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Last Week in TV - Oct. 12 - Episode Awards and Reviews

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Hello, fellow TV fans. How was your viewing week? Mine was rushed so I felt a bit crankier than usual at the end. With the exception of Jane the Virgin, I wasn't feeling the pilots this week and I also dropped Selfie. I think the comedy choices last year were better than this crop, but I also like family comedies far more than romantic ones, which seems to be the theme right now. Here's hoping for some midseason winners. This week's nominated show was Chicago Fire and next week will be Vikings. If there is a show you would like me to watch and review, please fill out the short 2 question nomination form below. Remember no weekly show needs to be nominated and anything that has been chosen already is out until the 2015-16 TV season. Don't forget to add your comments below and as always, until next time - happy viewing.

Overall Awards:

Best Character / Best Action - Melinda May - SHIELD - 2.04 - Face My Enemy

It took about 2 seconds into the May vs. May fight to realize that this might be the best action of the TV season and that May is the best character of the week, not just on SHIELD. May is taciturn on the best days, so having an episode that focuses so much on the relationship between Coulson and her was long overdue and much welcomed. I like how they share a secret and their trust in each other is absolute again. Mostly though, I like how these two balance drama, humor, and action. The scenes where Coulson is trying to get May to agree to kill him if he becomes evil while May is focused on saving him instead were well-acted and a good example of how to do intense drama without getting emoangsty. Even better are the quips while they work together. Who knew May could laugh? No wonder the rest of team was scared. Still the best humor for me, besides the dancing of course, was when Coulson gets ready to do some fancy laser avoidance but May marches right on through since they were already outed anyway. Bwah!

The biggest kudos however goes to the action in this episode. While many shows are increasingly talking about action, SHIELD actually went there this week. May vs. May was the very best. I loved the gymnastics of it, the high kicks, the kitchen/living room part. Best though was Real May telling Fake May not to talk so much. One May is fantastic. Two fighting each other is priceless. It wasn't the only exciting action though. I also loved Coulson vs. Fake May. If you take on someone's identity, you should probably do your homework so you don't make stupid mistakes and give your cover away. When he punched Fake May in the nose, I verbally cheered. Coulson can throw down. As for the others, I also liked the plane sections exploding and Fitz finally feeling like part of the team again. That whole story line is a smart plan.

Nominated Show:

Chicago Fire - 1.13 - Warm and Dead

Chicago Fire has the requisite fire action but also a lot of drama. In this case, it came from a boy whose uncle is an arsonist, ex-girlfriend problems, family prison woes, and the decision to have surgery or move to Madrid. That's a lot of drama for one 42 minute episode, especially since I didn't really know what was going on (I don't usually jump into a serialized show midstream.). The most intense and heartwarming storyline for me was the Chief's. I loved his desire to help a troubled kid out and empathized with his anger when he could not. However, it was the scene at the end when he revisits the child he raised as his son that helped the storyline come full circle for me. Overall though I am not sure this show is for me. I tend to not like office dramas where a good part of the emphasis is on the romantic entanglements. That's the reason hospital dramas usually have nothing for me. However, this episode was good enough that I am willing to give it a 3 episode shot, starting from the pilot. I'll add it to my hiatus to watch list.

Grade: B
Ranking - 3

Best Reason to Watch - there's a real family vibe to the station
Best Storyline/ Biggest Awww Moment - The Chief and Ernie. The Chief carrying a dead Ernie out of the burning building was heartbreaking, absolutely heartbreaking. Oh baby, I feel for you.
The "Welcome Back" Award - Apparently Sarah Shahi was in this show before playing Shaw on Person of Interest. Also Treat Williams as Severide's father.
The "Not Her Again" Award - Shiri Appleby, who will always be the Lizbot 2000 from Roswell to me, the original overly earnest love interest I wanted to be gone.
Most Kick Butt - Shay, who tasers a guy with a shotgun
Best Speech - Casey when speaking for his mom at the parole board
The "Now You Have to Keep Him" Award - when the dog licks everyone, it's pretty much a done deal
The "Umm, I'm Not Sure that's Legal" Award - I don't think the Fire Chief has the right to pursue a suspect in a car chase. I'm glad he did, but I'm pretty sure that's not what his siren is for.

