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Last Week in TV - Oct. 19-25 - Episode Awards and Reviews

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Hello fellow TV fans. Welcome back to Last Week in TV. Not sure how your TV week went but mine was disappointing. The 100 was a highlight, but not as much for me as for some others since it dragged a little in the middle and I hate Murphy. Constantine was a disaster. Grimm was good but added an unnecessary case of the week that interrupted the story flow. Then the only new comedy I was still watching, Manhattan Love Story, got cancelled. No surprise, but still. On the plus side though, The Goldbergs cracked me up and touched my heart like usual, Forever had an interesting case of the week, How to Get Away with Murder stepped up the pace, and the acting on Resurrection was phenomenal. So how did your TV week go?

I cheated a little on the nominated show this week because the episode nominated is in season 2 and I am still in season 1. Therefore, I am reviewing three season 1 episodes together and will do a separate review for the nominated episode when I get to that point in the series. If you would like to nominate an episode for me to review, please fill in the short 2 item form below. Coming up next week will be Arrow. Not looking forward to it because I heard there was a lot of shipping in it and I firmly believe that ruined the formerly awesome Felicity's character. I also dropped more shows this week due to time constraints and lack of interest: Marry Me, Black-ish, and Cristela. If you watch these, let me know if they get better so I can marathon them over the hiatus.

As always, don't forget to comment on how your TV week went. Add your own TV report card if you would like. We love to discuss TV here.

Nominated Show:

Vikings - 1.04 - 1.06

Vikings is dessert TV for me. When I get done with my work, I get to watch this show. The premise is loosely based on Norse legends of military leader Ragnar Lothbrok's rise in Viking society in the late 700's. He has a vision of conquest the current Earl does not share and it begins a conflict between them that isn't resolved until 2/3 through season 1. What I love most about Vikings though is that unlike many other epic cable shows (cough Game of Thrones cough Black Sails), the violence and sex feel like a natural part of the story and not gratuitous at all. They help create the atmosphere of the show and do not detract from the overall story. There's nothing blatant about this show, which means you can soak in the atmosphere and the characters. It helps that there's a steady supply of action to keep the show going and the characters are compelling and feel real. Ragnar and Rollo have a classic sibling rivalry that is on the brink of revolt. Both are well-acted and well-rounded. Still the most brilliant character is Lagertha. She was a shield maiden before marrying Ragnar and can take care of herself. Right in the opener, she defends herself and her children from marauders. Even more refreshing is that she is valued for her skills in a way women very rarely are in historical pieces. As an action drama based in history, this show is both entertaining and compelling. Its timeline may be completely messed up and yeah sure, the Vikings used armor like anyone else, but unless you're nitpicky it shouldn't get in your way of enjoying this overall fantastic story.

Ranking: 5
Audience - Anyone who likes historical dramas with plenty of action and engrossing characters
Best Reason to Watch - all the action. It's bloody, but not Spartacus level, and definitely well-choreographed

7.04 - A- (all kinds of action and forward plot movement make this one a winner)
The "I Guess All's Fair in Love and War" Award - Ragnar waits until Sunday to attack while people are praying
Best Save - Lagertha fights Knut for trying to rape a woman and then kills him when he tries to rape her / Rollo refuses to testify against his brother
Best Political Machinations - Earl Haraldson for trying to turn Rollo against Ragnar

7.05 - C (This is a placeholder episode to get us to the next one. Little action and a lot of exposition.)
Best Scene - the priest learns about Norse mythology
Most Efficient - Ragnar, who is a smart strategist as well as a warrior
Most in Need of Dying - Earl Haraldson
Most Likely to Get You Killed - Rollo and Siggy have a relationship

7.06 - B+ (what with all the dying, plotting, and time jumps, we're a good few months along in one episode)
The "It's Like Game of Thrones Around Here" Award- the wedding may be over but everyone's getting killed
Most Authoritative - Siggy, who commands everyone to recognize Ragnar as Earl
Best Move - killing off Earl Haraldson, who was draining the whole story
Best Reaction - Athelstan when he learns a slave girl agreed to died with the earl

Best Quotes -
1. Ragnar: "Take care today and don't take any foolish risks and don't get separated from the others." Lagertha: "I was just going to say the same to you, my love."
2. Haraldson: "Do the gods speak?" Seer: "Do they ever stop?"
3. Ragnar: "There's no need for you to swear. You've already paid a heavy price for your loyalty to me." Rollo: "Nevertheless, I will swear, brother. I swear to be true to you, your wife, and your family…as long as your good fortune holds. How will we ever be equal now, my brother?"
4. Athelstan: "Why have you agreed to grant Earl Haraldson such a big funeral? Was he not your enemy?" Ragnar: "He was also a great man and a warrior. He earned his renown in this life and now in death, he deserves such a funeral."

