Today's User Submitted Daily (USD) Poll was submitted by PeaceY'all who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below).
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Each day we will pick one submitted poll at random to post on the site.
I think Jensen Ackles,Jared Padalecki over the past years and Paul Wesley,Joseph Morgan and the new entry Toby Regbo this year showed pretty strong performances in their shows. I'd vote for them!
For the new CW shows, it's gotta be Luke Mitchell as John from The Tomorrow People he does a great job of the character and Bob. Morley from the 100 as Bellamy, he's both aggressive and a good brother, those two actors are really great. And Stephen Amell from Arrow is awesome. But the best is Jensen Ackles, he's just an al round awesome actor!
I stopped watching The arrow, because his acting was so wooden. I remember him when he guest starred in TVD and he does not emote at all. Good to hear he improved.
I know the BatB fans are very passionate when it comes to their actors and they attack any poll that has BatB on it but regardless of that Jay Ryan is very talented actor.
LOL! But actually they hardly win anything, despite their hard work. No offense to BatB fans, they're just strange and scary in their over-vocalism. They mob a forum and every single one of them say the same thing (just giving a 'like' to the first post will do!!). And of course don't forget the dreaded hashtag!!!!! (Somebody teach them it's just counted in twitter, duh!)
Jensen Ackles and Joseph Morgan from the list given above. Manu Bennett, Henry Ian Cusick, Isiah Washington are some actors who are more talented than those in the list.
Jensen Ackles for Supernatural, Joseph Morgan for The Originals which is an incredible actor who deserve to be known more for his talents and Ian Somerhalder for TVD seriously his acting is the only reason I'm still watching this show. :)
These polls are pointless when Beauty and the Beast and Supernatural are options. Their rabid fanbases always take over... In my mind, the real winner is whoever has the most votes after those two shows!
I was about to agree when I noticed that the third choice was Ian somerhalder. Don't get me wrong...I like the character Damon, but I think he has a limited range. They don't necessarily play my favorite characters, but i think that Nina Dobrev and Paul Weasley are by far the most talented actors among the main cast.
Thank you Koky! Finally someone who sees that. A lot of people seem to forget that, or don't know it because they don't watch BatB. And not all the fans are 'rabid' or using #'s. Everyone can think what they want of BatB but Jay Ryan is really talented. People who watch BatB know that by the way he's portraying a totally different character in S2 than in S1. He can show a big range of emotions and can play drama as well as comedy. He deserves more recognition for his talent, I hope someday he will. All in my humble opinion of course.
The actors on this list are definitely cute, charming and likable, but I'm not sure I would rank most of them as great actors. Of the choices listed, I'd definitely pick Paul Wesley and I'd give Steve Amell the "award" for most improved actor (he really had some stellar performances this season). I don't watch supernatural, but I think that Jensen Ackles is very good and I stopped watching the originals, but I thought Charles Michael Davis was the only standout in that show. The two young Reign actors (Coombs and Regbo) have potential and I would probably rank Luke Mitchell as Most Charismatic.
Had Mark Pellegrino (the Tomorrow People) and Alan van sprang (Reign) been on the list, they would have been my top picks.
I don't watch the 100, but from what I've seen of the actor, you're probably right. It looks like only actors under the age of 40 were included on this list
Have u seen LOST? its not Ian Somerhalder, Its more the way the character is written. Ian Somerhalder has a good range, you just need to look past the Damon character.
I was a Lost fan and I've seen him in other movies. I actually think that the Damon character suits him better than some of his other roles, and has allowed him to shine, but I still think that he has less range than the other two leads.
Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Paul Blackthorne on Arrow, any of the adults on the Ark on The 100, and David Ramsay, when he actually gets to do something. Best up and comers - Stephen Amell and Matt Lanter.
This seems like a popularity poll, because no way Ian is the best actor. He might be one of the worse (and yes, I love both him and Damon). Toby Regbo is actually a great actor (I can't say he is the best actor in this list because I haven't watched all these shows), but only reign fans will vote for him, so he doesn't stand a chance of winning this.
I have to say Jay Ryan. Not because he is gorgeous and I love his accent but he can really act. He was good in Season 1 of Beauty and the Beast, but in season 2 he has really surpassed himself with the challenges of this season. The material presented for him to interpret would have been difficult for even the most seasoned actor, and he carried it off and for many Beasties was one of the only reasons they kept watching the show.
Excuse me, but where is Matt Lanter on this list? YET AGAIN, Star-Crossed gets missed off of the list! Am getting pretty fed up with all the oversights for SC. :-( :-(
By the looks of this, the results are showing this has nothing to do with acting ability, but looks and dedicated fan bases. As such, it is a load of baloney.
Absolutely Jensen Ackles. I think he's criminally underrated anywhere but in the Supernatural community. I've also been impressed with Misha the past few years.
My top 3(5) choses in no particular order and why. 1) Misha Collins - the only reason to watch Supernatural these last couple of seasons. 2) Ian Somerhalder - he is "The Vampire Diaries"! 3) Joseph Morgan - he's so good he got his own "Spin - Off" series, The Originals............NUFF SAID! And my final 2, because the DAMN poll only allowed 3 options (GRRRRR)! 4) Daniel Gillies - The Originals could have easily gone the other way and been his series, since he's that good. 5) Charles Michael Davis - he gives compelling (lol) performances, makes the most of his scenes, and can pull it off with any other actor. 4 EVER, Nobody!!!
But how do you objectively judge who is a better actor on CW? They don't have a fancy TV awards like Emmys or Oscars, they are not a big movie stars (which IMHO doesn't mean automatically being a good actor). People judge from their own perspective : IF actor can sell his character to audience he is a decent actor. If actor can carry show as a lead for years, if he has a strong fan base - he is somewhat not forgettable, has a screen presence, has charisma, charm and so. We are not professional critics here so yes, popular actors can be called good comparing to unpopular.
Wow, that was hard. There's a few. But I had to break it down. How did I do that? Well I went with the actors that have made me cry throughout the years with their characters. Sooo, I voted Ian, Jensen, and Mischa.
I'm a fan of Jay Ryan. I find nasty what you say about us. Jay Ryan is a very good actor. The story is also original. Is there a cheat? What I call a vote against him and all those who play in this series. Speak rather of the SPN, where there is total lowering of others compared with Jensen. There it is normal for you?
I think that every comic is as awesome as his villain is, and so is the TV transposition. Manu Bennett is being just GREAT; I believe that's the secret of this seasons' Arrow great success!
