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Supernatural - Episode 9.22 - 'Stairway to Heaven' Review

18 May 2014

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We’re up to the penultimate episode of the season. The blade is no longer just a weapon Dean wields. We’ve seen Dean slowly become the weapon, a development symbolically mirrored by angels acting as suicide bombers, and reminiscent of season 4, when the penultimate episode focused on Sam losing himself to demon blood and becoming a weapon that would kill Lilith, triggering the apocalypse.

In fact, a lot of this season mirrored season 4. I’ve been tossing around a lot of theories in the past few weeks, but in this episode, the outline of the story seemed to become clearer: Metatron, an angel who had once had an important job as God’s scribe, was outsourced and became bitter after God left, the Winchesters changed the Apocalypse plan, and Castiel introduced free will to angels. Metraton says he knows the story’s ending, and that the path the story takes doesn’t matter. This point was reinforced as his comments were replayed in the episode’s “Previouslies.” Metatron is trying to put God’s plan back on track and restart destiny and the Apocalypse. He’s rewriting the Winchester Gospels, and is currently on When the Levee Breaks – except that he’s made some character changes and cast Dean in the role of the brother who loses himself to killing.

Before I get into talking about the episode more, let’s take a step back and look at the parallels of this season to season 4:

- In season 4, Dean felt betrayed by Sam and questioned the brother relationship. He told Bobby, “I'm not even sure if he's still my brother anymore. If he ever was.” In season 9, Sam felt betrayed by Dean and he was the one to question and disavow the brother relationship.

- Sam’s arc, which actually started in season 1, was launched when Jess was killed by YED and he went on a revenge quest. This was partially fueled by a feeling of guilt. Sam had been having psychic visions and had foreseen Jess’s death, but hadn’t warned her of the danger. Dean’s arc was launched when Kevin was killed and he went on a revenge quest. This was fueled by a feeling of guilt because Dean hadn’t warned Kevin that there was an angel present.

- In season 4, Dean asked Sam to stop working with Ruby but Sam went off with Ruby anyway. In season 9, we saw Dean go off with Crowley against Sam’s wishes.

- In season 4, Ruby served as a source who helped Sam access his powers and fed him demon blood. In season 9, Crowley brought Dean to Cain, which gave Dean the opportunity to obtain The First Blade and the Mark of Cain.

- In season 4, Sam and Dean fought, with Sam starting to choke Dean. In season 9, Dean has become more aggressive toward Sam – with many predicting a brother-against-brother fight before the season is out.

Weapon for What?

The $64,000 question seems to be, if Dean is being turned into a weapon for a purpose, what is the ultimate target?  I'm eyeing Gadreel.  That angel comes with a lot of really old backstory that hasn't been properly explored yet.  I would say he's a contender for being a key to major shift.  And like Lilith was to Sam, Gadreel is to Dean, in that he was the original source of Dean's revenge quest.

Crowley's Motivation

Last we heard, Crowley didn't want the apocalypse.  But if my speculation is correct, and that this is all about Metatron trying to restart the apocalypse, then Crowley has been a willing and active participant for a while now.  What could have changed?  Could the threat that Abaddon posed, and Crowley's blood addiction, been incentive enough to make Crowley make a deal with Metatron?

Tessa, the Reaper-Angel

There’s been a lot of debate in the fandom about this one – the blending of what always seemed to be two different species. I’m not going to reopen that debate much, other than to say I’m not pleased with the development of blending the mythologies – the biggest reason being that the there are too many ramification for the implications for death. It’s been established that if reapers can’t find humans, then people can’t die. But humans can hide from angels with proper warding, and apparently reapers too as Cas was able to hide from rogue reapers for a time earlier this season.  But most of this retcon started much earlier – starting with Taxi Driver really – and I’ve moved on. My bigger gripe with Tessa’s appearance in this episode was seeing her corporeal and wearing the face she had adopted back in season 2. For angels to take a physical form they need to possess humans, so if Tessa is an angel and is corporeal now, it follows that she is possessing someone. What are the odds that she would find a doppelganger with the face she assumed seven years ago?

On the other hand, I thought Tessa’s explanation, that she was tortured by the cries of people who couldn’t move on to Heaven, made sense and seemed consistent with what we know of reapers. They have one job – protecting the natural order by managing the dead – and it makes sense that they would be deeply disturbed – pained even – when the balance is disrupted. I also see parallels with Tessa’s suicidal act to Dean’s arc. Tessa was Dean’s reaper, so there’s a symbolism to Deans’ reaper killing herself as Dean loses himself to the blade – and possibly foreshadowing of a more direct connection.

