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Bones - Episode 9.24 - The Recluse in the Recliner (Season Finale) - Promo

13 May 2014

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  1. Well. THAT WAS EXTREMELY TRAUMATIZING. Now I'm freaking out.

  2. Wow, still need to watch tonight's episode but this is so sad.

  3. Is Booth going to die?
    "Change everything"??

  4. WTF?? damn it

  5. I almost said 'Holy sh*t!' out loud when I first saw it.

  6. SHIELDNCISArrowfan13 May 2014 at 06:11

    I will say maybe Booth injury is serious enough to end his field work at the FBI and struck at a desk job.....the press release did say something to do with FBI

  7. Well, I seem to remember David saying he wanted out at the end of the year and move on. I thought there was a chance he might change his mind, but if he didn't, I thought the only end is death. So it looks like they might go that way.

  8. David is signed on for season ten. That was just another rumor.

  9. Ok, well, I just remembered the earlier discussion, which I think were based upon some facets of contract negotiations then. Or maybe he has been saying he would do S10 to keep the ending a surprise. I've seen that done before, too. But, I think I am wrong now.

  10. "Or maybe he has been saying he would do S10 to keep the ending a surprise. I've seen that done before, too."

    I know that he likes to troll the fans on twitter for fun, but I honestly don't think he would do something like that. I think if he was really gonna leave, he would have just come out and said it. That's all JMO, though.

  11. Jennifer edward13 May 2014 at 15:40

    he will make it for sure

  12. Booth getting shot is at the hands of the Ghost Killer sending a message to Brennan to drop the case.

  13. My money is on the Ghost Killer sending a message to Brennan

  14. They already caught the Ghost Killer. It's probably the guy who covered it up.

  15. They already caught the Ghost Killer.

  16. Yes but in the finale we will learn more of the ghost killer meaning there will be a network of killers lol

  17. Yeah, but they'll be called different names besides Ghost Killer.

  18. Im betting one of them shoots bootg


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