Bob Morley (The 100) and Toby Regbo (Reign) are some of the BEST actors I've ever seen. Not just on CW. But in general. The way that Toby portrays Fancis is remarkable. And Bob is superb as the bad boy with a good heart Bellamy Blake. His facial expressions get to me the most. So those are the two top actors.
I wish THIS poll wasn't a "popularity" contest. But an actual poll where people chose actors based on their ACTING talents. Not who they love the most...or who is the most popular actor.
You can say what you like, but Jay Ryan is an exceptional actor. Just because you don't like BATB or the BATB fans doesn't mean the actors aren't good. You're making assumptions based on your emotions, not on the facts!
LOL! really? I think it's fair to say the best actor will never be voted here. Every fangirl out there is going to vote for the actor on their favourite show, so who cares that the guy that plays Henry in Reign has been doing an excellent job portraying a mad King, or that Paul Blackthorne is brilliant, when there's going to be an avalanche of votes based more on looks tan actual talent. I'm not insulting the popular choices, they are all decent actors, if not good, but just because we like the show they're in, doesn't mean they're THE BEST, which is what the poll asks. I wish people would be more impartial...
On acting ability alone probably Daniel Gillies. But judging on how much I enjoy staring at their beautiful faces and bodies AND passable acting Jensen Ackles and Steven Amell.
But people can only be impartial to a certain point. For instance, if someone doesn't watch Reign, they're not going to have an opinion on anyone on that series to even think to vote for them here. I admit that it makes polls into more of popularity contests than anything else (as they always are), but it doesn't mean that people's votes are based solely on shallow criteria like physical beauty.
I'm not going to lie that I find Daniel Gillies extremely attractive but I based my vote on acting chops and he has them. See his movie Broken Kingdom. I went with Jensen Ackles because of his screen presence. It was a toss up with my 3rd vote...I went with Paul Wesley but Misha Collins was a possibility too.
And I get that, those two actor were an example I pulled out of my head, but from what I've read on the comments people just vote the lead on their favourite show, as if by voting another they would be diloyal to said show. I know I'm being nitpicky, is just that this polls are so ridiculous because no real outcome can come out of it.
That's exactly what I said in my post. Unfortunately most people will vote for the actor in their favourite show/ship or the one they consider the hotest. Sure there are some exceptions, but most will go that route, no real outcome can come of this poll.
For me its Jensen Ackles. He probably is the most critically acclaimed actor in this list, was nominated for daytime Emmy, has theater experience and non-stop acting carrier (mostly main cast-lead, some TV movies) since he was 18. This guy has such a wide emotional acting range, he can sell any scene without a single word. He can do comedy and drama. And yes, he is gorgeous, but this is nice cherry toping overall. Mark Sheppard is a great actor too. I've seen most of the actors on the list performing, and most of them good looking and many of them charismatic and charming. They all decent actors if they've got jobs at currents Hollywood unemployment rate, but those 2 above are really standing out for me.
Wrong actually, I've watched the show from the beginning when it was still enjoyable as a guilty pleasure. That doesn't mean I don't find it poorly written & that not a single one of the actors on the show is of any decent calibre. Rachel Bilson is exactly the same in everything she does, the guy that plays George is far more entertaining when he's talking video games as himself on G4 type shows. Jamie King & Wilson Bethel are probably the only two on the show that aren't completely cringe worthy when on screen but they still are far from talented. Just because you can enjoy watching a show doesn't make the writing or the actors talented, HoD is on the verge of being cancelled for a reason & Jensen Ackles & Ian Somerhalder are the top two of this poll for a reason.
okay are we talking fav actor or best actor because very few of these guys are a combo, this isn't like choosing Christian Bale or Leonardo lol anyway best actors Jensen and Ian, fav actors right now on CW are Arrow's Stephen and SC's Matt
The other leads have multiple charters/personalities written in with the doppelgangers & Ripper/brooder story lines. Damon's character has pretty much been written with the same personality from the start with a change here or there, with him being the darker brother and the opposite to Stefan, that's not Ian that decides what direction the character goes its the directors and writers call, He would just act it to the way he has been asked.
I wasn't even thinking of the doppleganger aspect when I said Wesley was a very good actor. Anywyay, people forget that like Stefan, we've seen Damon's at various phases of his life: Before being bitten, when he was innocent and completely smitten with Katherine. With Elena, without Elena, dumped by Elena, emotions on, emotions off, etc. He also gets to play a much stronger personality than Wesley, most of the time which many would also argue is an acting advantage.
Thank you Anne for what you just said about Jay Ryan. He played really well and deserves to have a chance. Some are too hard with him while they have not seen the BATB series. They consider it compared some fanatics. But they too are fanatics, to vote against 1 person. Good day to you
JENSEN ACKLES...duh! That guy is crazy talented!! How he goes from caring older brother to psychotic killer in 0.5 seconds is astonishing. Misha and Jared also have my vote! So does Paul Wesley! Damn there are some talented men in this poll....
You are part of those who criticize us. I read everything you wrote. You have right not to like a series, provided that seeing it. This is not your case. I like Supernatural, but I never liked Jensen. It is not the only star of this series. Besides ca than at - it is? As Ian, I didn't even know he was in Lost? Normal I prefer distinctly the other group with a clear preference for SAWYER
The majority as you say are not like some Fans of Jay Ryan. I'm on tweeter and who once attended a Trend, I do me there not found comfortable loving way too strong a degree fanaticism. I respect the other series, views that some watching them. It is a direct against us attack all that you did at the start.
I also like Castle. What you say is false. Most of us love also other series and is never votes against a series as some do. Lack of FAY-PLAY some of you
I didn´t really mean him, from all characters in HoD ever, I like him the least, but choosing the one best, I´d say the guy that plays Lavon. Yes, I like Wilson, he´s great, but I can look at this one absolutely asexually and still call him great, the same with guys playing Brick, Tom and so one. I haven´t seen this kind of talent in roles big or tiny since Gilmore Girls (ignoring GoT, because there every role can become huge before it ends).
I'm not agree with you, but from the moment that you see by Ian, this is useless to discuss with you. For me The Diaries is either Elena or Damon or Stefen Katrin... Paul Weslay is still a good actor. This is the series that devalues it. There's what else to say about this series that I watched until the 4th season. NOTHING. Now, I prefer the Originals.
There, it shows a little too much. Never we don't have demolished other series as it is doing for BATB and Jay Ryan. I am disgusted by this lack of fair play of some fans who dared more criticise us.
I don't disagree with you. All I wanted to point out was that it isn't necessarily the best actors getting the votes, as there are enough voters out there more obsessed with an actor's looks than their acting skills to skew the vote. For instance, I like I S and have seen him in quite a few other tv and film things, but he is always pretty much the same. He has limited scope as an actor, unlike his compatriot in TVD Paul Wesley, who is excellent - I have seen him in a wide range of stuff, too.