The more interesting question to me around the angels as reapers retcon is “why?” There are canon mistakes, and then there are changes that are so big that they must have been intentional. Are we to believe that reapers have always been angels, but we weren’t made aware of it until now? Or is it a sign that Metatron has been altering reality in small ways to make his story work? Or, were reapers made part of angels’ story to create a doorway for Death to play a pivotal role?

Oh Cas, I Really Don’t Get You Sometimes

Overall, I liked the episode - mostly because it felt like the storyline was finally starting to come together. I can't say I'm excited about the current storyline, but I'm curious enough to keep watching for now.  My biggest criticism with this episode were the continuing uninteresting drama around the angels and the way Cas has been written lately.

This season is giving me a new appreciation of Sera Gamble and her creative choice in season 6 to tell the angel-war storyline off-screen.  I’ve long since given up trying to follow what’s going on with the angel battles, and I lost interest somewhere in the first quarter of the season, but I expect to be able to follow Cas. A few weeks back in Meta Fiction, we saw Metatron spell out his big evil plan – to make Cas the villain – right to Cas’s face. And then we watched Cas turn around and do exactly what Metatron said he wanted Cas to do. I figured Cas must have a counterplan, but it became clear in this episode that that was not the case. Cas walked right into the trap that Metatron had told him about.

I’m also scratching my head over the big moral quantry Cas faced – whether to back Dean or not. It’s not the choice of backing Dean that’s bothering me. It’s that it never even occurred to me that this was a question. Cas has appeared closer to the Winchesters than he has his fellow angels for several seasons now, and it seems like just yesterday Cas was crashing at the bunker, eating popcorn as they were watching movies. Was there an arc where Cas became obsessed with power again, which made this a dilemma for Cas, that I missed? This miniarc about Cas’s big choice was underdeveloped and seemed like wasted screen time in an episode that is too important for building suspense for the finale.

So next week is the season finale. Share your thoughts and speculations in the comments.


  1. Great review. I love your comparisons of this season and season 4. I do have one question though. What makes you so sure that Metatron wants to restart the apocalypse?

  2. Hi Ross, thanks for the comments. It's of course speculation, but I started to think more about who Metatron is and what he's been saying. He's been saying he knows the ending, and since most of his existence has been working as God's scribe, it follows that this comment means that he knows how God's plan ends. The angels clearly believed in seasons 4 & 5 that the Apocalypse was meant to happen and that it was God's plan. And the current events (which I believe were set in motion by Metraton), are closely mirroring the events in season 4 that were to culminate in the apocalyspe. In addition, a lot of this seems to be around getting Sam and Dean to fight to the death (brother against brother) - which again is a reference to the apocalypse.

  3. Good points. I hope you're right. Although I would love for the Angels to never appear again after next week, I would love even more for there to be another high stake season. I could tolerate the Angels if there was another apocalypse on the horizon. I just haven't been invested in the end games of the past few seasons. I would love for that to change. So yeah, I definitely hope you're right haha

  4. I didn't even think about Metatron wanting to restart the Apocalypse until you mentioned it. There have been a lot of similarities and parallels to season four and maybe Metatron does want to restart the Apocalypse, but I think it could be Metatron's form of the Apocalypse instead. More angels, less demons this time around.

    Also, to add to those season four similarities, instead of Dean's sole purpose in killing Abaddon, her role could be similar to season four's Alastair which is just a minor threat whereas Gadreel could easily be season nine's version of Lilith. With Gadreel's death, what could happen? Could it be something ties to Heaven and maybe the Garden itself since he was the Garden's guardian/protector? Maybe that's why he was locked up in a prison in Heaven and not killed?

  5. Jarad, Jensen and Misha have all been trying hard to sell the season finale this past week. Tons of video interviews have been release. They claim that the finale is a huger shocker as well as included a brother to brother tear-jerker moment.

    They also saya it completely shakes the show up leading it into entirely new territory. They said a new direction that could keep the show fresh for a few more seasons.

    I'm trying not to get to excited about the possibilities. Anyways the videos are on Youtube and elsewhere for those curious as to what they all said.

  6. You're right in that Metatron's ending could be different in what Zachariah envisioned. If Gadreel let evil into the garden, maybe killing him gets rid of evil and in the process gets rid of people? We should find out more in a couple of days.