Best Quotes:
Mouch: "Weren't you and Cindy using protection?" Herrmann: "We've got 4 kids, Mouch. I was counting on my sperm being too tired to make the swim."
Benny: "Disappoint anyone. Hell, disappoint everyone, but don't ever disappoint yourself."

New Shows:

Jane the Virgin - 1.01 - Pilot

Jane the Virgin was surprisingly compelling, largely due to Jane herself. She's sweet but not overly earnest, hardworking but not without a sense of fun, and determined to create a better life for herself but not too rigid. It's a delicate balance that Gina Rodriguez plays well. I also like how all the characters are intertwined, even if it stretches plausibility. I would lose the telenovela hallucinations, but that might take care of itself now that he is there in person. I am also sorry that Petra ended up sleeping around. It would have been a great switch for the strong blonde to be a positive character instead of another greedy trophy wife.

Grade: B+
Ranking - 4+
Prediction - It's on Mondays at the CW and its ratings didn't tumble into the abyss. The CW is busy figuring out how to make this series last for 10 years.

Audience - People who like quirky comedies and probably people who like telenovelas

Best Reason to Watch - the characters and twists
Biggest Uh-Oh - If you are going to artificially inseminate the wrong person, it's much better if the sperm isn't your brother's. Talk about an awkward Thanksgiving and Christmas.
The "Welcome Back" Award - Ivonne Call, whom I like much better here than as Mama Fratelli on Teen Wolf. Also Bridget Regan, who brilliantly played Rebecca on White Collar after more famously playing Kahlan in Legends of the Seeker.
Worst Plot Move - Hallucinations of the telenovela star
Sweetest Gesture - Michael makes Jane grilled cheese before proposing to her / Jane tells Michael why she doesn't love him and then proposes
Biggest Surprise - Abuela told her daughter to have an abortion
Biggest Non-Pregnancy Twist - the telenovela star is really Jane's father
Worst TV Trend - Recapitations in the freaking pilot. If we don't remember what happened 20 minutes ago, you didn't do your job in the first place.
Best Quote - Xiomara: "Where did you get your degree from? The University of Dumba**. My daughter said that she is a freaking virgin so do another damn test."

Marry Me - 1.01 - Pilot

Marry Me has a delightful cast even if I am not sure yet whether the show is for me. On the plus side, this is one of the few new comedies that I actually laughed during. Sadly, I cringed through far more. I remember watching the Challenger explode, so that's never a good joke topic for me. Not loving the Paula Dean one either. It felt like they were trying too hard so once things settle down a bit, this could become a great comedy. Mostly I thought the physical comedy was better than the verbal so I hope they go in that direction more. The best scenes however were the flashbacks, which I rarely say. I am intrigued about other main moments in these characters' lives.

Grade: C+
Ranking - 3
Prediction - Making it to through the season if not necessarily to the wedding

Audience - fans of Saturday Night Live, quirky characters, and quick dialogue

Best Reason to Watch - the cast
Best Reaction - Jake to Annie waving a knife
The "Could This Get Worse?" Award - Annie finally sees that Jake is trying to propose to her after ranting and raving about all of their family/friends only to find that said friends were listening in the bedroom.
Best Awww Moment - Jake remembers the first time they say "I Love you."
Best Quote - Jake: "I love you, more than anything. I just don't want to be in this moment for one more second." Annie: "Tough but fair."

The Affair - 1.01 - Pilot

I came for Joshua Jackson. I stayed for…well, the end of the episode and now I'm out. The idea of seeing the same story from 2 different points of view is interesting. Mostly though I was bored. Like The Leftovers bored. Unlike The Leftovers, the plotline of an affair doesn't thrill me either. The acting is superb though and like I said, the different perspectives is eye-opening. If you're okay with the subject matter, nudity, and crawling pace, this might be a show for you.