There are quite a few good actors in CW series at the moment who are not on that list, for instance Austin Basis, Matt Lanter, Mark Pellegrino, Johnathon Schaech, Greg Finlay... Taking that into account, along with the let's-vote-for-a-good-looking-guy voters, it isn't really a fair poll anyway.
As the networks take little interest in polls. it doesn't really matter either way, I suppose.
Jensen hands down! He is able to take whatever is thrown at Dean and give 10000% to his performance. He is amazing! Beyond amazing! Jared and Misha are brilliant too, but Jensen is my fave. All the main Supernatural guys get the world thrown at their characters and the actors are always able to adapt and give the best performances. Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, and Joseph Morgan are the same way. TVD and SPN both allow the actors to adapt so much and even play multiple versions of their same characters. I will never understand how these CW actors don't get emmy nominated
Jay Ryan has been around for many years, mostly in NZ and Australian TV. He has done some amazing theatre, toured with a one man show for a while where he played several characters, some of them pretty outrageous and it got very high critical acclaim. The man can act without even opening his mouth, he is one of those that can emote in an unbelievable fashion, with his eyes, body language etc. He definitely gets my vote.
Who even comes up with this silly polls. By now if you haven't noticed the same people will always win the polls whether it's about looks, best actor etc. This isn't about finding the best actor on the cw, bacause the most dedicated fanbase is always going to win.
Actually, I watched 4 episodes of BatB and stopped because I didn't like it. So yes, I've seen it. But more importantly, the criticism isn't directed at the show itself but at some of its fans. A large portion of them - I know it's not everyone, yes - tend to get very annoying and obsessed, which causes people like me to react this way. But it's not BatB or its nice, normal fans that are being criticized here but simply the type of fans I'm referring to. You can see above that maloose also edited his/her post to clarify.
No, we're all like this fortunately. I love this series because of the actors who play. Contrary to what some here in starring Jensen for Supernatural, in the BATB series, this is the game of the 2 key players in this series Jay Ryan and Kristin Kreuk then other actors who do I love this series. This does not prevent me to watch other series. I don't ever put this sign # in my posts
Jared Padalecki! Hello the guy has played Meg!Sam, Souless!Sam, Samifer, Leviathan!Sam, Gadreel/Ezekiel and much more, not to mention his performance in Sacrifice. To me personally he is the most talented actor on Supernatural!
Yes, because the half of the CW actors are not there. And I don't know why you are talking about a possible cancellation of Hart Of Dixie, that's not the point.
This isn't a popular opinion in the Supernatural fandom but IMO Jared Padalecki deserves the votes over Jensen Ackles or Misha Collins by a wide margin for the performances he's put together this season. Padalecki has put together an Emmy caliber season this year. Ackles is the golden boy of the fandom though so I know he'll win. It's a bit of a shame that the fangirls can't set aside their objectivity and vote for who really deserves it.
Please stop saying that Jensen Ackles is only winning because we are so obsessed with the show and because he is so good-looking. I watched many of the tv-shows above and I honestly think that Jensen Ackles is the best actor I've ever seen on a tv-show. It's disrespectful towards him,as an actor, to say he wins a best-actor-contest just because he is pretty. I've never been more into a show than now into Supernatural and that's just because the actors impress me more and more with each episode. You can clearly see how much work they put into their acting and how the emotions are never really staged because they manage to put real emotions from their life in it. I'm sure all the actors above are amazing but Jensen definetly deserves to win.
I think Jensen is a better actor in general but you are right, in the last two seasons Jared's performances were amazing. Supernatural really has a bunch of damn good actors.
I normally would agree with you, but Jensen Ackles is a really great actor. He puts a lot of himself into play Dean Winchester, he built the character up pretty much on his own, and not only is he a great actor, but he is a fantastic director for his show too. One of the best SPN episodes was directed by him.
Jensen hardly ever gets the proper recognition for the work he's done on this show. Not even from the fans of the show itself. This weekend there was a convention in DC and hardly ANYONE asked him about his current arc. Considering it's the most interesting thing about this season you would think he would get tons of questions about it but he didn't. The convention was all about Jared's thinning hair, and Misha stirring up the pot for Destiel shippers.
Jared and Jensen share top billing for SPN so please knock this Jared is the star of the show stuff off. Jensen is not only a co-lead on the show, but he has touched the show in ways that Jared hasn't by directing his soon to be 4th episode of the show.
This constant desire to knock Jensen down a peg because his name comes second alphabetically sucks. He is the heart of SPN, and when 9x01 aired this season it wasn't Jared on the phone with the head of the network, being asked how many more seasons he wanted to do, it was Jensen.
Well this is not even some online award or title poll where fandoms are fighting brainlessly over the 1st place. This is presumably poll for fun, where people suppose to share their opinion on who THEY thing the best actor is. Whoever is on the top of the poll doesn't matter. And it is indeed insulting when actors being denied having an acting talent just because they are good looking. Like majority of TV stars are ugly. This is Hollywood , everyone is pretty and hot.
Jensen wins all the time is because he is such an amazing actor. There is a reason he has a huge fan base, and it's not simply because he's handsome. There are younger, equally good looking guys on this list -- but they don't connect the way with audiences that Jensen does. Instead of complaining about how large his fanbase is, ask yourself why he is able to get that many fans, especially considering he is significantly older than some of these guys, while being on such a relatively small and modestly promoted show.
LOL! You're even worse than the person you're replying to. You put Jared down way more just to prove Jensen is the star of SPN. Newsflash! Jensen alone wouldn't be able to carry SPN and same goes for Jared. One of the Js is gone and the show is gone too. Get over it and move on!
As for you, daring to talk about respect when one case do to the SPN, which say them even they are a cult, this is really plug of the world. I have never attacked another series as they do.
First of all, Kudos on your name. Glad to see fellow scoobies still around. Secondly, please do not lump all Supernatural fans together. Yes, we have incredibly annoying fans. But most shows do. I've seen plenty of Buffy fans attack other people for no good reason, but I know that they don't represent the whole 'fandom'.
I was a fan of Buffy? Not only. In addition I watched not only this series. But is the character that it embodies which I felt close to where this nickname that I was given and that pleases me well
Sorry. I understand that the question here is about actor's work and not about the best show. There are great actors here, inclusive Jay Ryan (the best to me).
I agree with you. Here, what really matters is the work of Jay Ryan - he's fantastic, a great revelation for me. I really hope to see him in other productions.