New Show:

Constantine - 1.01 - Pilot

You know your show is in trouble when the pilot spends 92% of the time building up a character who leaves by the end of the episode. Yes, I know it was too expensive to reshoot the pilot when the lead character didn't test well. Still doesn't mean I liked sitting through it. Nor a compilation of every single sci fi/fantasy show I've ever seen. Regardless of what came first, if I have already seen it it's old news to me. Since the writing was sloppy, the pacing erratic, and the main character a douche, there's really not much here for me. I'll give it another couple of episodes but then I'm out.

Grade: D
Ranking - 2
Audience - those who like comic heroes or all genre shows mixed into one

Prediction - It goes the way of Dracula but only after a drinking game is created to get through it

Best Reason to Watch - you can find aspects of all your favorite genre shows mixed in here, plus a lot of The Sixth Sense dead people
Biggest Douche - Constantine, who thinks it is funny to terrorize Liv
Best Potential Character - Ritchie
The "A Little Warning Please" Award - If you are going to pan in on any kind of bug, you need to let me know in advance. Common courtesy.
Best Visual - Manny stopping time
Worst Plan Ever - Constantine keeps looking for his dead mum so he can conjure her. Nothing about this plan is good. Nothing.
First Sign of Trouble - lights flicker. Time to grab salt, holy water, and maybe a Winchester or two.
Best Integration of Product Placement - Liv's rear view camera on her car picks up something but she sees nothing and thus starts the demon attack
The "Welcome Back" Award - Harold Perrineau, aka Mercutio in Romeo + Juliet and Michael in LOST. Hope you don't get eaten by zombie babies in this one.
The "Not Them Again" Award - Angels. Why does it always have to be angels? Supernatural ruined them for good. Add in an apocalypse and it's like every genre show I have ever seen rolled into one.
The "Say What?" Award - Liv does not hear the person who finds the body or all the police wandering outside her door.
Best Meta - Helmet of Fate, I guess. All I know is everyone started raving about it as soon as it came on.
Best Quotes -
1. Constantine: "You know it's a fine line between watching over and stalking."
2. Constantine: "There's an extra $100 in it for you if you keep this by your side. If it glows, you call me immediately." Guard: "It's not screwed in to anything." Constantine: "Neither am I, mate."
4. Liv: "Where do you come from, John?" Constantine: "The sordid passions of my parents."
5. Constantine: "That says Master, does it? Well I should really change that to Petty Dabbler. I hate to put on airs."

Weekly Shows:

Resurrection - 2.04 - Old Scars

This episode did exactly what I needed it to do. It re-hooked me into the plot. The dinner party was intense and had a lot of great acting, even though emoangst is not my thing. Still I got chills whenever the camera panned in on either Lucille or Margaret. Glad to be a spectator instead of a guest for sure. What really hooked me though was the flashback at the end. Margaret torching one of the returned as a child was terrifying. Knowing that she is now one of the returned herself and the maniacal look in her eyes at the end mean things are about to get intense around here. I believe she really will try to kill Jacob and herself after taking out everyone else. I can't wait for that scene. Margaret remains the best new character to a returning show and she alone provides motive to keep watching.

Grade: B+

Best Reason to Watch - Margaret knows how to kill the returned for good
Most Intense - Lucille tells Barbara that she is responsible for Jacob's death because of her affair
The Worst Plan Ever Award - When composing guests for a dinner party, you don't invite both of the battling exes and expect things to turn out well. What were they all thinking?
The "If Looks Could Kill" Award - A couple episodes ago it was Lucille giving a newly resurrected Margaret the look. This time Margaret is visually killing Barbara. Nice to know Lucille wasn't her least favorite daughter-in-law.
Most Cold - Lucille offers wine to Fred, knowing he can't have any, and then gleefully cracks open another bottle. / Margaret asks Barbara about her lover at dinner and skips her in the toast. This family is so much more dysfunctional than they seemed at first.
Biggest, Best Martyr - Janine, who allows Rachael to stay with them
Biggest Awww Scene - Lucille breaks down in front of Margaret on the anniversary of Jacob's death
The "Um, Okay" Award - What the heck is a Pop Tard? That's just bizarre.
The "Warning Please" Award - close ups on big bugs ALWAYS need to come with a warning label
Least Interesting Subplot - Rachael's pregnancy. Unless it ends up being a superpowered alien baby like on V, I officially don't care at all.
Best Quotes -
1. Lucille: "I know we didn't always see eye to eye." Margaret: "I'm your mother-in-law. Those are the rules of the universe."
2. Jacob: "Come on. I'll show you all the things that changed. The refrigerator looks like it's from the future."
3. Margaret: "It is my purpose, my mission, to bring this family back together. To overcome this dark time. We're Langstons. We must always protect our own, no matter what."
4. Jacob: "Why did Aunt Barbara leave without saying goodbye?" Margaret: "Manners were never her strong suit."

