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POLL : What did you think of Game of Thrones - First of His Name?

5 May 2014

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  1. Debsterforever5 May 2014 at 03:00

    After Joffrey's death there's nothing which is more boring than GoT without Tyrion.

  2. I'm impressed with how much the show is fleshing out Cersei this season. Great scenes between her and Margaery, Tywin, and Oberyn.

  3. Wow way to be negative dude.

  4. This season is just freaking amazing all around and this was an excellent episode as well. Loved the stuff with Bran, Karl's death was probably my favorite on GoT behind Joffrey, Cersei was a stupid whore like always but I loved her of course, we got some Oberyn!! and I hope Tommen will be a better king than Joffrey until Dany decides to come to slaughter them all.

  5. Except for the show is never and never will be about the story of one or two people,. It is the saga of Ice and Fire,.. The story of the entire realm.

    If you watch for one or two people you choose to ignore what the series is about. Everyone plays their part in the saga and ofttimes a very small man can cast a very large shadow!

  6. Tyrion is great but if you didn't enjoy all the other excellent stories happening in the episode maybe you're watching for the wrong reasons, because over half the characters that the show focuses on now will likely be dead when the show enters its final season. And the point? Well this is a saga and so far most characters we've focused on drive the story or other characters even after they're long dead sometimes. Just because we don't know the outcome or intended outcomes of any of the characters doesn't mean they won't matter in some way.

  7. Wow there was a lot going on in this episode!

    - I loved Cersei stepping in to block Tommen's view of Maegery! XD
    Maybe she should call her "Mom" after all? XD
    - We had a Varys sighting!
    - Poor Sansa stuck with Petyr. Oh Maybe it won;t be that bad he aunt knows her and still cares..... Nope, Poor Sansa now has to live with cray jealous psycho Aunttie! XD
    - Almost done. Only one more name left... The Hound! XD
    - Pod may be the most inept squire ever! And yet.... I'd go on a quest with him anyway!
    - the Sand Snakes got mentioned! All 8 of them and Elia got a personal shout out!
    - I'm glad that they did not have Bran and Jon meet. It was not too dissimilar to Queenscrown in the books really. They even added the full on Hodor-warging moment.
    - I wonder if they will still use the "sword as a tongue" detail later at a certain Inn with a certain lady..

    This was mostly an episode about character development and story progression and I loved every second of it for that very reason! This is where Game of Thrones excels in my mind!

    Another great episode!

  8. Exactly.
    In this season there is a real culling of the herd.... Half a dozen or so more characters we have focused on in the past could be dead by season's end.

    The story is much bigger than any one role.

  9. start_wearing_purple5 May 2014 at 04:15

    Poor Sansa, frying pan to fire.

  10. Yeah. That secret what my biggest WTF moment when reading the book. The implications of that....It changes how everyone sees the Lannisters in the first season. To learn everything was part of LF's plan...awesome :)

  11. DiabetesMan885 May 2014 at 06:10

    Let's see....stay with the cruel and evil Lannisters (minus Tyrion) or stay with your crazy aunt. Tough choices.

  12. I loved Danny's decition to protect the work she's being doing and also because eventually I want her to win and if she won now the show would be over.
    I also loved Margaery and the fact that it looks like she'll be arround for a while.
    I miss Tyrion though it was funny to see Pod and Brienne interact.
    Littlefinger and Lysa were kind of disgusting but I did love to see how Baelish has been pulling strings from day one.

  13. I love Oberyn. I know he hates Lannisters but if he's sincere about not hurting Mrycella and I have no reason to believe that he'd lie at this point, he's already a better person then 99.9% of Kings Landing after what they did to Sansa and/or stood by and watched what happened to Sansa.

