Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Castle - Episodes 7.02 to 7.06 - Titles Revealed

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Castle - Episodes 7.02 to 7.06 - Titles Revealed

12 Sept 2014

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Episode 7.02 - Montreal
Episode 7.03 - Clear and Present Danger (title already known)
Episode 7.04 - Child's Play

Thanks to rash for the heads up for the following titles.


  1. With that title, 7.06 could very well be the episode they get married in.

  2. I definitely think 7.06 is the wedding but LOL at 7.05's title.

  3. Montreal is the most mystifying title of them all

  4. Looks like we will get our wedding scene after all,they better not disappoint us this time around-i'm still pissed at what did in the finale!

  5. Love it, these are very interesting titles.

  6. Not convinced that 706 is the wedding ep title just doesnt give me that feeling its closer to that being becketts Bday ep then the wedding.

  7. No you`re not the only one....why? Because I leave in Montréal so I`m curious.


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