Sleepy Hollow - 2.05 - The Weeping Lady

I love Sleepy Hollow but they have got to stop pandering to shippers. It was cute the first time, but now it takes me completely out of the show as I roll my eyes and throw socks. I don't need to hear one more person mistake Abbie and Ichabod's partnership as a romance. I certainly don't need them to throw in a rift between Ichabod and Abbie so the fandom can continue to grouse about Katrina's very existence. Just stop! I did love Katrina fighting off the Weeping Lady by herself and not needing Ichabod to save her though. It was great seeing her be able to utilize her powers, but even more so, I love that they gave a canonical reason for why she can't just magic herself out. Hopefully people will stop complaining about that now too. Even better was the chance for Abbie and Katrina to work together to stop the spirit. I would love for Katrina to be united with the team and spend more time with both Abbie and Jenny. She is in danger of becoming the Laurel from Arrow, and this character has too much to potential to let that happen.

Best Reason to Watch / Biggest Regret - I debated a lot about this one but in the end, my favorite thing was Caroline. Yes, she was killed off in the first third and we barely knew her, but I can't help thinking how much fun she would have been if she were recurring. Ichabod needs more friends.
Best Scene - Katrina saves herself and then she and Abbie work together to stop the Weeping Lady
Most Fun Catchphrase - Crane on the brain
Best Awww Moment - Ichabod bows to Caroline after apologizing to her
The "Oh How Quaint" Award - Ichabod's version of lover's lane is not quite the same as in modern times
The "Are You Nuts?" Award - Why does Abbie go to the Weeping Willow and try to arrest her like a person?
Best Reaction - Ichabod to getting a message via bird / library patrons to Abbie's gun going off
Best Answered - Moloch has specific plans for Katrina so that's why he's kept her for so long
Best Quotes -
1. Abbie: "Hawley, this isn't about your personal code of commerce. It's a matter of life and death." Hawley: "Well, when isn't it with you two?"
2. Ichabod: "A missive composed by thumb cannot adequately convey emotions." Abbie: "Hence emoticons." Ichabod: "Oh yes, a grimacing lemon caricature. That should do the trick. "

Scorpion - 1.05 - Plutonium is Forever

Scorpion continues to be my favorite new show of the season, yet Walter continues to get worse. He really needs to stop being such a douche and actually listen to other people instead of always thinking that he is the only one who can be right. It is getting irritating and I hope they tone him down quickly. Other than that, the rest of the team keeps getting better. I was worried when Gallo was isolated from the team that we would spend another episode with him on the sidelines. I'm glad they didn't do that. I do wish that they had included him in the ending scene though. After losing his child, he needs the bonding time of family as much as the others.

Grade: B

Best Reason to Watch / Best Character - Happy
Biggest Laugh - dot matrix printer
Best Moment - "Made you look."
Biggest Surprise - Paige figures out the code instead of Toby. It would seem like a behavioral specialist would have that in the bag.
The "Could You Please Tell This to All Other Characters?" Award - Paige tells Walter that keeping secrets always backfires. I yell this at my TV on a daily basis. Perhaps Paige should consult on all my shows.
Best Nostalgia - War Games
Best Quotes -
1. Mark: "Yes please, Mr. Government. Go ahead and tell me again how bad spying is."
2. Gallo: "Hey listen kid, if this doesn't work out I'm glad I got to know you." Walter: "Okay." Sylvester: "A man gives you what could be his last goodbye and you say okay?" Toby: "You could use some time on the couch."
3. Toby: "Happy, pick one. $20 bucks says I can guess it in under 5 seconds." Happy: "Is this your way of asking for a loan?"

