Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon The Big Bang Theory - Episode 8.03 - 8.04 - Taping Reports

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The Big Bang Theory - Episode 8.03 - 8.04 - Taping Reports

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Here's my taping report for 8.03!

I tried to keep it very straightforward with not much personality or flare because I wanted to keep my opinion/reading out of it and let you guys draw your own conclusions based strictly on the action and dialogue. I hope that's okay! But I'm happy to give my opinion on any particular scene, as are, I'm sure, the other attendees (Kazzie, BBTGuy, and PilotAndATC).

I'll make a separate post with the BTS stuff. We didn't see much because a lot of it was shot off stage, but we have a few things!

COLD OPEN. Three takes.
Apartment 4A: Leonard, Howard, Raj, Sheldon, joined by Penny.

Howard and Leonard stand in front of the TV. Howard asks "So how do I do this, just throw it like a real ball?" Leonard says yes and sits on the couch. As Howard is about to throw, Raj yells, "You suck, Wolowitz!" and Howard flinches. Raj insists that it's a vital part of baseball, and Sheldon concurs. Penny arrives and Howard explains that he was asked by NASA to throw the first pitch for the Angels and Penny remarks that this makes Howard the athlete of the group. Sheldon says not true. "You're looking at" (and pointing at the boys as he says so) "the seeker (Raj), beater (Leonard), chaser (Howard) and water boy (himself) of the Griffith Park third place Quidditch team" (something like this). Penny says, "I know, watching your boyfriend with a broomstick between his legs is not something you forget." Howard goes to throw the ball at the TV and Raj shouts, "You look like a jackass!"

SCENE A. Two takes, one pick up.
Apartment 4A: Sheldon and Amy in hallway, enter to Leonard and Penny.

Sheldon and Amy come up the stairs in fancy attire (Sheldon a three-piece suit, Amy in a dress, tights, and cardigan/jacket). Sheldon asks, "Did you enjoy my lecture?" and Amy says, "No, and neither did our waiter." Sheldon says, "Hey, if you serve Cornish game hen, either know the history of Cornwall or be prepared to learn about it." Amy says, "Can't argue with that logic. And I should know, because I saw a sad man with a pepper mill try."

They enter the apartment where Leonard and Penny are on the couch together. Amy proposes to Sheldon that they see a movie tomorrow, and Penny asks, "Two dates in a row?" Sheldon explains that he missed many date nights while away so he is "contractual obligated" to make them up. Penny says, "that's hot," and Amy says, "It's better than hot. It's binding." Sheldon tries to invite Leonard and Penny along on their date, and Amy points out that having a double date with them won't count as two dates. Sheldon's face falls as he says, "Oh, then come or don't, I don't care."

SCENE B. Two takes.
Howardette home: Bernadette and Howard.

Bernadette is massaging Howard's right arm and says, "I can't believe you're sore." Howard gets defensive and says, "even professional pitchers need a rub down after the game." Bernie says, "Yeah but they throw an actual ball. You were throwing air at the TV." Howard defends, "I also gave Leonard a hell of a high five." Bernadette offers to help him practice since she used to do softball, and Howard says, "That'd be great, thanks." Bernadette offers to help butch up his run to the mound, too. Howard asks what's wrong with his run and she says nothing, it was a joke. But when she walks behind him and into the bedroom, she does an impression of his walk (behind his back where he can't see) and quite possibly the loudest I've ever laughed in my life.

SCENE C. Two takes.
Apartment 4B: Sheldon, Amy, Leonard, and Penny.

Sheldon, Amy and Leonard wait in the living room (Sheldon in chair, Amy and Leonard on the couch) while Penny comes out of the bedroom fastening her earring. She says she's surprised that Sheldon wanted to go to a pub. He explains that at their last meeting, Amy originally suggested a picnic but he tacked on so many amendments that it "sank like a lead balloon." That's when Amy suggested the pub. Sheldon was first skeptical but then saw online that they serve Yorkshire pudding. Leonard remarks that he doesn't even like Yorkshire pudding, and Sheldon agrees but says that he enjoys educating people about Yorkshire.

SCENE C - pickup. Three takes.

As they exit the apartment, Amy says that the motion passed with a two-to-zero margin. Leonard jokes, "It's nice to see a busy couple keep bureaucracy alive" in their relationship. Sheldon says, "Ignore them, Amy. They're just jealous that they'll never have a relationship as good as ours." Leonard and Penny exchange incredulous looks. Penny says, "Isn't this where he says bazooka or something?"

SCENE D - continuous. Two takes.

They come down the next landing and Sheldon says no, he wasn't making a joke, he was stating a fact. His and Amy's relationship is superior to Leonard and Penny's. Leonard asks, "Do you honestly believe that?" Sheldon turns around, "I assumed you knew." He proceeds to rank the relationships in the group by quality: Sheldon/Amy, Howard/Bernadette, Raj and his girlfriend, Penny/Chardonnay...

SCENE E - continuous. Two takes.

Leonard says there is no ranking and even if there was, be and Penny would not be at the bottom. Penny says "yeah, and I drink Sauvignon Blanc." Leonard says, "Really? That's the part you have a problem with?" Penny snaps, "Relax." Amy says, There they go fighting again." And then on the second take, "I never hear her talk that way to Sauvignon Blanc."

SCENE F. Playback.
University gym: Howard, Bernadette and Raj.

Bernadette tells Howard and Raj that the home base is sixty feet from the mound, so she holds a crank tape measure and the boys run the line out to see how far 60 feet is. Howard keeps stopping and asking if it's sixty feet yet, and Bernie says no, she'll tell him. He finally gets all the way to the other end of the gym and she says that's 60 feet.