I would like that we explain the results of votes at this time. There were too many spectacular climbs at the same time. This leads to doubt about the results. Unless appeal vote at all will stop in to, you lose time to click and click again. This issue concerns only the site, not participants.
If it's a compliment, I can only thank you. I like no excessive fanaticism as is the case in the SPN. This fanaticism I've ever had for any actor a series whatever it is because it comes from a good cast at the outset. Having been insulted by the SPN, this gave as a result, I can no longer see Jensen. I love that series where there's lots of supernatural or paranormal. Which corresponds to the series that I am. I really like the police series like NCIS. I discovered Sherlock, in our time and I find it very well, I attached the 2 characters. It may be because of this that I can't be a fan of a single person
NOTE: Name-calling, personal attacks, spamming, excessive self-promotion, condescending pomposity, general assiness, racism, sexism, any-other-ism, homophobia, acrophobia, and destructive (versus constructive) criticism will get you BANNED from the party.
jensen heckles hands down
ReplyDeleteWhere is Hart Of Dixie?
ReplyDeleteWhere is Matt Lanter, StarCrossed?
ReplyDeleteI think Jensen Ackles,Jared Padalecki over the past years and Paul Wesley,Joseph Morgan and the new entry Toby Regbo this year showed pretty strong performances in their shows. I'd vote for them!
ReplyDeleteJensen Ackles without a shadow of a doubt.
ReplyDeleteThe 3 guys from Supernatural, closely followed by Stephen Amell.
ReplyDeleteFor the new CW shows, it's gotta be Luke Mitchell as John from The Tomorrow People he does a great job of the character and Bob. Morley from the 100 as Bellamy, he's both aggressive and a good brother, those two actors are really great. And Stephen Amell from Arrow is awesome. But the best is Jensen Ackles, he's just an al round awesome actor!
ReplyDeleteThis one was easy, Jensen Ackles, and for the other two Daniel Gillies & Jared Padalecki.
ReplyDeleteManu Bennett! How could he not even be present as an option??
ReplyDeleteThat's so true, he's been terrific on Arrow!
ReplyDeleteWilson Bethel
ReplyDeleteI thought Amell was really wooden at the start of season 1, it's incredible how much he's improved over the last year.
ReplyDeleteJay Ryan will be (ridiculously) winning this in 3,2,1...
ReplyDeleteThis is maybe the hardest poll I ever had read on SpoilerTv ... :-)
ReplyDeleteI stopped watching The arrow, because his acting was so wooden. I remember him when he guest starred in TVD and he does not emote at all. Good to hear he improved.
ReplyDeleteI know the BatB fans are very passionate when it comes to their actors and they attack any poll that has BatB on it but regardless of that Jay Ryan is very talented actor.
ReplyDeleteI chose Charles Michael Davis on The Originals because out of all the actors, he seems the most real on screen. Marcel is believable.
ReplyDeleteAnd Hart of Dixie is from what TV station? Currently, talking about males, they have the best
ReplyDeleteon CW.
And where's Wilson Bethel? He can play anything, comedy, crying, drama .. He should be the winner. But his name? Nowhere.
ReplyDeleteJensen Ackles??? LOL :D
ReplyDeleteIt's Joseph Morgan
Henry Ian Cusick - The 100
ReplyDeleteMisha my Overlord
ReplyDeleteMegan Follows
ReplyDeleteLooks like tumblr found the poll. Misha went from 5th place to nearly first in 20 minutes.
ReplyDeleteJensen Ackles and Misha Collins
ReplyDeleteLOL! But actually they hardly win anything, despite their hard work. No offense to BatB fans, they're just strange and scary in their over-vocalism. They mob a forum and every single one of them say the same thing (just giving a 'like' to the first post will do!!). And of course don't forget the dreaded hashtag!!!!! (Somebody teach them it's just counted in twitter, duh!)
ReplyDeleteJensen Ackles and Joseph Morgan from the list given above. Manu Bennett, Henry Ian Cusick, Isiah Washington are some actors who are more talented than those in the list.
ReplyDeleteJensen Ackles for Supernatural, Joseph Morgan for The Originals which is an incredible actor who deserve to be known more for his talents and Ian Somerhalder for TVD seriously his acting is the only reason I'm still watching this show. :)
ReplyDeleteMisha Collins and Jensen Ackles 4ever
ReplyDeleteJensen Ackles definitely.
ReplyDeleteall for Misha
ReplyDeleteRoss, no, i think tumblr actually didn't. Just Russian 'MishaPublic' found this page c;
ReplyDelete^ #Truth
ReplyDeleteRoss, no, i think tumblr actually didn't. Just Russian 'MishaPublic' found this page c:
ReplyDeleteMisha went from 5th place to the 2nd in 20 minutes )) It`s not the Tumblr found the poll. Russian minions from found it ))
ReplyDeleteThese polls are pointless when Beauty and the Beast and Supernatural are options. Their rabid fanbases always take over... In my mind, the real winner is whoever has the most votes after those two shows!
ReplyDeleteMegan Follows, Alan van Sprang & Henry Ian Cusick are all better than anyone on the list imo.
The 100 easily has some of the best actors!
ReplyDeleteSame with Castle. I love the show, but damn, they're always taking over.
ReplyDeleteWould've voted Wilson Bethel, Manu Bennett and Alan van Sprang... but, y'know, none of them are actually on this...
ReplyDeleteCome on... it's Jensen! Emmy-worthy performance every time.
ReplyDeleteI was about to agree when I noticed that the third choice was Ian somerhalder. Don't get me wrong...I like the character Damon, but I think he has a limited range. They don't necessarily play my favorite characters, but i think that Nina Dobrev and Paul Weasley are by far the most talented actors among the main cast.
ReplyDeleteJay Ryan, Paul Wesley and Luke Mitchell.
ReplyDelete@JayRyan, Beauty and the Beast. I love him.
ReplyDeleteNon other than the Best Beast in the whole world, Jay Ryan!
ReplyDeleteThank you Koky! Finally someone who sees that. A lot of people seem to forget that, or don't know it because they don't watch BatB. And not all the fans are 'rabid' or using #'s. Everyone can think what they want of BatB but Jay Ryan is really talented. People who watch BatB know that by the way he's portraying a totally different character in S2 than in S1. He can show a big range of emotions and can play drama as well as comedy. He deserves more recognition for his talent, I hope someday he will. All in my humble opinion of course.
ReplyDeletehow is Daniel Gillies not winning this ?!
