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POLL : What did you think of Bones - The Drama in the Queen?

13 May 2014

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  1. I like the new intern. And I think she and Sweets would be cute together.

    Great episode!

  2. I want to strangler her,lol...

    Sweets did better than i thought he would!

  3. I wanted to, too. LOL!how

  4. I like it. But
    And I could have definitely done WITHOUT the last scene. (Sorry, I can't 'bold' or 'italicize'.) It was as bad as the 'Camastoo' scene, IMO. It made me cringe. Why can't it ever be B&B, again, instead?! LOL!

  5. Nutty Nut Girl13 May 2014 at 04:23

    Mmmm. I loved the last scene! About time Sweets got some action - it's been a year and a half since he broke up with Daisy. Go Sweets go! (It's always the proper ones. Loved that Angela agreed with Warren on that. Ha.)

  6. Total cringe on both scenes- just crappy writing- they should be able to do an intense loving mushy scene like that without the OTT cringe factor, that is in keeping with the characters

  7. she reminds me of Daisy. I love Laura Spencer but I kinda wish they had written her differently.

  8. It was great episode, not awesome but great.

  9. I just thought Sweets trying to be all FBI agenty was really funny!
    New intern was really irritating. although Hodgins may have found a new lab play mate. Poor Cam trying to lay down the law and it wasn't really getting anywhere.

  10. Yeah,your right you can see Daisy in her.I don't know why the go after the same type for Sweetes,he's changed.

  11. I hope she isn't a keeper?

  12. I hope she's not either.

  13. I don't know--I wanted to slap that new intern! She does remind me of Daisy, but on steroids. What is it with Sweets. He always falls for these obnoxious women! I was surprised at how tolerant Bones was of her.


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