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The Leftovers - The Prodigal Son Returns - Finale Review: "We Made Them Remeber"

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"Don't leave me
We must forget
All can be forgotten
Which is already fleeing away
To forget the times
Of misunderstanding
And the lost times
To know how
To forget those hours
Which sometimes killed
With blows of "Why?"
The heart of happiness
Don't leave me"
"Ne Me Quitte Pas" - Nina Simone - (Original By: Jacques Brel)

Don't leave me. That is the translation of the title of the song above. Don't leave me. It is what every one of our characters thought at one moment throughout the season. In the first season finale on Sunday, The cold open showed us the Garvey's in the positions we last saw them with this song playing. Kevin didn't want anyone to leave him, but especially Patti. Jill never wanted her mom to leave her and vice versa. Although, I don't think Laurie wants Jill to be a part of the Guilty Remnant, she also doesn't want to lose sight of her daughter. Last, but certainly not least, Tom doesn't want Christine and her newborn baby girl to leave him. Deep down, they both don't want Holy Wayne to leave either, which is evident in the way they both choke up when speaking about how they don't need him.

There were many powerful and emotional scenes in The Leftover's finale Sunday night. I was astounded and amazed throughout the entire hour at how well everything came together and how perfect Lindelof and his writing team harmoniously tied together many of the series plot threads and elements. I thought it was one of the better finales I have seen lately. It elicited many different emotions and feelings and at one point I actually felt really bad for Nora. Wow - that was an awesome scene (I am sure you all know which scene I am speaking of - if not, I will go into detail later). Isn't that what you want out of a TV Series? We want it to elicit emotion and make us run to the internet to find out about a song that was playing, or if we are right in guessing where a certain easter-egg is from. That is exactly what The Leftovers does so well and why we love it so much. And why we are so happy there is a Second Season.

The past few episodes has hinted at some major event brewing and originating from the GR. The family photos that were stolen from everyone's home (remember 'B.J. and the A.C.') came into play as they were used to gather the clothing that the departed wore. Patti acquired the clothing and laid them out on the church floor (remember 'Cairo'). The final puzzle piece was Laurie paying some movers for what appeared to be 'Loved Ones' replicas of each of the Mapleton 'departed'. We finally find out what they had planned for everyone all along. Megan tells Kevin, "We made them remember". This is part of what Patti wanted Kevin to understand in the cabin the moments before she 'departed'. I believe Kevin seeing his reflection in Patti's pool of blood at the very beginning of the episode reflected this understanding.

"We made them remember". Good job to those of you who guessed this correctly. The Guilty Remnant dressed the Loved Ones replicas up with the clothing they were wearing from the photos they stole. They then, sneakily, placed the departed replicas in their families homes as if they had never left. The scenes were hauntingly creative. The moments before the Sudden Departure were replicated by the GR in some sick and twisted way of making the leftover citizens remember what happened. The stillness in the air as one man meditates in a park. The leaves blowing briskly as another departed is cleaning his gutters. The 'dad' from the grocery store in the beginning of the season was also one. And who could forget the Patterson's kid? Sitting eerily at the table with the coins we know he liked to collect and count in the foreground. They were all placed in those positions so their families could find them.

The best one, of course, was Nora's family sitting at the kitchen table, and seeing her reaction. It was fantastic acting by Carrie Coon by the way. It was, by far, my favorite scene of the series and the buildup to it was incredible. The Guilty Remnant's objective was a complete success, however creepy and strange it was. They wanted everyone to remember the SD and acknowledge and accept that it happened. Well, everyone did.

The finale was filled with extraordinary scenes and Kevin's were great. He get's help from the Rev with burying Patti in the woods, but not before he reads a passage that the Rev outlined for him from the Bible. The passage is from Job 23:8 (remember the Rev's episode 'Two Boats and a Helicopter' made references and correlations to Job/The Rev). I won't repeat the whole passage, but it is worth looking up. I thought it was a great selection as some of the lines include "I have departed" and "But He Stands Alone". It was a powerful scene that spoke to the religious overtones of the series and Kevin's struggles throughout. Kevin has had a lot to overcome even though he did not lose anyone in the SD.

As the Rev and Kevin are driving home, you can over hear on the radio something about Holy Wayne escaping. I remember commenting to someone (Daniel?) about how great it would be if Holy Wayne and Kevin met and sure enough Kevin sees him moments before he dies on the restaurant bathroom stall. Wayne has no idea that this is Tom's dad that he is speaking to, but nonetheless grants him a wish to see if he is a fraud or if he is the real deal. Kevin thinks about this wish and for a moment you can see Holy Wayne light up as if it was the best wish he had heard. More on Kevin's wish later.

