seen more of the case in Chicago Fire instead of in the last few minutes of the episode. I just felt Chicago Fire gave us very little of the first half of the crossover, it wasn't nearly good as SVU and Chicago P.D.!!

This story proves that even though you've been raped or forced to rape someone else you can start your life over. Everyone gets a restart button if they want one. And like what Benson told the ring leader of the child pornography. "Even the worst killers, child molesters, and rapist sleep better at night and feel the sun on their skin when they tell the truth."


About the Author - Shirleena Cunningham
TV Review for SpoilerTV. Has been with SpoilerTV for a year. Law and Order Special Victims Unit, The Comeback, Odd Couple, GIRLS. I'm also a big animal rights activists. I'm a Photographer, Writer, Graphic Designer and Illustrator.
Recent Reviews (All Reviews)

POLL: Favorite Scene from Grimm - Cry Luison

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The Comeback - Episode 2.04 - Valerie Is Taken Seriously - Promo

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The SpoilerTV Daily News Roundup - Various Shows - 23rd November 2014

Bones - The Puzzler in the Pit - Review

Quote of the Week, 23rd November 2014

Scene Of The Week - November 23, 2014 - POLL

Arrow and The Flash - Details about Crossover + Screening Q&A *Updated with all parts* + Cast Interviews

Person of Interest - Point of Origin - Review: "Setting things up nicely"

Mr. Robinson - Spencer Grammer and Lenora Crichlow join as Series Regulars

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Arrow - Episode 3.13 - Title Revealed

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Members Only - Cancelled

Beauty And The Beast - Season 3 - 22 Episode Order Rumour Confirmed False

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USD POLL : Would you like to see a female Doctor in Doctor Who?

The Walking Dead - Crossed - Advance Preview

POLL : What are you watching Tonight? - 23rd November 2014

MOVIES: Jurassic World - New Teaser

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Jane The Virgin - Episode 1.07 - Chapter Seven - Inside the Episode [VIDEO]

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The Walking Dead - Consumed - Review

Gotham - Harvey Dent - Review

POLL : What did you think of Hell on Wheels - Further West (Finale)?

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Lost Girl - Season 5 - Syfy Teaser

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The Fosters & Switched at Birth - Christmas Special - Combo Promo

Elementary Episode 3.04: Bella - Review

Z Nation - Sisters of Mercy - Review: "I Love You Mack" + 1.12 Murphy's Law - Promo

Homeland - There's Something Else Going On - Advance Preview

Chicago PD - Assignment Of The Year - Review

Ascension - New Promo - Ready or Not

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The Comedians - Teaser

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12 Monkeys - New Promo - Save the Past

Streaming Options

MOVIES: Star Wars - The Force Awakens - Is this GIF the first Teaser - Real or Fake?

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POLL : Favorite Scene from Grey's Anatomy - Risk?

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Episode 2.07 - Lockdown - Review

The Originals - Chasing the Devil's Tail - Review

Girl Meets World - Episode 1.14 - Review: "I approveth this messageth"

The Fall - Episode 2.05 - Promotional Photos & Episode 2.06 - Press Release

Streaming Options

Ratings News - 22nd November 2014

USD POLL : Which character should die next on Revenge?

Person of Interest - Episode 4.09 - The Devil You Know - Extended Promo

Streaming Options

Gotham - Episode 1.10 - LoveCraft - Promo 2 + Featurette

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Haven - Episode 5.12 - Chemistry - Promo

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Sleepy Hollow - Episode 2.10 - Magnum Opus - Promo 2 + Sneak Peeks

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POLL : What did you think of Atlantis - A New Dawn Part 2?

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The SpoilerTV Daily News Roundup - Various Shows - 22nd November 2014

Hell of Wheels - Episode 4.13 (Season Finale) - Further West - Sneak Peek

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Grimm - Episode 4.06 - Highway of Tears - Sneak Peek *Updated Region-Free*

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Girl Meets World - Episode 1.15 - Girl Meets Brother - Promo

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Homeland - Episode 4.11 - Krieg Nicht Lieb - Promotional Photos

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Gracepoint - Episode 1.08 - Review: "Suspicion Rises" + Poll

Selfie - Remaining Episodes to be released online soon

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Marco Polo - 8 Character Posters

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Atlantis - A New Dawn: Part 2 - Advance Preview + Dialogue Teasers

Constantine - Episode 1.06 - Rage of Caliban / Episode 1.07 - Blessed Are the Damned - Promotional Photos

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Homeland - Season 4 - Victoria Clark Joins Cast as Carrie's Mother

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Constantine - Episode 1.06 - Rage of Caliban - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of Constantine - Danse Vaudou?

