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Teen Wolf - Smoke and Mirrors - Review/Recap

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So that was it ladies and gentlemen, the season finale of MTV’s Teen Wolf! This episode was filled with exactly what a finale needs, well a Teen Wolf finale anyway, it had drama, tension, death and almost death for some and of course it had the main hero of the story step up and protect his friends. I think this finale wrapped the season nicely of course there are still questions about certain characters but come on every TV show needs questions!!

Teen Wolf’s finale ‘Smoke and Mirrors’ was directed by Russell Mulcahy and written by Jeff Davis and it was viewed by 1.54 million people in the US which was a rise from the reason couple of episodes. This long episode ran 10 minutes longer than previous episodes to try and include all the drama that Jeff brought to our scenes.

If you haven’t watched the episode or want a recap of the episode here it is, In the first scene we see Kira in the prison in Mexico searching around in the dark trying to get out when one of the berserkers attacks her and gets ordered to stab her by Kate, that’s when Kira sees Scott’s tattoo on the berserker and stops fighting. I think it was really cute that Kira realised that it was Scott and stopped trying to hurt him, even though he keep going and is Kate’s puppet. Kate liking to tell stories about what she is planning and how she planned it explains to Kira how she was drawn to this place after she escaped the Calaveras, that’s where she found the berserkers waiting for her and they helped her survive. And after her alignment with Peter she found out that not only can she control the berserkers she could also create them. After Kate’s story she orders Scott to kill Kira, which he doesn’t hesitate and stabs her.

Stiles goes to his father and tells him that Deaton knows that Scott is in Mexico and they need to go over there and save both Kira and Scott. Of course his father is not welcoming with this idea, considering they left the first time without telling anyone. Sheriff Stilinski promises he will call every law enforcement he can, if they still can’t get answers he promises that he will book two tickets to Mexico.

Derek tell his worries to Braeden that he thinks isn’t going to be coming back alive after this trip to save Scott and kill the berserkers. While they are having this conversation Peter comes down from upstairs and talks about killing the berserkers and they need every one of the wolves to kill them even Peter. Oh Derek how do you still listen to Peter, you know he is evil and he always has plans to get more power.

Stiles and Malia are getting ready to leave and make a stop at Scott’s house to get Malia something she can get Scott’s scent from, of course Stiles gets his jocks but Malia thinking ahead grabs his pillow. When they are about to leave the house Liam comes to them and tells them he wants to come to help Scott but Stiles isn’t all that keen because it’s going to be full moon and Liam still can’t control his shifting. Braeden being a US marshal she is able to get her hands on a prisoner transport van, which hopefully should be able to hold Liam.

The team met up, the team being Stiles, Malia, Liam, Braeden, Derek and the evil mastermind behind this whole plan, Peter. Peter tells them they better get moving because they don’t know what Kate is planning to do to Scott, but Stiles says they can’t leave get, not without Lydia. Lydia was going to the school to get something that is of Kira’s so they can track her better. Stiles tries to call her but she doesn’t pick up, of course she has other thinks to worry about then picking up her phone because a berserker just got her. The team decide to start making their way over to Mexico while Liam calls Mason up to try and find Lydia because he is at the school with a study group.

In the prison van Liam is handcuffed so he doesn’t try and kill Derek or Stiles which are in the back with him. Derek gives Liam the talisman that is meant to help him control his shifting, Stiles gives Derek and confused look because he knows that the talisman is fake and saying the words, Alpha, Beta and Omega doesn’t actually help with control but of course he plays along with it and tells Liam that is can help him.

Jumping back to Kira and she is on the floor bleeding out and she is not healing, Kira visions her mother there with her giving her advice how to heal. She tells her that foxes and wolves are similar and asks her how do wolves heal? How do they trigger it? Kira answers with pain she then punches at the wall and grabs a stone and hurts herself, this triggers fox ability to heal.

Mason and Lydia are together at school being blocked by the berserker and doesn’t want them to leave. They both hear the berserker and Lydia tells him it’s not human.

Derek is trying to calm down Liam by telling him to say the three words, Alpha, Beta and Omega; however, it’s not working. He breaks one of the handcuffs and tries to attack Derek and Stiles, Stiles can see that the three word are not helping so he asks Liam two times, “What three things cannot long be hidden?”, Liam starts to calm down and answers, “The Sun, The Moon and The Truth”. Ohh they are safe, Derek and Stiles aren’t going to be attacked by Liam, YAY!

Excitement over, just as they arrive at La Iglesia one of the berserkers grabs Derek and stabs him, although it runs away after Braeden shoots at it multiple times it has still done it’s damage, Derek is going to bleed to death, however he tells the others to go and save Scott.

As they start to run through the building Stiles dads calls and he is extremely angry at him but after he threaten him he asks what he can do to help, Stiles tells him about Lydia being at the school and that she isn’t answering her phone. When he closes the phone a berserker comes out of nowhere and starts to attach them.

So now a lot of things are happening at once, we have Stiles, Malia, Peter and Liam fighting the berserker insides, Derek and Braeden outside and Lydia and Mason at the school with the berserker. Derek is slowly dying but he tells Braeden that he can still hold a gun, she hears noises nearby and positions herself ready for the attack and out of the fog comes Kate and her other berserker. As she starts to fight them two cars pull up and the Calaveras come out and start to shoot, Chris and Jordan also come and start to fight.

Lydia and Mason are still hiding from the berserker but Lydia wants to try and get past it to she can go to her friends because she feels like someone is going to die.