Grade: C-
Ranking - 1
Prediction - It's Showtime. It'll air all its episodes this season.

Audience - those who like The Leftovers

Best Reason to Watch - the 2 different perspectives
Best Twist - someone, presumably Alison's husband, is dead and the whole show is flashbacks in a police investigation
Most in Need of Smacking - Martin, who is a brat from first shrug and deserves to be beaten regularly. To be totally honest though, the older daughter is only a millimeter better.
Only Redeemable Kid - Trevor
The "Welcome Back" Award - Obviously to Joshua Jackson. I loved him since Dawson's Creek and grew to respect him as an actor in Fringe. Also to Mare Winningham, whom I haven't seen since she died in Under the Dome.

Weekly Shows:

Resurrection - 2.03 - Multiple

So really the residents of Arcadia are in hell? That's what I'm getting with the Deputy's constantly returning brother. At this point, I would give him over to the government but I guess if you are complicit in your parents' deaths, you can't really do that. Bellamy trying to cope with his new status as a returnee was interesting, but I am still far more intrigued by Grandma than anyone. If Maggie's right and the bones Grandma tossed into the river were actually those from people who returned in the 30's, then the scope of the story is now wide open. Is it in Arcadia only? Are those who returned connected to the past like some weird Freddy Krueger thing? Again I have all kinds of questions and yet no real answers.

Grade: B

Biggest Twist - the bodies may be from people who returned in the 30's so it might have happened before
Worst Surprise - baptism interrupted by skulls
Biggest Surprise - Deputy shoots his returned brother and then eats steak
Weirdest Thing - looking at your own body and going to your own funeral. I feel for you Bellamy.
The "Trouble Brewing in Paradise" Award - Margaret is starting to be the in-law from hell
Most Needed - answers because I feel a niggling of impatience forming
Biggest Douche - Karl's brother
Best Quote - Henry: "What game is that now?" Jacob: "Zombie ninja attack." Henry: "See if they can attack quietly. They're ninjas, right?"

Sleepy Hollow - 2.04 - Go Where I Send Thee

This was an interesting episode of Sleepy Hollow. On one hand I like the idea of bringing myths into the show's canon. The Pied Piper is a great story that is woven well into the series framework by having it be a curse from the Revolutionary War. On the other hand, no Jenny. That is a serious offense in my book. No Katrina either, for shame. While this episode brought back the action, again it was a lot of dialogue and where the heck has the humor disappeared to? Did Moloch imprison it in Purgatory?

Grade: B-

Biggest Creeper - Ichabod for peeping in the windows of the missing girl's home
The "Are You Kidding Me?" Award - Abbie picks up the bone with her bare hands before knowing if it is part of a crime scene or not.
Best Character Interaction - Irving and Henry
Most Disgusting - Ichabod plays the bone of a child. Blech! / Henry tastes the ground up bones of a child. Double blech!
Best Technology - Noise canceling headphones. I couldn't stay at my work without them."
Best Return - Hawley
Most Missed - Katrina and Jenny
Least Missed - New sheriff
Best Twist - Beth Lancaster has to either give her daughter to the Piper or all her kids will die
Most Kick Butt - Abbie breaks the flute and says she doesn't give refunds
Best Reaction - Ichabod to the noise cancelling ear buds
Most in Need of Therapy - that little girl, who will need intensive help once her mom takes her to the Piper
Biggest Huh? - How does stabbing the Pied Piper lift the curse? That makes very little sense.
Recapitation - Irving signing the contract in blood
The "I'm Not Sure that Phrase Means What you Think It Means" Award - Ichabod calls Beth's predicament a Hobson's choice, which basically means take it or leave it. She really didn't have a leave it option. It was more a Sophie's choice.
Nicknames - Ricky Bobby, Gilly Gaupus, Pride and Prejudice, Shakespeare
Best Quotes -
Abbie: "You want a rematch?" Ichabod: "Honor demands it."
Hawley: "Pride and Prejudice, you mind not touching anything in there. Some of it goes boom."
Hawley: "So the Piper's a real monster. That's pretty messed up. Is it going to haunt me? Definitely. That's why God created a shot glass."
Hawley: "End of days? Which version? I've heard at least 200 of them, each complete with their own rare and very expensive collectibles."
Ichabod: "Lieutenant, if you would perform the log-in ceremony."
Abbie: "That wasn't driving. That was unsafe operation of a vehicle without a license."
Ichabod: "We must make haste." Abbie: "Not so fast, Ricky Bobby. I'm driving."

