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Chicago PD - Chicken, Dynamite, Chainsaw - Review

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Guys, I was wrong. Last week was not a filler episode. This week was. This week, we were given a main storyline that I just couldn’t get into and subplots that will most definitely resurface in the near future. Sure, it was still a great episode. But instead of leaving the episode feeling excited about what just happened, I’m more excited for what’s to come. Alright, enough of that…

Alderman Becks, an acquaintance of Voight’s, comes to the team for help when his daughter and her friend disappear. It was only a matter of time before a crime show featured an episode about an Uber drive gone wrong.

They find the abandoned car and the driver badly injured, and it’s clear something is up. Halstead and Lindsay go to visit the friend’s house to speak with the parents, who seem to be keeping something from the cops. Stay tuned…

The team gets a hit on a cell phone and arrive at the scene just in time to see Becks’ daughter go flying through the front window. Yikes.

The kidnappers do get away with the friend, but not before Antonio takes one of them out. It becomes apparent fairly quickly that this is more than just a simple kidnapping (is there such a thing?). This is some shady business gone wrong. All eyes are on Mr. Becks, when they should have been on the friend’s father. I knew it! He was involved in some deals gone wrong years before, and the people he burned returned to settle the score.

It may have seemed minor, but I loved the scene where Halstead and Olinsky visited the mother of the man Antonio killed (one of the kidnappers). They were looking for information regarding the kidnappers, which they got, but that’s not what I liked. On cop dramas, we see the “bad guys” as just that, bad guys. In this short scene, we were reminded that yes, he might have been bad, but he had a mother who loved him, a mother who is now dealing with losing a son. It was an interesting perspective that made me stop and think. Thank you, Chicago PD writers.

The information given by the mother combined with the friend’s dad leads the team to an abandoned school building. Mr. Becks shows up with cash, as he was contacted by the kidnappers. Halstead, using his amazing sniper skills, takes out the kidnapper, and the girl is fine. Another win for the team. I realize it’s a terrible thing to wish for, but just once, I want their mission to not be a success. Real life, people.

Elsewhere on the show…

Platt assigns Roman and Burgess to the handle the gun buyback booth. When Roman tells Burgess he has a private security business on the side, she says she’s free to help, but he brushes her off. I just want to know what his story is already! During an uneventful day working the buyback booth, Roman and Burgess recover a gun used in a homicide, their only excitement for the day.
In the locker room at the end of the night, Roman tells Antonio about his security business, and Antonio takes him up on the offer to work.

Halstead and Lindsay are up for mandatory firearms requalification. Flirty banter ensues (about who will score higher), and Platt interrupts with, “I’ve got my money on you, girl.” Apparently, Erin and Jay are just as clueless as we are with Platt’s obsession with Erin.

At the end of the episode, we do get to see Erin and Jay at the shooting range. “Do you think they’ll let me turn in Dwyer’s knee for requalification?” Jay asks.
Yes. Dang it! This scene was cut too short.

Antonio’s daughter shows up at the station, and seems to have some other purpose for being there, other than missing her dad. He puts Nadia in charge of his daughter, and I’ll admit, Nadia is growing on me. I was definitely opposed at the start of the season, but she really fits in well with this team.

I think there’s some other reason for Antonio’s daughter’s visit, but of course, it’s not revealed. I would guess that Antonio’s wife could be moving on, and judging by the episode’s final scene, Antonio may not be far behind.

In a surprising twist, a girl named Olive turns up at the station asking for Voight. She’s looking to get in touch with Justin (who is now enlisted in the military) to tell him that she’s—you guessed it—pregnant! I know some people have vocalized their dislike for Justin, but I actually really liked his character. I’m hoping this brings him back. At the very least, Voight’s going to be a grandpa! That’s terrifying.

Voight’s attitude toward Olive is so sweet, so different from the Voight we know. He has Olive over for dinner, and you just know he’s starting to get excited about being a grandpa. Guys, he even takes money out of his secret mystery vault to give her! He says Justin is coming back, yay! I hope we get to see quite a bit of him.

What did you think of the episode? How would you feel about a reappearance from Justin? Why is Platt obsessed with Erin? Share your thoughts below!

About the Author - Meghan Reynolds
A Colorado native, Meghan was born a raised a Denver Broncos fan. Aside from football, she loves storytelling, whether it be movies, television, books, or music. Some of her favorite shows of the past and present include LOST, Friends, The Office, Scandal, Chicago PD, and Chicago Fire. She is excited to be reviewing two of those shows for SpoilerTV, Chicago PD and Chicago Fire.

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