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Intruders - There Is No End (Season Finale) - Review: "What Goes Around , Stays Right Here"

Oct 12, 2014

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The season finale has finally come around, and it was a satisfying one. Many loose ends were tied up and some of our characters life's got back on track. The ending however supplied us with an open ending, leaving it on a cliffhanger, which now makes me want another season more than ever.

As the episode began, we dived straight into a flashback involving Rose and Bix , who was played by the 100's Richard Harmon. We see that Bix is an excellent Jazz musician which does explain why Amy/Rose kept listening to Jazz music all the time. She was remembering her love Bix. The flashback skips forward two weeks, which is when we see Bix die. I am not entirely sure what killed him, but Rose gets out the silver trigger none the less which eases his soul off in to the next life.

We then see Jack mourning Gary whilst standing over his body. He goes inside the building, where to my surprise we see Todd Crane still alive. I was certain Marcus would kill him as he isn't shy when killing someone in fact I would say he does it for his own amusement. After getting a key from Todd he goes into the building's basement, as Jack is proceeding through the basement, we see Marcus hiding in the dark. Jack continues further underground; he goes through a red door with the initials QR - Qui Reverti.
When I first saw that, I knew that it would be a base of operation for them, or at least where they stored things. (Documents etc.). As Marcus is following Jack, we see briefly what happened to him, it was Rose who sentenced him. I presume she must be in charge of the whole operation if she has that power. I do wonder still how long she has been around for. Rose said to Marcus "You now join the few who may not come back". Before he gets covered behind a brick wall. To be honest he deserved it. After all he killed so many people and in Qui Reverti's eyes he wasted his life, by killing innocent people for no reason. We then see in the flashback Shepherd come to his aid and set him free by presenting him with his trigger so he can move on. He said "I will see you in 18 years". I thought they could come back every 9 years or am I mistaken?

Under the building, there is a library which Jack hides in to avoid getting spotted by the Shepherds; it is filled with books on people life's. Presumably they are people in past life's that have been triggered, some date back to the 1600's so it makes me wonder how old this group really is. Jack mentioned some famous people's names like Mozart. Could someone's soul been inside him? The room next door to the library is where all the triggers are kept. Jack looked astonished as he saw how many there were, I don't think he anticipated the group being so large. Jack then started smashing them in rage. Jack hears a noise, someone smashing something , it is Marcus. Jack confronts him, which at this point he thinks it is a little girl Madison. It is only when he knocks down the wall and see's Marcus's dead body when he starts to believe Marcus and what he was saying. I think that is the moment which made Jack open his eyes and realize that anyone can be a part of this. It also confirms for him that everything he has been told previously is true.

Jack later burns all the books in the library so know history will remain of the group and there passed life's. After all Jack has lost everything so it didn't surprise me he burnt them, he wants to hurt the group and what better way to do it than to burn everything. Jack then goes to confront Rose who a couple of minutes earlier was conducting a ceremony on someone, it was intriguing to see how they do the ceremony on a person who most likely is moving on from his life. He gets to Rose where he draws his gun, Marcus quickly runs in with a knife and I believe he sliced her leg? Shepherd then showed up with his two pistols. It was a great standoff between them, although what I do find annoying is Shepherd's consistent hesitation when it comes to killing Marcus or even Jack for that matter. He keeps saying he will kill Marcus, but he can never find the strength to actually pull the trigger. Then again Marcus is inside a little girl’s body, so it makes it 10 times harder to kill him. Marcus quickly runs off. Rose and Shepherd follow suite with Shepherd still pointing his gun at Jack. Jack then pursues through the underground, up a ladder to the open. Gunfire then breaks loose just as soon as Madison returned to her body and noticed her parents. Shepherd in an attempt to kill Marcus shoots his gun in his direction, he would have killed him/her if Jack didn't push her out the way, which she then hits her head and falls unconscious.

