Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Reign - Season 2 - New Promo

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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

Reign - Season 2 - New Promo

13 Sept 2014

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  1. Nice promo! Not so Mary centric but still Mary centric, if you get what I mean. The torturing scene looks neat as well. This makes me look forward to the new season.

  2. This looks amazing. It needs higher ratings in Season 2

  3. boy, they are still promoted the sh*t out of that show, props to the promo departement

  4. I like how Mary's arrogance is starting to show through, over asserting herself is what led her into trouble in real life so I think this season will be an interesting one if they are going to take that path :)

  5. oh Mary Mary Mary... your looking to get a big smack down.....

  6. I hope this season focuses more on that and the political drama than Mary's marriage. Except for Greer/Leith the romantic aspect of this show is incredible boring.

  7. Me too, with Henry gone they need Mary's role to beef up to be Catherine's foil imo. History has the material there, I just hope they use it!!

  8. Me too. It's a pity that we lost Henry so soon. I hope Catherine gets more screentime this season.

  9. Love Megan Follows, she was born to play Catherine de' Medici :)

  10. im dying to know why Nostradamus is being drawn and quartered cuz Catherine would so NOT harm him cuz they have such a strong friendship.

  11. Hmmm there are 2 Queens now and Betrayal is spelled with a capital B at the French Court.

  12. it looks like it's going be a really good season premiere

  13. Best promo so far for season 2.

  14. wasn't 100% sure about where they could go in a second season. but im really excited for it! happy it got renewed!

  15. We know It's totally inaccurate but we can't deny It has been a good show so far!Besides, I think that season 2 will do even better without that stupid love triangle!

  16. PLLrocksEvenWhenThisSeasonS...13 September 2014 at 15:51

    Ahh! Can't wait for it to be back on. The promo feels way too short. Reign hopefully doesn't fall to much ratings-wise, because I want a third season. It's one of my favourite TV shows.


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