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POLL : What did you think of How to Get Away With Murder - Let's Get to Snooping?

Oct 17, 2014

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  1. Move over olivia ... there's a new sherif in town and she have a wig ...
    Amazing episode.

  2. Whoa damn at that ending. They weren't kidding about those last seven words.

    This show is awesome.

  3. Even setting aside the fact he literally dies, Sam's been done for from the first moment we we saw him. His marriage to Annalise doubly so. My jaw didn't drop nearly as much at those nine words as it did when the assistant killed himself (Oh Paxton, you were a traitor, but you didn't deserve to die) or at Connor's total breakdown in the future (On a show about people's dark sides, the near-cruelest of them all is...this show is just too much.)

  4. Awesome episode! I love this show so much. Every character is so damn intriguing and the writing is phenomenal.

    Jack Falahee portrays Connor so damn well. He continues to be my favorite character on the show and this was his episode! We got a lot of depth towards his character and he was outstanding. Also, him breaking down in the flash forward towards Oliver proves that he still cares about him and doesn't just want a fling but something more.

    Looks like Nate is still investigating Sam! That's probably a good idea considering right now, Sam looks to be the culprit of Lila's murder.

    I'm really starting to like Wes/Rebecca together. Just him always looking out for her and caring for her is really sweet. And Bonnie betraying Annalise by not telling her about Nate and Sam's encounter was very interesting. I knew she wasn't all that good hearted towards her.

    That final scene was absolutely gripping and insane! Annalise taking off her wig and makeup which showed her true self and then showed Sam a picture of his penis on Lila's phone, absolutely busting him, was freaking badass! Now Annalise has all the proof that she needs that will point to her husband as Lila's killer. Very interested to see Sam's explanation!

  5. This was my favourite episode of the season so far. The last few minutes when Annalise removes her wig and makeup, set up to that haunting song by Bastille "No One's Here To Sleep", were incredible. That scene alone should warrant Viola Davis an award nomination.

  6. Are you frigging kidding me,, just when I think I've seen everything in a drama, here comes this show, they throw you In every direction and Connor killed it again as usual, the guy went beyond the line of duty, as usual everyone was on point, what's really going on with Bonnie, and that ending, when Annalise started cleaning her face and taking her wig off, I said to myself it's about to get real, damn I didn't know how real, question Sam why is your penis on a dead girls phone? We're getting in now as to how he ended up in that rug!!!!

  7. Yeah, that whole storyline with the guy killing himself was just...whoa. I felt for Connor a lot there, too, you could easily see how shaken up he was about that. I'm really curious to see how far his breakdown will go. I like that we're starting to really connect and sympathize with these characters (and considering they're playing a part in covering up a murder, that is no easy feat!). I find myself caring more and more about what happens to them with each passing week. It's refreshing to see their less self-assured, cocky, "everything's under control" sides, and I find it very interesting that characters like Michaela and Connor, the most on the surface "together" people of the group, are the ones who are now breaking down and freaking out in those scenes from the night of the killing. Really looking forward to seeing where they go with that part of things.
    And Annalise's question to Sam at the end of the episode definitely had me raising my eyebrows. There is no possible way we'll get a good, innocent answer to that question.

  8. I'm really starting to like Wes/Rebecca together. Just him always looking out for her and caring for her is really sweet.
    Agreed. If people aren't shipping those two yet, they're going to be very quickly.
    Annalise without makeup seemed even more intimidating, if that's even possible. Like, "Okay, shit is about to go down."

  9. Ahhhh, thank you for mentioning the artist/song at the end there! I was wondering about that.

  10. Excellent episode...........AGAIN! This series is officially "must see TV" for me. When Annalise took her "hair down" it was on, but the 9 words she said afterwards was.....................PRICELESS (No Spoilers)! Should we start raising funds/donations for Viola Davis' new trophy/awards case? By the time this series is over she (Viola Davis) is going to need a case for all her awards..............a really big one. 4 A MURDER FREE TRIAL, I am Nobody!!!

