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The Flash - Promo to be Aired During Arrow Season Finale

13 May 2014

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Thanks to Krigin and DougF for the heads up.

Six second snippet at the end of this Arrow promo.



  2. I'm guessing that Felicity tells Oliver that she thought Oliver had a choice when he's about to kill a Mirakuru-less Slade!

  3. for a second i thought it said the flash pilot would air during arrow

  4. I'm sooo excited for the Flash.

  5. SHIELDNCISArrowfan13 May 2014 at 06:28

    is this the same promo that just added the flash preview?

  6. This makes me a little sad because i really hoped we would get first look sneak peaks or short promos or something from CW sooner

  7. Yep, the promo is the same that was released earlier.

  8. SHIELDNCISArrowfan13 May 2014 at 06:33

    maybe there could be some kind of promo at the end of would be a great marketing strategy to promote the flash

  9. SHIELDNCISArrowfan13 May 2014 at 06:37

    they showing some flash preview at end of arrow season finale right

  10. SHIELDNCISArrowfan13 May 2014 at 06:45

    according to this site there is an extra 75 sec and speculation it is a flash promo

  11. He's my favorite. = ) So hyped!!

  12. I love him because of TBBT they always talk about him, dress like him and the scene when Sheldon ran to the Grand Canyon "HOW YOU FRUSTRATE ME LEONARD HOFSTADTER" LOL I wonder if they'll mention it, that'd be cool :D
    But tell me something, is super speed his only power? How can you fight crimes with that?

  13. Christopher DeBono13 May 2014 at 08:15

    His powers extend further then just running fast. The Flash taps into an energy known as the 'Speed Force'. They'll probably take the Smallville approach and have him discover his powers as the show goes on. But his powers further include:

    - Vibrating his molecules so he can pass through objects
    - Travelling through time
    - Faster healing
    - Speed reading/Speed memory (ie he can learn and retain information quick)
    - Kinetic Energy transference (ie he can take speed force energy from something moving and put it into something or someone else)

  14. I can't wait for both.. Arrow season finale.. Flash promo..

  15. Sorry, my laptop was charging. Wow, you don't know about The Flash's powers? I have never heard that before. LOL He has wayyy more powers than speed.

    He has Molecular density control, Time Travel, self-molecular manipulation, speed theft, absolute speed, cosmic awareness, cyclone spinning, wind generation, scientific prowess, enhanced speed. friction manipulation. super-speed reading.(which allows him to read at a superhuman level gaining extreme amount of knowledge in seconds. Like MASSIVE knowledge) Speed force conduit. Strength. And Super healing. Yo the Flash is the shit!! LOL if i went into all these definitions right now, i'd never sleep cuz i'd have me a Flash marathon. LOL BUT i will give you all the definitions later on when i'm less tired. (4:09am) I'm going to sleep.

  16. This is really interesting. I didn't know that. Wow. So he is almost equal to Superman except for flying thing?

  17. So that photo Stephen posted on the meadow was Flash promo. I am so excited for this show. This summer hiatus is going to be too long.

  18. Haha, why am I not surprised? Oh well, just have to wait a day.

  19. Eh, you could say that. But umm, personally i feel he's above Superman. I really do. He's definitely smarter than superman. He's an extreme flirt with the ladies too. He's so cocky. LOL And he is indeed THE fastest man alive. So he is faster than Superman. Muchhhh faster.

  20. Some of those powers they might not use in the show

  21. But Barry Allen didn't seem so cocky. He was really sweet. I read some where unlike Oliver Queen, Barry Allen is really honorable guy. I am not a huge fan of Superman. Too much vanilla guy for me.

    So is there anything that can take away his powers like kryptonite for Superman?

  22. That's how they portrayed him. But his older self is a flirt and he's very aware of his looks. lol not in a eww what a jerk sort of way. But in a funny charming way. But the love of his life is Iris West. she's like Lois Lane for Superman.

    No, his only weakness is his inexperience with Time Travel. B/c he can't control it. Like it was believed that he couldn't effect or change his own past. Like Professor Zoom, whom is his archnemesis. But it turned out he could. So he had travelled back in time to save his mother from being killed by Professor Zoom, and he changes his Friends lives.