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Grimm - Episode 4.06 - Highway of Tears - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of Grimm - Cry Luison?

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POLL : What did you think of Hawaii Five-0 - Ka Hana Malu?

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POLL: Favorite Scene from The 100 - Human Trials

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POLL : What did you think of Haven - Reflections?

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Marry Me - Dan Bucatinsky Promoted to Regular

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NCIS: Los Angeles - Episode 6.09 - Traitor - Extended Promo and Sneak Peeks

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Fresh Off The Boat - New Promo - #FOTB

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Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt - Moving to Netflix with 2nd Season Pick-Up

White Collar - Season 6 - Upcoming Episodes Promo

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The Flash - Episode 1.07 - Power Outage - Comic Preview

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NCIS - Episode 12.09 - Grounded - Extended Promo

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Final Adjusted TV Ratings for Thursday 20th November 2014

Hawaii Five-0 - Episode 5.08 - Ka Hana Malū - Preview Featurette

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Eye Candy - First Teaser Promo

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Agents of SHIELD - Episode 2.10 - What They Become - Press Release

Streaming Options

The Vampire Diaries - Fade into You - Review

Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Episode 2.08 - USPIS - Promo + Sneak Peeks

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Glee - Season 6 - Wedding Spoiler

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The Good Wife - Episode 6.10 - The Trial - Sneak Peeks

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Reign - Episodes 2.09 - 2.10 - Promotional Photos

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The Mindy Project - Season 3 - Adam Pally Exiting

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American Horror Story - Episode 4.08 - Blood Bath - Promotional Photos

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The Mentalist – Episode 7.01 – Nothing But Blue Skies (Advance Review + Teasers)

Welcome back Mentalistas! As you know, season 7 is the last season of The Mentalist. So I guess why everyone is so excited for this new chapter.

In May, “Blue Bird” ended with Jane and Lisbon finally confessing their love to each other and kissing. Now, as reading the press release for the seventh season premiere, they’re going to hide their relationship to their co-workers.

At first I need to say this: I’ve never been a romantic type, but this season premiere made me smile. A lot. Jane and Lisbon are so in love with each other and their relationship is so pure and genuine – thanks to Simon Baker and Robin Tunney too, whose friendship in real life, helped in this case, and made their characters so spontaneous in every gesture they make. Simon and Robin’s chemistry is at its best.

Beside this, there’s always the weekly murder case to solve.
I’m here to share with you some spoilers about the season premiere “Nothing But Blue Skies”.

Some teasers:
- Coffee is a good way to start your day.
Jane and Lisbon have never smiled so much like this.
- Cho can hug someone.
- Jane really likes to surprise Lisbon... but you’ve already known that, right?
- There’s a new FBI agent in town.
- We’ll find out where’s Kim Fischer right now. Also, she has a sweet message for someone.
- Jane is good at the imitation game.
- At their first meet, Jane’s already read Michelle Vega’s personality and I promise this: you’re going to like her.
- You can try to hide something to Abbott, but eventually he’ll always know there’s something going -on.
- A hammer.
- Not everyone can understand how Jane’s plans work.
-If you think Jane and Pike’s confrontation will be awkward, expect to listen what Marcus has to say to him.

Some quotes:
"Don’t talk to her like that!"
"Pleased to be here, sir." "Oh, you don’t have to call me ‘sir’. Serve it for him."
"You don’t need to wait until I need to know to tell me things, okay? Not anymore."
"Why is Jane telling everyone what to do? I thought Abbott was in charge."
"Your look is good." "It’s for an undercover thing."
"So, it’s you and her."

I know it’s hard to post something without spoilering everything. I hope this will help a little bit to get prepared for the seventh season premiere. If you have some questions, please comment below and I will ll try to answer, if I can.

About the Author - diana mack
Diana (diana mack) is a tv shows addicted. She's from Italy, she dreams to be a real journalist someday - meanwhile she speaks english even in her dreams. But tv series are not the only passions she has: she's a football supporter, cinema lover and a traveller. She studied languages (english, french, spanish, arabic and a bit of portuguese) and journalism in Rome.

