Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Dominion - 3 Character Posters

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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

Dominion - 3 Character Posters

4 May 2014

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  1. This show's going to be amazing. Also, "Never judge a show by its promotional photos" hail, CW

  2. I don't get why this show looks so... freaking weird.

  3. Very true but everything I've seen from this doesn't even begin to resemble the movie, and looks like a weird sci-fi set in ancient Greece. lol

  4. it's like Greece meets the Capitol from THG altho The Capitol itself was based on ancient Greece

  5. So excited for this show!

  6. Looks cool! I like the posters as well :)

  7. Yeah I know, I thought it was really weird too. I guess either the main character (the baby in the movie) is not in America in those scenes or The US has had major changes since the angel attack on humanity.

  8. Angels are bad right, so the that dude right there is bad?

  9. Late seeing this comment. If you haven't found out yet that's Michael and he's on humanity's side. The show takes from the Legion movie (Legion being like a prequel to it). I think this will be better than the movie (though some scenes from it are actually pretty good).

  10. Yep. I just watched the film again last night, and Michael and the main angel not on humanity's side Gabriel, who'll also be on the show, were my favorite characters from that movie.


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