Scorpion - 1.04 - Shorthanded

Wow, Walter is a complete douche. I spent the entire time hoping someone would Gibbs smack him a few times. Luckily Paige stepped up to be awesome, Happy was so very kick butt, and Sylvester made me cackle. Those 3 were amazing tonight. Please oh please show, make Happy the new Parker. I need one of her back in my life. The case itself was routine and less adrenaline soaked than the previous ones. From the second Renee started quoting statistics, I knew she was guilty. I do wish that Walter had stayed in jail the whole time and depended completely on the team rescuing him. That would have worked better after his attitude for me.

Grade: B (A+ for the trio)

Best Reason to Watch - Terrific Trio: Paige, Happy, and Sylvester
Best Scene - zip line
Best Punishment - Cabe makes Walter and Toby work it out together by walking and gives the others a reprieve
Biggest Laugh - Sylvester
Biggest Buzz Kill / Least Sympathetic- Walter. I know you're trying to be professional, but that doesn't mean being a douche.
The "Not Sure This is a Good Plan" Award - Walter asks Toby to win his bail money
Most Obnoxious - Toby when he's winning
Most Kick Butt - Happy, who totally Parkers out and zip lines to another building
Least Shocking - the gambler's daughter is the culprit
Best Quotes -
1. Toby: "I'd skip the black light app in here. Ignorance is bliss."
2. Walter: "This is ridiculous. I'm completely innocent." Cop: "I know. You're the 43rd innocent person I've booked this week."

The Big Bang Theory - 8.05 - The Focus Attenuation

Nothing happened in this episode. It was literally a show about procrastination. As such it was fun, mostly because I spent over an hour reading stupid people tweets and looking at pictures before I got to work and watched this episode. Let's just say I could relate. What I liked most was how Penny was the one who was taking everything seriously while all the others goofed around. They are showing some nice character development with her. I also liked how Leonard tried to keep everyone focused instead of Sheldon, who would have been a big pain about it.

Grade: B

Best Reason to Watch - the guys constantly getting sidetracked by the internet and movies
This Episode is Brought to You By…Procrastination. It might be my theme episode.
Most Productive - Penny, who is the only one who gets anything done
The "And Just When I Thought It Couldn't Get Worse" Award - I never liked Back to the Future 2. It was always just a placeholder for me. Now it is a more confusing placeholder. Thanks.
Biggest Grammar Nerd - Sheldon
Best Quote - Penny: "If you get in trouble, find a policeman. And if he's taking off his pants, he's not a real policeman."

SHIELD - 2.04 - Face My Enemy

Grade: A-

Best Reason to Watch - ACTION!!!
Best Character Interaction/Backstory - Coulson and May. These two are fantastic together.
Best Action - May vs. May
The "Good Luck" Award - Mac wants to work on Lola. Yeah, not happening.
Best Reaction - Everyone to May laughing
Coolest Technology - bio mask
The "Say What?" Award - If you are the most hunted organization in the world, why would you stamp your insignia on everything from high tech to file folders? Does no one know what covert means?
Best Quote: Bakshi: "Where are you based?" May: "Currently about 5 feet from kicking your a**."
May: "If you were really me, you wouldn't talk so much."

Forever - 1.05 - The Pugilist Break

Forever continues to charm me while at the same time it makes me laugh. I really love Lucas, who brings the fun, and Abe, who brings the heart. This time I also loved the idea of Henry constantly taking on the bigwigs doing wrong in the name of those with no power. For once though, the flashbacks were not one of my favorite things. I far preferred the present day, with the tale of a redeemed boxer fighting to save the only place left the neighborhood kids could play.

