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Grey's Anatomy - Episode 10.23 - Everything I Try to Do, Nothing Seems to Turn Out Right - Promo

2 May 2014

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  1. Love crowen

  2. Victoria Llanos2 May 2014 at 03:27

    I've never bee a fan of Christin/Owen, but this i a new low. I mean really, Owen? If you love someone st them free...

  3. OMG is there Owen proposing again? this is so sad u.u

  4. Brittany Scarlett Beach2 May 2014 at 04:47

    I am so sad that Crowen will never happen. AND, I am sorry but I don't think you can judge someone on proposing unless you know how deep they feel and let's be honest; nothing is ever the way it seems.

  5. You can't judge him for trying, but you CAN think it is a futile move. How many times does she have to say no? How many times until he understands she will NOT start a family with him? I think, in that sense, people are allowed to criticize. Not for wanting to be with her, but for not understanding that loving her means letting her go. Cristina understood it, but Owen didn't, apparently.

  6. Brittany Scarlett Beach2 May 2014 at 05:33

    You don't know he is going to propose is my point. Nor do you know what he is going to say or do.

  7. Oh yeah, that's for sure. If he does not propose, which is a possibility considering promos are usually misleading, there is nothing to complain about.

  8. watched it a few times to make sure, but it looks to me like he's just sitting down on the chair
    but man, my heart did a little flip-flop the first time I saw it!

    my guess is Owen makes one last plea for her to stay.. for the hospital's sake, he is Chief after all.

  9. Amanda Petrie2 May 2014 at 10:10

    maybe she's setting him free by going...

  10. Owen is not proposing, GA's promos are known for misdirection.

  11. You got Owen proposing from that?! HAHAHAHAHAHA.

    That's like you thinking Burke wanted her back in the last promo. LOL.

  12. I think Owen is actually going to sit down.

  13. Victoria Llanos2 May 2014 at 17:03

    I think they have an almost toxic relationship and they both should let each other go. It's just sad that it takes Sandra Oh leaving the show for that to happen...

  14. PĂ©rola Cardozo Alves2 May 2014 at 17:53

    Oh... Oh... I wouldn't mind Owen leaving and being the stay home dad in Zurich, to be honest. But... I doubt it!!!


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