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POLL : What did you think of Star-Crossed - Passion Lends Them Powers?

13 May 2014

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  1. wow what a amazing so pissed they cancelled it :(

  2. Now season 2 would be AMAZING!!! What a cliffhanger... the war would start!! Sad to see the show gone. I would be happy with a summer season or just more 13 episodes.

  3. Wow amazing episode piss they cancel this show they could have made this show a summer show 13 episodes each season

  4. there should have been a 2nd season thats all im sayin'

  5. Now I'm sad. I wasn't in the beginning but I am now. It is always the way with a cancelled show, cliffhanger central! God! But that cliffhanger, my lord! I wish there was a second two now :(

  6. Seems like a cliff hanger^, seems like I shouldn't watch the whole season, and let myself feel sad and mad.

  7. Once again the Baseball game is on, so I'll watch it later. At least this time my team is playing and they're winning.

  8. Darn, things got more interesting with that cliffhanger. I wonder if it would have gotten more viewers if it was marketed differently (not the whole star crossed lovers thing)?

    Hopefully the writers can explain what would have happened.

  9. I don't think I'm gonna watch if it ended oh a huge cliffhanger :( I hate it when this happens it's one thing when a show you like ends but to end it on a huge cliffhanger :@

  10. The CW is going to have to drop the heavy romance angle of EVERYTHING basically if they want to survive as a network. They are making slow progress and getting more sci-fi shows that don't revolve around a relationship but they still play up the romances in the advertising even when it's not that big a deal in the actual show. Their new batch of shows seems very promising, hopefully they have hired a new marketing department...

  11. great episode, but DAMN at the way they left things. Cut me a lot more than TTP's finale because of everything they left up in the air.

  12. It was going to be a very nice plot for the second season, but well... that's how things are... :(

  13. aah stupid cliffhanger! it sucks that we'll never get to know what happens next :(

  14. Nice episode, huge cliffhanger.

  15. Jamie Coudeville13 May 2014 at 12:01

    They should have know better than to end their first season finale on a cliffhanger this big. Never smart if you're show's in danger of cancellation.

  16. Great set-up for a following season. Man I really wish the CW had renewed this show!

  17. From the start they handled it wrong. It should have been focused on the Atrians trying to assimilate with the humans.


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