Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon The Walking Dead - Episode 5.01 - Watch the First 4 Minutes [VIDEO]

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The Walking Dead - Episode 5.01 - Watch the First 4 Minutes [VIDEO]

12 Oct 2014

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Thanks to Alii Joee for the heads up.


  1. one day to go.... can't freaking wait !!

  2. Well that answers the cannibalism question.

  3. Rick: "go for the throats" LOL Now it's proven that this show is about him because Rick now really IS The Walking Dead. This will be so fu**ing awesome.

  4. that blonde guy that gets Killed is "Sam" from S4, that has Rick's watch...and take note of the First scene with Gareth in that Flashback...remember it, when u watch the Last scne of the Epi...☺...

  5. Awesome. Can't wait for tomorrow!

  6. 22 hours and counting !!!!!.

  7. cooooool clip.... I am on pins and needles with anticipation...

  8. Christina Sherwood12 October 2014 at 07:46

    Kinda underwhelmed after all the hype by those who've been saying the first few minutes were the most gruesome thing to ever be on TV . . . yes creepy/disturbing but Rick's throat tearing scene in the finale was way more gruesome than a blurry body being cut up on a table & some way too clean "meat" sorting bins. Am I terrified for the group? Big fat yep! Am I "cringing & hiding my face" as Kristin Dos Santos claimed we would be? Hmmmm uhhhhhh nope.

  9. I'm guessing it gets more so at the end after this clip.

  10. A UK friendly link would be great...!

  11. This video isn't geo-blocked.

  12. Christina Sherwood12 October 2014 at 13:39

    Probably a lil bit but all I can forsee is bashed heads & slit throats into the trough. Honestly with a cannibal storyline & "most gruesome thing on tv ever" claims I was expecting something like one of the Termites to prefer their meat a lil "fresh" or something of that nature, a lil finger sandwhich perhaps, now that would definitely make me cringe/gag.

  13. I dunno. I've not seen it so can't comment. I guess we'll find out tonight though.


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