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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

Arrow - Episode 3.02 - Sara - Promotional Photos

4 Oct 2014

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  1. Too much Olicity
    And Roy's suit hanging in the lair looks cool.

  2. SHIELDNCISArrowfan2 October 2014 at 21:09

    So many felicity/oliver scene.... i expect complain about lack of other character....

  3. The title of the episode is "Sara" and there are literally zero photos of Sara. I'm officially getting paranoid....

  4. Mmm I`m not usually one to hate on Olicity but it`s getting a bit tiring how much focus they are getting in promotion. 5/13 pictures, really? And no Sara in an episode called Sara. Color me worried about her.

  5. Yeah his face being hidden is strange. Wonder why?

  6. SHIELDNCISArrowfan2 October 2014 at 21:15

    Is it that hard to show captain lance or something.....maybe because the other photo are too spolish
    Remember the cw is promoting these not the producer

  7. Probably a Hong-Kong flashback. It's hard to tell but I'm pretty sure he has his long hair.

  8. Leïla Salvatore2 October 2014 at 21:17

    There are a lot of Oliver/Felicity photos but I think it's for one scene. And there in no Sara photo, maybe it's wanted from the CW as to hide what is her story, her past. All the promoting stuff are coming from the CW, not the producers. So that can explain why they are playing with Olicity. I really love the relationship between Oliver and Felicity, I can understand the "frustation".

  9. Nothing against Olicity, but this exactly why people are hating on them. I mean seriously the episode is called Sara and there's no Sara to be seen, but plenty of Olicity? there's something wrong with that promo deparment.
    That said, things don't look good between them, Felicity being teary eyed and all...

  10. You said it! I didn't :P

    but I concur

  11. Oooh good point. I think you're right.

  12. I don't ship Olicity but I don't dislike them either. Still I agree. Olicity has been promoted for months now while we barely get any info/pictures of the other characters.

  13. Yeah Roy's suit look pretty cool hanging there like that.

  14. I think the actress who played Sara kept filming after her episode so I doubt she is going to die.

  15. I don't expect to see any Thea/Malcolm stills for any episode anymore either.

  16. on a show with flashbacks her still filming means nothing about her characters fate

  17. She hasn't been confirmed on set since this episode.


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