Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Chasing Life - Episode 1.03 - Blood Cancer Sex Carrots - Sneak Peek 2

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Chasing Life - Episode 1.03 - Blood Cancer Sex Carrots - Sneak Peek 2

19 Jun 2014

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Thanks to for the heads up


  1. it's still so weird seeing this actor as a good guy since his angel days but cool, and april don't spend all your life avoiding what you have

  2. Victoria Llanos19 June 2014 at 22:22

    Oh April... I understand your impulse of hiding your head in the sand, but you need to start treatment already!

  3. Denial can be a hard thing to shake, especially when the reality is so depressing.

  4. Victoria Llanos20 June 2014 at 06:44

    I understand that, I've witnessed first hand how people choose to avoid the truth in this kind of situations, but it really is the worst possible thing to do. And if they continue this route it will son become a very boring storyline. I'd rather see her strugling to come to terms more tan just avoiding it like she is.

  5. It is only the third episode and the timeline for the first two episodes was around three days, I don't think the writers are going to drag out her not telling her family and not going forward with treatment for 10 episodes. Telling family and friends is important but I think it is understandable if she decides not to tell people at work.


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