SCENE G. Re-enactment.
Car interior: Amy drives, Sheldon in passenger, Leonard and Penny in back seat.

Leonard questions how Sheldon can possibly think they have a better relationship. Sheldon says for one, he and Amy enjoy spending time together. Leonard says he's seen them spend hours together not talking and doing separate things. Sheldon says that's called parallel play. Leonard points out that toddlers do that. Sheldon says, "Not as good as us!" Leonard says they can't even have a date without consulting their Relationship Agreement. Sheldon says if you have a problem with relationships being based on contracts, and then something about the thirteen colonies. He says that relationship is still pretty hot today. Amy says, "Good thing I'm not wearing flag underwear, or there's about to be a fire." Now since this was a re-enactment, I don't know how it plays out for real but Jim playfully backhanded Mayim's shoulder on that line all smiles between them, and after the cut, Mayim rubbed her shoulder and said, "Ow!" jokingly.

SCENE H. Two takes.
University gym: Howard/Bernadette and Raj.

Bernadette coaches Howard on how to throw the ball. She says it's real easy. "Look to where you want to throw, step to where you want to throw, and then throw it." Howard says, "That's like saying here's how you fly a plane. Get in the plane, know where you want to fly, and then fly there." She's very giggly and says to just throw the ball and see what they're working with. Raj cheers, "Throw it in!" while waiting with the catcher's mitt. Howard spends a lot of time psyching himself up to throw the ball. Lots of hilarious stuff in here. Bernadette yells, "Just throw the damn ball!" right as he's about to.


Here's my taping report for 8.04!

Its going to be sloppy.. I know I have forgotten a few things but tonight there was 15 scenes.. And a lot happened. I havent proof read this yet as I'm falling asleep at my laptop. I need to sleep so I can be up early to pack and fly home :(

If I remember anything Ill add it later.

Can I just say a HUGE thanks to Kevin Sussman who tonight recognised me from twitter and Instagram. He asked me to have a selfie with him which he uploaded. It made my night! I will tell you all about the Bill Prady In n Out challenge another day.

So here we go.

Normal disclaimer dudes.. Not word for word in the dialog. But you get the idea.

Season 8, Episode 4

“The Hook-Up Reverberation”

Scene 1 (Cold Open)
University Cafteria

Leonard Sheldon and Howard are sitting at the table. Leonard brings up the subject of Chickens and Dinosaurs being genetically mutated. Sheldon seemed pretty excited about this.. Howard pointed out that Sheldon was afraid of both chickens and dinosaurs. Sheldon Then mentioned something about a chicken salad sandwich and laughed away to himself.

Raj enters the cafeteria, He joins the guys..

Raj: Thank you for agreeing to meet Emily tonight
Sheldon: You know, I read in Social Science magazine about a study at Oxford university which has proven once you enter a romantic relationship, You are bound to lose 2 close friends.
‘The guys look at him confused’
Raj: You didn’t lose any friends when you got with Amy?
Sheldon: Well I wouldn’t count Me and Amy has Romantic
Howard: Well You hold hands, And Kiss?
Leonard: Ive seen them do it, Its not romantic…
-Sheldon looks at him and nods in approval
Howard: Anyway since when do you read Social Science?
Sheldon: I use the bathroom like everyone else!.

Scene 2
Leonard and Sheldon’s Apartment

The gang are sitting eating dinner. Amy joining the gang after grabbing a bottle of water takes her place next to sheldon while asking:

Amy: So Howard, How is stuart getting on at your Mothers
Howard: I would rather not talk about it..
Bernie: Lets see how long this last’s-
Howard: (cutting off Bernie) Growing up in that house we never had Cable, And do you what he got? 7 HBO’s.. SEVEN. (screaming)
Bernie: (walking away) Thirty seven HBO’s..

Raj and Emily enter.

Raj: Everyone This Is Emily!
(the gang greet Emily)
Raj: Told you she was real!

Raj explains Emily is a a dermatologist at a local hospital..

Bernie: Hey Penny, Maybe Emily can help you with you job?
Penny: Yes that would be helpful
Emily: Sure.
Sheldon: Oh I like that Hospitals emergency room! They always give me a lollypop! Say Emily, I have some suspicious freckles on my Buttocks… Could I book an appointment with you to get it checked out?
(Amy looks at him shocked)
Emily: Sure..
Amy (speaking in a low voice): 3 years with me and nothing.. 2 minuets with Emily and he is already taking his pants off.

Sheldon hears the comment, He looks at her, smiles and passes her some good which is wrapped up.

Scene 3
Penny’s Apartment

Penny, Bernie and Amy are sitting in Penny’s kitchen drinking Wine. Penny mentioned she didn’t think Emily likes her after a vibe she got while meeting her.

Amy: So nobody has ever told yo they dislike you?
Penny: No not really,
Amy: You just met her, Before you know it, You are in there apartment eating their food and drinking their wine..
(Amy was implying that was her only a few years back)
Bernie: Well she agreed to help you with your job, So she can’t hate you
Penny: Yeh, I guess
Bernie: And if she does, you can use your sales training to sell yourself to her..
Penny: Thats a stupid Idea
Bernie: When you call peoples ideas stupid, Thats maybe why they don’t like you.
Amy: So no one has ever told you they disliked you? (A little confused)
Penny: I remember I didn’t used to like you

I can’t remember what Amy said exactly, But she walked over and stroked Penny’s cheek.


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