    Speaking of Sansa, I like that they made Petyr pose as her uncle instead of her father like in the books, it makes it a bit less creepy. There also wasn't the awkward bedding undressing scene where Sansa had to be one of the ladies to help undress him to consummate his marriage, that was total WTF factory in the book, lol. Robert seemed tamer as well, thankfully, so far at least. He still went a little whackjob for tossing the glass/crystal bird out of the moon door. I'd have been offended if I was Littlefinger but I guess he had other things on his mind with that wedding! I almost felt sorry for him! LOL! The murder plot with Lysa and writing the Starks was a big reveal but I cheated and read ahead so I already knew it was his damn fault with Lysa. :p

  14. Eh, they still did a bunch of shady crap like pushing Bran out of a window.

  15. With Joffrey murdered, she's probably safer with Lysa atm, as long as she can keep her aunt from going crazy jealous of course, lol. If Joffrey was alive, it's a bit more of a toss up considering he still kept threatening to beat and rape her but unlike Littlefinger, I trust Tyrion not to take advantage of Sansa and to protect her the best he could. Not that Littlefinger probably wouldn't take care of her now that he's responsible but I don't trust his intentions.

  16. So far the best episode of the season and one of the best of the series! Let's count the ways shall we (No Spoilers).
    1) The title could have been Cersei Lannister, because Lena Headey owned this episode scene after scene after scene; reminding anyone who may have forgotten why she is such a great actress.
    2) I've said it before and now I'm saying it again............."Littlefinger" has become one of the "Best TV Villians" this season!
    3) Oberyn Martell is a "Man on a Mission", but he still has a heart through it all.
    4) Dany is a far cry from the girl who married a warlord. She is now taking the first steps to becoming the "Queen"............of the World?
    5) When it comes to playing the "Game of Thrones" Margaery Tyrell is one of the "Finest Players". She should/could give lessons!
    The music in the closing credits was so ominous and dire. As if the Fates are holding a terrible debt..........and it's almost time to collect.
    Next Sunday won't get her soon enough! 4 THE IRON THRONE AND THE LAST TARGARYEN, I remain Nobody!!!

  17. I just thought of something, Sansa is posing as Littlefinger's niece, so wouldn't that make Lysa her aunt by law in that deception? If so, it doesn't make sense when Lysa tells her to not call her aunt Lysa... she's still aunt Lysa in either case, isn't she?

  18. True! XD

    One of the issues that comes from changing the books. If they would have kept Sansa as Littlefinger's bastard daughter (like in the books) it would make sense, but as LF's niece Lysa would be Sansa's aunt like you said.

  19. Debsterforever5 May 2014 at 11:04

    If my theory is right, the "Winner" of the Game of Thrones will continue
    doing boring stuff (still not knowing who really were his mother AND
    father) around the wall until at least season 6.

    I can imagine that Edard will long after his dead have a very important part in the final season. But will Rob or Joffrey be often mentioned in the last season of this series? I don't think so. A lot of things will be just unimportant. The main reason for me to watch GoT was the struggle between Tyrion and Joffrey. That was the extra something of that show.

    So now I don't find another reason than the character development of Tyrion to continue watching GoT at this point. After Tyrion's gala display in the chamber of the king's hand and Cersei's reaction I maybe will stop watching until JT will find out about his birth right in season 100.

  20. I really loved this episode because it had so many call back to previous events and characters. Like we got to see Lysa and Robin Arryn again but also the truth about Jon Arryn finally came out. We had Sansa and Lysa talking about Cat and also the history between Petyr Baelish and their family.

    Then we had Cersei actually mention Myrcella and feel the lost of her daughter. Not forgetting Dany's past good deeds coming back to be more complicated than she imagined.

    Also my one of my favourite moments was Arya practicing her swordfighting and talking about the wonder of Syrio Forel. It was a good episode to see the bigger picture and remember what has happened.

  21. I know many dismiss the possibility outright, but I have always wondered if Littlefinger is Robert/ Robyn Arryn's father...

    The show can sometimes make certain vagaries of the books more clear and definitive... I wonder if the show will give confirmation.

    There have been a few hints on the topic in the TV series...
    - Before Eddard and Catelyn's marriage Lysa got pregnant (most likely by Littlefinger) and Hoster Tully made Lysa drink the Moon tea/ Tansy tea to abort the baby
    - .LF was around at King's Landing court when Lysa was there.
    - Lysa and Petyr have clearly been together before, during and after she married Jon Arryn...

