Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon The 100 - Episode 1.09 - Unity Day - Producer's Preview

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The 100 - Episode 1.09 - Unity Day - Producer's Preview

13 May 2014

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  1. disgusting a 30 year old man raping a 17 year old girl

  2. well they went the pretty little liars route didn't they, disgusting he's probably on his late 20's and she' 17

  3. damn it they went the pretty little liars route WHYYYYYY

  4. yeah, it's time they developed other characters more, because this season was about Bellamy and Clarke. (not necessarily together, just as main characters:))

  5. Let's hope they get a full season order, so they can have more different story lines. There is only so much you can squeeze into 13 episodes.

  6. EuphemiaWonderland13 May 2014 at 14:01

    Before the season is over I think Finn and Octavia will join the grounders.

  7. ah, I don't want 22 eps, the filler crap will start. :(

  8. Interesting idea, for Octacia definitely yes, for Finn I am not sure. Who knows if Finn will survive, Jason R. said not everybody might make it....


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