ReplyDeleteJay Ryan, in my opinion :)
ReplyDeletejared deserves more votes
ReplyDeleteluke mitchell is amazing, he's the main reason i watch the show
ReplyDeleteThe actors on this list are definitely cute, charming and likable, but I'm not sure I would rank most of them as great actors. Of the choices listed, I'd definitely pick Paul Wesley and I'd give Steve Amell the "award" for most improved actor (he really had some stellar performances this season). I don't watch supernatural, but I think that Jensen Ackles is very good and I stopped watching the originals, but I thought Charles Michael Davis was the only standout in that show. The two young Reign actors (Coombs and Regbo) have potential and I would probably rank Luke Mitchell as Most Charismatic.
ReplyDeleteHad Mark Pellegrino (the Tomorrow People) and Alan van sprang (Reign) been on the list, they would have been my top picks.
Henry Ian Cusick (The 100) can act circles around those on this list.
ReplyDeleteI don't watch the 100, but from what I've seen of the actor, you're probably right. It looks like only actors under the age of 40 were included on this list
ReplyDeleteHave u seen LOST? its not Ian Somerhalder, Its more the way the character is written. Ian Somerhalder has a good range, you just need to look past the Damon character.
ReplyDeleteAlan van Sprang is brilliant as King Henry. Together with Megan Follows they're one of the best duos I've seen.
ReplyDeleteDaniel Gillies followed by Stephen Amell and Paul Wesley.
ReplyDeleteagreed, they really do play well off each other
ReplyDeleteI was a Lost fan and I've seen him in other movies. I actually think that the Damon character suits him better than some of his other roles, and has allowed him to shine, but I still think that he has less range than the other two leads.
ReplyDeleteI thought I was the only one who felt that way!
ReplyDeleteJensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Paul Blackthorne on Arrow, any of the adults on the Ark on The 100, and David Ramsay, when he actually gets to do something. Best up and comers - Stephen Amell and Matt Lanter.
ReplyDeleteJared Padalecki all the way ! He 's doing an awesome job specially in Season 8 and 9 !
ReplyDeleteThis seems like a popularity poll, because no way Ian is the best actor. He might be one of the worse (and yes, I love both him and Damon). Toby Regbo is actually a great actor (I can't say he is the best actor in this list because I haven't watched all these shows), but only reign fans will vote for him, so he doesn't stand a chance of winning this.
ReplyDeleteHe did improve overall, but he still need to improve his drama skills. As a action actor, he is great.
ReplyDeleteI have to say Jay Ryan. Not because he is gorgeous and I love his accent but he can really act. He was good in Season 1 of Beauty and the Beast, but in season 2 he has really surpassed himself with the challenges of this season. The material presented for him to interpret would have been difficult for even the most seasoned actor, and he carried it off and for many Beasties was one of the only reasons they kept watching the show.
ReplyDeleteUsually I'd agree, however Jensen Ackles is a phenomenal actor.
ReplyDeleteExcuse me, but where is Matt Lanter on this list? YET AGAIN, Star-Crossed gets missed off of the list! Am getting pretty fed up with all the oversights for SC. :-( :-(
ReplyDeleteBy the looks of this, the results are showing this has nothing to do with acting ability, but looks and dedicated fan bases. As such, it is a load of baloney.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely Jensen Ackles. I think he's criminally underrated anywhere but in the Supernatural community. I've also been impressed with Misha the past few years.
ReplyDeleteStephen and Robbie Amell. Jay Ryan! :)
ReplyDeleteLook at this pain, absolutely... Toby Regbo!
ReplyDeleteJensen, misha and Ian- my top three favourite are on the top!
ReplyDeleteNot listed I'm guessing because there isn't any example of decent acting on the show.
ReplyDeleteBut jensen is amazing, I don't usually cry watching emotional scenes in films or TV shows except for jensen's character in supernatural.
ReplyDeleteMy top 3(5) choses in no particular order and why.
ReplyDelete1) Misha Collins - the only reason to watch Supernatural these last couple of seasons.
2) Ian Somerhalder - he is "The Vampire Diaries"!
3) Joseph Morgan - he's so good he got his own "Spin - Off" series, The Originals............NUFF SAID!
And my final 2, because the DAMN poll only allowed 3 options (GRRRRR)!
4) Daniel Gillies - The Originals could have easily gone the other way and been his series, since he's that good.
5) Charles Michael Davis - he gives compelling (lol) performances, makes the most of his scenes, and can pull it off with any other actor.
4 EVER, Nobody!!!
But how do you objectively judge who is a better actor on CW? They don't have a fancy TV awards like Emmys or Oscars, they are not a big movie stars (which IMHO doesn't mean automatically being a good actor). People judge from their own perspective : IF actor can sell his character to audience he is a decent actor. If actor can carry show as a lead for years, if he has a strong fan base - he is somewhat not forgettable, has a screen presence, has charisma, charm and so.
ReplyDeleteWe are not professional critics here so yes, popular actors can be called good comparing to unpopular.
Love klaus and Damon
ReplyDeleteIan Somerhalder
ReplyDeleteIan and Joshep, they kill it every week :)
ReplyDeleteFrom a "never seen the show" I guess?
ReplyDeleteThe question could be "Who is the better looking actor on a CW show ?", the answers would be the same.
ReplyDeleteNot a valid sampling - no Hart of Dixie representation
ReplyDeleteian somerhalder king
ReplyDeleteJay ryan mérite la place numéro one
ReplyDeleteWow, that was hard. There's a few. But I had to break it down. How did I do that? Well I went with the actors that have made me cry throughout the years with their characters. Sooo, I voted Ian, Jensen, and Mischa.
ReplyDeleteI'm a fan of Jay Ryan. I find nasty what you say about us. Jay Ryan is a very good actor. The story is also original. Is there a cheat? What I call a vote against him and all those who play in this series. Speak rather of the SPN, where there is total lowering of others compared with Jensen. There it is normal for you?
ReplyDeleteReally hard to choose.
ReplyDeleteI voted Jensen Ackles, Paul Wesley, and Daniel Gillies. Other: Luke Mitchell and Misha Collins.
No CW actor is better than 7.5 (on a 0-10 scale) at acting, otherwise, they wouldn't be on CW.
ReplyDeleteAmong those, Collins and Morgan are the best ones.
Padalecki the worst, ahead him on my top 5 of worst actors, only Blake Lively and Jerry O'Connell.
Seen most of them at least once. The only one worthy of the title is Jensen Ackles. That boy can act.
ReplyDeleteI think that every comic is as awesome as his villain is, and so is the TV transposition. Manu Bennett is being just GREAT; I believe that's the secret of this seasons' Arrow great success!