    - LF and Robyn were both small and sickly children.

    In the books there are a couple more definitive clues as well...
    Even so I never could be certain one way or the other...

    Oh well, enough insomniac ramblings for now......

  22. I forgot to mention that Cersei brought up Myrcella in my initial comment..
    Thanks for reminding me. XD

    There was certainly a lot of call backs in the episode! I loved that too.

    I was just shocked and pleasantly surprised that Oberyn mentioned that he has 8 daughters and Elia by name! I guess we can now suspect Elia will make the show in upcoming seasons despite what many people thought... The more Sand snakes the better!

  23. I think it's suggested that her child was sickly due to complications of aborting hers and LF's child and she's even had several stillborns. Plus, the way she's raised him has got to messed with him on a serious level.
    Plus, in the books at least, LF doesn't exactly have the best fatherly intentions for Robert. I'll leave it at that so that I won't spoil anyone who hasn't read that far ahead.

  24. I like that he's posing as her uncle in the tv version, it makes it slightly less creepy. I enjoy their interactions on the show but when I read them in the books, I'm just all "oh my god! get away from Sansa!" lol. But like I said, Lysa should be her aunt in either case so calling her Aunt Lysa should be the correct and courteous term as far as I know.

  25. Very true, and why I never fully believe it.

    Like you said, so many things are just suggested in the books. Many details can be taken a number of ways and with GRM seemingly enjoying making people figure things out for themselves (gay characters, paternity etc)... Plus, another infuriating thing about the books is the element of the unreliable narrator! So many things we read are seen from the eyes of biased people or people that do not have the full picture leaving a lot up to the reader's interpretation.

    Even if Lysa was purposely aborting/ miscarrying any pregnancies with Jon Arryn that only proves her obsession with Littlefinger, not paternity.
    I still wonder at times I guess....

    And then it passes and my mind wanders to more important paternity questions in the saga! XD

  26. Right, but it is such an odd line to draw seeing as the show does not shy away from incest, rape. and the like.

    I will have to look for interviews or videos for the episode and see if D&D,Bryan Cogman or anyone mentions it at all.

  27. I can't wait to see the Sand Snakes! Yeah it seems like Elia will be appearing and the mention of Myrcella felt like a good way to remind audiences where she went to so when the show eventually goes to Dorne people will remember.

  28. Was she aborting them on purpose? I don't think I remember that. I thought her only abortion was the one with LF and even that one wasn't her idea, her father tricked her and gave her tea laced with herbs that would kill her baby. I honestly thought the rest were stillborns and that's part of the reason why she ended up crazy and was willing to do Petyr's bidding to kill her husband when she thought Jon was going to send Robert away.
    I'd imagine just one stillborn would be enough to drive a regular woman into a deep depression, much less multiples, add on that these come after your first was murdered by your father in your womb and that one was the only one that was fathered by the man that you loved.
    I find some of the different viewpoints some of the characters have to sometimes be pretty amusing. I just read Storm of Swords and I had to giggle when at one point in a Sansa chapter she talks about how Tyrion is a light sleeper and is always awake before her and on that particular morning it appears to her that he must have slept in his clothes because then are unkempt and dirty... when... lolol, no, cuz the chapter before was all about how Tyrion wakes up early to go visit Shae and on that particular morning in question they had a little fun in the dirty basement where they keep the dragon skulls. LMAO. Poor clueless Sansa. :p

  29. Perhaps the Bran-out-the-window part was an unforseen complication. Unless the likes of Littlefinger have skills we don't yet know of.

