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24: Live Another Day - Episode 4 - 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM - Promo

13 May 2014

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  1. Finally. I've been waiting for them to learn about Jack's involvement/reappearance.

  2. Sassy Angel ☆13 May 2014 at 14:16

    Me too, it was about time!!!

  3. This episode was a bit of a let-down after the roller coaster ride of the first two. It served to introduce us to the Real Baddies, who turned out to be Mother & Daughter. Next week looks good with Jack getting trapped in the U.S. Embassy. My guess is this will be where CIA Agent Kate will first decide to side with Jack.

  4. Heller doesn't hate him. He just doesn't want him around his daughter. It is unfair but also a bit understandable. He blames him for what happened to Audrey, and let's be honest, people around Jack drop like flies, or get hurt. CIA is just doing their job. They'll come around eventually just like always with all those agencies that are hunting Jack down. Mark seems to dislike Jack on a personal level, and he's being unreasonable because he fears of loosing his wife perhaps. I hope there's also a hidden agenda so we get to see a confrontation between them, or even an interrogation like it happened with Walt Cummings.

  5. SHIELDNCISArrowfan13 May 2014 at 20:20

    I think if an attack happen and CIA focus is on Jack instead of the real threat there could be serious consequences........I mean CIA has no clue Jack is trying to stop the terrorist not part of the plot....I expect they will eventually partner with Jack to stop the real people

  6. There always serious consequences in 24 before they realize they should've followed Jack's lead and listen to him. He should've earned that right, but he is a wanted fugitive in more than one countries, and despite his past actions they think he might be the perpetrator based on the strained relationship he has with the Hellers. I know it's stupid, but that's how it is. The thing about Jack and what makes him awesome, is that he always ends up saving the day even though everyone doubts him and wrongfully accuses him for things that are inconceivable for his character. He's sacrificed so much, he's been the fall guy for others people mistake, but still he's gonna do what he's gotta.


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