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Baby Daddy - Episode 3.16 - Curious Georgie - Promotional Photos

3 May 2014

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Thanks to for the heads up.



  2. yeah, danny and riley!!

  3. Most of the fandom is like "Danny and Riley!" and the writers are still refusing to course change. I really hate it when TV writers refuse to change their original idea even when it doesn't work. They'll keep going to ridiculous lengths to convince those two are great together, and it won't ever work.

  4. Painful for my eyes. Unfortunately, the creator said on twitter recently that SUPPOSEDLY the fanbases are evenly split between Ben/Riley and Danny/Riley. Except that supposedly Danny/Riley fans are more "vocal." I really do NOT believe it's 50/50. Come on. Most fans want Danny and Riley. No way are there just as many Ben/Riley fans. You guys should tweet to the creator. If he thinks like that, then we are never getting Danny/Riley together.

  5. LOL, I see very few Ben/Riley shippers compared to Danny/Riley shippers (who seem like the majority).

    Come on! Danny loves Riley when she was overweight - that never mattered to him - and is willing to do anything to make her happy. He gets his heart broken repeatedly and keeps trying again (not sure how, but good for him).

    Ben only cares about himself and what he wants (and Emma, of course).

  6. I think writers do not liked to be told how to write ..

  7. That's why the Ben char is favourite For many

  8. Teazia Heather Keely Cockburn4 May 2014 at 05:20

    BEN AND RILEY!!!!!!!!! Riley only sees Danny as a friend, even after a huge romantic gesture like the prom he threw for her she says you are the best FRIEND, thats all he is and that's all he'll ever be. Come on BEN AND RILEY!!!!!!!

  9. I am sorry that they seem to have not dropped the idea of Ben and Riley after the last failure.

    My problem with the idea is that not only do the actors playing Riley and Ben have no chemistry (IMHO) but Riley doesn't get Ben past his self centeredness. Nothing about Ben's behavior indicates that his feelings toward her are anything more than mild curiosity. That doesn't say to me that the writers are intent on having Ben and Riley be a long term couple. They seem to be more in to torturing Danny and the audience. I'm a long time soap watcher so I can handle being tortured.

  10. I read the spoilers a while back that Ben/Riley will be declaring their LOVE for each other on So since that moment I haven't watched Baby Daddy. What's the point? They keep teasing Danny/Riley to get the viewers to tune in but still go with the boring Ben/Riley pairing. The creator said early in THIS season that there is more than hope for Danny/Riley in an early twitter chat. Well, he was obviously lying to get fans to watch. And I didn't buy it since I read the script pieces on showfax.

  11. I'm just not sure they'll ever have Danny/Riley get together since they'll have Ben/Riley confessing their love. :( I think the creator is too in love with Ben/Riley to change his mind. It is what it is. And that's why I don't tune in anymore. No point.

  12. As a writer myself I can definitely attest to that, but ignoring criticism is a bad idea no matter your profession.

  13. It's surprising to me to hear that the creator is in love with the idea of Ben/Riley when nothing about the writing or acting bares it out. Ben doesn't act like someone who loves Riley. He just talks about it. DANNY acts like a man in love. At this point if Ben and Riley did actually get married they'd end up divorced. If this were really a soap opera Ben and Riley would be planning their wedding and, at the alter, when Danny finally professes his love and Riley would dump Ben in a heart beat. :-)

  14. What honestly annoys me more is that the creator kept giving fans FALSE hope at the start of the season...I knew how this season would turn out due to So I couldn't believe that he was flat out lying to get more viewers to watch...You'll see Ben/Riley professing their love. And I do NOT want to tune in for that at all.

  15. I think Danny is actually a fan favorite, though. I don't think Ben is liked by too many viewers...

  16. i like danny too but danny is too good for riley and he is been struck out many times,.too repetitive

  17. Yeah I think I'm gonna skip this one. So tired of Ben and his nonsense.
    I want Danny and Riley. But I'm very angry at Danny, he's stuck in friendzone and he's way too nice about it. He does things that a best friend would do. I want to see him fight for her and get angry at Ben or a least say something about his feelings. I'm angry at Riley too COMMON GIRL you can do better than that he's always going to be like that and it's time to move home from your high school crush!
    I know there are Ben/Riley fans out there, but it's just not working for me and sorry writers but I can't watch a show so frustating! It's bad for my nerves, and I'm still recovering from HIMYM.

  18. I for one am glad the writers haven't caved to the fans wants. I'm so sick of shows being dictated by the fans "ships" or whatever. They do need to either completely end it with them or make it happen there needs to be resolution but not because the fans want danny and riley together but because it's boring at this point. I'd rather danny ended up with someone that didn't feel like she was in love with his brother for the last 20 years.


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