The SpoilerTV Daily News Roundup - Various Shows - 21st November 2014

State of Affairs - Episode 1.02 - Secrets & Lies - Sneak Peeks

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Agents of SHIELD - Episode 2.09 - ...Ye Who Enter Here - Promotional Photos

Streaming Options

Penny Dreadful - Season 2 - First Look Promotional Photo + Press Release

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Ascension - New Full Promo

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NBC PRIMETIME SCHEDULE – Sunday December 7, 2014 - Saturday December 13, 2014

Jane The Virgin - Episode 1.07 - Chapter Seven - 2 Sneak Peeks

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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - The Things We Bury - Review

Ratings News - 21st November 2014

Haven - Season 5 - William Shatner books four episode arc

Streaming Options

The Flash - The Flash Is Born - Review

FOX Announces Premiere Dates for Glee, The Following, Weird Loners, The Last Man on Earth, Backstrom & Returning Dates

The CW Primetime Listings for the Week of December 8

How To Get Away With Murder - Kill Me, Kill Me, Kill Me - Review: "It's Not The Fall That Hurts"

POLL : What did you think of The Fall - One Named Peter? + Sneak Peek for Next Week

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A.D - Episode 1.01 - 1.03 - First Look Promotional Photos

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MOVIES: Jurassic World - First Teaser Trailer

Streaming Options

Scandal - Where the Sun Don't Shine - Review: "The Cast Were All Class"

FOX Midseason 2014/15 - Teaser Posters

USD POLL : What old character you already know from Once Upon a Time would you like to see with his own big story arc?

The Flash - Chasing Lightning Featurettes

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POLL : What are you watching Tonight? - 21st November 2014

POLL : What did you think of The Big Bang Theory - The Champagne Reflection?

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Chicago Fire - Episode 3.10 - Santa Bites - Promotional Photos

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Episode 2.10 - The Pontiac Bandit Returns - Promotional Photos

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Sleepy Hollow - Episode 2.11 - The Akeda - Promotional Photos

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Sullivan & Son - Cancelled

Reign - Episode 2.09 - Acts of War - Extended Promo

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The Vampire Diaries - Episode 6.09 - I Alone - Extended Promo

Streaming Options

The Mindy Project - Episode 3.11 - Christmas - Promotional Photos

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MOVIES: The Theory of Everything – An overly romanticized mess – Review

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The Mentalist - Episode 7.01 - Nothing But Blue Skies - Sneak Peek

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White Collar - Episode 6.04 - All's Fair - Promo

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Elementary - Episode 3.05 - Rip Off - Promo

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Covert Affairs - Episode 5.14 - Transport is Arranged - Promo

Streaming Options

Parenthood - Episode 6.10 - How Did We Get Here? - Promo

Streaming Options

POLL : What did you think of Covert Affairs - She Believes?

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POLL : What did you think of How to Get Away With Murder - Kill Me, Kill Me, Kill Me?

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POLL : What did you think of Elementary - Bella?

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Gracepoint - Episode 1.09 - Episode 9 - Promo

Streaming Options

POLL: Favorite Scene From Reign - Terror of the Faithful

Reign - Episode 2.09 - Acts of War - Promo

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Bones - Episode 10.09 - The Mutilation of the Master Manipulator - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of White Collar - Uncontrolled Variables?

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POLL : What did you think of Reign - Terror of the Faithful?

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POLL : What did you think of Scandal - Where the Sun Don't Shine?

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The Vampire Diaries - Episode 6.09 - I Alone - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of The Vampire Diaries - Fade Into You?

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POLL : What did you think of Grey's Anatomy - Risk?

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POLL : What did you think of Bones - The Puzzler in the Pit?

Streaming Options

The 100 - Human Trials - Review: "This. Show. Is. Insane."

CBS Upcoming Episode Press Releases - Various Shows - 20th November 2014

How to Get Away With Murder - Various Interviews Regarding the Midseason Finale

Streaming Options

Grey's Anatomy - Risk - Advance Review

The Vampire Diaries - Episode 6.08 - Fade Into You - Sneak Peek 2

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Covert Affairs - Episode 5.13 - She Believes - Sneak Peek 2 [LQ]

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Castle - Episode 7.08 - Kill Switch - 2 Sneak Peeks

Streaming Options

NCIS: Los Angeles - Episode 6.10 - Reign Fall - Press Release + Promotional Photos

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The Originals - Episode 2.08 - The Brothers That Care Forgot - Producers' Preview

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Final Adjusted TV Ratings for Wednesday 19th November 2014

Revenge - Season 4 - Sebastian Pigott to Recur

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The Mentalist - Episode 7.03 - Orange Blossom Ice Cream - Press Release

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Secrets and Lies - New Promo

Streaming Options

Raina Reveals: Exclusive Spoilers and Teasers - Constantine, iZombie, The Affair, The Librarians, The Mentalist, The Messengers & The Walking Dead

The Originals - Episode 2.08 - The Brothers That Care Forgot - Sneak Peek 3

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Haven - Episode 5.13 - Chosen (Mid-Season Finale) - Promotional Photos