    On the angel reaper debate, while the mythology of a lot of creatures changed slightly from season 1 to later seasons, when Sam and Dean had conversations about a lot of these bigger players (like the angel of death) in season one, they were just talking about lore. They not only had never met angels, they didn't even know they were real. And their understanding of the character Death came much later when Dean had a couple of one-on-one conversations with him. So I don't take them referring to the Angel of Death in season one to mean anything since it was just lore at that point.

    Since then, the mythology of both reapers and angels have become much more defined. We know if most people see the true form of an angel, their eyes burn out of their sockets. As a result, angels wear human vessels while on Earth. In Death Takes a Holiday, demons were killing the reapers in a town, and because reapers couldn't do their job, people couldn't die. Sam and Dean know how to apply angel warding. When Sam was near death, why didn't Dean just keep him at the bunker and apply angel warding so that reapers couldn't kill him? In fact, Sam and Dean know enough about avoiding angels that they could become immortal, if reapers are, in fact, angels.

    There are too many problems with this. Personally, I'd like to see an explanation before this is over that Metatron messed with this mythology in creating his reality, and I'd like to see Death make an appearance to set all of this right again.

  7. Thanks for the info!

  8. I just really like your idea of perhaps Metatron trying to start his own Apocalypse. Could be very interesting indeed.

    But to also your comments about the warding. It wasn't until late season four that Sam and Dean knew how to ward off angels, or even reapers because Bobby finally put that to use in "Death's Door".

  9. What I'm saying is that in Death Takes a Holiday, people got fatally stabbed (or was it shot? I'm fuzzy on that detail.) and then stood right up again and healed because reapers couldn't reach them. There's no need for Sam or Dean to ever worry about dying now since they know how to ward off angels. They're immortal.

    Bobby wasn't able to avoid death. His dodging the reapers was about avoiding being brought to heaven (or hell) and staying behind as a ghost, rather than avoiding death.

  10. If Sam and Dean decided to either ward every single reaper they could find, or kill them, then sure, they could be immortal…but what kind of storytelling is that? Lol.

  11. It wouldn't be good storytelling, but it's possible under the conditions they've created. Bobby gets shot - just get him to the bunker with angel warding until he heals. Sam's organs are failing - just keep him in the bunker within warding until he's healed. Cas was able to dodge reapers for a little while until April accidentally stumbled upon him.

    This is a very good reason why reapers and Death - who are the final word on life and death - shouldn't be mixed up angel/demon fights but instead should be a neutral, indifferent party who answer only to the natural order.

  12. Michelle Gonzalez Garcia18 May 2014 at 21:08

    I hope they don't kill Gadriel but it let open ending for season 10

  13. This is a very good reason why reapers and Death - who are the final word on life and death - shouldn't be mixed up angel/demon fights but instead should be a neutral, indifferent party who answer only to the natural order.

    Agreed :-)

  14. Also,to add to those season four similarities, instead of Dean's sole purpose in killing Abaddon, her role could be similar to season four's Alastair which is just a minor threat whereas Gadreel could easily be season nine's version of Lilith. With Gadreel's death, what could happen? Could it be something tied to Heaven and maybe the Garden itself since he was the Garden's guardian/protector? Maybe that's why he was locked up in a prison in Heaven and
    not killed?

    This part of your post popped out. Chris brought up an interesting speculation and you expounded on it very, very well. I never even considered that Gadreel could be ‘playing’ a role–likely unknowingly, unlike Ruby and Lilith who were fully aware of Lucifer’s plan – of part of a different boss’s (maybe even not Metatron’s) BIGGER PLAN. If Gadreel dies (Dean wounded him in 9.22 but he seems to get away) at Dean’s hands in Finale “something” worse might be released or another plan might be set in motion, like you said connected to Gadreel’s job. Gadreel insisted that it wasn’t his ‘doing’ that let ‘Evil into the Garden’ but he never said ‘who’s doing’ if he knew who was to blame.

    I originally suspected Metatron, jealous of the important post that God gave one of his favorite’s Gadreel. I suppose that’s still a possibility but what if another ‘bad’ angel’ (not Lucifer) opened the ‘Garden Gate’, and ensured Gadreel was locked up to act ‘like a seal’; if killed something would happen. (This also fits Metatron’s letting ‘Evil In’ and pulling long Con, including releasing and inviting a clueless Gadreel to be his second in command as Lilith was ‘Lucifer’s First’) Metatron at fault or not, this would also fit both J2 excitement over the last moments of finale better – Dean may not only be transformed but ‘the landscape’ could change.

