- It is quite possible that we have never seen Oliver smile so much during an episode.
- Roy is a part of Team Arrow in a big way, and the group will continue to evolve in the premiere. Also: Fancy new arrows!
- Laurel has a nice surprise for Oliver that brings yet another smile to his face. (Seriously, so much smiling in this episode!
- Diggle’s impending fatherhood has him “terrified.”
- Sara makes a memorable re-entrance into Starling City, meeting up with both Oliver and her sister Laurel.
- The hour features several cool fight/action sequences, but the best one showcases Stephen Amell and… Stephen Amell.
-Now’s a good time to jump on board the CW drama, if you for some reason have yet to do so. “We closed a chapter at the end of Season 2, and this is a brand-new opening,” Guggenheim says. “It’s pretty new viewer-friendly.”
- Brandon Routh makes his entrance not at Queen Consolidated, but at a location that may make you think of his previous gig, Chuck. Also, his interaction with Felicity? It doesn’t go as expected.
-Some things to know about Oliver and Felicity’s “explosive” first date: Ollie pulls a reverse Superman with his outfit; both parties are more than a little nervous; Oliver recounts the day he met Felicity (including an incredibly small detail about that encounter).
- If you were worried that “Olicity’s” hospital lip-lock would get interrupted by any number of emergencies, fret not. “I’m very happy with the circumstances under which they have their first kiss,” Guggenheim teases. “I hope it plays as unexpected. I hope it plays as emotional.”
Thanks to SHIELDNCISArrowfan for the heads up.
So much cuteness! During the intervening 5 months since we last saw them on the island beach seems to have only cranked up the cute-factor in the Oliver and Felicity interactions. Even Diggle cannot take it anymore and tells Oliver that it is time to ask Felicity on a date. It is now or never; and you would not believe it, but Oliver takes Diggle’s advice. Even Felicity cannot believe her ears when she hears it. But a date is a date and what girl in her right mind would refuse a date with Oliver Queen – not Felicity, who shows up looking stunning (as expected), though even Oliver cannot quite believe his eyes. But dating a superhero has some definite downsides. Dates do not go as expected. Executive producer Marc Guggenheim described it as “explosive,” and that really is the perfect word for it.
The Kiss
That’s right Olicity fans, there is an epic kiss that fans have been waiting for – for over two seasons — and what a kiss it is. ARROW delivers on that front. It is Felicity Smoak’in awesome! If you haven’t gone weak in the knees and turned into a big puddle on the floor after that kiss, you are not human and get to the doctor stat.
Daddy’s Back
Or to be more exact, Captain Lance is back. With a promotion, new uniform and a few health concerns, but the good ole detective Lance is back and he insists that his new desk job is not going to keep him out of the good fight. Unfortunately, he insists on getting in on the action every chance he gets, which may or may not perturb his overprotective daughters.
So much cuteness! During the intervening 5 months since we last saw them on the island beach seems to have only cranked up the cute-factor in the Oliver and Felicity interactions. Even Diggle cannot take it anymore and tells Oliver that it is time to ask Felicity on a date. It is now or never; and you would not believe it, but Oliver takes Diggle’s advice. Even Felicity cannot believe her ears when she hears it. But a date is a date and what girl in her right mind would refuse a date with Oliver Queen – not Felicity, who shows up looking stunning (as expected), though even Oliver cannot quite believe his eyes. But dating a superhero has some definite downsides. Dates do not go as expected. Executive producer Marc Guggenheim described it as “explosive,” and that really is the perfect word for it.
The Kiss
That’s right Olicity fans, there is an epic kiss that fans have been waiting for – for over two seasons — and what a kiss it is. ARROW delivers on that front. It is Felicity Smoak’in awesome! If you haven’t gone weak in the knees and turned into a big puddle on the floor after that kiss, you are not human and get to the doctor stat.
Daddy’s Back
Or to be more exact, Captain Lance is back. With a promotion, new uniform and a few health concerns, but the good ole detective Lance is back and he insists that his new desk job is not going to keep him out of the good fight. Unfortunately, he insists on getting in on the action every chance he gets, which may or may not perturb his overprotective daughters.
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