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Arrow - Season 3 - New Promotional Photos - First Look at Ray Palmer and Diggle's Daughter

13 Sept 2014

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Thanks to O D A for the heads up.

Episode 3.01 - The Calm

Episode 3.02 - Sara

Episode 3.03 - Corto Maltese

Source: TVLine


  1. Oh my god, that photo of Diggle and his daughter!! So freaking adorable :)

  2. OMFGEOTE Baby DIggle. He looks so happy. I wonder where Roy is pics in the foundry I remember CH said something about Roy going on some sort of solo mission. Also Brandon Routh is very handsome lol.

  3. SHIELDNCISArrowfan12 September 2014 at 22:37

    anyone know if the computer seem to be newer/better than before? we know it got destroy wonder if is ARGUS computer like

  4. Diggle with baby girl Digglet. Can this man be any more handsome? Be still My heart!!!!

    Team Arrow main trio.. I am always happy to see them interact in the lair. The break up between Oliver/Felicity does not seem to have affected Team Arrow's efficiency from the photos.

    Brandon Routh has some crazy eyes in the first photo. I have never liked him before. I want to like Ray Palmer and liked him in the promo.

  5. Wasn't there a spoiler in that 31 things to know article that when the ARGUS boss changes Team Arrow will get some tech or something like that? I have to go recheck.

  6. Awwwww he had a girl!! He has a Miss Digglet!!! She's so precious!!! Aww Daddy Diggle, loving you!!

  7. The crazy eyes are weirding me out.

  8. I wanna stick an Arrow in them. I mean he's widening them enough. I'm for it.

  9. lol Shannon. That screen cap is really weird and does make him look bat shit crazy. If he annoys us this season lets do it. Let's stick an Arrow into Ray Palmer's eyes.

  10. Yes!!! I have someone on my side. lol His eyes are just targets to me, wasn't even looking for a facial expression. lol I can't. Ughhh 26 days!!

  11. Well considering Felicity gets blown up in 3x1 she looks pretty well by 3x2.

  12. Daddy Diggle and the baby are SO CUTE I just can't! And I am so happy to see that the team is still together in episode 2, I was worried.
    Am I the only one who thinks that Felicity and Ray (still don't like him) already know each other?

  13. IKR?! How adorable are they?

  14. I hope she gets the satellite frequency communicator that she wanted lol

  15. She's smiling!! Awww he's tickling her!

  16. Nah, she doesn't know him. They already said that he does his research on her, before he gets there, (hence why he's interested in having her work for him) but when he walks in the office, she doesn't know who he is.

  17. Ok then, there was just something familiar in the way they were looking at each other.

  18. Can anyone answer why they're still using the Foundry? Ollie has no money…how is he able to even keep that area safe enough for "Team Arrow" to still use it?

  19. y u no Lyla Michaels?

  20. I'm not thrilled with the baby on board (I hope they do a good job) but man that pic of Daddy/Baby Girl Diggle is adorable.

  21. ARGUS is Checkmate waiting to happen and where's lyla and can oliver still live at the mansion

  22. YES!!! Diggle is a guy who'd be awesome with a daughter!!!!! Technically this isn't the first look at Ray Palmer since he's been all over the promos for a while.

  23. Who was Diggle with last season to have a baby?

  24. Lyla Michaels. If you saw the season 2 finale, you would know that she was pregnant with Diggle's child.

  25. Well, then, I clearly need to rewatch last season's finale.

  26. So cute with the baby!

  27. Yeahhhh you do. LOL Remember when they were on and off sleeping together and what not?? Welllll this was the result. LOL I can't blame you for not remember b/c the way it was revealed was soooooo lame. lol I cracked up, like really?? And that was dramatic b/c??? Lmaooooo

  28. Sorry hun, i had to get off. But no, she's probably thinking ewwww. hahahahahahahahahahaha

  29. Or "Dude, what's wrong with your eyes?" Lol

  30. Bwahaha. I think I may have forgotten because all I keep hearing about is Olicity. this and Olicity that online.

  31. Will baby Diggle giggle?

  32. Would she wiggle while giggle ing?

  33. My thoughts exactly.

  34. Brandon Routh is really reminding me of Noah Bean (Damages, Nikita) in these pictures.

    My anxiety that having a baby in the middle of this action show is a bad idea notwithstanding, Daddy Diggle and his little girl are adorable.

  35. Umm no?? I'm telling her to re-watch b/c of Diggle and Lyla. If she couldn't remember that, then she should watch the finale again to brush up on the info before the new season starts.

  36. Dads Diggle, best spoiler.

  37. Is Noah Bean a good actor or bad? Never seen Damages or Nikita.

  38. Decent. He has some strong performances, but he didn't stand out to me in either show.

  39. Wasn't there supposedly a secret room under the secret room? And it is possible that the club is not part of the companies assets anymore.

  40. Well the "Arrowcave" is underneath the Foundry, but you're talking about a whole different location which was shown in "City of Blood" and I hoped that would've been the new location for "Team Arrow".

    The reason I'm brining it up is that when Isabel Rochev came to Verdant to tell Thea that the club is now hers, she also mentioned The Foundry, unless while Queen Consolidated has been looking for a new CEO, no one has touched The Foundry and now with Ray Palmer as the new CEO, the team will have to move to that new location.


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