TBBT - 8.06 - The Expedition Approximation

Grade: C

Best Character Interaction - Sheldon and Raj
Worst Character Interaction - Bernadette and Howard. I almost always like these two better with other people. They are both less obnoxious that way.
Best Scene - Raj talks about Voyager
Biggest Aww Moment - Penny gives Leonard a picture of the car with Best Fiancé Ever on the frame
Best Pop Culture Reference - Raj tries to explain Hannah Montana to Sheldon
Biggest Small Moment - Sheldon apologizes.
Best Quotes -
1. Penny: "You had a panic attack when we went through the car wash." Sheldon: "Perhaps the emotion you're referring to is shock at you having something cleaned."
2. Sheldon: "Are they making fun of us?" Raj: "Yep." Sheldon: "I miss the old days when I couldn't tell."
3. Sheldon: "My major focus at the moment is keeping my claustrophobia at bay." Raj: "How's that going?" Sheldon: "Well you tell me. I feel like I can't breathe and I am tempted to crack you open and suck the air right out of your lungs."

Jane the Virgin - 1.02 - Chapter Two

I liked this show better in the rewatch, although not near as much as I liked the pilot. I am not used to over the top shows and I'm not a big fan of soapy twists, both of which this show purposely plays with. Therefore I have to go into Jane the Virgin with a totally different mindset. This episode had some good (the romantic gestures on both Michael and Petra's parts) and some bad (Jane's father drives me insane and the reveal that Rose married Luisa's father - seriously?). I still like Jane but her mother is becoming my favorite character. I love how protective she is of Jane, but how she's not afraid to put herself on the line. I hope she gets a happy ending, because it looks like very few people here are going to. Yes, Jane will end up with Rafael. No, that doesn't excite me at all.

Grade: C+

Biggest Twist - Luisa's ex-lover is also her stepmother
Best Character - Xiomara, who saves Jane's party and lays it on the line to Jane's father
The "Welcome Back" Award - Priscilla Barnes, formerly Terri on Three's Company. Talk about a blast from the past.
The "Little Too Late" Award - Luisa triple checking that she has the right patient makes me laugh
Most in Need of Shutting Up - Rafael, who keeps digging himself in deeper and deeper
Most Egotistical - Rogelio
Most Over the Top - Magda, Petra's mother
The "Say What?" Award - They use an obvious green screen for the shoot but use a real leopard? That makes no sense at all.
The "Get Over Yourself" Award - Michael, who needs to stop being the focus and start focusing on Jane
Worst Message Ever - Petra tells Zaz that it's over so he chokeholds her and she says that's how she wanted him to react. Great message there, CW. Reinforce stalking, not taking no for an answer, and rape stereotypes.
Best Acting - Petra
Best Romantic Gesture - Michael, who brings his own apology music
Best Quotes -
1. Xiomara: "What are you doing here? Didn't you get my text?" Rogelio: "Oh no, no, I didn't. I have too many phones. If it's important, the best way to reach me is through Twitter."
2. Jane: "Stop. I can't go to that It's Not Fair place." Xiomara: "We won't go there then." Jane: "Yeah." Xiomara: "We can go to the It Sucks place, right?" Jane: "Yeah I think that's where I am right now."

SHIELD - 2.05 - A Hen in the Wolf House

As soon as I knew this episode was Skye-centered, I knew I wouldn't like it. She's my least favorite character and the whole Super Special Chosen One thing drives me insane. Now she's an alien too - great. Other than that, I love that Simmons is back in the fold and hopefully the transition to working with Fitz again won't be as awkward as the ending here. I like when they can finish each other's sentences and know where the other is heading without conversation about it. Bobbi Morse is a delightful addition as well. We can always use another kick butt female on TV and I like the actress. Here's hoping that Hunter and she do not devolve into a squabbling ex-couple though. Both characters are far too awesome to be saddled with such a blasé relationship.

Grade: C

Best Reason to Watch - new kids and Simmons is back
Worst Part of Being Top Dog - Your choices can actually be life or death and you have to live with the consequences. I would chose Simmons over Skye, but that's not a situation anyone wants to be in.
Worst Reception Ever - If your guests die from the champagne toast, chances are no one will want to go to your parties ever again.
The "Welcome Back" Award - Adrienne Palicki of Supernatural and Friday Night Lights fame
The "Time to Get a New Job" Award - When your co-worker gleefully talks about killing billions of people, you need to resign or at least transfer
Least Interesting Subplot - Skye the alien
Most Intimidating New Character - Bobbi Morse, whom I would love to see fight with May
Best Quotes -
1. Hunter: "Tiny violins playing. No one's listening, sweetheart."
2. Raina: "You must believe me, Agent Coulson. We want the same thing." Coulson: "Unless it's an end to this conversation, I'm pretty sure we don't."
3. Coulson: "What do you want?" Raina: "From you, nothing but I will need to take Skye with me." Coulson: "Excuse me? What in the hell's this really about and why also in the hell do you think I would ever let that happen?"

