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POLL : What did you think of Orphan Black - Mingling Its Own Nature With It?

4 May 2014

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  1. Justin Valdes4 May 2014 at 03:29

    Awesome episode!

    Awww, I like Cal and Sarah together! And I knew he was Kira's father! Hopefully with Sarah being taken away by Daniel, they can get to know each other better.

    I knew something was going to happen to Alison during the musical considering all the drinking and popping pills she's been doing. Ouch!

    Ugh, I do not like this rift that is going on between Felix and Sarah but I understand why he left. He's always been in the dark.

    My poor poor Cosima watching the video tapes of Jennifer and doing an autopsy on her body :( I really hope she gets cured soon. She's getting worse as the days pass by.

    Also, what the hell was that with Henrik and Helena at the end? Are they married?!

    And go Sarah! I hope Daniel died from that car crash.

    LOL at Angie saying "that Shakira-haired lookalike" to Art about Helena.

  2. Wow that was really intense!
    My guess is that Ms. S hit the car Sarah was in.

    And my oh my, I thought Cosima was going to pas out. She was basically doing an autopsy on herself!

  3. Excellent episode. Really pleased we got some answers as to who Kira's father is. There's no doubt that she's in good hands now that Sarah is missing

    This religious outfit gets more screwed up each episode! Who knows what they have in store for Helena

    Interesting to see Art and Angie break off and do their own thing

    Now that Felix has moved away, his storyline will now begin as hinted to by the creative team a couple of times before the season premiere

    I still think Kira has some form of superpowers, whether it be a real high IQ or awesome hearing. We know very little about what she truly is, and that's what I'm picking as a cliffhanger for the season finale.

    And finally, great to see a new clone, even though she was dead. This will no doubt lift Cosmia's willpower to cure herself and the other clones.

  4. DAMN, this series just keeps getting better and better each episode........................who isn't watching ORPHAN BLACK? Why aren't you? Your really missing great Saturday night television (No Spoilers)! 4 THE ORPHAN CLONE CLUB, I will remain Nobody!!!

  5. What a sad episode this was, I felt bad for everyone.

    x Alison finally losing it :(

    x Felix feeling useless and rejected :(

    x Oh god Helena, shit she needs to get her strength back so she can kick their asses. Rapist religious nuts.

    x Sarah talking to Kira about not having parents :(

    x Poor Jennifer we barely knew you :(

    So yeah a lot of sadness this week. On the bright side Cal is a much better fit as a love interest than Paul, I really like Angela trying to befriend Alison and that ending was super cool.

  6. This show is so much addictive ...

  7. I'm watching! lol Completely Hooked & I didn't watch the 1st season till a week before season 2!
    Have even gotten a few people hooked too!

    * Cal & Daario..... I saw that too! But is it wrong that I like Cal much better than Daario? ; )
    * Kira is something Special.... just How special is anyones guess.
    * Poor poor Felix, he's feeling so displaced.... which leads into "Allison needs me."
    * Angie's "Shakira hair" comment!
    * Helena's creeeeeeepy religious captors - this can't be good
    * Allison's guilt is getting out of control- not to mention her pill poppin'
    * Cosima's "self autopsy" was sad and just wrong
    * Sarah leaving w David & the wreck.......which she def saw coming!

    This show is such a great ride!

  8. Welcome, newest member to the "Orphan Clone Club"! Super addictive, thought provoking, and oh so entertaining (Felix and Alison are reason enough to watch this series)! Tatiana Maslany should win a "Golden Globe" this year for outstanding performance(s) IMO. Glad you found/joined the "Clone Experience"! 4 EVER, Nobody!!!

  9. : )
    Thanks for the Welcome Party!
    I am a happily addicted CCMember Now!

  10. So much to say. Orphan Black is IMHO the best show on TV. This episode was totally emblematic of this.

    The attention to detail in production and the nuances of the cast and crew helps make this show real and one that we as viewers can immerse ourselves in.

    It's tough seeing them on their different journeys but I hope that they realize they work better together than by trying to do everything on their own.

    Poor Alison...with all those visual reminders of Aynsley (the sign on the garment rack, the costar wearing Aynsley's shirt) just helped pushed her off the edge, figuratively and literally. :(

    Even though she was drugged and forced into a marriage, Helena is totally aware she's in deep trouble if her tear is any indication. I hope she gets out of there sooner rather than later.

    Cosima...what a doll. And what a horrible situation for her, facing her mortality on such a tangible level. I wish she and Alison would talk to each other.

    As for Sarah...she continues to impress and amaze with her ability to get out of tight squeezes. And she's proven to be loyal and capable of doing whatever she needs to to keep her loved ones safe.

    I can't wait until Saturday!

  11. I am very confused after this episode...
    1 - Is Henrik going to try to impregnate Helena? Raping in the name of god?! I'm not sure if that's what they meant because they didn't declare it clearly. If I got it right, then why are they doing it? what are they expecting the baby to be and what they want to do with him?
    2 - How did Daniel found the birdwatchers & Cal's place? He didn't have any lead to his investigation therefore I really don't get how he found so much.
    3 - How did Art found the Proletheans? How did he get the photo of the access road to their kibbutz?
    Still, it was a very well-written and perfectly-portrayed one, another awesome episode to the Orphan Black Pantheon :)


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