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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

Finding Carter - Season 2 - Teaser Promo

17 Sept 2014

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  1. I'm worried Elizabeth thinks Carter went with Lori willingly.

  2. she will definitely question the server and then she will realise the truth.

  3. Yup, someone pointed that out but she's probably so panicked she's not thinking straight.

  4. Also a small chance that the coffee cup could be recovered before the contents are thrown out.

  5. When Elizabeth says "She thinks Carter is her daughter, there's no way she would leave without her" it makes me think that she knows that this wasn't Carter's decision. Plus, Carter is 16/17 now, she's not a 3 year old. At some point I think she will be able to find a way to get back to her family. In the season finale I think Carter was definitely starting to see her kidnapper mom's true Crazy.


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