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POLL : What did you think of Longmire - Reports of My Death?

8 Jul 2014

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  1. enjoyed the ep and liked the cotw and that Henry was able to get some more possible development on the case of Walt's wife as well as his own case.... again, great to have Ferg and Ruby getting some good screentime as well

  2. I liked this episode. Glad Henry told Deena off. Well The Ferg was back but they are dumbing him down again. I thought they were going to develop him as a gem in the rough. He couldn't seem to comprehend what Walt was doing with the dead body in the square. The Ferg cannot be discrete apparently. Then when watching the guy at Walt's house nothing like turning your back to stranger/possible murder suspect and also telling your theory on the phone in the SAME room. Like the guy couldn't hear the conversation! If The Ferg continues to be a buffoon he will get killed on the job before he can smarten up.

  3. Enjoyable episode . Loved that Henry was the one to really start moving the story. Uh-oh---looks intense with Vic next week. Never expected to be as devoted to this show as I have become. But do hope they wind up the Mother's murder plot line and Henry's legal predicament by the end of this season.

  4. I have a feeling this season is going to end with Branch getting killed or arrested.

  5. Shelia Bumgarner9 July 2014 at 02:54

    Anxiously waiting for Henry and Branch to be vindicated.


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