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POLL : What was your Favourite Episode of Supernatural this Season?

2 Jun 2014

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  1. First Born I guess. There really wasn't much to choose from this season. Next season will be different hopefully.

  2. The only episode I enjoyed this season was "Road Trip." It's the only one I would gladly re-watch.

    The finale had a great broment - the only actual nice brother moment in the entire season - but the episode, itself, was pretty average to me.

  3. Hahaha! I hear ya about there not being a lot to choose from this year. I wish I had good hopes for next year, but I'm envisioning more of the same. I always hope to be pleasantly surprised though.

  4. They way I see it is that they've really shaken things up with Dean becoming a Demon, so I'm hoping that next year things will be different. This whole season was pretty much just a build up for that one thing to happen, so for me this season was pretty much just a filler season so they could get to Dean being a demon in season 10. So I have hope for next year. It might be misplaced hope, but I'm trying to be optimistic haha.

  5. I have just rewatched all of season 9 and was actually surprised. There were some good episodes in there and at least five i would be happy to watch again and again.

  6. There were quite a lot of good-to-great episodes this year, but nothing topped "First Born", which was one of the very best episodes of the show.

  7. Michele Klinger2 June 2014 at 13:15

    I love the whole story arch this season took, but there were a lot less "one-off" random fun episodes this year. Those are always my favorites

  8. Dog Dean afternoon, cause it was hilarious.
    Bloodrunners, cause I love Dean and Crowley as buddies.
    King of the Damned, cause I loved Crowley as a father.
    And the finale cause I love how it ended.

  9. Agree, it goes much better after binge rewatch, doesn't feel so disjoint.

  10. I can't bring myself to re-watch the season again. I honestly have no interest. Maybe in a few years. Haha!

  11. Haha! Nothing wrong w/optimism :-)

  12. Loved most of season 9 except for Bloodlines and Sharp Teeth.

    Favorite was the finale "Do you believe in miracles" and second would be "I think I'm gonna like it here."

  13. Slumber Party and Mother's Little Helper. I love brothers centric episodes, Charlie, and Men Of Letters and those two had it. Not a good season for me.

  14. My Four favorites are " I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here , Mother's Little Helper , Rock and a Hard Place and First born " ! All of them had a tiniest bit of Sam's POV and made me watch them for a second or third time ! Rest of the season was disappointment !

  15. Definitely the finale, haven't thought much of S9 up until the finale, it was worth the wait! Brilliant episode, let's hope S10 is as good as this episode.

  16. Mine was Bad Boys

  17. For me this was a very uneven season. There were 4-5 episodes I loved or liked most of, anyway (Captives, Mother's Little Helper, Do You Believe In Miracles, Alex Annie etc), some that were decent to good, and then some that were mediocre/poor, and some that were just crap.

  18. I liked Alex Annie. To me Do You Believe was one of the least interesting season finales that we've had (other than the last 10 minutes or so which was good). At the time I really loved Mothers little helper, but I don't think I can watch it again now. That whole episode was about introducing us to Abadons new secret army that demons were creating. Then it wasn't mentioned ever again. That whole storyline was just dropped off and forgotten about.

  19. For me that episode was a lot more about Abaddon's backstory, seeing more of Josie and Henry, and seeing Sam have his own POV and material for once. The Dean/Crowley stuff was OK too. I guess I liked it most of all because it had such an old school feel.

    I also really enjoyed Heaven Can't Wait, aside from the writing for Nora.

  20. I forgot about that. I enjoyed Bad Boys too.

  21. The only episode that I really remember, beginning middle and end was the 'fish taco' episode. Not that it was really good (I can't even remember the title), Sam's outfits just stick in my mind. The only thing positive I can say about the season as a whole is that it was better than the first half of season 8.

  22. I have no Favorite episode for 3 years now, and this season the worse of the worse, thats why i say goodbye to SPN after 9 years, wish them keep as the best show till season 100 if they even make that far lol
    for me this is indeed the best show but only until s.6, all that DVD's worth to buy anyway :p

  23. so i cant post a comment if i say i dont have a favorites episode?
    nice :D

  24. I loved this season as a whole. The only episode I didn't like was Bloodlines. My least favorite episodes were holy terror and I'm no angel. Loved Slumber party, loved the premiere and the finale, although the latter left me depressed :)
    Also loved the first born, best episode to me, and road trip was very good too.
    Abaddon was underused and the angels war was boring but overall it was a good season.

  25. Elizabeth Orozco12 June 2014 at 01:07

    I loved this season very much and loved most of the shows. I liked them all but the episodes I like were the ones with Cass in it. I loved Stairway the Heaven due to the relationship of Dean and Cas at the end. I really liked Road Trip. I liked Crowley too.. I loved Jensens acting through the whole season. I liked this season better then 8 I loved also Do you Believe in Miracles even tho I was so sad. I ve already said how much I liked Jensens acting but Jared and Misha were so good too. I really liked this season. Each week I couldnt wait to see the next episode. I didnt like the ones that Dean and Sam werent in because that is why I watch it like Bloodlines and mixed about Alex, Annie ALexis Anne, also not sure about the Purge I really really liked Season 9 and have no doubts about how good 10 will be

  26. Elizabeth Orozco12 June 2014 at 01:07

    I actually liked this season a lot

  27. Elizabeth Orozco12 June 2014 at 01:10

    I am the opposite of you I loved a lot of the episodes and there were some middle ones. THere isnt any I hated, I do agree with your choices except for Alex Annie. I know the actors loved this finale more then most seasons and I do agree with that. I really did like this season. THe actors liked this season too because it was more of a challenge. To me it was different and I liked seeing the actors do such great jobs

  28. The one with Steve Valentine in it. Cause Steve Valentine was in it.


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