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Agents of SHIELD - Season 2 - What Will May Become? - Poster

21 Sept 2014

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  1. Someone who gets help for Bahrain? Hopefully?

    (And then she and Coulson finally admit their feelings for each other)

  2. Even more badass? Nah, that's impossible.

  3. I can't believe the premiere is only 2 days away! afl;hjiotvhofeqaxn SO FREAKING EXCITED I CAN'T EVEN.

  4. Well, I must admit I was a little intrigued by May's position on the new poster... She is not looking forward while Skye and Fitz (the most loyal ones) are. The new guy is looking another way, Simmons is looking down and Ward is obviously looking the away.
    I was kept wondering of they were going to give her some new nuance or if she wont be as "loyal" to Coulson as he starts showing more symptoms. Maybe she'll keep reporting to Fury?


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