Stiles leaves the wolves alone with the berserker to try and find Scott and Kira, however, when he fins Kira she tells him that the berserker to Scott and they can’t try and kill him. This is when Stiles realises that’s why Lydia isn’t here because she would have sensed they were killing Scott.

While both fights are going on inside and outside, Derek closes his eyes and dies on the floor with Braeden standing over his body. NOOOOOOOOO not Derek!!!!

Lydia determined to get out of there she grabs a baseball bat on the side of the room and wants to hit the berserker with it. Mason thinks she is crazy that she is grabbing a baseball bat to hit the berserker. This reminds me of all the times Lydia thinks Stiles is crazy with his bat but I guess if you have nothing else, why not. Both Lydia and Mason grab a baseball bat and try to attack the berserker but it’s not use it throws them across the room. As the berserker starts making its way towards them papa Stilinski comes up behind it and throws and bomb at it and blows it to pieces.

Stiles runs into the battle between Malia, Liam and Peter trying to kill the berserker (Scott) and stops them before they can kill him. Now they know that it is Scott but Scott is still trying to kill them. He grabs Liam about to kill him and he is not stoping, however, Liam is trying to talk some sense into him, “Scott listen, you’re not monster, you’re a werewolf like me”. At these words Scott pauses and shakes himself out of the Kate trance and rips the mask off and releases Liam. Scott turns to Peter and says, “You! You’re the one that taught Kate, all for power.” Peter shifts into his wolf face and let me just tell you he is extremely not good looking anymore, however, he kind of looks more like a vampire than a werewolf but maybe that’s just me. The others stand outside while Peter and Scott begin to fight.

Outside the others are still fighting and the head of the Calaveras, Araya stands to fight against Kate but just before they get to fight they hear a howl and out comes a black full wolf, with blue eyes, that pounces on Kate and bites her. The wolf turns human again and it’s a naked DEREK!! Yay he is naked…I mean alive, alive, he is alive!!! He tells Kate he wasn’t dying he was evolving, he then grabs the other berserker and crushes it’s skull with his hands. Ohh very powerful Derek!! As Kate tries to run away into the tomb Chris shoots her with a strong bullet and runs after her.

Peter and Scott are still fighting and it looks like Peter is stronger than him, but Scott doesn’t kill people and Peter is fighting to kill. Just when it looks like it over, Liam jumps in and Scott doesn’t want to Liam to get hurt so he flights Peter with all he has and uses his speed to his advantage and knocks Peter to the ground. Tells him he was never an Alpha but always a monster.

Chris catches up to Kate and tells her that he doesn’t want to save her anymore; Kate tells her that none of the teenagers are heroes not when they killed Allison. Chris tells her that Allison died saving her friends, they didn’t kill her. Kate runs away from him saying no one is going to kill her she is running.

The fight is over everyone is save, Peter is knocked out with wolfsbane and is going to be brought to Eichen house at the level where all the other evil supernatural creatures are and Chris is going to join the Calaveras into finding and hunting down Kate. Derek and Braeden are leaving and she tells him that she really was a US marshal but she spend too long looking for one person and she was too obusessed into finding the person. Derek asks who is was but she only knew her code name ‘the dessert wolf’. OHHH it’s Malia mum…..interesting.

Stiles drives home and runs to hug his dad, papa Stilinski grabs Malia and Stiles in for a group hug. When he lets go of them he offers to get them food but as they begin to walk away Stiles is hand cuffed to the desk. Well played Stilinski, well played.

Next scene Liam, Scott and Stiles to trying to explain to Coach why they missed practise, Liam told Coach that they had to go to Mexico to help Kira and Scott, of course coach didn’t believe one word they said but he told them that they need to stick together and look after Liam, which Scott agreed to.

The last scene is shown with Peter being locked in a cell, however, he is not alone, he is with the guy with three guys that make him look at his future, seeing this Peter yells to be let out of there. Ian Bohen’s acting in this scene is quite different to how he normally plays Peter, he had to pretend he was drugged up and it was quite well done!!

I thought this episode of Teen Wolf was a nice ending to the season, I really enjoyed this season as a whole. One of the things I liked about this season was the whole theme with Scott thinking he was becoming a monster and he thought he would have to kill people to save his friends. In this episode he looked like he was going to get killed by Peter but when Peter started to attack Liam, Scott stood up and gave Peter all he had, without killing him.

One part of the season I didn’t fully understand was when the Calaveras first meet Scott they told him if he ever took the bite of an innocent they would go over him, but this never happened, Scott turned Liam into a wolf and they never went after him. I do wonder though if this will be continued into season 5. Like the notion that Peter was evil in the mid-season three end and then it came up again in the end of this season.

There were a couple of bits in the finale that made me laugh and should be noted:

- The scene with Stiles, Derek and Liam in the van with the talisman. When Derek was trying to convince Liam that the talisman was very powerful and can help you control your shift. Stiles’ face when he had to pretend the talisman was powerful was hilarious.

- The scene when Liam, Malia, Peter and Stiles enter the building in Mexico and Stiles answers his phone for his dad, Peter hand gestures when Stiles answered it made me giggle.

- The scene with Coach, Liam, Stiles and Scott with Liam trying to explain why they missed practise, it’s funny sometimes we forget that they are going teenagers dealing with high school things.

- And lastly to top it off the end with Malia, Stiles and his dad, when his dad hand cuffed him to the table and left him there and him and Malia went to go get pizza.

Now we just have to wait until season five starts up again but in the meantime we can watch season 1,2 and 3 again and of course don’t miss Dylan O’brien (Stiles) in his all new film The Maze Runner, which is also a book that you can read.

To finish off here is the Tyler and Dylan happy and dancing.

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