    Most of us are already expecting a version of 'Demon Dean' at finale’s end but that may not be the only change – what happens ‘next’ may be the bigger twist.

  15. Would indeed be plausible, but as you also mentioned, wouldn't be good storytelling at all. Would make everything so lackluster.

  16. I agree! I interpreted the whole Naomi/Castiel thing as Naomi brainwashing Castiel through various means. In the end I think Castiel was so 'confused' and overloaded that he almost killed Dean just as he killed previous angels for Naomi as a result of everything he was put through.

  17. Here is who I want to see appear at the end of the season finale to stop Dean from killing Metatron, take the mark of Cain from Dean and stop the war:

    Let him hold his hand out so gently, let everyone stand frozen in place while god reaches out and heals Dean, freeing him from the burden of the mark of Cain and ending the fight once in for all.

  18. Thanks for sharing. That's an interesting theory. Personally I feel like we've moved so far past Naomi, I never would have thought of that. I was thinking after I wrote this article that it could have just been intended as another call back to When the Levee Breaks. That episode also saw Cas torn between his angel programming and helping Dean stop Sam, and he broke with the angels to help Dean. If that was intended though, the problem is that almost no one got the reference, and in the current context Cas's story doesn't make a lot of sense.

  19. god definitely needs to make an appearance. I get he didn't want to partake in stopping the apocalypse but to let all the angels fall and have metatron do what hes doing...idk it just doesn't sit with me that hes just wandering around earth with all this chaos even worse then the Apocalypse (per se) not doing anything....still.

  20. That's if Chuck returns as God.

    Robert Singer has recently suggest that their version could be a she if God ever showed up and Chuck would have ended up as just a prophet.

  21. While Chuck was never confirmed completely in the show as god, I still feel it would be completely stupid to not use Chuck as god at this point unless they had a damn good reason for doing do. It would just feel like another tired out retcon to me. Changing things just because they can.

    Hey maybe they will retcon Tessa yet again and this time say she was god all this time and needed to test the Winchesters.

    Just keep Chuck as god. This doesn't need to be changed and nobody wants that.

  22. Deus ex Machina much.

  23. Well, in a way, I don't see why they wouldn't make the change as Chuck also personified Eric Kripke, who's now gone. Chuck being the personification of Kripke worked great with Chuck being the one who wrote the Winchester Gospels, but the series hasn't felt the same since season five.

  24. That would be a ridiculous way to end the season. The trope is despised for a very good reason - unless, god is presented as the next villain for season 10.

  25. "and they are still angels of death,"

    I doubt that was meant literally. Especially given the fact that both the Winchesters maintained in season 4 that they'd never seen an angel before and Castiel said that Angels haven't been active participants for thousands of years. If reapers are angels then then that bit goes down the drain.

  26. If what Castiel said was true, then Cupids haven't been around for 2,000 years and that's a straight up lie.

  27. Except, cupids can do their work without showing themselves to humans. But reapers have been seen a lot of times.

  28. Those events are likely to be the ones that Cas did not know about. Knowledge about cupid's work was related to the plans for apocalypse which were kept top secret. And ofcourse he wouldn't know about Mike & Uri's little foray. So, no, he did not HAVE to know anything. All it does is indicate that Cas was mistaken in his statement.

    But if reapers are angels then he is a liar.

  29. "Those events are likely to be the ones that Cas did not know about."

    If you want to believe this, then agree to disagree.

    "But if reapers are angels then he is a liar."

    He is when bringing up my other examples.

  30. I dont want god to come in and "snap his fingers" and "everything is fixed" but i feel its been long over due for him to make an appearance/reappearance in one way or another.
    Even if its a quick stop by just to say fuck everything:angels,demons, humans and he offs himself hahaa

  31. "If you want to believe this, then agree to disagree."

    I'm just giving a plausible explanation. But if you want to consider the cupid and time-traveling as retcon, you're welcome to do so. But that wouldn't change the fact that reapers were retconned as well.

  32. I'd be fine if he is the last season's villain.

  33. I do view them as a continuity problem, unlike the reapers = angels dilemma.

  34. And you are wrong because you can't see the what a huge retcon the reapers = angels stuff is.

  35. @chris684 , @ AnnoDomii Last we heard, Crowley
    didn't want the apocalypse…..