Forever - 1.06 - The Frustrating Thing about Psychopaths

I am not a fan of the stalker subplot, but good thing the case of the week was sufficiently strong to outweigh it. You can't go wrong with a good serial killer story. After all Criminal Minds has been milking it for 10 seasons now. Even better is a serial killer that copycats the most famous ones. Of course it helps if you know why that person is doing it and in this case we get no clue. I think it would have been richer had there been more development of the killer and less on making him the twist. Probably the least logical thing though was having Henry take on the serial killer after he was stabbed in the lungs. I don't by that for a minute. I do like the introduction of the Frenchman though. She seems like a fun character and I would love to know the back story between Abe and her. Given his background, it has to be big if she creeps him out.

Grade: B+

Best Reason to Watch - the serial killer plot was interesting
Best Scene - Henry worries about Adam knowing about Abe
The "Must be Halloween" Award - the killer is a serial killer aficionado
Biggest Violetta - Apparently Henry has been practicing his opera because no way should someone whose lungs are rapidly filling with blood be able to move like that much less take on a murderer. Love how he kept landing on the knife in his back as well and it didn't affect him.
Best Library Plug - Henry can only find the information he needs at the local library. Love when libraries get a shout out.
First Mistake - Not taking the offer for a cab. It might have saved your life, Big Tipper.
Least Exciting Subplot - Henry's stalker is back
Biggest Self-Congratulations - Henry not only was the medical examiner for the last Jack the Ripper case, but according to his own words, he founded the whole field.
The "Say What?" Award - If you are going to kill someone who knows your identity, shouldn't you frisk them for a phone before you leave? Lucky for the murderer, Henry doesn't have one.
Best Quotes -
1. Jo: "Okay, anybody look like a murderous psychopath who would cut out somebody's heart?" Henry: "That's hard to tell. Evil like that usually lurks on the inside." Jo: "That's true but I like the suspect who runs."
2. Lucas: "Uh, I hate to sound all Silence of the Lambs here, but she's got something in her mouth."
3. Henry: "Look I appreciate it, but nothing puts off my appetite quite like being murdered."
4. Abe: "I take it you haven't shared this theory with the police." Henry: "Uh no, I've had my fair share of padded white rooms, thank you very much."

The Flash - 1.03 - Things You Can't Outrun

Grade:  B

Best Reason to Watch - Joe and Barry, still
Biggest Aww Moment - Barry comes up with a reason to keep Caitlin from having to go to the particle accelerator again / Barry goes with Caitlin into the accelerator
Biggest Twist - Wells could see the future before the particle accelerator explosion and already knew Barry would be the Flash
Least Exciting Fight Ever - Barry just keeps running until Mist Man gets tired and gives up
Biggest Huh? - Shouldn't the cop car back door be locked and shouldn't the truck the bad guy is in still be moving unless it hit something? Logic is not your strong suit, The Flash.  By the way, keeping Iris in the dark doesn't make her safer. It only makes her unprepared if the bad guys figure out Barry's secret.
The "Say What?" Award - You're all in this mess because of the particle accelerator and now you want to turn it on again? Um, how about no.
Best Speech - Joe's to Barry about the guilt of mistakes and not being able to save everyone
The "Welcome Back" Award - Robbie Amell, formerly of The Tomorrow People, is guesting as Caitlin's fiancé. Let's hope he's not as annoying here.
Coolest Visual - the champagne affected by the particle accelerator
Biggest Douche - almost everyone Barry works with except Joe
Best Easter Egg - Big Belly Burger. For once, I got a reference.
Best Quotes -
1. Henry: "It doesn't matter that you didn't believe in me because you always believed in my son."
2. Eddie: "Well I should let you two talk and I'll just be outside…looking into the witness protection program."
3. Barry: "I'm going full nerd again, aren't I?'

Manhattan Love Story - 1.04 - It's Complicated

Updated - Manhattan Love Story is now cancelled and there goes the last of the new comedies for me.

3 seconds into random oysters and everyone on the planet knew this evening was not going to end well. Hard to have sex with food poisoning. I spent the whole time just hoping he wouldn't throw up on her. No such luck. Still a couple who has their own vomiting song must be meant to be, right?  Of course having your family rotating through your apartment is a definite buzz kill too. David and Amy were not. In fact, they were the best part. Despite some old baby hijinks, I am starting to like these two more each episode. I like that David was actually competent at something this time too. They need to show that side of him more often.