Before Kevin and the Rev get to the restaurant, Kevin has a nightmare. It involves Kevin being admitted into the same mental institution that his dad is in. While in his cell someone tosses the cryptic National Geographic magazine inside. In it Kevin sees the article for 'Cairo' that we have mentioned before with a note that states if he stops talking to himself they will let him watch TV. He walks out of his room to see his dad watching 'Perfect Strangers". A perfect show to be on while Kevin and his dad are together. Finally, Patti shows up and tells him to wake up. I wonder if we will see more of Patti in Season Two. She, after all, just wanted Kevin to understand while they were all still there.

The most meaningful line was from Kevin, who says to the Rev, "I started to lose them, one by one". He is speaking about his family and haven't we all thought that throughout the season? The Leftovers is a story about loss, whether from the Sudden Departure or otherwise. For reasons undetermined or unexplainable. Kevin Garvey may not have lost anyone in the SD, the event around which the whole series revolves, but he did lose his family in a series of events stemming from it. He lost himself along the way as well. Laurie and Tom left to join cults, and he has had a tenuous grasp on Jill for the better part of the season. He is trying to find love again with Nora and he almost lost her as well. He is a tragic-hero we have all come to root for in a world that has gone mad from unexplainable events and phenomena. I wonder if he will ever read that letter form Nora. Maybe they can raise that baby together and Nora can start a new family with them? It's difficult to picture a bleaker and darker season two with this ending. There was a little bit of hope in it, wasn't there?

The episode did a great job of closing out a roller coaster ride of a first season. A season that has made this show a favorite for some its viewers. It is definitely one of my favorites. The hidden meanings and mesmerizing characters. The cults and groups and fanatics. The finale tied it all together. Nora now has a reason to stay in Mapleton; a baby girl left by Christine for Tom, who, in turn, left it on his dad's doorstep for Nora to find. Jill now understands that things can be 'OK' after the SD and the look on her face says she is willing to accept Nora. My guess is that Tom will join the GR with his mother and Laurie will rebuild the GR with Patti now gone. Kevin will keep holding on tight to Jill and who knows what the future will hold. My guess is that Season Two will be even greater than the first.

Thoughts And Discussion

- The songs in this episode are:

"Ne Me Quitte Pas" - Nina Simone - Beginning scene with Kevin overlooking Patti - The full lyrics are amazing and mirror the entire series in certain ways. If you have time I suggest looking them up.
"Nothing Else Matters (Instrumental Version)" - Apocalyptica - Jill and Laurie writing back and forth.
"Sleepwalk" - Johnny & Santo - The Rev and Kev
"Dream" - Al Green - The Rev and Kevin driving back from the restaurant

- Did you notice...When Laurie was talking (writing) to Jill at the start of the episode you can see Laurie's lighter (NOT the one Jill gave her) between them. I'm not sure if this was purposely done by the writers, but I thought it was a neat little Easter-Egg.

- Did you notice...During the scenes where we saw all the replicated departed there were dogs barking in the background.

- I love how the dog that Jill set free came back to both of them, symbolizing their family unit and Kevin's sanity.

- I laughed at the Rev's reaction to Kevin telling him about the other woman disappearing while he was with her.

- The Prodigal Son is the title of the episode and it takes its name from one of the parables of Jesus. It focuses on loss and redemption.

- I am so glad they added the line by Lucy to Kevin - "You were right". It was a perfect line for the finale. Also, Laurie's first and only word she spoke (post SD) throughout the whole season was "Jill" - very appropriate.

- My other ideas for the Tagline were: Review: "The Uncanny Valley" and Review: "I Have Not Departed" and Review: "Penguins:One Kevin:One"

- Did you notice...What Kevin sees as he runs through the GR house while it was on fire:
- Kevin helps one member from being beaten up with the word 'Forget' written on the white board behind her. Also on the white board is - "Support Counseling Meeting: TBA" (Maybe they should have had that meeting earlier). Under "Important Information" they have written the time the SD occurred - 2:23.
- A half burned sign about one of the GR's mottos concerning smoking to proclaim their faith.
- A man sitting and meditating in a corner of a room at the worst possible time.
- Picture frames without any photos in them.

- I wonder what season two will be about? Any thoughts?

- So, what does everyone think Kevin's wish to Holy Wayne was? My guess is that Kevin wished that everyone that departed was returned. In a weird sort of way his wish came true when he returns to Mapleton to see it has erupted into chaos after the GR did just that. That or he wished that Tom would return to him. I would love to read what all of you think his wish was. Comment below and let me know.

Thank you all for a great season of discussion and comments for The Leftovers! I can't wait for the next season so we can do it all again! Please comment below so we can discuss the episode and the season as a whole more. Have a great weekend everyone! I hope to hear from you all after my other Reviews of Sons Of Anarchy, Resurrection, The Strain, and the much anticipated Season Two of The Blacklist!

About the Author - Geo N
My name is George and I am from Detroit, MI. My favorite shows are The Blacklist, Hell On Wheels, The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, LOST, The Leftovers, The Strain, Sons Of Anarchy, Sleepy Hollow and countless other shows. When I'm not watching tons of TV, I enjoy reading, playing hockey, comic books, weightlifting, and writing. Thanks for checking out my post.
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