Grade: B+

Best Reason to Watch - tale of underdogs trying to take down the big evil one person at a time
Best Awww Moment - Henry and Abe try to explain their relationship to Jo
Least Sympathetic - Henry, whose advice to Lucas is to not get bitten by rats
The "More Blood Splatter" Award - Seriously, the number of bad guys getting run over by motor vehicles is at an all-time high this season.
Most Awkward - Henry trying to fist bump
Best Quote - Captain: "20 years on the job, that's got to be the dumbest piece of police work I have ever heard of." Lucas: "Mission accomplished, Doc. Yeah these little fellows are just starting to sober up. They were rolling pretty hard on the H train. That's what kids call it." Jo: "Are those..." Lucas: "Yeah, rats. I didn't know which one was eating at Raul so I just got the whole nest and that way they don't get lonely." Captain: "Make that the second dumbest."

The Flash - 1.02 - Fastest Man Alive

I didn't like this episode as much as the pilot until the end. It had too much talking. Barry was a jerk to Joe. Iris became Lois Lane. But oh the end. I love when kids appreciate those who helped them grow up and Barry's speech acknowledging Joe as his other dad went straight to my heart. So did the cheesy "We're All in This Together" speech Barry gave at Star Labs. In fact, it is the reason why he is better than Oliver Queen. Oliver spent the first season pushing people away and being a douche to all. Part of season 2 went the same direction. Barry starts by knowing that it is all about teamwork and his team is solid. Well, most of them. Cisco is great fun and Caitlin is brilliant. Wells is shady to the nth degree. I was surprised when he killed Stagg and I'm not exactly sure what his plans for Barry are.

Grade: B+

Best Reason to Watch - Joe and Barry's relationship
Best Character - Joe
Most Fun - Cisco
Best Awww Scene - Barry tells Joe that he really was a father to him
Most Intense - Barry and Joe in Star Labs
Biggest Surprise - Wells murders Stagg
The "Woo Hoo" Award - Barry skips the intro voice over to get right into the story. Now dump the voice over altogether and we'll call it a straight up win for everyone.
Best Side Perk to being Meta-Humaned - No need for machines like a centrifuge when you can just do it yourself.
Most Harsh - Barry when talking to Joe, who took him in
Biggest Uh-Oh - Iris is turning her journalistic instincts to the Red Streak. It's Lois Lane all over again.
Biggest Huh ? - Why are the streets of Central City always practically empty?
Best Quote - Joe: "And what were you going to do when you caught them? Huh? Ask them nicely to pull over? You're not bulletproof…Wait, are you?'

Manhattan Love Story - 1.03 - Gay or British?

Grade: B

Best Reason to Watch - it made me laugh and the characters are growing on me
Best Character Interaction - the siblings
Best Morning Routine - Peter, whose no muss no fuss routine can't actually work but is awesome
Biggest Awww Moment - Peter doesn't rub Dana's mistake in her face / Chloe comes to David's rescue
Most Naïve -Sorry Dana but this is all you. No one sells designer handbags on the street, not even samples.
Best Quote - Dana: "This is a sample from last season." Amy: "If last season is a town in China, then yes it is."

Red Band Society - 1.05 - So Tell Me What You Want, What You Really, Really Want

And a love triangle ruins yet another great show. I am so sick and tired of this. We've got Nurse Jackson who deserves better than this. The kids are all unique individuals and they deserve better than this. I have watched this show faithfully and I sure as hell deserve better than this. I don't want to drop this show on the strength of Nurse Jackson alone, but you are starting to give me no choice. Fix this now, writers!