    Great review! This paragraph made me recall Crowley was anti-Apocalypse until his ‘halves-ees ‘on the Purgatory Souls deal' with Castiel went south so he partnered with Raphael who also wanted to restart the Apocalypse … as Crowley put it “Hey, I was just grabbing the best deal on the table’. I can speculate that Metatron (behind the scenes) also making a similar deal with Crowley – they ‘will share’the world after KoH!Dean and a rebuilt KoH army cuts a wide swath thru it. (This obviously pre-supposes Metatron was responsible for letting Evil Into the Garden.)

    End result could be a different version of the Apocalypse with only one side fighting against humanity – KoH!Dean and his core of KoHs and a demon army army. Maybe Metatron's crew will even help if Metatron assures them of a straight ticket 'home' if they help cleanse the earth of the 'naked apes'.

    I could see this spec as The Ending that Metatron and Crowley both want if they are working together much like the 'senior management angels' and demons colluded to bring the Apocalypse in S4, but backing different horses.

    I still think Gadreel is important but I’m no longer convinced he dies in the episode. I looked at the promo pics again (and again) and I speculate something like this: The episodes begins with wounded Gadreel and Sam and Cas attempting to subdue Dean and lock him up (temporarily because I think Dean summons Crowley) . Gadreel manages to get outside the Bunker, and falls to severely wounded to 'lifeless' on the ground and that’s where Sam and Cas find him. Cas very likely heals him because in one picture in the same venue he’s standing up (it could also be Metatron as he’s wearing similar apparel in one series of pictures but I think Gadreel it's in this particular photo. Cas potentially healing Gadreel might be one of the ‘miracles’ the title refers to.

    I don’t know what happens to Gadreel after that – Dean may kill him after all or he might live to see S10.

    The promos show Dean trying to take on Metatron by himself and failing, at least for now. I think Metatron lives to see S10 and both Jared and Misha’s recent interviews impliedthat Curtis would be in S10.

    The TVGuide/TVline interviews say Cas and Sam try to stop Dean together and also that Crowley is important in the ‘last act’ but no direct mention of Metatron. Whatever Cas and Sam do to try to ‘stop Dean’ fails (common spec), Dean and Sam have abroment (common spec) and Dean shivs himself with somehow, maybe even with the FirstBlade (Your 'Tessa' foreshadow' -not so common), dies and shockingly revives as a KoH because he had to die first so the Blade could trigger the full change.

    Crowley could be present in the final scene to welcome the new KOH!Dean along with unknown others and a ‘changed landsape’ whatever that means this season finale - this description has been used for several season finales/early 'next season' summaries. There's also unsubstantiated rumors that Gabriel will be in the finale and I have no idea where Gabe fits in.

  36. I'm glad I'm not wrong.

  37. You know, Crowley has seemed fined to work alongside angels that doesn't mean the extermination of demons, so as long as some kind of deal is set, I would not be surprised if Crowley and Metatron makes some deal together. Crowley is opportunistic and takes, as you said, the best deal on the table, but he also looks out for keeping demons alive(who obviously only follow him as the king).

  38. I like Chris's spec that Crowley and Metatron may be working together on the sly. Crowley also told the Winchesters in S5 that very likely 'demon-kind' was next after Lucifer finished off humanity and Crowley has always been about survival, first himself and then his demon follower. I

    It's a logical move for both humanity- hating Metatron and a high majority of the disdainful angels and Crowley's probable interest in an earth overrun by demons goes all the way back to S3's Sin City with demonCasey telling Dean that most of demonkind 'would rather be here' rather than in 'the pit of despair'. A similar sentiment was echoed in this episode by angelTyrus - Heaven is boring and the sensations on earth are wonderful.

    That doesn't necessarily mean Metatron and Crowley have such an alliance unless the key "parts" (as in "As long as everybody plays their parts" which is a precise echo of Zachariah telling Dean in the S4 finale that Sam had a very important 'part' to play' and Zach would make sure he played it') are played by Gadreel and Dean and that's at the core of their alliance, Dean becoming a new KoH.

    But if this Met/Crowley alliance is correct, Crowley's making sure Dean plays his part, and Metatron is making sure Gadreel is playing his part; Metatron was having Gadreel followed and protected- where were Gad's protectors at the end of 9.22 when Dean came at him with the FB?

    Yes, I'm not a fan of Gabe showing up either even as bit player for Team Metatron or TeamCas and Sam to either help contain or 'use' MoCDean - that would too many characters with 'superpowers'.