  11. Yeah, I think next year's award ceremonies will get VERY interesting, for sure.
    Also, I know they mainly interacted tonight thanks to the case at hand, but can we have more moments down the line between Annalise and Marren in general? They're kind of fun together.

  12. Loved the ending but I'm getting a bit tired of the back and forth between future and present storylines, when most of the future scenes are repeated. Its been engraved in my brain.

  13. Another good episode, thanks mainly to the moments with Bonnie and Damon. Loved when Bonnie told Damon to remove his ring and give up, instead of constantly being negative, and LOL at the fact that she's already left him thirteen times. I'm still trying to figure out whether the 1994 date has to do with Bonnie or Damon.

    I really dislike the storyline of Elena compelling herself (again) to deal with the pain of loss, and the fact that it will probably cause her to go running back to Stefan is annoying. Watching Caroline fall apart because of Stefan was heartbreaking;I'm really hoping that Elena and stefan will not be a couple when Damon returns, because it means that Damon will spend the rest of the season fighting with Stefan and trying to win back Elena. Yawn. I'm hoping that it takes Damon and Bonnie a while (like maybe half a season!) before they make it back to Mystic fall!

    Still not an Enzo fan, and LOL at Caroline calling him the stability in her life. Does Caroline always have to be the person that all the bad guys hook up with? It seems like the writers used the Damon formula for Enzo's personality, instead of giving him a more unique personality. I'd much prefer to get more scenes with Luke and Liv, who actually do bring something different to the plot. Plus, the brief Liv and Tyler scenes were great...they both have great chemistry.

    So I'm wondering...if Elena were to return to Mystic Falls, without ending up fried,would that make her forget Alaric's compulsion?

  14. That's not really true. The flash-forwards so far have always shown the scenes from a different perspective. Watching Connor slowly lose his mind was the highlight of this episode.

  15. Somehow it got even better! I love Connors character and hope we get more on Laurel she seems interesting. But yes this show is amazing hope they can keep it up.

  16. - Who would have thought the hottest sex scene on network television would be between two guys.
    - It's funny how the two most ambitious and most competitive ones of the group are the ones losing their shit.
    - I still have no idea what Asher's role in all of this is and how he of all people is the current owner of the trophy.
    - I thought the last nine words were overhyped but Viola delivered it perfectly nonetheless.

  17. I'm so in love in this show, connor is so amazing complicated character and woooo sex scene was so hot

    and Viola Davis in the scene with wash makeup deserves Emmy, it was so powerful

    I want next ep :(

  18. Who would have thought just removing makeup would, have been so damn powerful, but she brought out something intense in that execution and, she went and uttered those nine words, amazing performance!!!! Viola Davis owned that moment!!

  19. I really love how they use the flash forwards and show some character development. The writing is brilliant so far but I'm scared of the second season. This concept works perfectly for one season. I just fear that in the second season it just turns out to be just another crime procedual. I really hope I'm wrong.

  20. I did say most and not all. There are new scenes every time, but I'd rather they dont show (again) when Connor is yelling at Michaela about her perfect brain not processing what happened or the endless flipping of the coin.

  21. Wow 10000x!! This show is getting better. I love how each episode, one student has a heavier storyline but it doesn't ignore the other cast too. This episode is heavy on Connor and I loved it! I think Connor and Oliver are cute, but Connor had to screw it up. There's always another way to do it. But the promo was right, he's The Player. So far, Connor and Laurel are among my fav.

  22. It is so damn powerful. I wonder if it's a meaning on its own. Like she could only expose her true nature when she's confronting her husband?

  23.! I adored this episode again. Flawless. Connor is awesome, one of the most interesting characters I've come across. And that ending... Viola Davis can do no wrong. I can't wait for what will happen next. Awesomeeeeee

  24. The end wasn't really surprising at all (seriously guy, who was still doubting that it was the husband on the phone?), but those famous 9 words did the trick nonetheless. Well played Annalise, well played


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