  24. The flash is faster than Superman but one of Superman's lesser known powers is his genius level intellect, he was able to create a super power serum for Lois Lane and he was able to recall her DNA makeup from memory. He is one of the highest intellects in DC. Barry Allen has enhanced intellect just below genius level.

  25. Ooohhh... I like this. Its is huge tool the power to change past. Creatives can take this show to another level with all these powers. All the limitations that Arrow has since he is a normal dude does not apply here. If done well it will be awesome. From what I heard Flash comics had better stories and villains than Green Arrow. I am super excited for this show.

  26. you forgot his speed talking.


    hahaha yeah he's amazing. and here i thought you might like this, since you brought up Superman...This is THE classic episode. i grew up watching this series, but this was my favorite episode. Now i couldn't post all 5 vids. but when u click on the link, just watch all 5 in order. Enjoy! = p


    Here you go hun, watch this. My all time fav episode. i couldn't post all the vids. but this is 1 out of 5 so watch all 5 when u click on the youtube link. Enjoy.

  29. his other weakness is if he burns out his energy and doesn't eat, I would say that they would use this in the series as his main weakness, and also the divorcements. slipping on ice etc.

  30. Yeah i would say they would have him accidentally use most them and then slowly be able to control them, specially the time travel and molecule density.

  31. Well how bout that. Lol

  32. I'm somewhat doubtful that they will have him vibrate through objects and go fast enough for time travel. But that's me.

  33. Now Superman P1M, he is faster than the flash. :p heh.

  34. Normally i hate summer tv. But there is a lot to look forward to this year. Returning shows Rectify, Falling Skies, Dallas, Teen Wolf, The Bridge, Defiance, & True Blood. New series The Strain, Dominion, Extant, Tyrant, The Leftovers, Legends, & The Lst Ship. And i've been saving Salem & Fargo for the summer.

  35. Ehhh, i relate that more to Wally than to Barry specifically. But nonetheless i know about his metabolism issues. I was talking his MAIN real weakness as opposed to her kryptonite question. And that's his time travel issue.

  36. Haha He's definitely not. If you watch the whole episode, through most of that race Barry is ahead of him. Superman catches up every once in awhile. (even for a secs) because Barry allows it. But Flash holds the title of Fastest Man Alive.

  37. Thanks for the list. I will check some of these out. True Blood is out. Not my cup of tea.

  38. I get it, i really enjoyed season1, 2, and most of 3. But from the season 3 finale on, most of it's crap. But i thought last season was decent, and this is the final season, so i'll stay to the end

  39. Hahaha, so while this is the hottest Arrow thread right now. I thought i'd share some humor. For all of us geeks on this thread. Hahaha have a good laugh guys.

  40. Okay. I saw the five videos and I am super impressed. Loved his character. Funny in a non sleazy way. I hope they develop the Barry Allen character to be this confident may be by the end of season 1. Grant Gustin can definitely pull off this character. He needs to bulk up though.

    Thanks for the videos Shannon it was a fun watch. This is part of superman series right? Now I want a show with two superheroes working together. Both having equal importance.

  41. Actually Quiver is really good name for the lair. I loved Batman trying to out Superman. That crazy bat will do it.
    Marvel vs DC in a pool match. DC will win hands down. They have Superman

  42. Christopher DeBono13 May 2014 at 14:42

    I can see them using his time travel, accidentally. It could be a way to use some of the future characters. But it's a power I don't think he'll learn to fully control in the show. I can see them getting an episode or 2 out of it though.

    While vibrating through objects is what made Barry unique with his skills, so I think they'll keep it in. Wally and Bart were never able to replicate the skill, instead having their own unique power.

  43. Christopher DeBono13 May 2014 at 14:52

    If you want an animated show with multiple superheroes working together then I suggest checking out 'Justice League' and it's sequel 'Justice League Unlimited'.

  44. lol. well i'm glad somebody liked this. Nahhhhh Marvel all day! And they weren't having a pool match. lol Marvel on one side, DC on the other, but Captain America spilled Superman's drink on the pool table, so that made all their heads turn. LOL mannnn i would not want to be in that bar if that went down.

  45. I'm glad you liked it. It is a fun watch. I never get tired of him. I wanted to show you a vid of his humor. You would definitely laugh at that. (And yes it's just one video haha). Barry definitely won't be bulked up by the end of season 1. lol I imagine they're gonna do it the same way Tom Welling did it. He bulked up through time, so by the time Smallville was over he WAS Superman. But Grant will bulk up, b/c the Flash eats excessively. I'll give it til mid season 2 or 3.