  30. It might be because on the show they've already pushed that he's bad news and pretty creepy with his tale he tells Ros and then later what he has done to Ros when she spies on him to Varys. So when we get to the point where we are now where we learn that he was one of the major catalysts for the all the turmoil, we totally believe it. No suspense of belief needed. Besides the fact of why and how he could have possibly predicted what would happen. But that's a whole other thing, lol.
    So we don't need the creepy daddy/daughter thing to see that he's bad news for Sansa. Though who knows, they might still push some of that with creepy Uncle/Niece interactions that are just as bad as the book ones.
    Plus, a lot of the pedofinger stuff happens through Sansa's point of view which may be biased and flawed so the show version may be closer to what LF is really suppose to be. The poor guy hasn't gotten his own POV yet (that I've seen so far I am in A Feast of Crows atm) so we don't know for sure if he's really that nasty or not. It's not like he's gone full out creeper on her sans a snow castle incident that wasn't too terrible but at the same time still is pretty bad but I won't go into detail about because it might be on the show since chronologically it might be coming up and I don't want to spoil anyone that doesn't want to be spoiled..

  31. Songformylove5 May 2014 at 13:57

    Best part was the Eryi and Tywin and Cersei conversation. Missed Tyrion. :( week is going to be a lovely evening indeed. ;)

  32. My theory is that The White Walkers will march towards King's Landing and Danny's gang, her dragons, Jon Snow and The Crow + Wildings, and random heroes + Children of the Forest will battle there, but the Game of Thrones itself will become obsolete, especially if something else other than just the white walkers are introduced as a another "higher" force to be reckon with.

    But I think we will see Ned again too, because I think the fact that the White Walkers take the dead as part of their own is symbolic to karma and 'dealing with the atrocities of the past'...

    But there was this line in the first book in one of Bran's chapters that I kind of thought could have double meaning when they refer to "Bran's Summer"...

  33. Like others have said this story is an epic, near biblical with it's massive story telling so it's focus is on many. It's true that we don't know how to take it all in, because we don't know what the ending will be to give us a final philosophical message, but so far it's really been a war & political saga about cultures who value all the wrong things, a world that is then often brutal & unjust, and a story about families who's lives have been built on lies in which constantly reveal the most horrible kinds of tragedies (like the on revealed with Jon Arryn!).

    I can understand having a favorite character and not wanting them to die, but this is a show where it's hard to say who's really going to make, if any of them are??? We just have wait and see.

  34. Voted Great, one of the best episodes of the series so far for me, my only gripe being how slow Arya's plot is moving really, I can't see how they are going to fit her story from the books in at this pace so I imagine quite a bit of it will be cut, which is a huge shame.

    * Loved the Pod & Brienne interaction, two of my favourite characters bonding :D
    * Margaery showing us that she's the most manipulative young witch in King's Landing...hand over that crown Cersei XD
    * Poor Bran watching Jon knowing that he couldn't meet him was fab, I'm happy that they didn't actually meet up but loved what they did instead. Also really felt for Hodor after he came too after being warg'd into :(
    * Hmm, I can see Cersei having plans for that ship she's sending to Dorne...
    * The stuff at the Eyrie was just plain goddamn creepy, Sansa had better watch out!

  35. -Finally one of the best reveals! Jon Arryn wasn't killed by the Lannisters!!!!!! XD (and such a great episode to do it in too, because Cersie in particular came off uncharacteristically passive) and just ewww to Lysa and Petyr.....
    - Love Podrick & Brienne scenes! (But she could of helped him with his reins for Pete's sake!)
    - Arya, Arya, Arya...sometimes I think you have a lot of Tully in there...
    - Another tragedy with Jon missing Bran, but loved how everything played out there!
    - Like how Dany admits her short comings to Jorah...
    - Be afraid Margaery, be very afraid.
    -Wonder if we will see Dorne before the season ends? (I would really like to catch up to Myrcella)

    I really liked the way this one was filmed. Kings Landing scenes where really exquisite.

  36. I hope so! I want to see some of those Dorne scenes SO bad!! XD

  37. I thought this episode flowed really well, some great editing & stunning sets all round.

    I really hope we see Myrcella too, there have been a few hints/reminders of her over the last few episodes so here's hoping :)

  38. It was really well done when you think about how they went about everything. Really well executed all around! I was thinking that they reminded us of her for a reason! ;)

  39. I really like TV Cersei so much more than book Cersei, because Headey really does bring so much to her. Even though I know she can be horrifically relentless, I still can find myself drawn to her situation.