  39. The whole "Dean/Gadreel playing their parts" could also indicate something chris mentioned and I brought up as well in that Dean is meant to kill Gadreel in the end, which goes hand in hand with whatever, it's it indeed accurate, kind of plan Crowley and Metatron has in store.

    Also, to back up the idea that demons prefer upperground, Crowley, I believe, also insinuated that idea in season six in "Weekend at Bobby's".

  40. I think this speculated Crowley/Metatron alliance theory is very solid. with Gadreel's death at Dean's hands being something like the 'last seal' before Dean's full transformation is started. Dean may have to 'die' and be reborn as a KOH first; something neither brother realizes. Dean asks Sam to kill him/Dean shoves the First Blade in himself leads to not to Dean's final death but may release Demon Dean, KoH, just as Sam killing Lilith to 'keep Lucifer in his Cage' freed Lucifer instead.

    What bothers me are the promo pictures. Gadreel seems alive in one of the photos and Dean would have to kill him later in episode for the 'seal' allegory to work unless just wounding him was enough to get the conversion process started. (Or just possibly Gadreel did die from his wounds and Cas resurrected him somehow - I don't recall a dead angel ever being resurrected before - except by SPNGod; Gabriel could have 'resurrected' by being included in Metatron's script. )

  41. In fact, I think once Sam and Dean realizes what Dean has done with killing Gadreel, Dean asks Sam to kill him, and use the First Blade(into thinking that it may work on Dean since he has the Mark of Cain anyways), which would fit into Jensen's statement of saying Jared was literally crying in their last scene. Sam kills Dean, but that only continues in Dean's transformation into being a Knight of Hell whereas Gadreel's death opens up what'll happen in season ten.

    And I think the promo pictures are accurate with what I think may happen. Gadreel's actual death, imo, could happen in the very end of the episode, this time no one will be able to bring him back to life as I think Castiel will do it in the beginning of the season finale, but he won't be able to as Theo's grace will be gone.

  42. This is consistent from what I recall from First Born; as part of their deal to keep Lucifer's claws off his little brother, Lucifer demanded that Cain kill Abel by his own hand, then Cain went to Hell and emerged Lucifer's First KoH. In this case, Gadreel would be a stand-in for Abel (Gadreel insisted he was innocent of the charges he was imprisoned for and for we know Abel might've said 'Go Away, Satan... not interested' and Cain came to the wrong conclusion) and Dean 'needs' to kill him, of course Dean doesn't know what happens next. Dean also needs to die to complete the transformation You're likely right after Gadreel being set upon again by Dean near the ending.

  43. You've been proven wrong.

  44. This mini conversation is making me more excited for the finale!

  45. I'll let you know when I have.

  46. I already let you know that you have.

  47. Me, too, thanks for this chat. And it wouldn't be the first I've been totally wrong but I think theorizing is fun and chris and Lisa always bring up such great jumping off points in their reviews!

  48. I'm most certain that you're not.

    Don't worry guy, I'll let you know when you are.

  49. Wasn't shocked that Dean would turn into a Knight of Hell as that was pretty much predictable by all accounts, but I am surprised that this theory did not happen. Gadreel redeems himself and dies to help Cas, Metatron is alive….it honestly didn't have that "game changing" feel that Jared, Jensen and Misha kept talking about. I don't know if I'm disappointed in the episode or just disappointed that I made myself expect more.

  50. Prove it that you're right.

  51. Yep. I'm not so shocked that the very sound theory didn't pan out - a lot of times fans posit speculations that are better than what actually happens - is that I fully agree that the finale did not meet my expectations either given the way the actors were talking it up.

    As you said I don't know many online fans who were not expecting demon Dean by the finale ... the shocking twist would be Sam saving Dean (somehow) from not going demon. But once the show started taking Dean down this path they had to let that bomb go off.

    I expected more 'whiz bang' stuff in the final moments in addition to Dean quietly being revived by Crowley as a demon

    It WAS a good scene and humanized Crowley looked sincerely regretful of Dean's death - but I expected the final moments to far more dramatic - like Crowley taking Dean's body to Hell, reviving him with the Blade and Demon/KOH Dean 'waking up' surrounded by King of Hell Crowley and some followers who would bow down to the new Knight - or any equivalent scene to the stunningly beautiful and totally (to me) surprising 'Angel Fall' in the S8 finale.

  52. Already have.

  53. Even more than that, I think the moment Dean started to cough up blood, it felt like "Oh yes, we're going there" kind of statement.