Grade: D (the only reason it is not an F is Dash and the Charlie storyline)

Best Reason to Watch - as always, Nurse Jackson
Best Reason to Drop - no it's not the ratings. It's the love triangle.
Best Scene - Nurse Jackson and Charlie talk before he goes into surgery
The "For the Love of Everything, SHUT UP!!!" Award - Emma and Leo need to go away until they aren't in this insipid and irksome love triangle. Jordi can go as well.
The "Learn Something New" Award - I had never heard of benching or impudent wallpaper before this show.
The "Big Thumbs Up" Award - to Dash, who is the only one in the entire episode that did not manage to annoy me
Best Quote - Jordi: "I have people who care about me. Unfortunately, those same people also believe that cancer can be cured by farm animals, so as far as my medical decisions go, I have to be in charge. I need to do this myself."

Blackish - 1.04 - Crazy Mom

Pops is the only reason I am still watching this show and I don't think it will be enough. Dre was far too crazy for me here and Rainbow wasn't much better. Maybe we just need some Pops and kids scenes without either parent or even just the siblings together. Let's widen up the show a bit.

Grade: C

Best/Only Reason to Watch - Pops
Strangest Plot Device - Dre and Pops at the movies watching him screw up with his wife
Funniest Scene - Dre pushing his kids out to unconvincingly make Rainbow think they are not being coerced
The "Best Reason for 3D TV" Award - the cupcake flying at the TV screen
Weirdest Freak Out - Sure potato chips don't go in the fridge, but nothing about food placement would ever make me freak out like that.
Biggest Hypocrisy - the group is fine with Dre coming in late to give out cupcakes but not that poor woman whose kid got sick
Best Quotes -
Pops: "Nothing sadder than a Freaky Thursday, son."
Pops: "The way I see it, crazy got you in. Crazy can get you out."

Stalker - 1.03 - Manhunt

This show definitely wins the award for most intense openers. Always. Again we had Stalker Jack, who really needs to go. At least we didn't get Beth's stalker in this one, so that was an improvement. I also thought that by not having it be a jilted lover, they expanded their scope and made it more interesting. Other than that, this show is still about how many times a creepy stalker can hide and jump out at people.

Grade: C+

Best Reason to Watch - the pop out stalkers, which may make you jump
Best Reason to Fear for Your Life - People sneaking around your house and hiding in your closet with a knife
The "Welcome Back" Award - Warren Kole after dying on White Collar
Best Twist - Trent is Amanda's new guy
Best Quote - Tiny: "You're a b**." Janice: "I prefer assertive."

How to Get Away with Murder - 1.04 - Let's Get to Snooping

I continue to like the combination of procedural and serial in this show, but I am tired of the repeated flashbacks so I was glad to NOT see the coin toss once again. Instead we get a more in-depth look at Connor's emotional state and for the first time he feels like a real character. Watching him break subtly after Paxton commits suicide and knowing that he had a lot to do with it allowed us to see another layer besides ruthless playboy and crazy caroler. I hope Asher gets a similar treatment soon too because he is bugging me to no end. Other than that, we did not learn much new this week except confirmation of what we already suspected. Keating's husband was screwing the co-ed and he is a prime suspect in the case, at least from Keating's perspective. Also from her lover's because Bonnie used it as leverage, assuring she knows as well.

Grade: B-

Best Reason to Watch - still the mystery
Best Surprise - this is the first episode that we didn't see the coin toss scene and I for one did not miss it
Biggest "Say What?" - Paxton, the insider trader, just opens the skyscraper window and goes right out.
The "Welcome Back" Award - Elizabeth Perkins from Big and He Said, She Said and many other comedies of my college years.
Biggest Freakout - Connor
Most Interesting Visual - Keating removing her makeup and everything as she silently breaks down and then confronts her husband
Best Quotes - Keating: "Well, you don't make history being liked."
Wes: "How do you know it's one of her employees?" Keating: "I don't. I just know everybody hates their boss."

Gracepoint - 1.03

Gracepoint makes snails look like speed cars. Halfway through the episode, it feels like it should be done. No wonder this show is toppling in the ratings. Thankfully it is only 10 episodes long so it's about a third done. I am still very curious about who killed Danny, but the pacing is lulling me to sleep. Time to pick up the pace and please let the ending be worthy of the 10 hours I am spending. We're still no longer along than we were at the beginning.