Grade: B

Best Reason to Watch - David trying to convince Amy to have kids by pretending he doesn't like them
Weirdest Moment - David sniffing the baby
Best Scene - Dana and Peter get the window open
Best Quote -
1. David: "I want children. Like a lot of children. I want this place to look like a damn orphanage, and when your womb gives out we're going to fly around the world. We're going to collect them like stamps."
2. Dana: "His mom's SBC. Single by Choice. Not by her choice. By the choice of all the men on this planet."

The Goldbergs - 2.04 - Shall We Play a Game?

Beverly can be over the top. No question about it, and I understand how none of her kids would ever want to be seen in public with her. However, what I like about this episode is that it reminds Erica, and therefore the audience, of just how much Beverly does for them. I like that in the end Beverly stops trying to be cool and Erica carves out time in her busy schedule to be with her. Mostly though I like how this relationship has evolved from Erica sneaking around and lying with Beverly snooping and generally being a pain.  Now it is two people trying to work it out, even if they both need a nudge in the right direction. I also loved the Barry and Adam scenes in this one. Very smart of Adam to trick them into studying. It actually reminded me of the Growing Pains episode where Mike Seaver writes all the answers to the test on himself, but he spent so much time writing down the info that he remembered it for the test and did not have to cheat. But I digress in fabulous 80's nostalgia. In the end, The Goldbergs continues to make me laugh and awww.

Grade: B+

Best Scene - Barry decides to destroy a toaster with Adam instead of his crew
Best Reason to Watch - Erica takes care of a drunk Beverly
Best Tutor - Adam, who makes learning a game
Best Nostalgia - Oregon Trail and Apple 2E / War Games / Tiger Beat
Scariest Sight - Beverly in her Madonna getup
Biggest Eye Opener - the JTP are complete morons
Best Moment - Pops lifts up the phone and gets the modem sound of dialup / Beverly spits out her drink
Worst Liar - Erica and friends, who could not possibly be this bad at lying
The "Umm, Aren't You Forgetting Something?" Award - In their battle to ditch each other first, I don't think Erica or Beverly paid for their meal.
Worst Driver - Barry, who blows right past the stop signs
Best Music - DeBarge
Best Quotes -
1. Erica: "Why are you dressed like a giant doily?"
2. Beverly: "For Murray, a tie so we can be with you all day long at work." Murray: "I think you're missing the point of work."
3. Erica: "Good morning, sunshine. Feel as good as you look." Beverly: "I am so sorry about last night. I hope I didn't do anything too embarrassing." Erica: "Well you cried and said, 'I love you' a lot so no different from normal."

Supernatural - - 10.03 - Soul Survivor

It's hard to make a scenario have a lot of gravitas if you already know the outcome. Let's face it. Dean was going to be cured. Sam was not going to die. When the entire story revolves around wondering if they should cure Dean and if Dean would succeed in killing Sam, there's no real high stakes. What there is though is great acting. I can't be the only one who winced when Demon Dean said those harsh things to Sam. It was like Asylum all over again. I adore Savior Sam here and how he wouldn't give up on getting Dean back. I especially love the pie in Dean's room, which I have to think Sam ate in there because that thing would have been molded if it was left from Dean's last sojourn. It was almost as much of a present as the amulet was last time. Not sure that curing Dean so quickly was though. I agree with Demon Dean that the mopey, emoangsting Winchesters are never much fun. Here's hoping they remember how to laugh this season.  Note - I skipped any angel part that didn't include Crowley or the Winchesters, and I only half listened to those.

Grade: B

Best Reason to Watch - the brothers
Biggest Disappointment - Demon Dean died too early
Best Nod to the Past - Not the family pictures, although they are close, but the pie in Dean's room
Biggest Twist - Sam got someone to sell his soul to get in touch with a crossroads demon
Biggest Ouch - Demon Dean tells Sam that if he weren't alive, Mary would be
Worst Sign - Your demon-possessed brother is on the loose and ticked off. Yikes!
Best Question - Crowley: "Why can't you people just sit on clouds and play harps like you're supposed to?"
The "Why Oh Why?" Award - Why on earth did Crowley save Cas? This makes no sense. I want Evil, Snarky Crowley back.
The "Sounds Like a Plan" Award - Sam: "So I'm just gonna go grab my brother some cholesterol and then I'm gonna get drunk."
Best Quotes -
1. Crowley: "It's hell. You wait. That's what you do."
2. Sam: "No, no you don't. You don't get to quit. We don't get to quit in this family. This family is all we have ever had."
3. Dean: "Come on, Sammy. You want to hang out with your big brother. Spend a little quality time."

