Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Believe - Cancelled by NBC

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SpoilerTV - TV Spoilers

Believe - Cancelled by NBC

9 May 2014

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  1. We all saw that coming.

  2. I knew this was coming.

  3. Cant see this massacre any more. @CancellationBear - you win!!!

  4. NBC Nuttin' But Cancellations...

  5. Justin Valdes9 May 2014 at 20:23

    Duh, Crisis is next.

  6. Justyna Kubica9 May 2014 at 20:23

    I knew it was coming, but still... I really liked the show. It's a shame. Ugh this cancellation season!

  7. Fuck You! NBC Just Fuck You!

  8. CancellationBear9 May 2014 at 20:23

    As I should.

  9. I knew it was coming but it still sucks. This was a fun show.

  10. Still Doesn't Feel Any Better.

  11. my 4th show canceled today :(

  12. very true.

  13. Glad I stopped watching.

  14. CancellationBear9 May 2014 at 20:24

    And yet the show didn't see me coming until it was too late.

  15. Justyna Kubica9 May 2014 at 20:25

    I know the feeling. I actually lost count. It's just sad, even though I expected most of these. Most!

  16. If it means that Gillian Anderson comes back to Hannibal in S3, then I wont mind at all.

  17. NBC should just go ahead and cancel The Night Shift and Crossbones now to save time. XD

  18. Could this mean that Parenthood will deservedly be renewed for a 6th season? I hope so!

  19. The week leading up to the upfronts has been a bloodbath this year.

  20. Mr Joy, it was a joke. No one's offended. Except for Dracula, when it's canceled. :P ;) :)

  21. Victoria Llanos9 May 2014 at 20:33

    Not a surprise, but a shame all the same, I was finally warming up to it, it took 3 to 4 episodes for that to happen...

  22. If they keep cancelling all these good shows what is going to be left but they crap they renew?

  23. I haven't really looked, but it feels like this year there are a lot more freshmen shows we expected to be cancelled that made it to full season instead of being cancelled after a few episodes...

    Combine that with the usualy crop of veteran shows and yeah, blood bath indeed!

  24. CancellationBear9 May 2014 at 20:37

    I'll clean up after myself later.

  25. thanks for clearing that up.

  26. Quite liked this show, too.

  27. There have been a lot of freshman shows premiering at mid-season. That's why all the pre-upfront cancellations seem abundant this year.

  28. Justyna Kubica9 May 2014 at 20:44

    A few good shows buried under a pile of mediocore/really bad ones, probably.

  29. Sadly yes. Dunno if the Network or TPTB were responsible for this failing. Maybe on another network it would have worked out better.

  30. Maybe but i don't think so.To much like Touch.

  31. Bummer. I really liked Believe.

  32. I wasn't confident, but I had hope...

  33. I really liked this show, oh man, and I so worried it's not going to end properly.

  34. The Networks should really really really try to keep more of the new shows and see how they will develop. There's no point in bringing hundreds of new shows each year only to cancel them. Some of them are really good and the ratings are often not bad. It's like tossing away good ideas. I'm not saying they should always renew all shows but the cancellations are sometimes too fast. Some of the best shows started not so good and became hugely successful and inventive.

  35. I am enjoying the show, but this doesn't come as a surprise

  36. I just can't believe it...

  37. I was just getting into this now it's cancelled. Thanks NBC for another bad cancellation.

  38. Krista McInturff9 May 2014 at 21:55

    this is a huge bummer!

  39. Dimitri Theodosakis9 May 2014 at 22:44

    This is why i don't give new shows a chance, i have not given Agent of Shield Chance yet little to no time for tv.

  40. This cancellation hits the hardest on my heart really. I just love Tate and Bo! We rarely see that type of relationship on tv. It feels like lost potential, and I am sad that not more people tuned in for this show. I just hope this first season ends somewhat satisfying still. I will stay with them until the end!

  41. Dimitri Theodosakis9 May 2014 at 22:45

    You should not say F*** Word

  42. WiseOldMother9 May 2014 at 23:42

    oh well...........:(
    I hope they can at least wrap things up somewhat before this season ends. I'm not that surprised especially with it having to compete with Resurrection and The Walking Dead on Sundays.

  43. This show was just @#$5,

  44. They r canceling the best tv show in a long time. Can we stop it

  45. Very expected. Sad to see it go.

  46. No, I knew with the time slot that you would have retro casualty and eat before it aired.

  47. Seriously, painful day, well except for CancellationBear. He's gonna need to go on a diet after this...

  48. And yet I'm very sad. I thought it was lovely.

  49. I'm so mad at the cancellation bear, I'm thinking of fat shaming him.
    Stop eating my shows!!!!

  50. I agree no curse words, kids may read this, but I was THISCLOSE of posting a bunch of F**K F**K F**K F**K myself.
    I really liked this show and Bo was adorable.

  51. You look fat, stop eating my shows.
    ps.: fat shaming is only admissible against evil cancellation bears. I do not condone this practice, but I am just so mad at this evil, fictional bear.

  52. You look fat, stop eating the shows I like!

    ps.: fat shaming is only admissible against evil cancellation bears. I do not condone this practice, but I am just so mad at this evil, fictional bear.

  53. Oh i'm sorry! I saw the premiere than put the rest on my dvrd saving it for the summer. Now i'm not even sure i want to watch the rest...

  54. It is so adorable. It is rare to see a show centered around a little girl bonding with her father in which the child actor is really good and has charisma. I really enjoyed this show, but I don't know if I'd tell you to watch it, you might end up upset about it's cancellation as I am :(

  55. CancellationBear10 May 2014 at 02:50

    Give me a little while and you'll see your favorite shows in a different form and I'll be a healthy weight again.

  56. Don't be so sure that the little bit of toxic Chevy Chase left on Community won't send you to the vet.

  57. This is the only cancellation I am sad about, with some I'm pissed, some I accept it, but with this the thought of not seeing Bo again is sad.
    I will watch till the end, Hope at least Tate finishes telling his story, be it short, and have some closer.

  58. Justyna Kubica10 May 2014 at 12:40

    It's a good idea, but, I don't think I would be able to wait a year to see if an interesting show I like will get a second season before giving it a chance ;)

  59. Emre Tosunkaya10 May 2014 at 13:55

    what the hell fuck you nbc

  60. Still sad to see this show goes.

  61. This is the one that hurts me. :(

  62. Well, me, I blame it on the Portland Trailblazers games that aired 2 weekends in a row. It overrode the whole show. Mom and I were really upset. It overrode Believe and more than half of Crisis.

  63. but this kind of peaple don't remember miniserie formula?


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