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Castle - Episode 7.08 - 7.09 - Promotional Photos

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Arrow - Episode 3.08 - The Brave and the Bold - Promotional Photos

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Parks and Recreation - Season 7 - Rob Lowe and Rashida Jones returning for one episode

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Better Call Saul - To Premiere February 8th + New Teaser Promo

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The SpoilerTV Daily News Roundup - Various Shows - 20th November 2014

White Collar - Episode 6.04 - All's Fair - Promotional Photos

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Scandal - Episode 4.09 - Where the Sun Don't Shine - Sneak Peek

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Parks and Recreation - Season 7 - Jon Hamm Returning

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The Mentalist - Episode 7.12 - Title Revealed

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FOX Upcoming Episode Press Releases - Various Shows - 20th November 2014

Agents of SHIELD - Season 2 - Truth about the blue alien revealed

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Criminal Minds - The Boys of Sudworth Place - Review: "Boys Will Be Boys"

Throwback Thursday - Fringe - White Tulip

Bones - Episode 10.10 - The 200th in the 10th - Press Release

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The Walking Dead - Episode 5.11 - Title Revealed

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The Vampire Diaries - Episode 6.08 - Fade Into You - Latest from TVLine

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Forever - 6 A.M. - Review

POLL: Who killed Sam Keating on How To Get Away With Murder? #WhoKilledSam

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Ratings News - 20th November 2014

White Collar - Episode 6.04 - All's Fair - Extended Synopsis

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MOVIES: Pitch Perfect 2 Trailer + Poster

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The Mentalist - Season 7 - Agent Rick Tork to return

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Stalker - Episode 1.09 - 1.10 - Promotional Photos

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Empire - New Cast Promotional Photos + Poster

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Saving Hope - Episode 3.07 - The Way We Were - Synopsis + Promotional Photos

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Castle - Once Upon a Time in the West - Review: "Or, What Happens After The Wedding"

Longmire - Renewed for 4th Season by Netflix

USD POLL : Which "American Horror Story" actor do you want to see in Season 5 ?

Bones - Episode 10.08 - The Puzzler in the Pit - Sneak Peeks *Updated more*

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POLL : What are you watching Tonight? - 20th November 2014

Hart of Dixie - Season 4 - Promo

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Witches of East End - The Updated and Ultimate Guide to #RenewWitchesofEastEnd

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The 100 - Episode 2.06 - Fog of War - Extended Promo

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The 100 - Episode 2.06 - Fog of War - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of The 100 - Human Trials?

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Arrow - Episode 3.08 - The Brave and the Bold - Promo

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POLL : What did you think of Arrow - Draw Back Your Bow?

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Grimm - Episode 4.05 - Cry Luison - Sneak Peek 2 [US Only]

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Hawaii 5-0 - Episode 5.08 - Ka Hana Malu - Promo

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Nashville - Episode 3.09 - Two Sides to Every Story - Promo

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American Horror Story - Episode 4.08 - Blood Bath - Promo

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Stalker - Episode 1.09 - Crazy for You - Promo

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Chicago PD - Episode 2.09 - Promo

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Criminal Minds - Episode 10.09 - Fate - Promo

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Law and Order SVU - Episode 16.09 - Promo

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Chicago Fire - Chopper - Review

Galavant - New Promo - Series Premiere Jan 4

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White Collar - Return to Sender - Recap / Review and Episode Awards

POLL : What did you think of Nashville - You're Lookin' at Country?

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POLL : What did you think of American Horror Story: Freak Show - Test of Strength?

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POLL: Favorite Scene from Sleepy Hollow - Mama

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POLL : What did you think of Stalker - Skin?

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POLL : What did you think of Chicago PD - Assignment of the Year?

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POLL : What did you think of Criminal Minds - The Boys of Sudworth Place?

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POLL : What did you think of blackish - Oedipal Triangle?

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POLL : The League - The Beach House (Finale)

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Homeland - Episode 4.10 - 13 Hours in Islamabad - Promotional Photos

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Empire - FOX Announces Premiere Date

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The Big Bang Theory - Episode 8.10 - The Champagne Reflection - Sneak Peeks

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NCIS - Semper Fortis - Review: "A cry for help"

American Crime & Secrets and Lies - Episode + Cast Promotional Photos

POLL : Favorite Scene from Chicago Fire - Chopper

Reign - Episode 2.08 - Terror of the Faithful - Producers' Preview

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Black-ish - The Gift of Hunger - Review: "The Best of the Season"

Veep - Season 4 - Hugh Laurie to Guest

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Sons of Anarchy - Episode 7.12 - Red Rose - Promotional Photos

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