    Also, that scene would have been AMAZING. Sam all alone in the bunker while Dean is now in Hell surrounded by demons…that would've destroyed last season's finale with The Fall. But that bit from Crowley, I didn't quite understand it. Was Crowley sympathetic over Dean become a demon, or was he genuinely happy because of him talking about how miracles do come true with the Mark turning Dean into something more as well just as it did with Cain.

  54. Again, prove it that you're right.

  55. Once is quite enough - why would I do it again?

  56. Your failure to actually HAVE proof is your problem.

    But, I said I was done, so if you want to be the cliched internet troll as you've actually PROVEN yourself to be, you can reply to this if you want, I know you wanna, troll.

  57. The finale scene could have been more amazing as well as "WTF are we gonna do now?" if Carver had trimmed about 15 seconds off one of the mind-numbing, long Metatron scenes talking about his 'story' and adding after the Crowley placing the Blade tenderly and hopefully in dead Dean's hand (same great background Clapton song ... only shortened, because cut to 1) Sam looking around for Crowley to a tension-filled score - where is he? I summoned the SOB. Switch scene to 2) Crowley and new KOH Demon Dean, surrounded by an army of his followers - neither have to say a word, just hears screams of the damned in the background. Fade to "Blood Red" instead of black (or once, S4 finale, white) would be a good twist.

    In an episode filled with parallel scenes this would be similar ending to the S7 finale but Sam could get a 'do over' - he would get to do his darnedest to 'save Dean' this time - and 'Dean' could get a storyline to rival or exceed his Purgatory storyline.

    The potential problem with both characters storylines is the show has never had the boys physically separated for more than one episode even when their tensions were highest and 'bro fans' won't necessarily like the boys being separated for who knows how much of S10 and 'Dark Dean' fans will feel cheated if the bros get back together in 10.01 and their dual stories told in flashbacks (unlikely as both Jared and Misha have said that 10.01 supposedly picks up where 9.23 left off, i.e, no time jump.)

    Regarding Crowley and I don't know quite how to interpret Crowley's final scene and words with 'dead Dean' even though I watched the scene several times. (It was a very good scene - Carver obviously didn't want any whiz bang stuff).

    I think nearly curing Crowley in S8 and Crowley repeated re-dosing himself with human blood and left him perhaps a permanently 'humanized demon' even if he's successfully kicked his habit. He seems to have lost interest in resuming the duties and responsibilities of his 'regained crown'. He quite obviously tried to be friends with Moose (but Sam wasn't having any of it) and he definitely has latched onto Squirrel (Dean) before even taking him to see Cain. Crowley seems to want Dean as both a "son" (he sees a chance to do better with Dean than with Gavin) and a bestie 'to howl at the moon together', and be free of responsibilities.

    The question is back to 'what does a demon do for fun?" At S9 Finale's end I couldn't see any sign that Crowley intends to control newborn DemonDean, more that he was just grateful that a 'miracle came true' and Dean could brought back to Crowley's kind of life, a Demon Life - it's a close as a demon (post Ben Edlund's S3 revelation that all demons were human) could come to having a true 'child'.

  58. I would definitely hope for more explanation of Crowley's opinion of Dean become a demon now, and I sort of expect it, but I also don't think Crowley will be trying to order Demon!Dean around. If anything, he will show Dean the "ropes" of being a demon while on the other side of things, Sam and Cas will be trying to fix this, but there's no promise that curing a demon could work on Dean simply because A.) Dean may have become a Knight of Hell while the spell seems to only work on regular demons and B.) Dean is also not possessed and the spell worked for demons that were possessing people.

    I actually find myself wondering if Lucifer or Michael will have to be used this season, to at least fight Demon!Dean if curing isn't an option.

    This season finale definitely felt like a "re-do" for Sam in the way how the S7 finale ended and what Sam ended up doing, but I also think this is a natural step for Dean as well. The first seven seasons were very Sam-heavy in his own trials with demons like Azazel and Lilith, opening Lucifer's cage, becoming addicted to blood and then dealing with some kind of essence left from Lucifer within his subconscious while we have slowly been seeing Dean becoming a "monster" since Gamble's run, even telling his truth in "You Can't Handle The Truth" where he mentioned that some other life will never work and that he's a killer. Then he gets locked up in Purgatory where he felt pure and now…he has become a killer that may not have any residue feelings over killing at all because he's technically not a human any more. It will be interesting to see how this all ends with Dean as I always felt that Sera Gamble tried to move the focus on Dean's progression now while Sam slowly started to become "whole" again and Jeremy Carver seems to be doing the same thing as well, even, for the most part, "redeeming" Sam during the Hell Trials of S8. The question is, besides how Dean will be cured, is how the character will be redeemed because in the last season, I think we're going to get to a point where both Sam and Dean are "new" in a way and have been redeemed in their own way.