    Yes that's Superman: The Animated Series. You could also check out the two Justice Leagues that Chris below said, or you could go with Young Justice!!

  46. In a golf course?

  47. Now this right moment ever!! I loveddd Bart Allen. I'll have one more vid after this and that's it. lol


  49. Can't wait this is going to be amaziiiing!!

  50. I will thank you. I am going to dive into all kinds of super hero animated series this summer. Need to catch up. The only animated series I saw growing up was Spider man and little bit of superman which aired in our country. I loved those.

  51. Christopher DeBono13 May 2014 at 16:18

    If your looking for other Superhero shows then here's some suggestions.

    For DC the DCAU (DC Animated Universe) is generally considered the best animated superhero franchise.
    It includes 8 TV shows, 5 movies, 1 short film and 2 web shows.
    Young Justice and Teen Titans are also really good.

    For Marvel it's harder. For every 4 animated shows they make, maybe 1 is actually worth watching.
    I personally prefer:
    X-Men (1990's series)
    X-Men Evolution
    Spider-Man (1990's series)
    Spectacular Spider-Man
    The Avengers: Earths Mightiest Heroes
    Marvel Anime ( Broken into 4 series, Iron Man, Wolverine, X-Men and Blade)

    The current 3 US Marvel shows airing (Ultimate Spider-Man, Hulk and the agents of S.M.A.S.H. and Avengers Assemble) are...ok. But they're aimed at kids and selling toys. I haven't seen the new Japanese series yet (Marvel Disk Wars).

  52. Oh. Now I see it. Marvel does have cool characters don't they? Is that Spiderman sitting at the bar stool. Is he a member of Avengers ?

  53. Seriously. So actually there is no real threat to Superman ever on earth. Is there. Except Kryptonite.

  54. I did see little bit of Smallville here and there. I liked Bart from what I saw. Didn't he have a crush on Chloe? I don't think Clark will ever visit Flash in this series.

    Another question. Is Jay Garrick, Bart Allen, and Barry Allen all the same person in different time period or different characters who has the speed force. I know Wally West is Iris's nephew. May be I should hit google.

  55. Grant has to bulk up. It helps he is tall and has long legs. He will look good running in that costume. I will check out all the animated series this summer. Should find out about more Marvel stuff too. I am excited.

  56. Thank you so much for this Chris. I really wanted this info. I will check them all out. Its funny. DC is winner in animated universe. Marvel in Cinematic Universe. Now with Arrow and Flash DC is doing good in live action television. You can't win all I guess.

    Next fall season is really exciting. Flash, Constantine, Gotham, Agent Carter. My viewing list just got long.

  57. I watched Smallville 10 yrs running. IT was great. But Bart coming on and racing Clark the first time. The scene I showed you, easily goes down as the top 5 moments in history. Yes. Bart did have a thing for Chloe. I loved when he came on the show.

    They're 4 different characters. Lol Jay Garrick is Bart Allen's superhero ideal. They are from two different Earth's and when the earth's combined that's how they met. Wally is Barry's (Well more Iris by blood obviously) nephew, and Bart is Barry's grandson. And Wally is Bart's first cousin (once removed) lol but Jay Garrick is first. Then Barry, Then Wally, (which they often are partners) then Bart.

  58. Sweet! That's cool. I'm excited for you. I would love to see your reactions to all the shows. Lol Just witness it first hand. You'd probably start geeking out. Lol

  59. Okay that is one weird family. I hope they don't introduce all these characters in this show. I tried watching Smallville last year. TV has changed so much these last years that it was a bit difficult to watch outdated Smallville. I liked Lex Luther. Lana Lang irritated me. Smallville was a bit cheesy and the word "blur"

  60. Hahaahah yessss they do. Yes that is Spider-man sitting next to Wolverine, and yes he is a member of The Avengers.

  61. Hahaha The Flash Family is awesome! I kinda want them all to race each other. LMAO, that would be so much fun. I found this video for you just may like it, just for fun.

    well i think they're definitely going to bring up Jay Garrick. They really have no other choice there. As for Wally i could definitely see them bringing him in, in later seasons. Like season 6 if it got to that. But they won't introduce Bart. Not unless it was some AU. SMALLVILLE WAS PERFECTION!! It was a bit cheesy, but that's what made it great (sometimes). But you had to have watched from season 1. seriously. And no one liked Lana, and if they did, they're lying. LOL

  62. Christopher DeBono14 May 2014 at 00:25

    Theirs a rumor we might get Jay Garrick in the Flash show. John Wesley Shipp is signed on in a secret role and he previously played a certain speedster.
    Some theorize he's been brought in as a bit of meta casting.