The 100 - 2.01 - The 48

I liked this premiere. I really did. I just didn't love it like so many others did. I think it was the slower pacing because both times I watched it, I found myself getting distracted in the middle. They had so much to set up for this season that it was missing the action I crave throughout most of the episode. I did love the opening with Clarke kicking butt and taking names. The fact that Clarke is not a damsel in distress is one of the show's greatest appeals. She takes decisive action for better or worse and accepts the consequences as they come. I also really like how they have separated everyone. One of my biggest issues last season, besides the shipping, is that Finn and Bellamy had little interaction between them unless Clarke was present. I like how they were on their own for the first part. I majorly disagree with connecting them to Kane and the Ark survivors though. That should have been around episode three so that we could have seen Bellamy and Finn work things out even with their opposite viewpoints. I think that would be more compelling than the obvious conflict between Kane and Bellamy. Kane is really overreaching here and hopefully it will come back to haunt him, but not in a teen rebellion way which all of these characters are too good for. More in that he doesn't consult the teens and ends up in a mess and therefore recognizes their expertise and value before we're too far into the season. Dragging out the conflict will be less interesting for me, undermine Kane's leadership skills, and run the risk of devolving the teen characters.

Grade: B

Best Reason to Watch - separating into several groups
Most Kick Butt / Most in Need of Better People Skills - Clarke
Biggest Huh? - Jaha hears a baby crying on the Ark
Most Fun - Monty won't let Jasper try his chocolate cake
Best Teamwork - Bellamy and Finn have a silent conversation before breaking into camp
The "You Catch More Flies…" Award - Clarke needs to slow down and observe before jumping into action. There's a real "know thy enemy" opportunity here. The first time made sense. The second, not so much.
Biggest Mistake - Murphy's back again / The Ark meets up with Bellamy and Finn already
Biggest Hero - Lincoln
The "So That's Where They Are?" Award - Apparently Lincoln is from the Washington DC area. Yeah, I should have known this earlier, but I forgot.
Best Plan - Clarke shuns the fancy clothes but breaks off a heel for a weapon
The "Too Little, Too Late" Award - Murphy's sad sob story does NOTHING for me. He needs to die.
Best Music - Home II by Dotan
Best Quotes -
1. Maya: "No chocolate in space, huh?" Jasper: "Space sucked."
2. Dante: "These men will show you to your room." Clarke: "And if I try to leave?" Dante: "Please don't test me, Clarke."
3. Jasper: "Clark, when you pulled that lever you saved lives. Don't throw that away by pulling this one."

Stalker - 1.04 - Phobia

Okay that's it. No more posting about things I am afraid of online. Too many crazies out there, including the serial stalker in this episode who makes victims live their biggest fears. If you hate snakes, this is one episode you would be better off skipping. The subject matter does do a great job of heightening the tension though, since everyone can immediately think of one fear they would hate to be tormented with. I spent the whole time hoping mine wouldn't come up. On a more serial side though, Super Stalker Perry was back, which is never a good thing. However his storyline is revealing things about Beth that we would not get otherwise so I give them credit for being innovative about exposition. I still just want him gone though. Sadly, Ben is approaching his irksome level and needs to be revamped as well.

Grade: B-

Best Reason to Watch - Beth, who is really growing on me as a character
The "Oh Joy, He's Back" Award - Beth's stalker is back. He needs to go away or get locked up.
Best Reason to be Paranoid - Stalker who uses your worst fears against you
Biggest Twist on the Serial Killer Wall of Death - Perry's graphic novel version of stalking
Biggest Mistake (besides posting fears online) - sleeping with your co-worker who has stalker tendencies
The "Oh Grow Up" Award - I get you are unhappy that Jack got the job you wanted, but seriously Ben, stop your freaking baby whining.

How to Get Away with Murder - 1.05 - We're Not Friends

This might be my favorite episode since the pilot. First off, I felt sympathetic towards the client of the week. It might be because I am a teacher. It might be because I wanted to finally be able to root for someone in this show. Either way, at last I wanted this team to win. I also like how we stepped forward big time in pulling both sides of the show together. Not only does Keating know her husband cheated, but Rebecca, Wes, and Bonnie know it too. Rebecca is pretty smart to not trust them, but she really doesn't have much choice. If she leaves, she's on the run for the rest of her life. I'm fairly certain that Keating is going to convince her stay in the next episode, but that is a huge conflict of interest. All I can say is that I am vastly more invested in this murder than the one in Gracepoint and given the circumstances (kid murder vs. adulterer) that should not be the case.