    "The music in the closing credits was so ominous and dire. As if the Fates are holding a terrible debt..........and it's almost time to collect."

    YES!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  40. Exactly, they don't waste dialogue on a show like GoT, everything is important :)

  41. "I know many dismiss the possibility outright, but I have always wondered if Littlefinger is Robert/ Robyn Arryn's father..."

    Gosh! I hope that would be true, it would have those parallels make so much more sense! I still can't get over the fantastic irony with these fatherly birds! My favorite thing with the Eyrie scenes was Robin dropping his "bird figure" out the moon unsentimental. ;)

  42. Grinned much when Oberyn mentioned the Sand Snakes.

  43. I would have been kind of offended if I was LF, he dragged that thing up a damn mountain - ON FOOT, lol.

  44. Me too! LOL! I'll give him credit for patients!

  45. *Spoilers*

    Do you feel like this season hasn't been that great? It's still better than 99% of the shows out there, but I don't know... this season feels a bit off. I think, for me, mainly, it has a lot to do with the massive deviations in the Wall storyline. I can't really think of a reason why they chose to bring in a plot line that did not exist in the books at all. I don't know what purpose the whole Craster's Keep storyline served, to be honest. Is it to establish Jon Snow as a good leader and a generally likable guy among the brothers as a precursor to him becoming the Lord Commander? I don't know.

    Also, the thing that sort of annoyed me a bit this week is the revelation that Jon Arryn was killed by Lysa at Littlefinger's behest. If memory serves, not counting the epilogue, it was the very last chapter and it was the last twist of the book and I remember my mind literally exploding at that revelation trying to factor in Littlefinger to EVERYTHING that happened as a direct result of that death and Lysa's letter. He was always this side player who didn't stand a chance before but after that, in my mind, it sort of transformed Littlefinger into a Frank Underwood-esque diabolical genius and strategist who has more foresight and cunning than anyone else. I was reading the book the same time a friend was reading (he hasn't watched the show yet) and we talked about it after we finished reading and we both agreed it was the biggest revelation of the book. I say all this because, it felt like, based on how it played out (half the season in), the show didn't really pay much importance to it.

    Don't get me wrong, this is still my favorite show on air and I eagerly wait for the show every week. I think they could easily be a bit more faithful to the original stories.

  46. The show feels the most different than the books to me this year, maybe that is what bothers you on some level?

    To me personally, I think this year is the best year yet as far as production quality and level of skill shown by the writers. It feels the most polished and mature to me. Each episode has impressed me a great deal.

    Don't get me wrong though, I still question why they add elements not in the book when the book elements worked as well or better to begin with! Yes, I know they need to cut massive amounts of exposition and internal monologue from the books and create scenes to get the vital information from those book into the series in a different way. Sometimes it feels like they are adding details later that they skipped out in the first time around.

    Re:the scene at Craster's Keep.
    On one hand it reminded me of the Queenscrown scene with Bran and Jon almost meeting and Bran warging into Hodor.. . I think they felt they had to show the mutineers for some reason as well. Personally I do not think they needed to be killed on screen, but that aspect did not bother much in the end. I have speculated, like you did, that another part of the scene was to show that many of the brothers are still behind Jon as a set up to future plot points coming down the line..

    The Littlefinger thing did not bother me much. I accepted long ago that dialog and plots will be moved around on the show. Some moved forward to create scenes needed for characters and others pushed back if the scene does not fit into the series. Changes like that really do not bother me anymore for some reason, but they did in the first 3 years.

    I think over the last hiatus I just accepted the fact the show is a different entity than the books, and I actually WANT the show to be different than the books on some level. The more changes now may lead to D&D creating their own endgame which I would prefer seeing as the show will end before the final book is in the stores.

    I guess to summarize...
    The show feels least like the books to me this year, but the most well done of any of the seasons so far.

  47. The dude is going to need the patience of a saint to deal with the whacked out Arryn family, lol.


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