    I also personally think we'll get Wally eventually as Kid Flash. The comics recently reinvented the character as being black. I don't think that's a coincidence.

  63. for more humor

  64. I posted this twice yesterday. Lmao. Thanks though. = )

  65. How can they show Jay Garrick if he is from alternate earth. Can Flash run between different verse of earths too?

  66. I know the guy they have taken to do professor Zoom. Its that Dr. Wes guy from this season of vampire diaries who did experiments on vampires in Elena's college. He was an average character in VD. But may be with right character the actor will do good.

    Barry getting struck by lightning was such a great scene. They did really good. I knew of Flash before but never knew he was this popular until they aired that episode. I think internet broke that day. I don't want to know any more. Once this week is done I am going to binge watch all these animated series. :)

  67. oh god. i thought i was done looking at Wes on my screen. Now i gotta deal with him on Flash too?? First he's on one of my fav shows, not he's going on my favorite DC character shows. Great. (sense the sarcasm).

    They did it just like the comics is was awesome. Yeah Flash is huge, right up there with the other original team. Can't wait for tonight. and i swear if NY gets hit with another Baseball game instead of a CW show, i'm breaking my tv! and nicee. you'll probably meet all of them in ur dreams. lol

  68. only Kryptonite, there is Superman prime 1 Million, who is basically a Superman of Superman. he passes on a small fraction of his power to his descendants to carry on the superman legacy.

  69. I loved it , those two together were awesome and hilarious LOL I really liked the flash he was so funny and when superman told him "I thought you were just a hyperactive jerk" I laughed so much, now I really can't wait for the series.

  70. WHOA when did all these comments get here? it's gonna take me hours to read LOL

  71. Nice, I hope we get to see all these powers.

  72. WOW impressive. He's becoming one of my favorite superheros :)
    yeah I don't about his powers I didn't even know about him until TBBT :D
    You're gonna marathon what? Are there movies?

  73. Can he speed heal?

  74. Wouldn't it be awesome if we can time travel in real life? Sigh.

  75. I was going to ask about that.

  76. hahahahaha I always thought Samlville was boring maybe I will give it a shot and Marathon it during the summer along with JL.

  77. That was awkward and SO VERY FUNNY hahahaha
    "back in a flash, wow. does he say that often?" LOL

  78. Seriously high metabolism is a weakness? Can you sense the anger and slight bitterness?

  79. And here I thought comics are simple stories about good vs evil. Superman of supermans. Lol. The mythology seems endless. I am impressed. I will watch the animated series first and then think about delving more into comic books.

  80. There's cartoons. Animated series. (Not gonna count the flash TV series) The Flash hasn't been in an actual movie yet, sadly.

  81. So glad you enjoyed it. = ) now you have a sense of how he is. And his abilities.

  82. Yes. He has Super healing.

  83. Mmhmm, sure can. Smh

  84. Nah Smallville was awesome. But they kept it reallll comic book, which in some warty were great. Seasons 1-4 would good for me. I want to say half of season 4. I didn't likseasonn 5,6 half of 7. I thithink I blocked out season 8. ButI loved 9 and 10I mean a show ten yrs running, that's a long time. Not every season is gonna be great.

  85. Superboy prime was able to break into the speed force and they estimated his speed at Wally Wests speed, who was faster than Barry at that time, Superman Prime 1 million power level is well above SBP. :) back to DC forums i go for some good old my hero is better than your. LOL

  86. Wow. that's really gay. and Sad. It's a shame you had to go all the way to the "primes" to try to make a point. You can gloat all you want. But Flash is Better than Superman, in my eyes. Or i should say i prefer him over Superman. Like c'mon, dude became a god, b/c he took a sun dip. Really?? even that's too much for a Kryptonian. Idc who he is. That's just dumb. You enjoy your forums, My mind won't ever change. And by the looks of it, a lot of other people like the Flash too.


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