Grade: B+

Best Reason to Watch - big steps forward in the serial part of the story
Best Scene - Rebecca tells Wes that the picture on Lyla's phone was taken at the Keating house and he confronts Annalise
Best Character - Rebecca / Laurel
The "I Totally Agree" Award - Laurel is happy to have a client she can actually stand for once. I second that.
The "That's What Got Everyone into This Mess" Award - Laurel, stop screwing Frank . Everyone's sex life has done nothing but get them into trouble.
Best Quotes -
1. Laurel: "Judge me if you want. Just do it while we are carrying the damn body."
2. Rebecca: "What kind of a person lies his way into jail for his potentially murderous neighbor?"

Gracepoint - 1.04

Grade: C-

Best Reason to Watch - even more creepy people to suspect
Biggest Need - pick up the pace because you can hear crickets chirping in this town
Creepiest Suspect - chicken killing lady
Best Non-Suspect - Boyfriend Dean is now off the suspect list.
Worst Plan - Inviting Detective Grumpy Pants to dinner. You know he's going to start grilling the kid.
Best Quotes -
1. Carver: "Teaching him the 8th commandment while you're buying cocaine."
2. Ellie: "He and my boss should get together. They can just grunt at each other. Oh tonight's going to be a lot of fun."

Grimm - 4.01 - Thanks for the Memories

Grimm is back and picking right up where we left off. Renard is in the hospital on his deathbed, the police are questioning Trubel about the beheaded Fed, and Nick still doesn't have any more Grimm powers. The only good thing is Rosalee and Monroe are indeed married. When concentrating on the overflow from last season, this premiere was great. I love how Trubel is remarkably calm about all of this and I don't even mind that Juliette's whole purpose is to keep reminding us that Nick slept with Adalind. (For right now. By the end of next episode it will be tiresome.) I think there is good story potential in Nick's lost powers and if he even wants them back again. Hopefully it won't be resolved as quickly as Zombie Nick was. Sadly though, the writers decided to throw a case of the week in as well. I get that it will spill over into at least next week's episode but there doesn't seem to be a purpose in cramming it in here. It could have waited until then and given us more time with the main story. Heck, we could have even gotten more background on what the Royals are up to or where Mama Grimm went.

Grade: B

Biggest Mystery - Who is the blonde watching Renard in the hospital?
The "Time to Move" Award - Now that Nick's house has been a crime scene about 15 times, they really need to move. There's a lot of bad mojo around there.
Best Change - the title card looks even cooler now
The "Poor Baby" Award - Juliette, not because of the Nick and Adalind mess but because she was standing in those shoes the entire day.
Newest Research Girl - Trubel. Juliette better watch out or she will be out of another job.
Best Reaction - Rosalee after Nick says it wasn't Adalind he slept with. She's about to go fulltime avenging best friend on him. / Wu on hearing Trubel decapitated the Fed.
Best Pun - Hank: "There's only one way to find out. Let's give him some Trubel."
The "I've Said It Before" Award - TELL WU RIGHT NOW!!! TELL WU RIGHT NOW!!! TELL WU RIGHT NOW!!!
Most Pointless - Why even bring Octohead Wesen in this episode? He could have waited until next week.
Worst Cliffhanger - Renard between life and death
The "Say What?" Award - How does any Wesen in the great Portland area NOT know Nick is the Grimm by now? Do they not talk to each other? I would think that would be the first piece of info to hit the Wesen grapevine.
Best Friends - Monroe and Rosalee, who drop their honeymoon plans to support them
Worst Plot Device - Hank is interrupted from telling Wu the truth by the doctor coming out of surgery
The "You Need to Call NCIS" Award - No one called the defense contractor about their employee being attacked. You obviously don't watch NCIS, Portland police. The first thing they would assume is that there were bigger nefarious goings on.
Best Quotes -
1. Nick: "Look man, I don't want you screwing up your life because of me." Monroe: "Dude, I wouldn't even have a life to screw up if it wasn't for you, okay?"
2. Juliette: "Are you going to be okay?" Nick: "I don't know. It's weird you know, not being weird anymore. Just being a regular cop." Juliette: "You were really good at it before." Nick: "I guess we'll see if I still am."
3. Juliette: "She slept with Nick." Rosalee: "Oh my God." Monroe: "What?" Nick: "It's not what you think?" Monroe: "Well that's good to hear because what I'm thinking is pretty damn awful."

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she recaps, reviews, and creates polls for Sleepy Hollow, Arrow, White Collar, Grimm, Teen Wolf, and others. She's addicted to Twitter, live tweets a multitude of shows each week, and co-hosts the Warehouse 13 "Endless Wonder", Sleepy Hollow "Headless," and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Currently she writes a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."
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