Grade: D

Best Reason to Watch - the mystery
Worst Plot Device - slow motion
Biggest Douche - Detective Carver, who needs to stop yelling at everyone
Best Quotes - Miller: "Do you have kids?" Carver: "Why?" Miller: "Their manners must suck."

Supernatural - 10.02 - Reichenbach

Note - I refuse to watch anything angels on this show anymore so if it had to do with Cas, Hannah, or the cute little moppet in fast forward, I didn't watch it. I did however watch Protective Sammy, Ice Water Demon Dean, and Snarky but Lonely Crowley. That's all I care about. Logically things didn't make much sense but hey, Sam rocked again and I ask for so little. I expect even less. If the entire show was just the brothers killing monsters, snarking, and driving, I would be okey dokey. In fact, I'd love it again. So bring on the coldest of all cold Deans. Bring on Sam doing whatever it takes to save his brother. Bring on Crowley trying to lay down the law and being completely ineffective….er, scratch that. Bring back the snarky, powerful Crowley I love and leave the sappy one on the wayside please. You can take or leave Cole. He means squat to me. Just get this brother show on the road. Oh and as always, fire Carver and bring back Kripke.

Grade: B

Best Reason to Watch - Sam, definitely Protective Sam. Runner-up would be the ice cold Dean that sent chills down my spine.
The "Are You Going for the Insanity Defense?" Award - Sam, monsters are a hard sell even to the non-revenge driven
Best Music Cue - Crowley listening to Lonely Girl while looking at buddy pictures of Dean and him on his phone
Best Nostalgia - Dean is wearing the amulet. I love that amulet. Could we bring it back please?
Song Nostalgia - The stripper is dancing to Cherry Pie by Warrant, which is the song Dean is dreaming to before Anna interrupts him in The Song Remains the Same.
Biggest Douche - I thought it was going to be Demon Dean but nope, Lester the Pervy Adulterer gets the prize.
Best Visual Gag - Crowley's cocktail with every conceivable drink stirrer in it
The Carver Award - Why did Dean let Sam cuff him? He wasn't even trying. In fact it looked like he gave him his other hand. This makes no sense to me. It must be a Carver.
The "If Looks Could Kill" Award - Dean looking at Crowley after being nabbed by Sam. Yikes, that's cold.
Best Quotes - Far too many to post. In fact I have 2 pages worth.

Cristela - 1.02 - Soul Mates

Cristela was better in the second run than the pilot. The characters are still over the top, but they felt a little less stock and a bit more likeable this episode. I really enjoyed getting to know Alberto a little better although he needs to find someone new. Cristela is never going to want what he does. I also like Daniela and Felix's relationship. Sadly Felix and Cristela are still obnoxious. They are also force feeding the Cristela and Josh future romance but I did love their 20 year plan and how much they have in common. I hope they become great friends because they are more interesting together than apart for now.


Best Reason to Watch - while not toned down, everyone is a little bit more likeable this week
Best Character - Alberto, who is underappreciated, and Josh, who is overworked
Best Scene - trading 20 year plans
The "I Just Don't Get It" Award - I'm sorry. I don't get the love for online pet pictures or animals in clothes.
Best Quotes -
Waiter: "This isn't Cheers. I don't want to know your name."
Felix: "English is my second language but even I know that sucked."

About the Author - Dahne
One part teacher librarian - one part avid TV fan, Dahne is a contributing writer for SpoilerTV, where she recaps, reviews, and creates polls for Sleepy Hollow, Arrow, White Collar, Grimm, Teen Wolf, and others. She's addicted to Twitter, live tweets a multitude of shows each week, and co-hosts the Warehouse 13 "Endless Wonder", Sleepy Hollow "Headless," and Teen Wolf "Welcome to Beacon Hills" podcasts for Southgate Media Group. Currently she writes a Last Week in TV column for her blog and SpoilerTV. ~ "I speak TV."
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