We then see a great scene with Marcus and Madison presumably in a purgatory type place come face to face. Marcus tells Madison how he is sorry that he is going back. Little does Marcus know is that Madison's desire to return is stronger than his "You have lived a few hundred life’s, but you haven't learned nothing. Taking life's is so easy, but it gets you know where there is nothing stronger than a kid wanting their parents".
Madison finally takes control of her original body, and it is the end of the road for Marcus and his evil scheming. To finish of that scene was a line "What goes around stays right here" It was more refreshing to hear that than the usual line we hear.
The closing scene of our first season left it with Jack at his home once again. Getting his life back on track and probably trying to forget all that has happened. It isn't that easy when Shepherd turns up with a gift for him. Shepherd is offering Jack the chance to become one of the shepherd's and hands him a box filled with number 9 cards with "Jack Shepherd" written on them. I reckon this was probably Rose's idea, as she seemed to have a sweet spot for him, and dare I say genuinely cares for Jack. So there you have it, Intruders has come to an end and what a season it has been.

Season Awards
Actresses of the Season - Millie Bobby Brown (Madison)
Actor of the Season - John Simm (Jack)
Best Supporting Character - Andrew Airlie (Todd Crane)
Best episode - Bound (Episode 1.06)
Favorite Quote "If you find him one day, you should know I left him there with the highest regard , so you can all be together again"

Thank you to everyone who has been reading my reviews/recap for Intruders. It has been a delight to write about and discuss with you. Hopefully I can write again for it , if we get a season 2!

As always , thank you for reading! Let me know in the comments what you thought of the episode!
About the Author - Robert Fruin
Robert is a sixth form student from the United Kingdom, who is currently studying IT, Media and Business Studies. Robert is a huge fan of the ended ABC series LOST, he has seen it many times over and has even visited some of the filming locations for it. Robert mainly watches drama series such as Game Of Thrones and Person of Interest, but has a soft spot for the comedy The Middle. Some other shows he watches are The Walking Dead, Arrow and The 100. Some other interests include cycling, photography and kayaking. Robert will be reviewing Z Nation,The Librarians, Sons Of Anarchy, Intruders, The Fosters and Aquarius. Feel free to connect with him on any of these social media sites.
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  1. So what did you think of the finale?

  2. Hi Robert!

    I have really enjoyed reading your recaps of the series. Here are my thoughts about the finale:

    So Jack burns down Qui Reverti's library, their storage office for "triggers" and the crypt, and he's hired as a Shepherd! I wonder what he would have had to have done to be "put on the sideline" as Shepherd chillingly said? :-)

    Overall the finale was good, but a few questions remain:

    1) Who triggered the returned gang member in the young girl's body at the hospital?
    2) Will the police blame the murder of the homeowner on Marcus or will Madison be charged?
    3) Has Jack finally accepted that Amy is gone, or will he continue to fight to get her back especially after he saw that Madison had defeated Marcus and "kicked him out of her body"?
    4) Was Amy having an affair with Shepherd?
    5) Where did Bix disappear to? If there is a second season, I can see the Bix storyline presenting some serious problems for Rose and her rise within Qui Reverti.

    There was also two glaring continuity issues in the finale:

    1) How was Rose (in Amy's body) able to sentence Marcus to be interred alive behind a brick wall 9 years ago, when she was supposedly triggered in the last few months?

    2) When Rose asked Shepherd why did he bring back Marcus and he made the statement about needing the money for his brother, and for him and Amy to run away together, Rose replied that she didn't know who Amy was?

    I hope the series gets a second season, but the writers need to wrap up the threads from season one before adding new stories.

  3. Why Shepherd never shot Jack was pretty well answered in the last scene. There is a greater purpose for him. Like he said they could have killed him a long time ago.

  4. I know what you mean , but at that point I was wondering why he didn't shoot him. I am really excited to see what happens with Jack next season , now he is a shepherd.