ReplyDeleteFound the CW snob!
ReplyDeleteStop. You're embarrassing Supernatural fans.
ReplyDeletePaul Blackthorne. GO Quentin!
ReplyDeleteBob Morley (The 100) and Toby Regbo (Reign) are some of the BEST actors I've ever seen. Not just on CW. But in general. The way that Toby portrays Fancis is remarkable. And Bob is superb as the bad boy with a good heart Bellamy Blake. His facial expressions get to me the most. So those are the two top actors.
ReplyDeleteI wish THIS poll wasn't a "popularity" contest. But an actual poll where people chose actors based on their ACTING talents. Not who they love the most...or who is the most popular actor.
It's kind of sad.
Mark Sheppard and Misha Collins, definitely.
ReplyDeleteThere's no match.
I'm going with Jensen, Jared and Stephen.
ReplyDeleteJay Ryan, I love those looks he gives. Goose bumps
ReplyDeletefrom the shows that I've seen, I'd have to give the nod to Jensen Ackles and then Jared P. for showing the biggest range
ReplyDeleteYou can say what you like, but Jay Ryan is an exceptional actor. Just because you don't like BATB or the BATB fans doesn't mean the actors aren't good. You're making assumptions based on your emotions, not on the facts!
ReplyDeleteNot one of them compares to Jay Ryan.. He is by far the best on this list..
ReplyDeleteI voted for Jensen Ackles and Joseph Morgan.
ReplyDeleteYep. I've admired Scott Porter since his days on Friday Night Lights.
ReplyDeleteLOL! really? I think it's fair to say the best actor will never be voted here. Every fangirl out there is going to vote for the actor on their favourite show, so who cares that the guy that plays Henry in Reign has been doing an excellent job portraying a mad King, or that Paul Blackthorne is brilliant, when there's going to be an avalanche of votes based more on looks tan actual talent. I'm not insulting the popular choices, they are all decent actors, if not good, but just because we like the show they're in, doesn't mean they're THE BEST, which is what the poll asks. I wish people would be more impartial...
ReplyDeletefrom Jay Ryan Beauty and the Beast !!
ReplyDeletewhere is paul blackthorne?
ReplyDeleteOn acting ability alone probably Daniel Gillies. But judging on how much I enjoy staring at their beautiful faces and bodies AND passable acting Jensen Ackles and Steven Amell.
ReplyDeleteBut people can only be impartial to a certain point. For instance, if someone doesn't watch Reign, they're not going to have an opinion on anyone on that series to even think to vote for them here. I admit that it makes polls into more of popularity contests than anything else (as they always are), but it doesn't mean that people's votes are based solely on shallow criteria like physical beauty.
ReplyDeleteMisha Collins so fucking good!
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to lie that I find Daniel Gillies extremely attractive but I based my vote on acting chops and he has them. See his movie Broken Kingdom. I went with Jensen Ackles because of his screen presence. It was a toss up with my 3rd vote...I went with Paul Wesley but Misha Collins was a possibility too.
ReplyDeleteAnd I get that, those two actor were an example I pulled out of my head, but from what I've read on the comments people just vote the lead on their favourite show, as if by voting another they would be diloyal to said show. I know I'm being nitpicky, is just that this polls are so ridiculous because no real outcome can come out of it.
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly what I said in my post. Unfortunately most people will vote for the actor in their favourite show/ship or the one they consider the hotest. Sure there are some exceptions, but most will go that route, no real outcome can come of this poll.
ReplyDeleteHoney you just listed Collins as the best...your credibility is dead now. He's had a far less successful career for a reason.
ReplyDeleteFor me its Jensen Ackles. He probably is the most critically acclaimed actor in this list, was nominated for daytime Emmy, has theater experience and non-stop acting carrier (mostly main cast-lead, some TV movies) since he was 18. This guy has such a wide emotional acting range, he can sell any scene without a single word. He can do comedy and drama. And yes, he is gorgeous, but this is nice cherry toping overall.
ReplyDeleteMark Sheppard is a great actor too. I've seen most of the actors on the list performing, and most of them good looking and many of them charismatic and charming. They all decent actors if they've got jobs at currents Hollywood unemployment rate, but those 2 above are really standing out for me.
Wrong actually, I've watched the show from the beginning when it was still enjoyable as a guilty pleasure. That doesn't mean I don't find it poorly written & that not a single one of the actors on the show is of any decent calibre. Rachel Bilson is exactly the same in everything she does, the guy that plays George is far more entertaining when he's talking video games as himself on G4 type shows. Jamie King & Wilson Bethel are probably the only two on the show that aren't completely cringe worthy when on screen but they still are far from talented. Just because you can enjoy watching a show doesn't make the writing or the actors talented, HoD is on the verge of being cancelled for a reason & Jensen Ackles & Ian Somerhalder are the top two of this poll for a reason.
ReplyDeleteEveryone except Robbie Amell is great on the show, its a shame that it seems Stephen got all the acting talent in the Amell family.
ReplyDeleteokay are we talking fav actor or best actor because very few of these guys are a combo, this isn't like choosing Christian Bale or Leonardo lol anyway best actors Jensen and Ian, fav actors right now on CW are Arrow's Stephen and SC's Matt
ReplyDeleteThe other leads have multiple charters/personalities written in with the doppelgangers & Ripper/brooder story lines. Damon's character has pretty much been written with the same personality from the start with a change here or there, with him being the darker brother and the opposite to Stefan, that's not Ian that decides what direction the character goes its the directors and writers call, He would just act it to the way he has been asked.
ReplyDeleteStephen Amell, Paul Wesley and Jensen Ackles. He's behind some of the most powerful scenes in Supernatural, imo.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't even thinking of the doppleganger aspect when I said Wesley was a very good actor. Anywyay, people forget that like Stefan, we've seen Damon's at various phases of his life: Before being bitten, when he was innocent and completely smitten with Katherine. With Elena, without Elena, dumped by Elena, emotions on, emotions off, etc. He also gets to play a much stronger personality than Wesley, most of the time which many would also argue is an acting advantage.
ReplyDeleteThank you Anne for what you just said about Jay Ryan. He played really well and deserves to have a chance. Some are too hard with him while they have not seen the BATB series. They consider it compared some fanatics. But they too are fanatics, to vote against 1 person. Good day to you
ReplyDeleteJENSEN ACKLES...duh! That guy is crazy talented!! How he goes from caring older brother to psychotic killer in 0.5 seconds is astonishing.
ReplyDeleteMisha and Jared also have my vote! So does Paul Wesley! Damn there are some talented men in this poll....