  59. I agree with most all of your post - the sole exception is I don't see Lucy&Mike out of the Cage any time soon.

    Now (as of the season finale Crowley/'deadDean really 'tender' scene) I. too, definitely don't see Crowley ordering Demon Dean around (or controlling Dean as Magnus did), particularly with Sheppard being upped to regular status (Yay! Love Crowley.) I think Crowley respects Dean far too much to ever just use him as a mindless weapon that was Magnus's intent. I see their relationship as initial more Mentor/Trainee evolving to full partnership. Whether Crowley will return to Hell with DD immediately - I'm thinking not - and the two will a spat of 'Ferris Buehler Day's Off' first.

    I also agree that curing Dean will not be as simple as trying to cure Knight Abaddon or even King of Hell Crowley because of the MOC - I speculate DD needs Cain to take back the Mark first before DD can be cured as a normal demon. The upside is Dean is a demon within his body not a host's so that avoids the ethical dilemma of curing a demon within a possibly still living host body. I read that Tim Omundson has possibly confirmed that Cain will appear again in S10.

    You're right and great, spot-on observation - the show's been taking Dean down a gradual, dark path for years. Possibly even starting with S4 and Dean's knowledge that he tortured soul's - and liked it- and he never felt truly clean after that even after confessing to Sam in S4.

    Because (I guess intentionally ) the show adopted the attitude that what Dean "did''in Hell didn't 'really, really' need to be 'redeemed' - and Sam readily forgave him for doing what he needed to do to survive - he continued to feel like all he was 'really, really' good at is killing and destroying everything he touches.

    This theme has brought up multiple times on the show and pounded hard in S9. Like you said, Purgatory gave him endless opportunities to kill for survival without any moral consequences. The ampped up Purgatory freedom of action has to hard to just shake off. The show's been leading to full bore killer Dean for a while now and I have no doubt that the show will give Dean a full redemption arc now that was just lightly touched on in S4.

    Dean's feeling like an 'irredeemable killer' is no more rational a perception than Sam feeling like he's ALWAYS
    worthless brother when the reality is he's come through for Dean many,
    many times. The reality is that Dean has saved many, many live. Both
    brothers need serious therapy ;) !

  60. When using either Michael or Lucifer(and I think it would just be Michael…imo, I want Lucifer to stay in his cage simply because we're past all of that), but to only fight Demon!Dean if it's a choice. Now, I'm sure there could be other ways to try to and stop Dean without going to those extremes(I recently thought of the idea that the old amulet, if found, could 'purify' Dean since it is a God-finding relic and could hold more secrets), but I'm only bringing up Michael and Lucifer's name only for Dean's arc, lol. Besides, IF Metatron were to create his own Apocalypse, I wouldn't want those two archangels to be used either.

    I don't dean Demon!Dean can be cured either from that one spell, simply because it is a Knight of Hell. It didn't work for Abaddon, and only worked on lower level demons like Crowley(no matter how much Crowley would like to think of himself as a BA, lol). It's going to take A LOT to cure Dean, and I'm also on the fence of Cain even wanting to take the Mark back. He may come back, ready to die, and I'd hate to see him having to take the Mark back(but if he does, I could see him becoming a baddie for the series).

    And I feel that, with this very natural progression with Dean becoming a demon, I think it's safe to say that SPN had to come down this road and just do it. The series, during Kripke's run and Gamble's run, really focused on Sam while slightly showing their hand when it came to Dean's arc and even in S8 where Sam went through some sort of redemption arc with trying to redeem himself with the Hell Trials, the first seven seasons, I felt, did enough to get to a point of Sam redeeming himself. It didn't have to be acknowledged that Sam was over the demon blood addiction because what he did with that addiction made sure he could stop Lucifer and then finally have to deal with the after effects and now it's on Dean to redeem himself before the series gets to its final season(which, imo, I think will be 11).

    Fully agree about the Crowley/Demon!Dean storyline moving forward. Sam and Castiel will end up providing the S4 Dean/Cas duo and Demon!Dean/Crowley will provide the S4 Sam/Ruby duo, but I think they will be much more expanded than what we did see in S4. Surely, great things are going to come out of this season finale.


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