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The Vampire Diaries - Episode 6.04 - Black Hole Sun - Extended Promo

Oct 17, 2014

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  1. who the hell is elena williams ??? wtf is happening !!

  2. It look's better then previous promo and hope that proposing is some kind of prank cuz i can't stand it ....

  3. Let's not be in too big of a hurry to get back. It would be a shame to cut short the best thing TVD has going this season.

  4. LOL they better be joking. This Elena/Stefan/Damon crap has to end.

  5. Wtf is this?? I don't understand what's going on here? And who the hell is Williams?? And get off the F**king bike!!! You guys looks stupid every time you're on it! LOL this is ridiculous. I don't....I can't. HaHahahaha, this is dumb. Lol this is definitely a filler.

  6. NEW #TVD Season 6x03 Welcome to Paradise Watch here @

  7. yeah promos are always fillers for tvd

  8. I am surprised they didn't show any flashback sequence. Vd is ruinning themselves with this Stelena focus.

  9. Whenever I see a stelena focused episode the episode pilots seem ridiculous now. Do writers have to come up with this nonsense just to put Stefan and Elena together? I mean I get it there is no logical way for them to see each other. I barely watched dream sequence episode 5x18 but I'm not going to watch this one not anymore. I'm done with it.

  10. I just want a Bonnie and Damon ep, they should give the two of them a spinoff show.

  11. I think they are just roleplaying for funs, but that just would be my guess :)

  12. What i got from the promo & the synopsis-matt will find out that enzo has been captured by tripp.Enzo somehow breaks free & he is the unexpected visitor who shows up at stefan's doorstep at the end of the episode.I guess now that we all know bamon is trapped in kai's own personal hell,he will shed some light regarding the time warp mystery.I guess the story is somehow connected to the brother's past.Sad that caroline won't be present this episode.Yay for alaric being back again!Things are getting exciting.Can anyone guess why the hell sarah was going through the salvatore mansion's stuff,is she searching for something specific?Is she bonnie's half-sister?How exactly is tripp finding out about the vampikre's identities and so easily capturing them?How would enzo break free from his clutches??So many questions!So glad season 5 is behind us now.

  13. Yasss, finally, Stefan and Elena.

  14. LOL @ all the desperate comments at the slightest sign of Stelena. The triangle never ended and it's not going anywhere, it's sad but true. At least season 5 proved that Delena is unwatchable while Stefan and Elena, while far from perfect, are healthier and don't drag the show down like DE did. I can bought SE's love and they never took over the show, so if the writers find a way for them, go with it and make the show right again, please. They managed to destroy Elena and they wrote multiple retcons in order to make Delena happen, if they do it again to make SE happen and turn Elena back to the good character that she once was, I'm all for it.

    Plus I hope Damon and Bonnie don't get back just yet. I have a lot of problems with Damon, but when he has scenes with Bonnie or Caroline, he's interesting, because Bonnie and Caroline don't take his crap, especially Bonnie. It's been a joy watching Damon and Bonnie get closer, she actually brings something new to his character.

  15. Well they had to destroy Elena and create the sirebond to make Damon and ELena get together, so this is nothing lol. Don't let the door hit you on your away out so you don't get any more hurt.

  16. IMO Actually Delena ruined the show for the past two seasons, seeing SE and DB focus is refreshing.

  17. Couldn't care less about delena or elena so if you tried to attack me or my ship or something I can say you pretty much failed.

  18. They only look stupid on the bike to Damon/Elena shippers. The bike is fine. I'm sure all is not as it may seem to some. If Stefan/Elena get back together it won't be for a long while yet -final season will tell.

  19. Yes Delena took a big tool on the show, but now going back to pushing Stelena is just stupid! DB is really nice but I can't stand them pushing StElena on us.

  20. Damon is so cute. He wants to go back for Elena and for Stefan. And what are they doing?Pretending they are the happy couple. Great.

  21. man Delena shippers need to seriously calm down. From the look of the trailer they seem to be playing more than actually happen. Stefan looks like he's drunk when proposing and the Stefan we know is serious when it comes to love why would he act like that when proposing. Plus rumors been going around saying Delena will happen again in 6x08 so until then everybody needs to calm down before attacking each other

  22. Yes break on out of there, Bonnie and Damon! Let's get this show on the road! BOTH of them better be gonna make it out of there tho, I'm paranoid Bonnie isn't gonna make it back and if that happens I'll be very upset.

    The friendship between Stefan and Elena continues to be very cute. Brotp 4 eva! I love that they've reached a stage where their romantic history is something they can joke around over (e.g. the proposal) instead of being a source of pain for Stefan or guilt over that pain for Elena.

  23. I don't think they are pushing anything, Elena doesn't remember her and Damon and Stefan is trying to start over like he said numerous times now. I don't think this is gonna last because they obviously are trying to cope with their loss and just want to run away.

  24. They are majorly pushing Stelena in the promos. Story-wise not so much but in the promos they are really trying to lure back some old Stelena fans. But again they are the leads so they have to share scenes but I want the scenes to have purpose.

  25. You want that because now their story is fresh and new, i actually think is not about character but about the story that's why everyone is loving them right now. You know the saying New is Always better - BS

  26. I don't see it that away. It's pretty obvious that there's nothing feelings-related. Stefan has feeling for Caroline, Elena sooner or later is goiing to remember(ill be pissed if she didn't) so or this is some strange dream or something that happens to Damon and Bonnie, or something related to the circumstances (stefan wants to start over crap like that). Im just saying if you actually think about it the situation doens't make sense unless it's one of the htings i just mentioned.

