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USD POLL : Predict the ratings for the Season Premiere of Revenge

12 Sept 2014

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Today's User Submitted Daily (USD) Poll was submitted by Acre1993 who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below).

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  1. The F at people saying 1.7 or lower lol. I expect something between 1.9-2.4

  2. Why? The last 10 episodes have averaged a 1.4-1.5 rating.

  3. Cause it was up 6 tenths for the last season premier and up 8 tenths for the one before. Also, all the ABC shows (not sure about the others) go up at least 4 tenths for the season premier, including comedies.

  4. 1.7 with 6 million viewers, that´s my bet, but it could be higher because the season premieres of Revenge and also of OUAT usually have good ratings, compared to their previous season finales.

  5. I'm not convinced :)

    S1 Premiere : 3.3
    S2 Premiere : 3.2
    S3 Premiere : 2.3

    Personally I think it will get 1.7-1.8 and probably then go down to a 1.2 - 1.3 on a regular basis.

  6. I think the ratings will be 1.8-2.1 because it's season premiere and

    **SPOILER WARNING (3rd Season Finale)**

    Victoria's condition and David Clarke's being alive can make people curious about 4x01.

    **SPOILER WARNING (3rd Season Finale)**

  7. S1 finale: 2.4
    S2 premier: 3.2

    S2 fianle: 1.7
    S3 premier: 2.3

    S3 finale: 1.4
    S4 premier: 2.0-2.1 (prediction)

  8. 2.0/2.1 for the premiere.Season avg-1.5/1.6 approx.

  9. How is 2.2 > even an option lol

  10. If it was on after OUAT it totally would..

  11. During season 2 the show went down to a 1.4 in the demo towards the spring yet for the season 3 premiere it was back up to a 2.3 in the demo.

    I expect something similar to happen, Revenge will be back up to a 2.1 in the demo for the premiere!

  12. From S1 finale 2.4 it went to a S2 premiere of 3.2 (0.8 increase)
    From S2 finale 1.7 it went to a S3 premiere of 2.3 (0.6 increase)
    So I think Revenge can pull an increase like that from the finale to the premiere. I'll go with 2.0, but it could deviate around 2.2-1.8

  13. It depends on what fails12 September 2014 at 12:59


  14. 1.8 - 1.9. I can't see it premiering higher than that.

  15. I guess 1.8 - 2.0, but i hope for higher ratings.

  16. I'm hoping to god that revenge will at least premiere something like a 1.9-2.0

  17. That's an option because revenge usually jumps up pretty high after long breaks.

  18. Thanks for posting my poll

  19. i'm going to be optiistic and say it will be ebtween 2.0 to 2.2.

  20. It's going on lower end for four reasons: 1) the steep decline between S2 & S3; 2) the later timeslot; 3) Resurrection v OUAT - far weaker lead-in; and bonus CSI will probably be more formidable than TM in terms of demo. BONUS - if David Clarke is alive - many of us agree the show JTS and basically made the first three season and the whole premise of the show worthless.

  21. I love Revenge, but I'm not delusional. It will be very lucky if it gets something near 1.8. I'm assuming this will be the final season.

  22. revenge usually jumps up pretty high after finales like for example
    season 1 finale: 2.4 season 2 premiere: 3.2 8 tenths up
    season 2 finale: 1.7 season 3 premiere: 2.3 6 tenths up
    season 3 episode 13 which aired in january: 1.3 season 3 episode 14 which aired in march: 1.9 6 tenths up
    season 4 premiere (my prediction): 2.0
    here are the reasons
    1) good word of mouth from the finale which generated a lot of buzz
    2) its timeslot has low competition
    3) its already been proven that revenge is not lead in dependent like in early january while ouat was on a break its lead in was 0.9 and still managed to get a 1.8 on its own.
    4) many people are going to be curious as to how david clarke is alive. him being alive does not undermine the premise of the show. the whole point of the show is the fact that emily wanted to clear her fathers name. him being alive still doesn't erase the fact emily still lost everything, and not to mention lost her father for 20 years.

  23. I voted 1.8 2.1 I'm hoping for much higher I believe it's going back to how things were in season one, based on the last few episodes it's looking good for the upcoming season:)



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