Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Revenge - Season 4 - Promotional Poster

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Revenge - Season 4 - Promotional Poster

5 Sept 2014

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whole poster here:


  1. ... to bite Emily's ass

  2. looks better than the one without Emily VanCamp :P

  3. Looks gorgeous as always.

  4. Is it supposed to be a new poster ? Looks like the old ones...

  5. Hmmmm. I liked it last year or the year before can't remember. I mean hey had so much spacd and could've done something different but used the same pattern as for S02 or S03 can't remember. Just the head shot is different.
    I like the slogan though.

  6. Yep, everything is old.. even the slogan has been here since season 1.

  7. Emily with a dress made of thorns. How original. Haven't seen that one before..

  8. I feel like Victoria should be featured on this poster, as the promos all seem to make it seem like this season is a war between her and Emily. Anyway, it's a redo of the original (or is it season 2 I'm thinking of) but I like it anyway.

  9. Has it? Was the slogan there before as well!? Thought it was new! They couldn't even change that? Horrible. ABC's marketing department should get fired ASAP.

  10. yep, used and re-used many times..
    season 1 poster:

  11. yep, used and re-used many times..
    season 1 poster:

  12. Have you seen other promos that the one we posted??

  13. As said TERRIBLE! I mean emily VanCam is a lovely girl and the new poster doesn't look bad, but it doesn't make me wanna watch the show again.
    It's so one dimensional and Revenge has so many faces and characters they could've used. Shame!
    And even though I don't wish anyone harm, they should do some changes in their marketing department.

  14. I've only seen two I think, both were Victoria-centric saying she was coming after Emily or something. Why do you ask? :)

  15. The S3 poster was very interesting because it was different from the ones of S1 and S2, but this one is looking pretty much like the old ones.
    Anyway, it still looks amazing, mostly because Emily VanCamp is incredibly beautiful, so I have no troubles seeing new pictures of her, but some work could have been done to make it a little bit more inventive, but maybe this is what the marketing intends, like saying: "Revenge will be the same as S1 when you all watched and loved the show!".

  16. I need to finish season 3 and fact!

  17. I think they might, the Twitter page said more to come in concern to the poster so I think they will add Victoria. But I could be wrong.

  18. nope, look what I just posted........ :)

  19. She is now.. the new version of the poster just came out.

  20. Because I've only seen one so far and knowing that other people have seen others and I haven't bugs me.......... :D

  21. Lol I thought so!!

  22. They are using it (the quote) cause now Victoria is the one that "comes around"
    Also, the dress is not the same as S1 or S2... So different photo
    They just want people to see that Revenge is coming back to it's roots (or make them think so, cause maybe it's not but I don't really care I still love this show).


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