You are part of those who criticize us. I read everything you wrote. You have right not to like a series, provided that seeing it. This is not your case. I like Supernatural, but I never liked Jensen. It is not the only star of this series. Besides ca than at - it is? As Ian, I didn't even know he was in Lost? Normal I prefer distinctly the other group with a clear preference for SAWYER
ReplyDeleteJensen Ackles and Ian Somerhalder!
ReplyDeleteThe majority as you say are not like some Fans of Jay Ryan. I'm on tweeter and who once attended a Trend, I do me there not found comfortable loving way too strong a degree fanaticism. I respect the other series, views that some watching them. It is a direct against us attack all that you did at the start.
ReplyDeleteI also like Castle. What you say is false. Most of us love also other series and is never votes against a series as some do. Lack of FAY-PLAY some of you
ReplyDeleteI didn´t really mean him, from all characters in HoD ever, I like him the least, but choosing the one best, I´d say the guy that plays Lavon. Yes, I like Wilson, he´s great, but I can look at this one absolutely asexually and still call him great, the same with guys playing Brick, Tom and so one. I haven´t seen this kind of talent in roles big or tiny since Gilmore Girls (ignoring GoT, because there every role can become huge before it ends).
ReplyDeleteI would remind you that this is not the star of Supernatural Jensen. It is not just only as I know.
ReplyDeleteAnd we dare treat us as less than nothing. You are a fanatic peerless, leaving no chance to the other series...
ReplyDeleteExcuse me but I see Ian, I prefer Paul
ReplyDeleteI'm not agree with you, but from the moment that you see by Ian, this is useless to discuss with you. For me The Diaries is either Elena or Damon or Stefen Katrin... Paul Weslay is still a good actor. This is the series that devalues it. There's what else to say about this series that I watched until the 4th season. NOTHING. Now, I prefer the Originals.
ReplyDeleteThere, it shows a little too much. Never we don't have demolished other series as it is doing for BATB and Jay Ryan. I am disgusted by this lack of fair play of some fans who dared more criticise us.
ReplyDeleteWTF, comment not directed to you so don't worry so much. take a chill pill 78200.
ReplyDeleteI don't disagree with you. All I wanted to point out was that it isn't necessarily the best actors getting the votes, as there are enough voters out there more obsessed with an actor's looks than their acting skills to skew the vote. For instance, I like I S and have seen him in quite a few other tv and film things, but he is always pretty much the same. He has limited scope as an actor, unlike his compatriot in TVD Paul Wesley, who is excellent - I have seen him in a wide range of stuff, too.
ReplyDeleteThere are quite a few good actors in CW series at the moment who are not on that list, for instance Austin Basis, Matt Lanter, Mark Pellegrino, Johnathon Schaech, Greg Finlay... Taking that into account, along with the let's-vote-for-a-good-looking-guy voters, it isn't really a fair poll anyway.
As the networks take little interest in polls. it doesn't really matter either way, I suppose.
where do you come with this answer, say I'm crazy and take drugs? Thank you it's nice but I'm very well thank you
ReplyDeleteAs much as I love Jenson and Jared, the beast actor on the CW is one not listed, Mark Pellegrino.
ReplyDeleteLà, je suis tout à fait d'accord. Pour moi aussi Paul et Nina sont les meilleurs dans cette série. Ian joue un peu trop avec son physique....
ReplyDeleteStephen Amell ofc! Where is Manu Bennet???? Slade the best villain
ReplyDeleteJensen Ackles of course!
ReplyDeleteForever love you jay ryan BATB !!! French
ReplyDeleteJensen hands down! He is able to take whatever is thrown at Dean and give 10000% to his performance. He is amazing! Beyond amazing! Jared and Misha are brilliant too, but Jensen is my fave. All the main Supernatural guys get the world thrown at their characters and the actors are always able to adapt and give the best performances. Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, and Joseph Morgan are the same way. TVD and SPN both allow the actors to adapt so much and even play multiple versions of their same characters. I will never understand how these CW actors don't get emmy nominated
ReplyDeleteJay Ryan has been around for many years, mostly in NZ and Australian TV. He has done some amazing theatre, toured with a one man show for a while where he played several characters, some of them pretty outrageous and it got very high critical acclaim. The man can act without even opening his mouth, he is one of those that can emote in an unbelievable fashion, with his eyes, body language etc. He definitely gets my vote.
ReplyDeleteWho even comes up with this silly polls. By now if you haven't noticed the same people will always win the polls whether it's about looks, best actor etc. This isn't about finding the best actor on the cw, bacause the most dedicated fanbase is always going to win.
ReplyDeleteMisha Collins :)
ReplyDeleteJay Ryan is just great. But I really like Ian Somerhalder too.
ReplyDeleteActually, I watched 4 episodes of BatB and stopped because I didn't like it. So yes, I've seen it. But more importantly, the criticism isn't directed at the show itself but at some of its fans. A large portion of them - I know it's not everyone, yes - tend to get very annoying and obsessed, which causes people like me to react this way. But it's not BatB or its nice, normal fans that are being criticized here but simply the type of fans I'm referring to. You can see above that maloose also edited his/her post to clarify.
ReplyDeleteAckles sorry
ReplyDeleteIan Somerhalder without any doubt
ReplyDeleteNo, we're all like this fortunately. I love this series because of the actors who play. Contrary to what some here in starring Jensen for Supernatural, in the BATB series, this is the game of the 2 key players in this series Jay Ryan and Kristin Kreuk then other actors who do I love this series. This does not prevent me to watch other series. I don't ever put this sign # in my posts
ReplyDeleteJared Padalecki! Hello the guy has played Meg!Sam, Souless!Sam, Samifer, Leviathan!Sam, Gadreel/Ezekiel and much more, not to mention his performance in Sacrifice. To me personally he is the most talented actor on Supernatural!
ReplyDeleteJensen, Joseph and Daniel. However I have to wonder where Mark Pelligrino is on the list? He's awesome.
ReplyDeletejust damon salvatore, once and for all
ReplyDeleteallez allez on vote on vote encore et encore !!!
ReplyDeleteIAN SOMERHALDER!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletePaul Wesley, Duh.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely Paul Wesley
ReplyDeleteNot enough all!
ReplyDeleteYes, because the half of the CW actors are not there. And I don't know why you are talking about a possible cancellation of Hart Of Dixie, that's not the point.
ReplyDeleteJe comprends pas pour jay un coup sa monte demie heure aprés sa descend c'est quoi se satané vote je suis colère car je suis une beastie acharnée !!
ReplyDeletene baissons pas les bras les beasties votons votons !!