  5. Hi Brenda , I am glad you liked the finale!

    1) Probably just another Shepherd , I doubt we will find out who it was as it isn't too important.
    2) I think that they wont charge Madison as I think Detective Blanchard who was investigating that murder will now understand more about the group especially if he finds the papers strapped around Gary which explains all.
    3) Although I would love to see an Amy and Jack reunion I doubt it will happen , I think he will just move on and accept that it is Rose. Since he will be joining them anyway as he is a Shepherd now he will have to accept it. Who knows maybe Rose and Jack might end falling for eachother.
    4) That was my initial thoughts , I have no idea how they knew eachother. I hear if there is a second season their will be a Shepherd centric episode , so hopefully we can see flashbacks of his past with Amy.
    5) No idea where he went. He must be important for them to introduce his character , like you said I think he will cause problems for Rose , as he didn't seem all that happy to be triggered.

    As for your two other questions , I have no clue. I too thought she was only triggered recently so was shocked when she was in the flashback.

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  7. I liked it... thought it was good... I was sad that they killed Gary off... for a min or two they had me thinking that Gary's employer was going to end up taking over his body... wish they'd kept him alive though

    and the little girl that played Madison deserves an Emmy award for her performance.. that was some damn good acting

  8. Just wanted to say thanks to you Robert for covering this show so well. Enjoyed the reviews and recaps and your thoughts etc. It's been very enjoyable to read others thoughts and comments as well.

    I really hope this show gets a 2nd season.

  9. Thank you for your kind words , it has been a great show to write for. I just hope now BBC America will give it a season 2.

  10. She does for sure , she has been outstanding this whole series. I too wish they kept Gary alive, having Gary's employer take over his body would be strange ,but it would be a good story arc.

  11. Do you guys remember that Rose wasn't triggered when Amy had a miscarriage? She made Amy lost her baby, but she wasnt the main "soul" in the body. I think Rose could take control of the body whenever she wants, so that explains how she was there when Marcus was buried. Or, in a second theory, she was pretending to be Amy all along, which is unlikely since she became erratic by the time Marcus was triggered in Madison's body. But, it's possible that Jack never had noticed Amy's behavior until then.

  12. You are probably spot on with what you said. Rose's soul probably was inside Amy's body as well , which is why in some of the flashbacks we saw she was speaking Russian it was Rose not Amy controlling the body at that time. She could have been pretending , but I think Jack would have picked up on it before he did since he was a cop.

  13. When Jack picked up that first trigger (some type of gadget) and threw it on the floor, I was thinking, "No! It might be Tesla!" lol

  14. Nice article, Robert! It was killing me because I couldn't figure out who played Bix and thanks to you I know! Please note, however, that Bix was played by *Richard* Harmon. Daniel Harmon created the sitcom Community and a bunch of funny stuff. Richard Harmon was in The 100 and Continuum.

  15. Thank you for pointing that out , I was so sure he was called Daniel and decided not to check IMDB. Now I know I should have ;)

  16. Maxands,

    Your theory about Rose/Amy would be plausible, except that doesn't explain how:

    1) If Rose had been triggered as far back as nine years ago, then why did she wait until recently to assert full control of Amy's body? It doesn't make any sense that such a dominant personality who had "returned" previous times before, to patiently wait in the background only popping up at certain times.

    2) So why was Shepherd planning on running away with "Amy" with a portion of the money that Marcus had promised him, if as you suggest Rose had already been triggered in Amy and could take control whenever she wanted?

    I could go along with Jack burning down QR's invaluable library, trigger storage and crypt and this supposedly powerful, well connected, centuries old cult/organization not burying Jack behind a brick wall in revenge. But the inconsistencies with the Amy/Rose timeline really threw everything off.

  17. They can come back every 9, but why do you want to be triggered as a 9-year-old child? Better to be triggered once you have come of age.

  18. Banged by Corey StollOctober 13, 2014 at 12:02 PM

    Nice review as always :-)
    Didn't see coming the final twist with Jack being 'hired' by Qui Reverti ... until the very end I was thinking the black box could contain a trigger for him (maybe a Amy/Rose plan?).
    Anyway a great finale and an amazing series.
    And please give Millie Bobby Bown (Madison) an Emmy/Bafta/Golden Globe now!

