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Agents of SHIELD - Episode 2.04 - I Will Face My Enemy - Promotional Photos

4 Oct 2014

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MARVEL'S AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. - "I Will Face My Enemy" - While on a mission to learn more about the secrets of the mysterious writing, Coulson finds himself attacked by the only person he can trust: Agent Melinda May. Meanwhile, the rest of the team is trapped in an explosive situation, and it's up to Fitz to save them -- but is he up to it? "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." airs TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14 (9:00-10:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Eric McCandless) MING-NA WEN


  1. COULSON AND MAY DANCING. COULSON AND MAY DANCING. And she looks so pretty kicking ass in that dress.

  2. Oh my god, Philinda are dancing!! *drops to the floor* And of course she looks absolutely stunning :)

  3. PHILINDA DANCING OH MY GOD.... i can die happy now

  4. Holy damn May is flawless and I love them dancing

  5. Don t Phil and May look dashing? I wonder if it's an hallucination?

  6. HOLY HELL I can't wait. MAY ALL DAY!!!

  7. Ok this is strange synopsis. But thank you.

  8. May looks so drop dead gorgeous.

  9. SHIELDNCISArrowfan2 October 2014 at 18:42

    what Talbot doing there? I presume it the same scene stalking Coulson!

  10. Talbot's moustache fascinates me

  11. everyoneissleeping2 October 2014 at 19:20

    Wow. Just... wow. Ming-Na looks gorgeous.

  12. everyoneissleeping2 October 2014 at 19:23

    I'm pretty sure they're on some mission and end up dancing in order to blend in. I approve on this tactic.

  13. Yep. :) looks like a lovely moment followed by a not so lovely moment. Why May? :(

  14. everyoneissleeping2 October 2014 at 19:49

    There must be a good reason...

  15. she looks beautiful..

  16. Coulson/May looking pretty darn good cutting a rug, and May looks hot in that dress... and I have to chuckle at Talbot's porn 'stache... it's almost a character by itself

  17. So, Talbot's still there, huh? I'm kind of hoping they wrap that storyline up before too long. Talbot's okay in small doses, but he's not dynamic enough to work as a serious antagonist. He's more of an annoyance really. Let's finish up with Talbot and move on to Whitehall and Skye's dad.

  18. Hard to believe Ming is over 50, isn't it? I swear, that woman is aging in reverse.

  19. Damn she is going too kick ass in a Dress Awesome! I am looking forward too the Dancing too that looks great.


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