The Walking Dead will continue this week its 5th season with "Four Walls and a Roof", airing next Monday on FOX UK and this Sunday on AMC. And you absolutely don't want to miss it.
It will be another great episode, after "No Sanctuary" and "Strangers". The quality of this 5th season is very high for now, the first three episodes are on the same level. Gimple has really found the way to balance the emotional and the action packed side of The Walking Dead.
I can understand cannibalism when you don't have a choice, but I believe the Termites had a choice, and they chose to eat another people. That's just deranged. For me, they’re even more dangerous and scary than The Governor, because I could understand him, even if I disagreed with him. I can never understand Gareth and his actions. In this week episode, he will be even more crazy than usual, he’s a true psychopath actually.
Luckily, last week, our favorite survivors found a safe place, for now : Gabriel’s church. Seth Gilliam as Father Gabriel is such a great add to the cast. I wasn’t very interested at first by his character, but now I really am. He helped Rick and his friends, but since Bob, Daryl and Carol have disappeared on their very first night at the church, Rick will have be suspect Gabriel, after everything he’s been through, he has to.
So, Father Gabriel will have no choice but to reveal his terrible secret. We will know what happened at his church, what he did to deserve to be burnt for. I'm satisfied the writers wasted no time and revealed Gabriel's past. It is a powerful scene, Seth Gilliam is quite stunning in it.
Gabriel’s revelation will come quite early in the episode, because “Four Walls and a Roof” is a very intense episode. Here’s a list of thing to expect for this episode :
- Lot of people, myself included, believed Bob had been bitten during the attack at the food bank last week. So the Termites might have eaten what is called "tainted meat". Well, in the very first minutes of the episode, we will see if we were right. Actually, the first scene of the episode is very disturbing, but not in the exact same way than last week's ending. Since the start of the season, the opening scenes of each episodes were really intense and interesting, I guess that the formula to keep the audience for the whole episode.

- Daryl and Carol took off last week searching for Beth so we could have expected to finally see Beth again ! I miss her so much, it's been too long already. Unfortunately, we won’t see her in “Four Walls and a Roof”. It doesn’t mean we won’t see Daryl or Carol.
- The church will be attacked and it will so stressful to watch that scene I can assure you. The tension will be so high, for me it felt like time flew for a moment. I could only watch my screen and hope for the best. It's a truly exceptional scene.
- We will see Michonne's sword ! Finally ! I'm so glad it's still here. Now, how long until she finds it back ?
- A surprising and terrifying walkers attack in the woods. Damn, I totally jumped out of my chair.
- Gareth will reveal his theory about who tastes better among human, and why... He's mad. He will also reveal his ties to the people of Terminus.
- The group will have to say goodbye to one of their own… So sad.
- Rick will prove on more time how far he is willing to go to protect his family and friends. You don’t want to mess with him now. It will be less crazy than biting someone’s throat but still, Rick will have his psycho moment.
“Four Walls and a Roof” is very emotional, and yet full of major and decisive moments. If Gimple and his team continued in that direction, this 5th season will be the best season ever.
It’s amazing how now we can care for each characters, how many things are happening at the same moment, it’s such a great evolution since the show started. The show has now found his path and it’s such a pleasure to follow Rick and his group surviving in this walkers world.
And finally, the quotes game ! Guess from which characters those quote are :
1-"Looking at them makes me feel better about things"
2-"I'm starting to like this girl"
3-"So what is it ? The good that came out of this bad ?"
4-"It's not your call"
5-"You're not taking the bus"
6-"We can get through all of it together"
7-"I have an idea"
8-"It could have been us"
9-"You idiots !"
10-"It's just four walls and a roof"
Don’t miss “Four Walls and A Roof” airing on Monday 27th on FOX UK and this Sunday on AMC.
And in the meantime, let’s discuss the episode, hit the comments !