  19. She does deserve it , although I think she will be overlooked as they tend to always give it to the same people every year. Which is a shame, but you never know she could get a nomination when the time comes around.

  20. i loved it but i still dont get what's number 9 stand for !?
    i loved Madison conversation with Marcus... that mean its over for Marcus, he cant come back again!!.. thanks god for that...
    for a moment there i thought that box is a trigger for Jack...but they just wanted him to be a Shepherd, interested to see how that will be, i think he'll cuz too many troubles for them.

    things i wanna know is where is the ghost machine, why they didnt mention it again, Jack could use it... also i really ship Emmy & Shepherd, i wanna know what happened with them..

    thanks for the reviews Robert.. always great to read them..

  21. They can be triggered at any time. It's problematic to trigger an adult in a child's body. Once the turn 18 they can go off in the world and disappear on whatever adventure they tell their parents. Until then, they have school, and lots of eyes on them.

  22. Bix dies of alcohol poisoning in his first life and is bent on doing the same in this one. I don't see him getting his act together long enough to be a threat to anyone. As for the gang member "trigger" I'm thinking seeing Jack brought that soul to the surface briefly. Jack was the last thing he saw before he died. I think Jack's "She's not my wife" answers the question about Jack accepting Amy is gone. Surely Rose has been aware inside Amy for a while. The wife of a cop was a great place to be undercover. Why not be patient when you can live forever? It looks like she was biding her time until an opening appeared in the 9, then she needed to be Rose full time.

  23. Really? I thought it was every 9 years that there was a window, otherwise why did Rose complain about having missed 9 years of her life when she wasn't triggered at the right time due to the missed opportunity?

    Yes, definitely that's why they wait until they've at least come of age before activating them. Madison/Marcus was only activated young by Shepherd so she'd be easier to kill.

  24. Hopefully when it airs in the UK , it will get decent numbers. I don't think they will make a decision about it until it airs in UK.

  25. Thank you Abby! I am not entirely sure myself what is stands for , maybe it is just a card the Shepherd's use so that the person who comes back knows that it was a Shepherd who triggered them.

  26. Thank you for the confirmation about the alcohol poisoning , I must have missed it :)

    You could be right about Rose hiding undercover as Amy , but she has to be very convincing if she was doing that. I still think Jack would notice the smallest of things that Rose would do differently compared to what Amy would do.

  27. Nobody seemed to care how old Bix was. Was his age divisible by 9? Who cares? Let's just walk up and trigger him as soon as we find him. Didn't seem to be an issue.

  28. But Rose has always been there. And she's been through this many times. I half suspect she was online even when Jack and Amy met, which is why she has feelings for him. Now that Bix is self destructing, I think Rose is turning towards Jack.

  29. Perhaps it's more a case of tradition. Quote from the book:

    By 9—we must be rooted, living securely above or below. 18—we may start pulling strings. By 27—there should be sufficient control to be consistent in aim. At 36—adulthood, true Dominance begins. 45—without integration, the crisis point. 54—the age of Power. 63—Wisdom. At 72—the search starts again. 81—time to leave: we do not die as others do, and so the parting of this place must be under our control. Add the numbers which make up these nine ages—3 + 6 or 7 + 2—all in turn resolve to a digital root of 9. So it has been enshrined, hidden in plain sight. A triangle = 180° (1 + 8 + 0 = 9); the square and circle are 360° (3 + 6 + 0 = 9)—all regular geometrical shapes have a digital root of 9. Even 666—do I need to tell you by now to add those three numbers, and then add them again?

    This is not an accident. Our mathematics was created to honor the power of 9. To the power of the Nines. But the Nines themselves have become weak in the meantime, spiritualized, have even come to believe in their own cramped version of the lies. To believe that our power must be constrained, that we must enter life as a newborn—must hide in plain sight, just another tree in the forest.

  30. I halfway expected Jack to run across a trigger that worked on him.

  31. I thought he might have, since he found so many.


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