  27. If Stefan goes back with elena just 4 months after his bro's death,
    he'll be an ass. He knows somethings is wrong with elena when he talks
    with her. The fact he barely mentions damon, he knows somethings is up,
    and yet use it to have her back? Even after basically caroline beg him
    to stay coz she has feeling for him? Sorry but we cannot have stelena
    while damon is dead, not that soon. Stefan so far prouf that is a
    horrible bro, horrible lover and horrible friends. When things goes
    wrong he just leaves and start over like he doesnt even care.
    And if
    damon found out what he did to enzo? he'll be really angry. he kills
    his girlfriend and he sell him up after saving his life. He's not better
    then enzo or evil damon. Stefan is even worst. coz he has is humanity
    on, enzo no. and damon was an ass when he has it off.

  28. No it just looked stupid. I remember someone in the staff even thought it was cheesy. And it is. Stefan riding it alone, that's fine. But when they try and use it for some romantic scene it looks cheesy. Caroline could be on the back of that bike and it'd still look cheesy. And iI know this promo isn't what it seems, (or rather the promo to the episode) but doesn't change the fact that it's just a really hysterical lame promo. This promo SCREAMS filler.

  29. Hahahaha it's a filler. I'm gonna be laughing through this episode. Lol

  30. Flashback sequence between whom? Damon and Stefan? Maybe it's too spoilery.

  31. IMO it wasn't that bad.

    Probably will be a weird episode.

  32. I agree. It'll be really weird.

  33. As compared to Damon sleeping with Elena the day after Stefan and Elena broke up.

    Stefan is the one who doesn't leave, he is the one who had to fix everything and the one time he doesn't.. Which by the way is bullshit when he clearly stated he has followed all leads, been around the world and has found nothing and now he is moving on.

    Who the heck is Enzo, he and Caroline just start to look for Damon after he had been gone for months and he judges Stefan. Stefan is Damon's brother and his biggest defender and yet Enzo has suddenly decided he knows what's best and kills an innocent. Ah yes Enzo is amazing.

    As for Caroline, who hasnt she had feelings for. Last season she was crying over Tyler and now she had feelings for Stefan so that means Stefan has to drop everything and run to her?? Doesn't he have a say in the matter, he is grieving and he is moving on in his way. Not how Enzo and Caroline thinks he should but the way he needs too.

    It doesn't make him a monster and I say it is about time.

  34. Thank you, finally a post that doesn't sound like a half crazed Deleniac.

  35. Me too, it took me by surprise. Damon doesn't need a doormat as much as he would like to think so and Bonnie is no doormat.

  36. What are you talking about? Episode 6x04 has not aired yet.

  37. People need to chill. It's quite obvious what's going on here. Stevan and Elena decide to get the hell out of dodge for a while, and "start fresh" and the whole proposal thing is probably a joke like when Brooke nana Lucas pretended to be engaged that one episode in OTH. Besides, even Elena isn't a big enough douche to get back with Stefan so soon after what she saw between him and Caroline. She definitely can be a douche, but she's not that bad.

  38. Bonnie being left behind so that Damon can get out,unfortunately sounds like something that would happen to Bonnie. I just hope I'm wrong..I think I might be done with the show if the writers went that route. I'm not much of a Delena fan anymore,, but I really hope that the Elena/Stefan stuff is not real.

  39. I'm not sure if most of the comments are from Delena fans. There was a time when I liked Stelena and a time when I liked the idea of Delena, but right now I like neither and am sick of the love triangle.I think that Elena's relationship with Damon was unhealthy and obsessive for both of them, and while I thought that Elena and Stefan made a good couple, I think that Stefan deserves better after the treatment he's gotten. Plus, if he starts dating Elena and Damon returns, he'll ultimately go through the same pain again. I agree about Damon and Bonnie. It's fun watching them actually start to like each other.

  40. New wasn't better when Caroline hooked up with Klaus and it certainly won't be better with Enzo either. I've noticed the Bonnie/Damon potential since the first season and could never understand why the writers never capitalized on their chemistry (especially since it's part of the books)

  41. Yes I've been worried about Bonnie all along because Damon getting back was never in doubt, but with Bonnie we just don't know. I'd be okay with them dragging it out a bit (like maybe she's able to send Damon back but not herself so then Damon and the others mount a rescue mission to save Bonnie) as long as she does make it back home. I just don't want this to end with Bonnie permanently stuck there!

    It looks to me like the Stefan and Elena stuff is him showing her the "how to make a new identity" ropes and them playing around. I don't think there's anything at all romantic there and I'm a total Steroline and Delena shipper so if I thought there was anything to be worried about I'd be the first to say it, Lol. But I don't think there is, I think they're wayyyy past all that, they're just friends now and TBH I really like their friendship. The scenes in the promo looked cute IMO!

  42. How do you know that Damon slept with Elena a day after she broke up with Stefan? It was one episode later. That doesn't mean it's only a day later. We don't know exactly how much time has passed.

    And I think it doesn't even matter if Caroline has Feelings for Stefan and what feelings he might has for her. Fact is that they were best friends. And a best friend shouldn't just leave without saying goodbye and then don't even listen to the massages his friend, who clearly needs him (probably more than ever), left him. I know that he is grieving but he just shouldn't stop caring about his friends, who are grieving too..

  43. Umm, because it was mentioned in the dialog between them. As for Caroline grieving, Stefan spent four months looking for his brother and Bonnie and now he is moving on and making a clean break. He deserves to grieve the way he wants with or without Caroline. It was his brother as such he is allowed to grieve however and with whomever he wants, this isn't about Caroline.


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