ReplyDeleteThis isn't a popular opinion in the Supernatural fandom but IMO Jared Padalecki deserves the votes over Jensen Ackles or Misha Collins by a wide margin for the performances he's put together this season. Padalecki has put together an Emmy caliber season this year. Ackles is the golden boy of the fandom though so I know he'll win. It's a bit of a shame that the fangirls can't set aside their objectivity and vote for who really deserves it.
ReplyDeletePlease stop saying that Jensen Ackles is only winning because we are so obsessed with the show and because he is so good-looking. I watched many of the tv-shows above and I honestly think that Jensen Ackles is the best actor I've ever seen on a tv-show. It's disrespectful towards him,as an actor, to say he wins a best-actor-contest just because he is pretty. I've never been more into a show than now into Supernatural and that's just because the actors impress me more and more with each episode. You can clearly see how much work they put into their acting and how the emotions are never really staged because they manage to put real emotions from their life in it.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure all the actors above are amazing but Jensen definetly deserves to win.
I think Jensen is a better actor in general but you are right, in the last two seasons Jared's performances were amazing. Supernatural really has a bunch of damn good actors.
ReplyDeleteYou may feel that way but the majority only voted because they think he's hot. Same with Ian Somerhalder(sp?)
ReplyDeleteAnd you know this how?
ReplyDeleteI don't but it's usually how it goes.
ReplyDeleteI normally would agree with you, but Jensen Ackles is a really great actor. He puts a lot of himself into play Dean Winchester, he built the character up pretty much on his own, and not only is he a great actor, but he is a fantastic director for his show too. One of the best SPN episodes was directed by him.
ReplyDeleteJensen hardly ever gets the proper recognition for the work he's done on this show. Not even from the fans of the show itself. This weekend there was a convention in DC and hardly ANYONE asked him about his current arc. Considering it's the most interesting thing about this season you would think he would get tons of questions about it but he didn't. The convention was all about Jared's thinning hair, and Misha stirring up the pot for Destiel shippers.
Jared and Jensen share top billing for SPN so please knock this Jared is the star of the show stuff off. Jensen is not only a co-lead on the show, but he has touched the show in ways that Jared hasn't by directing his soon to be 4th episode of the show.
ReplyDeleteThis constant desire to knock Jensen down a peg because his name comes second alphabetically sucks. He is the heart of SPN, and when 9x01 aired this season it wasn't Jared on the phone with the head of the network, being asked how many more seasons he wanted to do, it was Jensen.
Well this is not even some online award or title poll where fandoms are fighting brainlessly over the 1st place.
ReplyDeleteThis is presumably poll for fun, where people suppose to share their opinion on who THEY thing the best actor is. Whoever is on the top of the poll doesn't matter.
And it is indeed insulting when actors being denied having an acting talent just because they are good looking. Like majority of TV stars are ugly. This is Hollywood , everyone is pretty and hot.
I know that it's for fun-it's usually a question of who's hotter-not who's ugly, when it comes to tv though. That's what i was going off of.
ReplyDeleteJensen wins all the time is because he is such an amazing actor. There is a reason he has a huge fan base, and it's not simply because he's handsome. There are younger, equally good looking guys on this list -- but they don't connect the way with audiences that Jensen does. Instead of complaining about how large his fanbase is, ask yourself why he is able to get that many fans, especially considering he is significantly older than some of these guys, while being on such a relatively small and modestly promoted show.
ReplyDeleteMisha Collins is the best
ReplyDeleteJensen and Jared both are the Stars of Supernatural. They both share the STARRING positions. so knock of ur rude show off and show some respect .
ReplyDeleteone and only Jensen Ackles... voing for him always and forever..he is the best actor ever!
ReplyDeleteLOL! You're even worse than the person you're replying to. You put Jared down way more just to prove Jensen is the star of SPN.
ReplyDeleteNewsflash! Jensen alone wouldn't be able to carry SPN and same goes for Jared. One of the Js is gone and the show is gone too. Get over it and move on!
stephen amel is the worst actor on the show Arrow, everyone else rocks expect for him, come'on guys he sucks
ReplyDeleteeven gives katie cassidy hate but she will always be better than him
ReplyDeleteWhy say that I am worse that he, I don't feel not concerned. All I know is that the SPN is ready for any for JENSEN
ReplyDeleteAs for you, daring to talk about respect when one case do to the SPN, which say them even they are a cult, this is really plug of the world. I have never attacked another series as they do.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, Kudos on your name. Glad to see fellow scoobies still around. Secondly, please do not lump all Supernatural fans together. Yes, we have incredibly annoying fans. But most shows do. I've seen plenty of Buffy fans attack other people for no good reason, but I know that they don't represent the whole 'fandom'.
ReplyDeleteOnly Misha!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks much also for this answer clear. I understand better now why some series yet done very well have been withdrawn without valid reason.
ReplyDeleteI was a fan of Buffy? Not only. In addition I watched not only this series. But is the character that it embodies which I felt close to where this nickname that I was given and that pleases me well
ReplyDeleteIan Somerhalder! <3
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I find shocking about this poll is the beasties have not put their hero in first place. ;)
ReplyDeletebut jensen though..
ReplyDeleteYeeeeeee :D
ReplyDeleteMisha Cillins THE BEST!!!!^^
ReplyDeleteI love MISHA!!!!!
ReplyDeleteyou 1st learn how to give respect to other people from the same fandom nd then come running for showing off. GOOD FOR U
ReplyDeleteSorry. I understand that the question here is about actor's work and not about the best show. There are great actors here, inclusive Jay Ryan (the best to me).
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. Here, what really matters is the work of Jay Ryan - he's fantastic, a great revelation for me. I really hope to see him in other productions.
ReplyDeleteя смотрю, тут все пишут на английском, так вот вам ВЕЛИКИЙ РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК, МИША КОЛЛИНЗ ЛУЧШИЙ)))))
ReplyDeleteI would like that we explain the results of votes at this time. There were too many spectacular climbs at the same time. This leads to doubt about the results. Unless appeal vote at all will stop in to, you lose time to click and click again. This issue concerns only the site, not participants.
ReplyDeleteIf it's a compliment, I can only thank you. I like no excessive fanaticism as is the case in the SPN. This fanaticism I've ever had for any actor a series whatever it is because it comes from a good cast at the outset. Having been insulted by the SPN, this gave as a result, I can no longer see Jensen. I love that series where there's lots of supernatural or paranormal. Which corresponds to the series that I am. I really like the police series like NCIS. I discovered Sherlock, in our time and I find it very well, I attached the 2 characters. It may be because of this that I can't be a fan of a single person