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POLL : What did you think of Finding Carter - The Fugitive?

6 Aug 2014

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  1. I like Max but somebody needs to call the cops on Lori already. SHE KIDNAPPED CARTER. STOP LETTING HER ESCAPE AND TALK TO "HER DAUGHTER" AND MAKE ALL THESE PLANS.

    And Carter dating a drug dealer is only going to end badly so I wish she'd stop.

  2. I see what the show is trying to do with the Crash character but not sure if I really care about where they are going with him. Pretty good episode.

  3. Besides Max the only character that now knows is Crash. I get why Max has not done it yet, he doesnt want to betray Carter, but he seems to be getting close to turning Lori in. My guess is Max will tell Taylor about Lori.


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